To seek out new life... - Chyril 23rd TT - Quinlan and Guido

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Post by Brytan »

LeForestier seemed pleased to have attracted such a captive audience to his tour. He beamed with pride as he turned to his "guests" to answer the questions they posed for him.

"The magic needed to propel tha 'Fea is hardly worth mentioning. Them here pistons are right capable of handlin' the load. They're custom built fer this ship and aye, she could handl' another one or two to quicken her weight wise, but I'd be hard pressed ta see tha hull hold under th' pressure." He pointed out the air tank to the port side, piston pumping steadily in and out of it as he spoke. "Them here tanks are somewhat smaller, but only by a wee extent. Tha on's in the fleet produce about a third more power compared. Hardly impressive ya might say, but then the 'Fea is at least four times smaller than any fleet vessel I've sailed, so she's a right bit better off in that departm'nt."

The man in the corner had turned around and crawled out of the narrow space between the Tonklin Piston and the hull. In the gloom where he had been, a glimpse of metal plating could be distinguished, a case or box seemingly made out of brass or copper, bolted to the hull. He stood upright in the narrow passage, nodding briefly to the people present before adressing LeForestier.

"Sir, I checked the starboard aft globe and found it to be slightly out of synch with the rest. Tuned it a bit and checked the others, they should be fine now. Permission to go above deck and run a diagnostic on the console sir?!"

LeForestier nodded to the man. "Aye, Mr. Redding. Check with Elias. Be sure ya don't mess with the course bearing or he'll throw a fit. And if ye need a hand, I'm sure there's a sailor on deck who'd care to throw ya a line." He turned to Guido and Quinlan "Yer companions seem a wee bored, might be good ta put em ta work."
[size=84][i]I'm sorry, but I don't know who you're talking about. You must be confusing me with that other guy...[/i][/size]

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Niamh Windwalker
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Post by Niamh Windwalker »

The brilliance of a breathlessly vibrant sky and a strong tail-wind gave lift to the outstretched wings that spread, expansively, on either side of the falcon's comparatively delicate body. The dark head craned slightly from side to side as she looked, amazed at the detail seen even from such heights. The peregrine falcon regally surveyed the passing land below, glorying in the strength of her pinions, the swiftness of her flight, the detail of movement adjusted by the slightest of shifts.

Hunger gnawed gently within her gut, alerting her senses to the need to sate such immediate desires. Yet she maintained height, wings twisting as she wove gently in one direction, then another. Feed... the insistent thought, however, did not demand... but proposed, and Niamh felt a cosy agreement well up within her. Thoughts of the Cryers and the Village, seemed to haved faded into the background of her mind for the time being - so long... it had taken so long to arrive at this moment... she was not ready to return. So long had she avoided her kin while awaiting this change, that the thought of engaging them once more seemed untenable.

So she flew - gliding - circling slowly up and down in lazy spirals within the currents of air, testing the breeze and her newfound freedom, following the path of least resistance. As the tide lengthened, and the day grew brighter, the familiar pathways passed away beneath her.

Time passed with no real recollection of it going, as she swooped and swerved, cavorting as she grew familiar with instinct and form, steadily carried farther and farther from her home grounds.

Movement, there...

Closer than imaginable, heaving and lumbering in the air high above the ground, an object seemingly cut through the air... a thing of created curves... fashioned by an intelligent hand. Such an object had never been envisioned by the Kanthrop woman, though it did not necessarily startle her. If Islands could drift far above land, why not other things as well? Not particularly disturbed, she was torn between curiousity, and the greater stirrings of hunger pangs. As she circled lazily towards this distant interloper, her falcon-sight strafed the forest below for the hint of movement, the creature within prompting her to hunt... watchful for any flicker of movement from the treetops. Any smaller flying creatures that caught her eye, would quickly find themselves at the wrong end of her pinions...
Guido Cercatoro
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Post by Guido Cercatoro »

Guido shook his head in response to Quinlan’s question. “No, I haven’t studied at the Nashorne. I learnt all I know about pistons from an excellent book that I happened upon whilst tome propelling….er, I mean helping to re-shelve books in the library.” And finding rats in the process. “It’s amazing what you can discover in the library. You should pay a visit when you return. I’d be happy to show you around.”

