The War of Clan MacGregor (SH 26th)

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Abner Klop
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Post by Abner Klop »

Somewhat surprised not to have been stopped, Abner found himself at the feet of the strange old man and usure what he should do next. He flinched at Milkhaire's unexpected movement toward his nose, but he did not withdraw from the man's touch. For a few flickers, the gnome just returned the shaman's mute stare with one of his own. Finally, he coughed and began to speak, in tones mixing sadness and desparation.

"I am already telling that one something of this," he began, waving a hand in the general direction of Howland, "but maybe I can be saying it again to you and you will hearing." The little scientist sounded anything but certain about the latter possibility. "I am not coming here to stop your war. It is not being my business if you are wanting fight with Dort and the Count. I am not knowing your history. Maybe there are being good reason for your warring with Dort. Anyway, I am not caring much about your little war.

"I am coming here to stop something much bigger. I am coming here to stop destruction. Your destruction. Dort's destruction. Maybe the destruction of us all. That is what your warring will be bringing. That is what we are coming to tell you.

"There is a Darkness growing here. Gavin and I were seeing it. We were touching it and fighting it. The Darkness is wanting your war. This warring is making the Darkness strong. If you are not stopping, the Darkness will soon be covering all of this Isle.

"You are thinking Dort is your enemy, but you are being wrong. The only enemy that is mattering is the Darkness. If you are sending us away now, you are helping the enemy and losing friends. It is being true that we are not knowing your people and your ways. Maybe we are making some mistake in our talking to you. But Gavin is more brave than you can be knowing, brave enough to fight the Darkness alone if he must. You are needing listen to him, or you will be having nothing left to be fighting for."

Abner stopped. He was thinking of his homeland and the toll the Darkness had exacted on his people. The gnome shook his head slowly and tried to suppress a new wave of tears. Please let them listen this time, he prayed silently.
Last edited by Abner Klop on Sat Mar 11, 2006 6:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Wel loved he garlek, onyons, and eek lekes,
And for to drynken strong wyn reed as blood"
--Geoffery Chaucer
Gavin Tylvan
Baron of Bru¡ch
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Post by Gavin Tylvan »

Once more there were words. Once more people spoke. Once more nothing was said. Nothing, but insults thrown to his retreating back. Duncan was apparently not done yet. Gavin was beyond caring now. He had his share of hurt these past few days. A few more would not hurt him. He stopped and turned and it was his time to sadly shake his head. Go ahead, voice of Milkhaire. Go ahead. Stomp me a bit more.

For a time it seemed he would remain quiet. That he would hold his tongue and wait for the words to stop. So he could leave. So he could see if there was another way to stop this. Maybe the war is the way out? Maybe I can try to make it short and controlled? Maybe I should take part? Take sides for once. Even though I don't want to. Maybe that was my mistake? The words still came. Gavin waited.

It was not necessary that he speaks. It was foolish. He did it nonetheless. "Poor, poor Duncan. Still you need to remind me, just what a mess of a man I am. I told you already, you are right. I am all those things you mentioned. So why do you repeat them?" His gaze went to Howland and then back to Duncan. "You say I failed your tests. I agree. I did. So, why do you remind me?" Gavin's gaze sought Duncan's eyes. "You say nobody was tricked, misled, harmed or held prisoner? Well, excuse me if I don't agree. My opinion. I guess that too makes me arrogant. Not all wounds are physical. Or do you fail to see that?"

Then his gaze came to Syra. For a flicker he stared at her and then turned back once more. "You insult her too. Running away is her choice. As is walking away mine. As was coming here. One thing pains me though. Everyone seems to jump at conclusions. I am a rash and impulsive man, I don't deny that. Yet, when I pause and think, I see everyone else is doing it. You assume Count sent me. You assume he chose me. You assume I don't respect your ways. You assume a lot. When I think of it I can't seem to recall when I said all those things. I can however recall when I said quite the opposite."

Were it another time, Gavin would have been quite worked up by now. Here and now he was quite calm. His voice was level and he did not even bother with raising his voice. "When I first met Howland I asked him for advice. He answered me with a question. So, I made the best plan I could. He had other plans. It was easy to plan all this. Because you knew what my plan was. He misunderstood. All I ever...."

His gaze found Abner then and the big man stopped in mid-sentence. What the... Amber, you fool, don't..... Apparently, the little guy was allowed to reach the shaman. Everyone focused on the pair. Gavin shared that. The words gnome said sounded right. They were right. Up until a certain point. Once Abner started making excuses for his actions, Gavin scowled. He turned to Duncan once more and whispered.

"I'll be going now. Listen to that little guy. And take care of him. He is my Milkhaire. I was just a brute with a sword and a way with words. I'll be going now. I won't be around to mess things up again. Tell him I said goodbye. And tell him I hope we meet again. I have a promise to keep. And a girl named Amber to find. And make sure she is safe. Farewell Duncan of Clan Macgregor. I wish you luck. And if we meet again, I hope it will be under better circumstances. And that we will be on the same side."

The big guy turned and started walking away trying not to draw attention to himself. He did not know where he was. Only a goal. To Hafne. I am coming Amber. As I should have been doing all along. Let other people solve their own problems. Let them fight or make peace. I seem to be in the way now. So, I will move aside and make sure my friends are safe. With a grim look on his face, Gavin sought a way out of the circle and a path that would take him away from there.
FORTH they went, the troubled two
To see the world and kick ass too!
[b]Syrawenn and Gavin Saga, Verse 1-2[/b]
Baroness of Creiddyladd
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Post by Syrawenn »


Syrawenn clenched and unclenched her fists. For someone who did not allow them to talk and told them all talk was over Duncan sure had a lot of talk.
For someone who accused them of assumptions he sure assumed a lot.
For someone who accused her of running off either failed his mindreading test or simply had no clue what he was talking about.

Syrawenn turned and glared, waiting for the man to finish his nasty monologue -for a monologue it was and stayed. He was obviously not interested in a dialogue.

