Closing of the Guildhall: Samheen 14th mid Tradetide

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Closing of the Guildhall: Samheen 14th mid Tradetide

Post by Shaeliana »

OOC: The Red Rose Guild is closed. Students have been farmed out either to clients or safe houses. Those in the dungeon who are released would return to the guildhall where someone would send them to a safe place to stay until things blow over. Unless you'd like to go out on your own during this hectic time at any rate. :)

It had started just after lunch with the opening of the tradetide classes, the marching of booted feet arriving in droves to escort Rose students out in chains to the dungeons of the Citadel. Larbeido had pulled every favor and due he had to keep this from happening but someone next to the Emperor had pulled bigger favors and the guildmaster had not been able to stop the descent into madness. Even now, as his students were led away like cattle to the slaughter, he stood arguing with the commander, heart heavy that he had not done as his own heart advised and closed the guild the night before.

Everything was set in place for the Roses to be farmed out elsewhere, hidden away in homes and even some on nearby islands. All it needed was his word to set it in motion. Unfortunately, he had listened to his advisors, most who said it was still possible to still this tide of chaos and urged him not to jump the gun. Now... now it was too late for most of the guild's students had been taken in one fell swoop.

Still, they would not get the rest, not without having to search high and low and he thought they would not do that. The Rose had presented an easy target, all the pawns in one easy spot to round up. That had been the signature of this evil as they attacked the taverns, rounding up suspects as if they were shanghaiing crewmembers for a ship, no questions asked.

Making his way back inside the guildhall, the master called his staff together and outlined the plans that had been put together. All guildmembers, staff members and any remaining students would be sent to hidden places for protection until this blew over. The guild hall would be closed except for Larbeido. He could hardly go underground with so much at stake. He and a few of his advisors would stay in the open to do what they could to stem the flood of troubles. Returning Rose students would be sent to "clients" or safe havens but the guildhall itself would remain empty. Grim but determined, the staff set about rounding up guildmembers and students and sending them to safety.

By eventide, the hall was quiet, dark and empty. The only light that burned were those in the center of the main hall and down the corridor to the guildmaster's office.
[color=hotpink][i]The secret of success is sincerity. Once you can fake that you've got it made.
- Andolin
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