Although his back was beginning to ache as a consequence of his stooped position, the curator listened intently to the Warrant Officer’s explanation of the workings of the airship and Mr Redding’s report on his tuning of the globe. I’m beginning to get the hang of this. Time for another question methinks. “So what could have happened if the aft globe had remained out of sych? Would it have been serious?”
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Post by Brytan »

LeForestier waved his man off after he had reported. The engineer quickly excused himself and pushed between the party which was crowding the walkway quite a bit, apologising profusely for his rudeness in the process. Within flickers he was gone, when Guido raised another question.

"A lift globe outa synch? Arr, tha'd av been a nasty thing to see get worse. Takes a good ear to spot it though, canna tell it from looking at their casin's. Twas but a mild correction I reckon, she sounds fine now. But have it like that for a tide or so at high speed? She'd have torn herself apart if one'd failed, or dropped like a stone to tha treetops. Takes a harmany ta keep a ship floatin', one player outta tune and tha whole thang can go gabobble in a burn."

He looked at his guests, waiting if they had any questions for him. He noticed their discomfort as the cramped space was taking it's toll on the lengthy men. "Perhaps ye'd like ta see tha console aswell? Grab us a bit a fresh air again, yer backs must be killin' ya."


On deck, Elias had taken over the navigational console, checking their course and making some minor adjustments as he deemed neccesary. He was far to busy to notice the majestic falcon which was flying closer and closer towards them every passing burn. A foreign bird to the subtropical isle she made for quite a sight to the men in the mast as they watched her from time to time, between their jobs and chores.


Niamh noticed the wooden contraption from far off, so it took her some time to get close enough to see it properly. Her sharp sight taught her soon enough though that there were men walking around on the odd thing approaching. It looked a bit like a canoo or kajak, like the ones they used to fish on Paw Lake, but bigger and with strange wings and sails attached unlike she'd ever seen.

Below her, above the treetops, a flock of small songbirds rose from the branches. Startled by a predator she couldn't readily distinguish between the trees on the ground. In an open meadow she could see some smaller animals galavanting around in the grass, two rabbits and some field mice. An iguana sitting on a warm rock in the sun.

Twas a good day to hunt.
[size=84][i]I'm sorry, but I don't know who you're talking about. You must be confusing me with that other guy...[/i][/size]

[size=67]Avatar drawn and edited by me, Darkness concept (c) Topcow comics
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Niamh Windwalker
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Post by Niamh Windwalker »

The air canoe puzzled the birdwoman, but she was quickly distracted by the creatures visible below. A rapacious hunger surged within. Having attained such a height, it seemed perfectly natural to respond as soon as she had gauged the songbirds movements. Niamh, overwhelmed by that driving instinct, tucked wings and dove, beak first, through the air. The wind whistled across her smooth dappled feathers as she gained speed, wings twitching, pinions tucked back to prevent drag.

Careening through the air, she timed the moment of impact, at the last moment shifting from the larger body of the songbird, to an outstretched wing, intent on crippling the bird before it could attempt to escape. A cautionary understanding told her that, should she strike the larger body first, it might do her more damage than her target.

If instinct served her well, her chosen meal would first find a wing shattered by contact with Niamh's beak, then it's body quickly grasped by extending pinions once it's flight was hindered. If not, Niamh was in for quite the chase as she unfurled wings, so exhilirated by her first strike... her first hunt... that she was not certain for a flicker whether or not the other bird had slipped through her talons.

If successful, she would stroke lazily and powerfully upwards, aiming to perch on an unoccupied mast of the flying canoe while she feasted on her prey. If not, well, it seemed she would be in for quite the chase... quite oblivious to the interest of the ship's crew. The animal populace of the Kanthrop land was varied, as were the manifestations of each individual's shifting. Having never ventured beyond Ursa Etheria, she could not know her current form was aught to take note of.
Quinlan Corodin
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Post by Quinlan Corodin »

"Yes, let's head up top. I don't think the engine room bears further inspection from us," Quinlan said with a grimace.

Once they returned to the deck, the lieutenant straightened and bent backwards a little, stretching things back into place. "I would enjoy spending some time in the library, mister Cercatoro," he commented. "A gentleman should strive to learn."

Even as he said so, however, he lowered his brow in concern. Just how much information was there on airship mechanics available in the city library? A paranoid chord was struck within the officer.

The technology behind the vessels wasn't exactly classified as far as he knew, especially since World's Mouth shared some of its advancements as part of the peace arrangements after the war. A compromise which Quinlan, for one, had been against. What LeForestier just told us about lift globes would be just the sort of thing a hold-out saboteur in Aveas would like to know. The thought cemented it for him, and he decided to look into just how much information was available upon his return.