Abner, wonderful little Abner made a speech she wanted to applaud! Gavin was already on his way out, which made her stomach make weird tumbles. The whole situation sucked and she would have continued on her path away from the MacGregor's if Duncan had not addressed her personally.

At this she simply had to react: "Wow, lots of words. I could make a nasty joke here, but I won't, cause that's not why I'm here and I'm not in the habit of bashing people down when trying to do something useful."

She raised a hand, one finger stretched. "So basically when you tell us to leave and be done and we actually comply we are still arrogant and assuming?"

Another finger joined. "So when we don't do what you ask we're bad people and when we do what you ask we're bad people. Wow, who is not giving who a chance here?"

Another digit. "You assume I'm running off and yeah, I love to run. But you see, I recognize something funny in you...something I ain't proud to admit to but hey, since we're on the subject of honesty anyway: it's easy to push people away when they confront you with less nice stuff, ain't it? It's easy to tell em they are deadwrong and then hurt em so badly that they won't want to interact with you again. It's even easier to unleash your anger and forget about the possible things you yourself missed cause after all: you can't possibly ever be wrong, can you? That would really shake up yer world!"

Oh yes, she was trembling alright. It was not an easy thing the girl did, undoubtedly just putting herself up for another scolding again. The man had decided she was wrong after all, just like he had decided a lot of other things without ever bothering to check.

"See, I dont care about what you think or assume about me assuming. I was done talking to you cause you dont care about really talking to us. You just like to listen to yourself trying to outreason us. I'll go to people who ARE willing to listen instead of putting people through this hypocritical we-are-better-than-you-shit."

Syrawenn could have made it sound very angry, but somehow anger was not foremost in her mind right now. This man was just too dense for words! Didn't he see what he had done with his cryptic comments?

"You keep leaving us out to dry with half sentences and half words and we’re supposed to just pull the rest of the story out of your nose? Again if you would have simply said ‘okay, we dont like you cause you’re arrogant, we’ll try and find peace or own way’ it would have made SENSE. Instead you create all these illusions and then blame us for falling for em. What do you WANT, Duncan? What do you really, really want?"

Syrawenn peered at him, trying to see what was going on behind those eyes. "I don't mind admitting I'm wrong, ya know. I hate starting up trouble. I'm sorry if I jumped to the wrong conclusions, but sheesh, you didn't gimme much to GO on. TELL us what you want instead of letting us GUESS and then telling us we're arrogant because of that! Instead you keep twisting and turning to prove yourself right. Don’t you think that’s a bit selfish and short sighted? Don’t you think there’s TWO sides to this coin? Let's forget about absolute rights and wrongs. Let's try to admit we all got our faulty stuffies and let's see if we can make something work here, eh?"

She chuckled. "Oh wait, Im not supposed to say things like that cause it seems I'm too arrogant to ever be thinking about anyone else. Right, almost forgot that. I hope you feel pretty good about yourself right now, having figured us alllll out. Gonna be a boring life if you keep judging people like that yet I sure ain’t gonna judge a WHOLE people on one asshole. Keep wallowing in your righteousness, Duncie, you excell in it."

She turned from the MacGregors again, a last look over her shoulder. "Now, you can go on another rant on how Im wrong again and how you have foreseen everything I’m gonna do and how you know Im probably the worst person you ever came across or you can make some good use of yer time and stop bashing us into the ground for trying to help in a clumsy way. I’ll even provide the good example."

With that Syrawenn turned on the man and walked in a very determined way to anyone wearing any other colours than the smug MacGregor she left behind.

“Boo...anyone interested in exchanging information? There's this war we'd like to avoid..." Her voice sounded as if nothing at all had happened. Yet her mind was in turmoil, still trying to figure out where in blazes the idiot had gotten the idea he had the only right to being human...and where in blazes Gavin was going to go.

Shuddup. There's more important things than swooning over a guy.
I ain't swooning!
Oh really?
Doesn't matter anymore. He's going to get Amber. They'll fall in love. You just chose to help a bunch of hardheaded clannies over Gavin...You just screwed up yer own life. You promised to get her out too, remember? Why ain't you going there? You think he'll return? Heh, he remembered the dreams. Damn guy fits right in. So why don't you go with him?
Cause I made the promise to help these people first, even if they don't like me!

Syrawenn looked over her shoulder at the disappearing form of Gavin. Tears formed in her eyes. The girl turned back, stubbornly biting her tongue. She was not going to tell the big man to stick around when he had some cute girl to rescue. She was not going to put some weird lovey-dovey feeling over the life-or-death crap that was happening right in front of her. She was not gonna keep him here when his friend needed him.

But...I need him too!

Shuddup. Please shut up.
Last edited by Syrawenn on Sat Mar 11, 2006 4:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
[size=75]Gavin:She's the emerald eyed agent of chaos
Vanir:She's cute, it's her personality that gets in the way
Ulder:Syra is a great shredder of paralysis through analysis
Elvin:We call it the Law of Improbable Syrabilities
Avatar by Finn[/size]
Moderator & Coordinator Terra West
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Post by Vanadius »

The Mouth of Milkhaire also known as Duncan looked at both after they replied, his face a mask of sadness and resignation. He licked his lips in anticipation of saying more, but instead he remained silent, turning to watch the scene between Milkhaire and Abner. No efforts were made to stand in their way, or interrupt them if they choose to leave. They were free to do whatever they wished.

Whatever had been said, it was apparent the time for words was at and end…


The man touched Abner's face and the vegetable scientist felt a curious spark at his touch. It was not a painful jolt, but instead was a sense of warmth and peace. There was an energy there, deep and flowing like a river. The strange shaman's eyes turned and gazed in the gnome's with a curious and forgiving serenity.

They are young and have much to learn in the ways of the world...

The shaman had not opened his mouth or uttered a word, yet the voice was all too clear inside Abner's head.

…you are a curious sort of man. You seek, you question, you ask. You are more interested in the trees and rocks and other things than most... the old ways are alive in you… your friends could learn much from you…

...Such heavy burdens for such young ones...

...the wind and the wolverine tell me Syrawenn is full of anger and hurt and she digs her tunnels to hide with harsh words and loud and chaotic ways so no one will reach deeper... be treated like a woman she must act as one first say the roots and ravens... until such time she will be misunderstood and trapped in her own webs say the spider and the sky...

...Gavin is a boy acting as a man the wind and water say... trust must be shaped by more than stone and steel...

…the reed and the river tell him all he needs to know but he has not yet learned how to listen…

…Show them Abner of the Nipponar… tell them I see past their hurt… tell then I hear their pain…

The white haired shaman released his touch from Abner's face. Not a word had been spoken, but the words were clear in Abner's mind. The Clans looked on and waited...

Post by Guest »

I hate whatever it was they put on those darts. Slowly Kelsyk started to wake up from his dreams. Rolling over onto his stomach, he opened his eyes and looked around. Alright, now I am slightly confused, where are we? And where's our stuff? He tried standing up, but the nausea was too intense, and he collapsed to the ground. Deciding to try and wait out the effects he closed his eyes and relaxed, listening to the sounds around him.

Just as Kelsyk was feeling ready to get up and get a drink, he saw Gavin walked over and dump the bucket of water over his head. I was just about to drink that water, you know. Oh, well nothing I can do now. Stealing himself, he stood up and looked around. His gaze rested on the adhiel. An elf, I wonder what he's doing here.

Kelsyk was caught off guard by the rage that Gavin showed as he made his speech to the crowd. He stood stunned as Duncan pronounced their failure, and the failure of their attempts at peace. He was also surprised when Duncan had their equipment delivered back to them. Still confused Kelsyk walked over to the pile and started shifting through them, looking for his equipment. Whenever he found something of his he strapped it on.

Finally finished with his equipment, he straightened up and looked around. He looked around, expecting to see Abner standing near Gavin, supporting him. Kelsyk did not expect to see Abner walking unchallenged towards Milkhaire. He stood still, waiting to see what Abner and the shaman would do.

OOC: sorry its taken me this long to post.
Abner Klop
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Location: Dort Abbey (22 Chyril)

Post by Abner Klop »

Hearing the old shaman's response in his mind rather than his ears took Abner aback, but the flood of peace that accompanied the 'words' quelled his apprehensions. As for the message itself, it was reassuringly sympathetic, but something less than an offer of assistance. The gnome frowned for a moment, nonplussed by Milkhaire's oracular comments. "I-I will trying tell them," he stammered. His head still hurt from the aftereffects of the drug, and his mouth had gone dry. A word danced on the tip of Abner's tongue. He knew that much -- everything, really -- depended on it, but wasn't sure if speaking it would bring salvation or ruin. When in doubt, though, the little scientist would always go the route of more knowledge.

"I am needing ask one more thing," the gnome asked hoarsely. "We are needing find a place called 'Dyimmoryd'. Can you be helping us in this?" There it was: Abner had spoken the name from his strange vision. He could still recall the mysterious crone's words: What will set you on path to victory can be found there. I warn you though, seeking it out will lead you to utter ruin. It remained to be seen if either of the fates she promised would actually come to pass.

(OOC: sorry for the delay, folks. I was waiting for the answer to a question.)
Last edited by Abner Klop on Mon Mar 20, 2006 4:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Wel loved he garlek, onyons, and eek lekes,
And for to drynken strong wyn reed as blood"
--Geoffery Chaucer
Moderator & Coordinator Terra West
Posts: 1306
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Post by Vanadius »

As Abner replied to the strange shaman, a hushed murmuring could be heard as it rippled through the crowd. Milkhaire paid little attention to the reaction of all those present, instead he continued to gaze into Abner's eyes, responding in his own quiet way.

Tell them... When all is quiet and the fervor has died down. Tell them that I will meet them in the silent place... The dead and broken place... Tell them there is one now coming... She is retrieving something of mine... When she does, she will bring strength and power to your cause... The bark and beetle now sing this to me..

The mouse and mountain are beyond right-doing and wrong doing... Beyond that, the shadow and the snake speak the wisdom of the Gods... They must learn to listen... listen or all will be lost...

At the mention of the Dyimmoryd, the white haired shaman shed a single tear. It welled up in one of his eyes and then gently rolled down a craggy cheek.

The Dyimmoryd... You do know the old ways... Stone and steel attacked that place... Thorn and thistle rose up to defend it but were cut down... the oceans and the owl wept at it's destruction... Do not seek such a place... The gulch and the gibbon say so...


As Kelsyk began to gather his belongings, it was obvious that something was missing. All of his weapons and possessions were there and easy to identify and reclaim save one. Captain Marten had given him a package, a bundle of sorts. That mysterious gift was no where among Kelsyk's possessions. It was simply missing...
Gavin Tylvan
Baron of Bru¡ch
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Post by Gavin Tylvan »

Leaving. Easier said than done. He had no idea where he was. Amber was last seen in Hafne, but that was a couple of days ago. Now she could be anywhere. She mentioned something about trouble and army approaching. My mother is there. If something happens to her, the demons will be the least of people's problems. She better be fine, or else...... One last look at the gathering and the big man adjusted his backpack and sought a path away.

If there was a path, there would be a village and he should be able to buy some food. After that it was simply the matter of finding a way to the coast. Hafne was a port and finding it would be easy. After all, Gavin was born there. He should know to find it. He never traveled far from it till he made his journey to Dort. Now he was coming back. Home..... Strange. I left it only weeks ago. And it seems like yahren have passed. So much changed. Myself included.