"I woudn't worry about our companion's boredom," Quinlan said to LeForestier, returning to the moment. "As soon as we're finished looking around the ship, I intend to bring everyone together for a talk before we're any nearer to Terra Nova."
Guido Cercatoro
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Post by Guido Cercatoro »

With a grateful nod of his head to the Warrant Officer, Guido clambered back up the steps to the deck. As he emerged from the bowels of the vessel, he stretched his back trying to loosen the muscles that had tightened as a consequence of stooped position. Well that was very instructive. Painful but instructive. I shall soon know more about airships than I ever thought I wished to know. Perhaps I can somehow work it into my next book. Mmmm….

The curator smiled a brief acknowledgement to Quinlan as the soldier gave a positive response to the offer of a library tour. “Yes, that is what the library is all about. Striving to learn. It is a shame that everyone cannot read for they would surely benefit from the knowledge contained in the books.”
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Post by Brytan »

As the men surfaced from the bowels of the Tal'Fea, Niamh shot down towards the flock of songbirds, in their variations of blues and reds. The flock scattered as the falcon dropped like a rock in between their midst and clawed down one of their own, latching on firmly to the body of the creature as it carreered down to the surface, wing broken, unable to control itself in the air.

A lost cause, but a meal for Niamh.

She winged back up to the comfortable height where the Tal'Fea still cruised toward the Skymyst mountains. It was still a good mark or more away, the ring of mountains rising higher in the distance with every passing burn. Perching herself on an unoccupied section of the mast, she started to gnaw at the small bird. It was incredible how natural it all felt. The hunt, eating the food, like she had never done anything differently. Her stomach didn't object to the raw meat she was plucking and gobbling up whole, and her Inner Animal rejoiced at a manouvre well executed.

Oni would be proud...

Down below, she could hear people talking of things she had no knowledge of. They spoke her language, with strange accents, but still quite understandable. The wind made it hard to understand it all, but she was able to catch something about air ships and a place called Terra Nova. Also something about books, whatever those might be.


On deck, Guido and Quinlan got a chance to stretch their backs and muscles as LeForestier walked up to the navigational console and had a short talk with Elias. As they stood there they noticed one of the soldiers, sergeant Ardigo, get up and prepare his hand cannon, which he had been polishing for the better part of the trip aboard the ship. The look on his face at that point was slightly uncomfortable and a greenish sheen lay over his regular complexion. Now however that discomfort seemed forgotten as he readied the weapon and started aiming for something in the air.
Last edited by Brytan on Sun Jul 01, 2007 12:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
[size=84][i]I'm sorry, but I don't know who you're talking about. You must be confusing me with that other guy...[/i][/size]

[size=67]Avatar drawn and edited by me, Darkness concept (c) Topcow comics
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Niamh Windwalker
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Post by Niamh Windwalker »

The contraption's speed passed so swiftly that the flow of air fingered through each of her feathers as she perched on the mast, cheerfully shredding her meal and downing it in pleased gulps. One taloned foot clutched her perch, the other pinning the remains of her prey while she she stripped the flesh apart from the feathers.

Her prey, unable to escape had been easily clutched within her reaching talons, and once grasped firmly, a notch in her beak had been easily suited for ceasing it's struggles completely, severing the spinal cord without the slightest trouble.

Extremely pleased with herself, she finished the meal with a little short play and, sated, released the bone-picked remains from her clutch. Whether they remained on her perch, or were freed by the breeze, Niamh took little note of, ruffling her feathers and extending her wings just enough she could enjoy the rush of air surrounding them. Hunkering slightly over her feathered legs, the falcon was content to sit and observe, her nicitating eyelid slipping over her eyes to reduce the glare from the sun.

She watched the curious people through drowsy lids, listening to the strange accents, picking apart the odd words with slightly more difficulty than she had picked apart her food. Head cocking from side to side, she was heavy with the weight of her meal and just slightly sleepy, more than ready to settle there until she had figured out this strange group.
Last edited by Niamh Windwalker on Tue Jul 03, 2007 9:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Quinlan Corodin
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Post by Quinlan Corodin »

Quinlan was listening in as LeForestier spoke to his man, true to his previous words regarding gentlemen as he observed. However, that didn't stop him from being preoccupied with the briefing he intended to call, and what he considered the more important points he wanted covered.

One such item he had in mind was brought to the forefront as he caught sight of the sergeant bringing his weapon to bear on something above them. He had just been thinking about the need for the men to stay their weapons, and now one was about to be discharged without warning on the Tal'Fea, somewhat to the lieutenant's annoyance.