He did not wait for the others. The only two people he really cared for in the group were staying. Abner was still trying to talk sense into Clansmen and Syrawenn.... Well, she was still trying to make her peace. To make someone listen. He wanted to stay. He really did. But, pride was in the way. And he had that in abundance. They talk of being arrogant, but they keep on assuming things. Leader? Peacemaker? When did I say I was any of those things? Hmph, arrogance. It goes both ways. See ya in Hell. Yet, a tiny pang of pain lingered in his heart. He was leaving his friends. And they will be in danger. They can take care of themselves. Amber is alone. And I promised. I'll come back for them. I will.
FORTH they went, the troubled two
To see the world and kick ass too!
[b]Syrawenn and Gavin Saga, Verse 1-2[/b]
Abner Klop
Posts: 409
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Location: Dort Abbey (22 Chyril)

Post by Abner Klop »

Invoking the name from his dream had certainly had an effect, but Abner still could not say whether 'Dyimmoryd' was something he should fear or the answers to his prayers. It was important, though, that much was sure. As for the rest of the shaman's message, it was more obscure from than the first one, and gave Abner just as little to go on. Many other questions raced through his mind: the significance of the black stone, the identity of the witch he'd met in the dream, the meaning of the names she had called him and others. But somehow, Abner felt that any further pressing of the old man for the answers would be counter-productive. Instead, he sinply bowed to Milkhaire, withdrew to a respectful distance, and ponderd his next step.

Surveying what remained of the assembly, Abner first noticed the absence of Gavin. It seemed his friend had wasted no time in quitting the scene. The gnome was disappointed but wished him well. There was something else weighing on the big man's mind, and Abner knew Gavin would not be at peace until he'd settled the matter. Looking around for other familiar faces, he saw Kelsyk, who seemed to be examining his pack and readying to depart as well, and the most of the others from their party were still milling about. He also saw the strangely familiar face of Syrawenn. Why do I know her? And Gavin knew her as well. Was she in the dream, too? Intrigued as much by the mystery as the promise of a new ally, Abner scuttled to catch the girl before she, too, could leave.

"You, there. I am thinking we are somehow knowing each others," the little scientist began bluntly while catching his breath. "Though how this is so, I am not knowing. But if I right, then we are maybe seeking same things and can be helping each others. I am Abner Klop. Will you be joining me?" The introduction was accompanied by an extension of his hand.
Last edited by Abner Klop on Mon Mar 27, 2006 4:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Wel loved he garlek, onyons, and eek lekes,
And for to drynken strong wyn reed as blood"
--Geoffery Chaucer
Baroness of Creiddyladd
Posts: 2883
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Location: Between gods

Post by Syrawenn »

No reactions.
Which was perfectly logical.

Syrawenn sighed. What had she expected? For anyone to talk to her after her outburst? Obviously the clans were a very very closed group -and understandably so- but the way their mind worked was beyond the chaotic girl. She might have been away from people for too long to understand anybody, really.

Sure, my fault. Me and my stupid STUPID temper.

No reactions at all.

Of COURSE not! There is this council starting, remember? A council you don't understand with people you don't understand about a war you don't understand and nobody flippin cares to EXPLAIN! All they do is tell me I'm stupid and arrogant because I can't figure it out on my own. Damnit, I should let them figure it out...I told em what I needed to tell em...I did what Korey asked me to do and not a PEEP out of them about it! Korey deserves so much better. Such a damn much better.

Syrawenn was getting out of breath for merely thinking. Slowly she got up on her feet, looking around. Gavin was moving away further. Gwayne was still standing. The little guy was...walking towards her?

The girl blinked. He was talking to her.To her! And was he actually referencing that weird dream?

Yeah, ya know, the dream with the stupid hag thinking she could trick us into doing....ooooh boy, he wants to do the stuff she mentioned. Bad idea. Baaaaaaaaaad idea. Bad guy tells you to go do something, you do not generally do it!

He remembers! Impossible! DAMN, so it's all real!

"You....yer Abner, yeah, I know you. I'm Syrawenn. That's Gwayne over there." She pointed to the Adhiel. "Remember him too? Remember who elese was in that stupid dream? Amber...and Gavin....yeah...they were there if you wanna talk dreams, we'd best get that funny group in one place dontchathink?"

Think think think...damnit I can't think straight! Need to do stuff, need to solve something. Nothing to solve here. Nothing bloody damn stupid idiot to do here cause they ain't interested in foreigners.
Keep promises. At least do that.
Did. Told em. They didn't find it very interesting. No worries, Koreyman, I'll do something for ya.

" one place..." Her eyes found Gavin's vanishing form. "Don't you agree?"

We gotta get Amber out. Then we can talk shop. We gotta...need to get Gavin back here.

Again her eyes found the big man walking away. Her stomach turned, playing 'catch the tail' with itself. "Oh screw it all." She mumbled and shook the little man's hand fervently. "Be right back, Abner. Thanks...yer a wonderful guy...hold on, be right back!"

With a little hop the girl jumped into a sprint. Catching up to the man she called out: "Gavin! Hold it! We need to talk! Promises! Getting Amber out! Abner needs to talk! Clans will have council anyway so no need for me there! No need..." She caught up and slowed down.

Lots of need. Boy, Abner sure gave you the right reason to get him back, eh?

"We need...Abner needs to....ah shoot, Gav, please don't walk away alone. We got stuff to do together. Dreams that are too weird for words. Shouldn't we find out if real life is tied in? Oh MAN that sounds so corny! Never mind me. Just rambling. Please don't go. If there's anything you should know if you remember them dreams it's we should be great at working together. Not alone, remember? Not alone. Oh shut up, not you, me. Never mind once again. We gotta talk, mister. We need to talk, remember?"

Eyes trying to find his, terrified of the possible answer in there.

I'll make a fool of myself if that was just the wishful dreaming part.

Syrawenn stomped her feet on the floor. "Damnit, I'm screwing all of this up. I know you need to get Amber out. I promised too, remember? And I...don't want you to go alone! We're in this mess together!"
[size=75]Gavin:She's the emerald eyed agent of chaos
Vanir:She's cute, it's her personality that gets in the way
Ulder:Syra is a great shredder of paralysis through analysis
Elvin:We call it the Law of Improbable Syrabilities
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Gavin Tylvan
Baron of Bru¡ch
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Location: Highlands of Islay

Post by Gavin Tylvan »

Footsteps behind him. Running. Taking a deep breath the big man turned his hand going to the hilt of his sword. The voice told him it was Syrawenn, but still his hand was close to his weapon. Only when he turned did he relax a bit. The hand went down and he waited for her to catch up with a grim expression on his face. Not coming back. No way. They can do whatever they want. Still, deep down in his heart he was glad she came.

She talked. Gavin listened. And had to smile. The way she talked. It is her. No doubt now. No doubt at all. Then, the tirade was over and she stood and waited. Yet, Gavin could not answer her. Need time to think. See what to do. Need Abner. See what he thinks. A deep breath. Smile disappeared. "Okay. I agree. But, I am not going back there. They were clear that I was not welcome there. So, no going back, alright? I was not going away alone. Just did not want to stay there. I would have waited for others a bit down the path..... I think......"

Even he was not sure. As he looked back upon his feelings, he could see that he really would have gone down alone. Stupid. Brave. Arrogant. All of those. Well, not anymore. I wait. Go with them. Fractured thoughts. He could not think. Yet, it was needed. "I'll wait here. Go get the others. Then we can talk. See what needs to be done. Okay? The others can take the message to the Count. That the Clans won't listen. And we can go find Amber and see if we can stop Vaga's plans."
FORTH they went, the troubled two
To see the world and kick ass too!
[b]Syrawenn and Gavin Saga, Verse 1-2[/b]
Baroness of Creiddyladd
Posts: 2883
Joined: Mon Nov 25, 2002 2:01 pm
Location: Between gods

Post by Syrawenn »

One flicker.
Two flickers.
Three flickers.

Come oooooooooooooooooooooooon, say something already! The girl resisted the urge to hop from one foot to another. A brief smile on his face and she dared reflect it, dropping it as soon as it disappeared from Gavin's face. "I never said anything about going back, mister. And if you want my opinion -which I'm not so sure about right now but yer gonna get it anyway- yer gonna let those others WAIT til the end of that so called council before going back to the count...oh wait...they prolly have to leave as well, so I guess the clans are not interested in what the count I guess they are even worse than I thought. Never mind. Rambling. Getting the others. Don't you move. If you move, I will be forced to do nasty things. Or something. Just don't move, kay?"

She raised her hands in a soothing gesture, hopping back on the trail to Abner and Gwayne again. Little did she know Kelsyk was part of the package as well, since he did not leave the same imprint as the others in the dream.


"Hooold it!" Syrawenn turned again. "About that WAY we're falling for that! Let's just get Amber and ignore the rest! Anyway, getting the right back."

Shut up! Damn, you really can't think when he's around eh?

Trodding back the girl hailed Abner first. "Hey, Let's meet up over there, kay? We reeheheally need to talk, but can' t do here. Council, ya know? Wait, wait, I mean, go already, just gonna warn Gwayne over there!"

Without waiting to see if Abner was going to join Gavin the hyperactive youngster hopped over to Gwayne and pulled his arm. "Gotta go. Come on. We gotta talk dreamstuff. But not here. You coming?"
[size=75]Gavin:She's the emerald eyed agent of chaos
Vanir:She's cute, it's her personality that gets in the way
Ulder:Syra is a great shredder of paralysis through analysis
Elvin:We call it the Law of Improbable Syrabilities
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Gwayne of Vendeling
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Post by Gwayne of Vendeling »

Gavin, that was the name of the guy. Gwayne finally succeeded in recalling the name of the man in this dreams. And there was a woman too.

"I wonder where the guy Gavin is..." he said softly, but just loud enough for Syrawenn to hear.


Insecure and on guard he followed... was dragged away by Syrawenn.

"Somehow I can almost never say no to you... Only when its about food.." he said.

"Right... dream stuff.. the red haired lady.."

He scratched his head, trying to get a clear picture of the dream again.
Last edited by Gwayne of Vendeling on Fri Mar 24, 2006 8:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Goddess is at my side, until she decides to leave me...

Posting on possible days Avatar from our lady Finley.. a mistress of capturing dreams and nightmares in word and pictures.

Post by Guest »

Meanwhile... in the close vicinity

A failure… that is what the whole group felt some more then others but the end result was the same. There was this strange action that Abner did amazing the rooks of what he was doing. Still for the most everyone had their own task to abide too.

It was easy for Carlton to prepare the horses for a return too the count. Eager he was to leave back to their homes and forget everything about this failure. The count would welcome them for sure knowing that they tried their best. Even thought their best was not nearly enough. James joined him shortly as being friends they stuck together all the time. They would leave downhill to the count’s camp, show their banner, and be well.

Fielding the rotten sob he was, felt humiliated and if it wasn’t for Jack hauling him of the ground he still was there. Jack had given him the hard hand getting up grapping him by the belt and shoulder. For Jack it was all about calculated action. Right or wrong mattered nothing he was someone who needed to follow purpose. If the cause was right he would ride with it and give it all the go.

It was going to be the long haul home, heavyhearted with a failure just like Jack knew when it started. A bitter travel home that was what it would be and the lad did not like being the loser. With some effort he got his pal on the saddle well enough he could stay there. A small nod at Carlton was all he needed to do to settle affairs. They were ready to depart if only he could find missing Pip-squeak.

“Nah not here, not there he be, where the hell might you be little rodent? Screw you I got more important things to do.”

With an easy ruffle in his pack the nimble hussar got himself ready for action. A open-faced helm got taken from his pack together with a canteen. Using the helmet as a container he could wash up and get his body clean for the road. He just cleaned himself up with a half bar o soap, water, and a whole lot of scrubbing. Mumbling as usual annoyed by the whole event he looked a bit cross but not enough for anyone paying attention.

“Black, dirty stuff… You got to give on these dumb ideas of camouflage, Jack… Yeah Jack, you needed a good quick scrub like this dont cha?”

He looked better with his torso, face, and arms washed. He was presentable as a good cavalryman he always felt to be. With helmet and tying the strap of his helmet under his chin he made a more dignified appearance. His uniform was buttoned shut and the scale links woven in it guaranteed to keep him safe. It took a couple burns for a lad like Jack to make oneself seen as a gent. So when he was done he looked like a regular hussar ready to go for action.