"Ho there, sergeant," Quinlan called out suddenly. "Are we under some sort of attack?" he asked, making a bit of a show of shielding his eyes and looking in the sky before meeting Ardigo's gaze with raised eyebrows. "What is it you're in mind to shoot with that?"
Guido Cercatoro
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Post by Guido Cercatoro »

Guido watched with interest as Ardigo prepared the hand cannon, thinking at first that the sergeant was merely intent on continuing his maintenance and polishing of the weapon. However, it quickly became evident that the soldier was pointing the cannon at some object in the air. Merde are we under attack? However, scanning the air in some consternation, he could see no obvious thread. There was the odd bird about but nothing else was immediately obvious.

Just as he was about to timidly ask the sergeant what he was about to shoot at, Quinlan intervened and asked that very question. As he waited for Ardigo’s reply, Guido continued to scour the sky with his eyes, looking around the ship in all directions.
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Post by Brytan »

Niamh, having eaten now and looking around the skiff, noticed the small shift in the movement of the people on the deck below her. One of the men had taken some kind of metal device, a stick of some sort, seemingly hollow, and was now pointing it in her direction. Voices below, barely reaching her above the wind, asked what was going on.

Ardigo lowered his weapon as Quinlan asked him what he was about to do. He pointed at the falcon resting comfortably in the mast above them. "That bird up there, fast bugger that. Saw him pellet down one of the parrots off starboard. Would make for a nice hunting pet if trained. Should fetch a nice price on the market." He tapped the barrel of the gun. "Gonna shoot along it's head, graze it, knock it out and bam, nice few banners in the pocket."

Seemingly content with his explanation, he repositioned himself to fire, aiming carefully, adjusting his grip and stance ever so slightly now and then, the wind rushing along them as they shot towards Terra Nova.
[size=84][i]I'm sorry, but I don't know who you're talking about. You must be confusing me with that other guy...[/i][/size]

[size=67]Avatar drawn and edited by me, Darkness concept (c) Topcow comics
Age=28 - SCZ=E - Attendance=daily[/size]
Niamh Windwalker
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Post by Niamh Windwalker »

Pet? Banners? Market? Whatever the contraption was that pointed at her, she didn't particularly like the looks of it. However, she was confident should he fling any arrows her way she could dodge them easily. Head cocking from side to side, she eyed the goings-on below with interest, confident in her own power and strength... the oddly garbed man below could only guess her to be an unintelligent beast. I'll be happy to disappoint him..

To be on the safe side, she relinquished somewhat of the death-grip on her wooden perch, leaving faint indentations where her pinions scraped. Her wings were already partially outstretched, for all intents and purposes, enjoying the rushing breeze. It would take but a flicker to extend them, and release her clutch, and the ship's speed would carry it from beneath her, allowing her the freedom to coast to safety.

Her head canted one way and another as she looked at the structures filling the air, and she shuffled in place. Yet, she was careful to keep close attention on the gathering below, listening, waiting. Her muscles were ready to spring into action at a moments notice, and the spirit within seemed to grumble slightly, unused to the patience of pent-up energy.

What jokes I might play, what mischief might cause... After months of depression, her soul was beginning to lighten as her impish nature reasserted itself.
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Quinlan Corodin
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Post by Quinlan Corodin »

An image of the expression his grandfather might have had popped unbidden into Quinlan's mind. It was much like Quinlan's disapproving look at that moment. One having raised horses and the other spending much of his young life around them, neither had much patience for brutalizing animals. Quinlan could see the pleasure in an exotic pet himself, but the idea of the sergeant shooting the bird without killing it as the airskiff clipped through the air seemed like nonsense.

The lieutenant didn't like the idea of getting his second-in-command's ire up with the mission having just begun, but Quinlan was not about to play au pair to the men for the whole expedition. Every other variable on this trip was unknown, and he was determined to have a tight ship, as it were.

"No, sergeant. Likely a waste of a shot and a fine animal," he stated. His firm tone made his opinion clear. "Who knows how long we will be on Terra Nova, and I don't want an injured bird slowly dying on the Tal'Fea. We have other priorities."

LeForestier's words of wisdom regarding keeping the men busy became quite clear to Quinlan.

"Please gather all the members of the party together," he continued to Ardigo. "We are going to have a briefing before we land." Watching the sergeant, he waited to see that his point had been taken. Hopefully we will set a precedent. Let us keep this our biggest conflict, and we'll be quite lucky.

Provided there was no further argument or firing of guns, Quinlan took a moment to observe the predator in question admiringly. "What do you make of him, mister Cercatoro?" he asked the nearby curator. "Seems pretty brave for him to perch on our mast as we sail by. I would think birds would avoid us." He looked over his shoulder at the warrant officer. "Do you notice many birds that are as friendly?"
Last edited by Quinlan Corodin on Sun Jul 08, 2007 11:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Guido Cercatoro
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Post by Guido Cercatoro »

Guido watched with interest as Quinlan asserted his authority over his sergeant. Good man, this soldier. It’s important to let his men know that he’s in charge at the outset of the expedition. Can’t have them taking pot-shots at anything they fancy!

If Aridgo complied with the Condottiere’s order, Guido would follow Quinlan’s gaze towards the predator. “Well, I am not an expert of birds but it is an unusual perch to take. I doubt that many birds would approach the ship, for they would surely view it as a potential danger. Yet this bird appears quite content to regard us from above. Either it is too stupid to comprehend any danger or……” Or just confident… no, must just be a dumb bird. “Perhaps it is used to being around humans or ships of this nature.” The curator shrugged. “I doubt we shall ever know, for it certainly won’t fly down and answer our questions.”
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Post by Brytan »

The sergeant took his gaze away from his crosshairs and lowered the weapon as he was ordered to stand down. No matter his intentions, or how bored he might be, he proved himself to be a soldier and lowered the weapon with a reluctant but firm "Yes sir!"

Holstering his weapon he sighed and started gathering the rest of the men from around the deck of the ship, some of whom already started to gather as they had witnessed and overheard the brief encounter near the navigational console.
LeForestier came down a few steps as he left Elias to the helm again, gazing up at Niamh himself. "Hmm, an odd one tha' is. Ne'er seen a bird a prey act li' tha. Dumb parrots perhaps, blasted flyin' mongrels, bu' nae ones like that'n."

The skiff was climbing again. Elias tugged at a few of the levers, pushing some extra lift out of the bow's lift globes. They would be coming up to the mountains in perhaps a mark, a fact that no one on the ship, even the flying types up top, could ignore. Soon they would see what was up with this mysterious peninsula. Soon Niamh would have to make a choice about what to do. This skiff was heading for her home.

"All the men assembled as you ordered sir!" Ardigo had gathered the soldiers around Guido and Quinlan near the aft of the ship. Donelli and Carlotta Serafini had also joined to listen and debate their next course of action.

"A fine idea to have a last burn briefing before we cross the barrier ahead sir Corodin." Este Donelli remarked. "Perhaps master Leforestier would be so kind as to lend us his captain's quarters for the meet, unless you plan to instruct everyone on deck?"
[size=84][i]I'm sorry, but I don't know who you're talking about. You must be confusing me with that other guy...[/i][/size]

[size=67]Avatar drawn and edited by me, Darkness concept (c) Topcow comics
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Niamh Windwalker
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Post by Niamh Windwalker »

OOC: Sorry folks, hubby had an injury this week, and I've been busy taking care of him.

IC: The immediate danger seeming to have passed, the falcon flipped her wings back, settling them neatly to her side as she craned her neck, preening and nibbling a few errant feathers into submission.

As she took note of her surroundings, and the nearing of familiar landmarks, a cold chill of uncertainty coiled within the light limbs of her form. Home.. Somehow, it seemed the ancestors had driven her this way, as if Ursa had guided her wings to view what dangers might be arriving.

Her head cocked, and she watched, ears listening acutely for any further mention, for now - only a silent watcher. Should the group below depart, perhaps the cabin they spoke of would have some discreet opening into which she might spy...

She gauged the passing land, determining how quickly the ship might cross the path of those of her clan... and how quickly she might bring word of the arrivals.
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Quinlan Corodin
Condotierre Lieutenant
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Post by Quinlan Corodin »

(OOC: And I've been having internet connection issues. Must not be a good week. Well now, let's roll! 8) )

The mountain range dominated more and more of their view as they sped closer. Quinlan breathed deeply through his nose, enjoying the little tingle at the base of his spine. He had only been given the mission yesterday, but it seemed like it was taking much longer for the expedition to crest over those mountains. Hazel eyes surveyed the group gathered before him, making sure all the party, soldier and scholar alike, was in attendance before speaking.