With some steps he made way to Gavin who despite being a rebellious punk like himself was kind an okay bloke. He had let him blow off a bit of steam but hoped the bucket had done more a job as a coolant. Clicking the heels of his long boots he made himself noticeable to plate bearing beardsman. A scraping sound was the result as dirt was forced quickly over the soles and the heels made a soft clunk. He in general never did these kind of things unless for parades to appease the gals who might be watching.

“Private Jackson presenting himself… You ready to be going or do you got other plans? Call it up for some fill tell the drill and who to chill…”

A faint smirk crossed his face as he remembered just a couple burns ago he got smacked on the jaw. It stung still a little for a lass she had a heavy punch. Now however he wanted a clear answer from Gavin.

Jack made an attempt in cleaning up his act…
Last edited by Guest on Sun Mar 26, 2006 12:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
Abner Klop
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Post by Abner Klop »

Abner was a bit disconcerted by Syrawenn's response to his overtures. One flicker she was babbling about dreams, the next she was running off into the woods with a promise of being "right back."

After the girl's departure, Abner looked around again. He saw the one she had called Gwayne and noticed that he, too, possessed that same vague familiarity that had marked Syrawenn. Another one from the dream... 'Elias', I think he was called there. Who is still missing? The details of the vision, which apparently had been shared by these others, were starting to coalesce for the little scientist. Ah, of course. Amber was also there... She and Gavin were.... That's why he is leaving: to find her.... But there was also something with Gavin and Syrawenn.... Uh oh.... Abner was struck with an image of the three-way drama that had played out in the dream. That would be something to avoid here in reality.

While Syrawenn chased after Gavin, Abner returned to where most of the others were assembled to retrieve his belongings. Then he approached Kelsyk. "I am guessing that the mission here is over. I am not being finished here, though. The Clans maybe are not listening, but the ending of this war is happening somewhere in these lands. You and these others can be returning to Count, if you want, or you can be staying and helping me. I cannot be commanding anyone, but I am much appreciating some companies here."

By that time, Syrawenn had made her fleeting return with a suggestion about gathering elsewhere to discuss "dream stuff." The gnome was still unacclimated to the youngster's demeanor, but to the extent that he could understand her, he believed she was trying to do the right thing. "I will be going where she say. Again, you can be coming with, or not. It is yours to be choosing," he said again to Kelsyk (but loud enough that the Dortenese soldiers could hear as well).

With no further ado, Abner marched off in the direction Syrawenn had pointed.
Last edited by Abner Klop on Mon Mar 27, 2006 4:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Wel loved he garlek, onyons, and eek lekes,
And for to drynken strong wyn reed as blood"
--Geoffery Chaucer
Gavin Tylvan
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Post by Gavin Tylvan »

There was not much Gavin could do now, but wait. Or go on walking. He did not want to leave without the others. So, he waited. They will come soon. And then we can go. Leave this place. Let them have their war. At least let them think they will have it. Foolish people. Fighting even though you are trying to tell them why that is bad. Silently the big man shrugged. And waited on.

When the steps came, he was still mulling over his thoughts, and was thus surprised when it was Jack's voice that he heard. Eyebrows held high he looked upon the man before him and his surprise deepened. Is he mad? Blind, deaf and dumb? Or maybe the poison muffled up his mind. Though I don't think that is the case. He was thus from the start. He did not have the strength to rage once more. And he had enough anger for a while.

With a sigh, the big man shook his head. "I don't get you, Jack. Take a look around you. We are surrounded by Clan warriors. We are in the middle of their territory. We have no supplied and no bloody idea where we are. They seem eager to fight. We have been tricked and poisoned not so long ago. We have been prisoners. And you behave as if nothing is wrong."

He would not be interrupted. Yet, this time his voice was calm. He was not angry. Simply surprised. "I came here to deliver a message. To give a warning. Yet, people seem to think I came here to negotiate peace. How can I do that? It is not my war. I am not a Clansman. I am not one of Count's men. Just a guy who saw something and wanted to prevent a terrible thing from happening. Or rather to tell people what could happen and let them decide what to do."

A frown formed on his face. With distaste the big man looked at Jack's crisp stance and shook his head again. "And quit that. I am not your commander. I asked for an escort, not a unit to command. For all I care you can take command. I won't be going back to the Count. I have other tasks. I can give you a piece of advice. Go back to the Count and tell him what happened here. He should know that the Clans plan to fight. You can tell him that I have gone to see if I can stem the tide some other way. I am not giving up on my task. Just tell him I will try to make sure there are no more assassins in Dort. Assassins of the kind that tried to kill him in the palace. He will know what I mean. You know what we are up against. Stay close to Johann. Make sure he is okay. Can you do that?"
FORTH they went, the troubled two
To see the world and kick ass too!
[b]Syrawenn and Gavin Saga, Verse 1-2[/b]
Baroness of Creiddyladd
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Post by Syrawenn »

"Yes!" Syrawenn exclaimed, a victorious fist hitting thin air. A quick look around at the others told her there was no one else familiar from the strange dreams she'd had throughout the yahren. Nobody else to warn, nobody else to keep promises to. She was quite done here for now.

In the knowledge that Gwayne and Abner were going to follow her to Gavin the hyperactive girl nodded to herself, checked off her mental list and ran back.

Her face fell upon seeing Jack with the big man.

What the flip does he want? Is this gonna be some 'we can't allow you to go' guilt trip or does he still have stuff to do with those guys? Or....bloody netherbats trippin' on old wounds, I don't know! I just wanna get this stuff straight! It's confusing enough as is and DAMN he looks fine...

Her eyes had found Gavin again. Quickly she blinked and averted he gaze.

It was dreeeheeeams! You know as well as I wait, I am me, so of course I know as well as you do as do you know as well as I do. Makes perfect sense. Yup. Anyway, I know as well as I do that dreams aren't always literal. Loads of it is, but other parts ain't. So...dream on and besides, it ain't useful to go into private stuff. This is about war. And demons. And getting Amber out. And....uh...more, I'm sure.
Stop thinking now.