"The captain's quarters," he repeated. He was about to pursue the idea, but the thought of the cramped conditions below during their tour made him think twice. Though the quarters would be much larger in all likelihood, they would not be as spacious as the deck with the sky around them. "No, that's alright. This will do; I'll speak so everyone can hear." With an open expression he met eyes with some of the others, and made his announcements in full breath.

"I don't know what you have all been told, so I will start from the beginning. This land, which we have begun calling Terra Nova, is new. At least it is according to all the maps we have. The people that live here are equally a mystery. Very good at hiding from scouts, very good at avoiding contact." Quinlan smirked, clasping his hands behind his back. "World's Mouth wants to speak to them. That's what we are here for. We will be among the first outsiders to see the interior of this place." The lieutenant paused to let that fact sink in a moment. He brushed a thick lock of hair off his forehead and continued.

"When we land, myself, sergeant Ardigo, and four other legionairres will accompany envoy Donelli, mister Cercatoro, and miss Serafini on the trek. The other Condotierre will remain to help guard the Tal'Fea. We wouldn't want anything to happen to our ride home, after all." As he said it, he looked between the faces of the soldiers, trying to gauge for himself who might be best suited for each assignment. The envoy's escort in particular would need the better scouts among them.

"As I understand, spare equipment was loaded into the skiff's hold before we left. Longswords and utility knives, four crossbows - we will take two, and two will be left for the ship - and two crates of tools. If you don't already have a sidearm, feel free to get one from the cargo." The last statement was made mainly for the benefit of Este, Carlotta, and Guido.

"Now, having said that," he began, making sure to have everyone's attention for his statement. "Noone is to draw a weapon for any reason other than to defend from impending attack. We wouldn't want to...alarm the natives. That includes hunting, at least until we know more." Quinlan observed the faces of those assembled. He considered it perhaps the most important point, which he wanted understood.

"Which reminds me." Quinlan sought out the warrant officer in the crowd. "Mister LeForestier, what are our provisions? How long will they last?"

Quinlan nodded to Donelli. "Anything you would like to add, sir?" he asked.

"Does anyone have any questions? Otherwise, we will land in less than a mark. Be prepared to move out."
Guido Cercatoro
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Post by Guido Cercatoro »

Guido gave a little smile of relief as the sergeant obeyed orders and lowered his weapon. That’s a good sign. If the men weren’t obeying their commander’s orders this early in the expedition we’d be in trouble.

LeForestier’s comments concerning the bird left the curator slightly perplexed. If the experienced warrant officer had seen nothing like the bird before, maybe it was a sign that the voyage was destined for something new and exciting? Craning his neck upwards, he peered intently at the bird to see if he could detect anything unusual but at first glance the bird appeared merely to be preening itself.

Turning his attention back to deck, Guido listened to Quinlan’s speech. The advice and plan of the Condottiere appeared sensible and the curator did not intervene. Luckily, the curator had some basic knowledge of swordplay and had brought along his trusty sword. He smiled as he thought about the old heirloom. It was a typical double-edged longsword that he had inherited from his father and had been in the family for as long as he could remember. So far, Guido had also used it in his historical re-enactments with his friends in World’s Mouth. I hope that remains the case, for if I am on the front line we really are in trouble.

Guido waited to see if Donelli would take up the invitation to add more to the briefing.
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Post by Brytan »

Sergeant Ardigo stood listening to his lieutenant's comments. His facial expression changed slightly at the mention of the order not to use force and his hand went back to his gun belt instinctively, patting the weapon holstered there as if to say "There, there, the bad man doesn't mean it."

For the most part however, most listened carefully and most comments were greeted with nods and agreement. LeForestier answered the question posed for him instantly. "We should 'ave enuf fer a wee while sir. Provided we not hunt, I'd say a week, perhaps two on rations, more wit' basic foraging.

Donelli had listened to Quinlan's orders and suggestions. He turned to face the whole group before he spoke, making sure he had the attention of all on deck before continuing. "Thank you Lieutenant. Your orders are clear and concise. I trust you all are aware of the importance of this mission. It is uncertain who or what we shall meet on this strange island which fell from the sky, suffice it to say that the city we represent considers it of the utmost importance to find out if it's inhabitants are a liability or an asset to the expansion of World's Mouth. We know nothing of them which in itself is cause enough for concern. Should they prove to be hostile we have orders to assess the threat and report back so measures can be taken." He looked around the group to see if he had everyone's attention still, and to see if the meaning of his words was understood. "Let us assume however, that all goes as planned and those measures will not need to be taken."