"Back." She announced superfluously, standing right behind Jack. She quickly jumped aside before he could turn around, finding a place where she could see Gavin as well as keep an eye on the others coming around. "Gwayne and Abner are coming, mister. Let's settle this good...but preferably without mister 'I'm so cool you can't compare me to a winter's day' here."

She shot Jack a foul look, oblivious of his try to make things right with Gavin.
[size=75]Gavin:She's the emerald eyed agent of chaos
Vanir:She's cute, it's her personality that gets in the way
Ulder:Syra is a great shredder of paralysis through analysis
Elvin:We call it the Law of Improbable Syrabilities
Avatar by Finn[/size]

Post by Guest »

Jack coughed staring blank at Gavin as if he could hardly believe what he was suggesting.

“You right you are no leader. Being a commander requires a certain edge and keenness that you do not have… or not shown. Maybe you will learn this over time and…”

Fiddling with his collar Jack made a somewhat anxious posture noticing the lass trying some childish taunt. Her 'he was as cool as a winter’s day' only got a mere smirk.

“Yes, I’m an ice in veins hussar best fighting in the outdoors not shielding nobility… nor little pests.”

With strict pace the hussar walked back towards his horse and with a little hop leaped upon the mount. Motioning his mount into a direction he got Gavin’s horse by the reins taking it towards the lad with ease. He ignored the girl completely continuing his what she saw as pacifying Gavin.

“Here is your stead, you might want to use it wherever you are heading too. Think... without any guide the question is how well will you fare in these lands. Almost suicide to travel without knowing enough details and customs of the land… very deadly indeed.”

His face was indifferent and his eyes showed he knew more about affairs then one might suspect. Leaning slight backwards on his stallion Jack took a round metal shield from his mount. He firmly grasped it then softly tapped the wood of his spear against it with a soft clang.

The clansmen were not going to give him any trouble; they had given their word… The hussar could just prepare himself for whatever trip was planned ahead.
Last edited by Guest on Sun Mar 26, 2006 9:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Gwayne of Vendeling
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Post by Gwayne of Vendeling »

Gwayne was deeply lost in his own thoughts while watching the surroundings.

Syrawenn with a symbol of peace..... it woke him up...and made him smile for a flicker. The other faces became more familiar as well. The strange creature was called Abner, and he was a gnome.

So he is not a creature of a dream, he is a being..a strange one though. So that man is Gavin.

Feelings rushed through his body.. jealousy.. anger... sadness. But it changed soon enough... the "relation" between him and Syrawenn had changed and jealousy was not really something that was a part of him. Maybe because he had to much to be jealous about. Although he realised that he would be more lonely now. Syrawenn would leave with the Gavin guy for sure. Such is life, he hoped that they would make each other happy, not a easy task.

The Goddess had her ways though... and Gwayne smiled again.

His eyes searched for the fire haired woman called Amber but she seemed not to be around. What was a pity, he would have liked to see and hear her again.

Listening to the voices surrounding him he noticed that Syrawenn had one of her now famous outburst. It made him uneasy.. he was very aware of his weapons something that he never had been when he was living at home. Danger has been a second nature to him in such a short time. There was more blood on his hands now, not that he really cared about that... the anger was still there, but somehow he had preferred to be a healer in stead of a warrior. But the Goddess always loved to play with mortals, weaving love and hate through there lifes.

Love and hate.... Gavin and Syrawenn.. a interesting couple though.

Syrawenn pulled his arm and he got surprised because he was so lost in his thoughts that he never noticed that she moved closer to him.

"Gotta go. Come on. We gotta talk dreamstuff. But not here. You coming?" she said and was off again. Leaving the young man in a confused state as always.

To regain some logic in his life he listened to Syrawenn while he slowly rose to his feet, scratched his head and followed Syrawenn. Life promised to become interesting again.

I wonder......nah I just accept..Goddess will's and finding the lady called Amber as suggested sounds ok to me. So she is a not a dream afterall, with her appearance she should be one though..

And he smiled again. But tension was building inside him, if dreams turned out to be true... then witches and demons would be as well !!!!! And that guy talking with Syrawenn had not been in the who was he ?? He seemed a bit too aggressive to his taste, so Gwayne moved quickly to be near Syrawenn again....
Last edited by Gwayne of Vendeling on Mon Mar 27, 2006 8:43 am, edited 2 times in total.
The Goddess is at my side, until she decides to leave me...

Posting on possible days Avatar from our lady Finley.. a mistress of capturing dreams and nightmares in word and pictures.

Post by Guest »

Kelsyk looked down as Abner spoke to him, listening to what the gnome had to say. "At the moment I don't know what I will be doing. I'll be right over with you in a flicker, I just need to say a few words to Duncan."

Kelsyk looked around, spotting Duncan he headed straight over to him. Kelsyk stopped right in front of him. "Duncan, I have a few words for you. First, I had a small bundle with me when you poisoned and captured me, now its gone. Where is it? I would like it back, it was a, uh, a gift."

Kelsyk paused gathering his thoughts. "Also, I personally think you are being just as much or more arrogant as Gavin. All your so called test gave you the wrong answers, or you chose to interpret them wrong. First when Gavin chose not to go after the two boys you captured, he didn't demonstrate lack of conviction. He was told that they were safe and would be harmed, and that this was a custom, deciding not to go after them showed respect of your customs. When we found the girl, I am sorry if we disrupted some custom yours, but we did what we thought was right based on our customs. Gavin tried to give you a warning but you brushed him off and will probably suffer because of it."

Kelsyk paused again. Well I don't really expect him to change, but I have to try at least once. "And where's that bundle?"
Abner Klop
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Location: Dort Abbey (22 Chyril)

Post by Abner Klop »

Abner arrived at Gavin's location towards the end of Jack's little harangue, finding both Syrawenn and Gwayne already there. He was very happy that his friend hadn't yet departed, though the lingering effects of the silverfoil and the general seriousness of their situation prevented him from demonstrating his pleasure with more than a wan smile. The gnome had both information to share with and questions to pose to his new companions, but the for the moment he said nothing. He was waiting for the cavalryman to withdraw. These deliberations were not for the likes of him, especially as Jack seemed intent on provoking further conflict with Gavin.
"Wel loved he garlek, onyons, and eek lekes,
And for to drynken strong wyn reed as blood"
--Geoffery Chaucer
Gavin Tylvan
Baron of Bru¡ch
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Post by Gavin Tylvan »

"Maybe I don't wanna learn. Damnit, why is everyone trying to make me this and that. Let me choose my own way. Right now I don't feel very leaderly. So....." And then Syra was there and the old feud was back. This time, however, Gavin did not interfere. Thus it ended pretty quickly. No punches and kicks. Good. He is learning.