As Donelli finished and the group was taking in the words of both Quinlan and the envoy, sergeant Ardigo stepped forward and turned to Quinlan. Lieutenant, I'd like to suggest Moschini, Danton, Generici be on the away mission with us as we set down.
[size=84][i]I'm sorry, but I don't know who you're talking about. You must be confusing me with that other guy...[/i][/size]

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Niamh Windwalker
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Post by Niamh Windwalker »

Niamh's rapid bird-like heartbeat began to flutter and pound as she began to understand more and more of the words that were spoken. A certain horrified realization came upon her and she shifted her talons uncertainly upon her perch, flexing her joints and leaving faint gashes in the hard wood.

I must return, I must alert... Thinking she had heard enough, the falcon waited for a moment when few eyes were on her, and then, silently, her wings spread, stretching out far beyond her body on either side, attempted to quietly remove herself from the perch. It was a simple matter, she though, releasing her grasp and allowing the ship's own speed to provide her lift. After a second or two of flight, she manuevered among the cords and ropes that strung web-like about the ship, seeking a clear way to free herself from the contraption's presence. Once free, she would snap her wings closed and dive downwards, below the line of sight from the ship's deck, and then make her way rapidly towards home.
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Quinlan Corodin
Condotierre Lieutenant
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Post by Quinlan Corodin »

"Sounds fine," Quinlan answered the sergeant. "Private Zullo can round out the team." It wasn't a random pick; Zullo - along with Moschini - had served briefly with Quinlan before on the Madrigal. "Please also make sure that the two crossbows and some tools and rations make it off the boat with us. It may take awhile to find the, so we'll likely need to make camp out there."

After having made his little announcement, his enthusiasm was tempered. Quinlan's taste for an adventure made way for Lieutenant Corodin's sense of the business at hand. As they neared the land, he began working out what they might need, and how things should proceed. The sooner he could come up with a definitive answer as far as hunting and foraging the better, since there was no clear indication of how long it would take to find the native people, nevermind the hope of talks taking place.

In spite of the poor taste he had for the notion, dealing with an attack wasn't absent from his thoughts, either. In such a situation, the party would be at a complete disadvantage. Indeed, hope for the best, prepare for the worst, he thought, and sought out the three soldiers who would be remaining with the Tal'Fea on the ground: Iocca, Rao, and Di Corrado.

"You three will be staying with the ship," he told them, taking them aside. "But, you gents won't be watching the birds all day," he teased with a grin. "While we're out looking for these people, I want you to scout the immedaite area around the skiff. Get to know the land, keep your ear to the proverbial ground. What I said about flashing weapons is still true, but that doesn't mean we have to be unprepared." The lieutenant watched in earnest for their understanding. "The Tal'Fea will be our safe haven down there, yes?"

With his instructions given, he began to prepare himself as the others were. His own satchel remained on deck, and he repacked it with only the items he expressly wanted to take into the wilderness. He donned his leather bracers and tied his buckler to his backpack, though his bulkier cuir-boulli along with the remainder of his items he intended to store on the ship for the sake of traveling light and making room for any other provisions he might have to carry.

Slinging his bag over his shoulders, he sought out Guido - and Carlotta, who might hopefully be nearby as well. "All set?" he asked with a smile. "Need a hand getting ready?"
Guido Cercatoro
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Post by Guido Cercatoro »

.”….It is uncertain who or what we shall meet on this strange island which fell from the sky, suffice it to say that the city we represent considers it of the utmost importance to find out if it's inhabitants are a liability or an asset to the expansion of World's Mouth. We know nothing of them which in itself is cause enough for concern. Should they prove to be hostile we have orders to assess the threat and report back so measures can be taken."

As Donelli spoke, the sinking feeling which had only recently departed the curator’s stomach made a vengeful return. So we don’t know where we are going, who we are going to meet or whether or not they are hostile. Merde! Let’s hope they like historians. Perhaps they revere people who can write. Maybe they have a passion for Tonklin Pistons or an interest in Extreme Tome propelling. Who am I kidding?

Guido’s silent musings were interrupted by Quinlan’s query. “All set?” He echoed the Lieutenant’s words. “Er… just wait a flicker.” He moved to where his baggage was stored, retrieved his sword which he strapped around his waist and inserted his dagger into his belt. He also strapped his backpack to his back. Inside the pack were his basic possessions including the spyglass given to him by Sfidante and the parchment and writing implements he needed to record the journey.

Adjusting his felt hat to what he hoped was a confident angle, he returned to the Condottiere. “Guido Cercatoro, reporting for duty,” he stated, trying to cover his nerves with a degree of levity. “Sword, pen, paper and … er, hat, at the ready.”
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Post by Brytan »

Carlotta smiled at Quinlan's kind offer. "Thank you sir, but I am already packed. We need but set down and I should be good to set off." She tapped a pack which sat beside her on deck. "It pays to be prepared."

After the comments from both leaders of the expedition, everyone started to make final preparations. Sergeant Ardigo took his men aside for a weapons check near the bow, where the weapons were stored. Over the wind some words of encouragement drifted to mindful ears.

Sure enough, not half a mark later, the Tal'Fea started to slow down as the high peaks of the ominous mountain range loomed overhead, casting a chilly shadow on the people on deck. Where they had bathed in sunlight, windswept as the had been, it had been warmer. The skiff started to ascend, and wind howling through crevices in the mountains everywhere, the sun not able to reach them through what seemed to be an endless wall of stone.

Torrents of wind tugged at the skiff. It buckled a few times, and some of the soldiers had trouble keeping their footing. "We're gonna have ta take her a bit back!" Leforestier shouted over the howling wind. "We'nee sum more room!" He turned the skiff away from the mountains a bit, climbing along side it for a while rather than up towards in. Keeping some room between them and the mountains made the ride that much more pleasant, but the higher they climbed, the colder it got.

Then...out of nowhere, the sun burst out over the peaks again, beaming hot rays into their faces, blinding all who would look into it. As eyes adjusted to the sun, the wind dropped away into nothingness as they cleared the peaks and drifted casually over them.

What they saw...was Insula Ursa.

Though by that name they did not know it. It was not a mountain range. It wasn't even mountainous. The peaks which had obscured this isle from sight seemed to fall away into nothingness just as fast as they had risen above them. Like a jagged wall encircling almost in a perfect circle a valley of unknown beauty. They saw forests, fields, meadows and water. a lake in the distance to the west, a waterfall feeding into it from the mountains to the north. Small birds flew over a wild and untamed forest, which seemed to be abruptly punctured by a needle of stone protruding from the foliage almost in the center of the isle.

But what they had hoped to see, was also there. To the southwest, hidden behind dense woods and a large wooden wall was a village. Smoke curled up from fires lit, even in the tradetide. It was impossible to make out anything clearly from a distance, but the buildings in the village were small, as was the village itself.

Several paths seemed to lead to the town, one was visible below them as it made it's way to a large gap in the mountains, a gap they would soon pass over. Another extended to the fields in the north, and a large plateau of rock extending near the waterfall.

It was a small slice of paradise, bathing in sunlight.

A terrible howl rose from the forest.
[size=84][i]I'm sorry, but I don't know who you're talking about. You must be confusing me with that other guy...[/i][/size]

[size=67]Avatar drawn and edited by me, Darkness concept (c) Topcow comics
Age=28 - SCZ=E - Attendance=daily[/size]
Quinlan Corodin
Condotierre Lieutenant
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Post by Quinlan Corodin »

Quinlan hunkered down again as the skiff struggled its way over the mountain range. LeForestier continued to show himself as an expert helmsman, and Quinlan was sure he wasn't the only one on board that was thankful. Airship travel was fantastic, but the ground was a long way down.

The lieutenant was thinking of going for his cloak when the Tal'Fea crested over the mountain range. He squinted and shielded his eyes from the sun, though they were quite wide again a moment later. He could not take in the scenery fast enough.

"'s as if a great hand...designed the lay of this land just for them," Quinlan gasped. "Fresh running water, woods and fields...ah! There!" He pointed to the village cradled in the landscape. "Their home isn't as hard to spot as they are, evidently." He felt a rush of optimism. They had yet to even make landfall on Terra Nova, and the expedition had already seen just where they should head to make first contact with the indigenous people.

"Might not be wise to sail too near overhead of their village," he called to the warrant officer. Staring at the land below, he continued, "I submit decision about our landing to be between the envoy and yourself, mister LeForestier, but I would think the closer we could descend to those open fields the better. Less chance for, eh, surprises." Fundamental lessons in tactics dictated that setting down in a field or meadow would make it easier to spot someone coming from farther off.

"Well now, what do you think, mister Cercatoro? Miss Serafini?" Quinlan asked excitedly, still gazing below. "Doesn't appear to be a very large city." He scanned the area from their bird's eye view, not spotting any other villages within the walls of mountains. "Just a single settlement, with this land all to themselves?" he said wryly.

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