The big man watched Jack leave and sighed deeply. His gaze flicked back towards Syra, but did not linger long. Damn. Straight from the dreams. Both she and that adhiel. Man, this is weird. Were there are dreams like this? Other people I met there? Other real people? Will I meet them? Damn. Just what I needed. More confusion. Funny. I like the source of confusion. Sort of. And with another glance at the girl he fixed his gaze upon the returning Jack.Here we go. Just leave me alone, Jack. Let me do this my own way. Just go.

A loud humph followed Jack warning. "Don't assume too much, Jack. I was born in Islay. I know a bit about the woods. And I am sure I will find my way. I am more concerned about you. You are going back to war. People die in wars. Good luck and take care. And remember what I told you." That was all. He had no more words for the cavalryman. He just waited for him to leave so they could talk in private.

He smiled back at Abner. "Hello, friend. I am sorry for the mess I made. Are you feeling okay? You know, I am not so sure this was a good idea. So what do you think we should do? And bear in mind, I am going after Amber first. Also, the Clans can go and stuff it for all I care. I am doing this for myself and people I like." A brief flare of determination lit in his eyes. And it stayed lit.
FORTH they went, the troubled two
To see the world and kick ass too!
[b]Syrawenn and Gavin Saga, Verse 1-2[/b]
Moderator & Coordinator Terra West
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Post by Vanadius »

At the signs of Jack readying himself to depart, the others quickly followed suit. Although Fielding had not been captured, James and Carlton had, and seemed more than a little anxious to leave their captors behind. Seeing as no one in the clans bothered to stop them now, they hastily gathered their belongings and quickly followed suit. They seemed more than a little eager to find Pip and depart. For the most part, the clans ignored them and allowed this without comment or interruption. The self proclaimed Hussar led his little troup down the mountain and out of sight.

Duncan gave Kelsyk a rather blank look at the mention of his missing bundle. For a few flickers he stared absently, as if trying to determine how anything could be missing. Then, just for a few heartbeats, his lips began to slightly move, silently and almost imperceptibly, as if he were reading to himself for a few flickers. His eyes fluttered, and he blinked a few times.

"The bundle you have brought with you is in the hands of Milkhaire. If you wish it's return, you will need to ask such a thing of the council."

That apparently would be the final word on the subject as Duncan turned and walked back over to the strange, white haired shaman.

As for the rest, it seemed as if they would be allowed to do whatever they wished. The people of the clans began to circle in, gathering closer as they readied themselves to begin.
Abner Klop
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Post by Abner Klop »

Abner looked seriously at his friend and shook his head. "You are being too much hard on yourself, Gavin. We are trying to warn Clans of the Darkness. That is all we can be doing. The rest is being with them," he began, philosophically. "And it is maybe not being such big mess as you are thinking. I am talking with this white-hair man, and I am thinking he understanding some of the warning I am giving. It is hard to be saying, he is talking so strangely, but he is talking kindly about you and about her" with a gesture to Syrawenn. "He is saying that he is meeting you two later in a silent and broken place. He is also saying there is someone coming and bringing something of his that is helping us. What is also important, he is knowing the place Dyimmoryd. The one we are being told in that strange dream. You are remembering this also?" The last question was directed at Gavin, but Abner cast his gaze on Syrawenn and Gwayne to include them also.

"I am really not knowing what all these things are meaning, but there is something important happening here," the gnome continued, somewhat excitedly. "I know you are wanting to be finding Amber, but I am thinking we must be finding more informations here before leaving. There are being some answers hiding in this clan. I am thinking we are needing find these first." Abner had rushed ahead of himself in these arguments, but he'd caught the scent of a solution to one of the several mysteries surrounding this war, and he was not inclined to pass it up.
Last edited by Abner Klop on Wed Mar 29, 2006 6:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Wel loved he garlek, onyons, and eek lekes,
And for to drynken strong wyn reed as blood"
--Geoffery Chaucer
Baroness of Creiddyladd
Posts: 2883
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Location: Between gods

Post by Syrawenn »

Syrawenn groaned at Abner's words. Undoubtedly the man meant well, but he was going in directions where she did not want to go! Yet he also mentioned the whitey talking about Gavin and her. It was very hard to surpress the blush she felt coming up

Best defense is offense. Giddyup!

"Abner, I'm sure Milkhaire means well, but eh...I'm pretty damn sure the weirdowitchy from dreamland did not mean well at all! So why the flip should we listen to anything that dream had to tell us, eh? I don't really feel like being manipulated into anything at the moment. Had quite enough of that." She shot an angry look back at Duncan.

"So do you know which place Milkie meant to meet us? I'm guessing that will be after the council since he's like worshipped like a god or something. Anyway, either we go there or we find a nice little spot to talk about that damn dream, about getting Amber and about falling into traps or not. Ya know, dreams hold a lot of truth. A lot. Maybe too much."

Too much. Yeah. Oh DAMNIT, Gavin, couldn't you be some figment of my overly enthusiastic imagination? This is not useful! It's not good! Okay, it's good in a way, but it won't be healthy!
RIGHT, time to switch subjects.

"Gwayne, you alright?" The Adhiel was uncharacteristically silent and it gave Syrawenn the perfect excuse to switch focus.
[size=75]Gavin:She's the emerald eyed agent of chaos
Vanir:She's cute, it's her personality that gets in the way
Ulder:Syra is a great shredder of paralysis through analysis
Elvin:We call it the Law of Improbable Syrabilities
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