The Captain- Behind the Scenes- ET Jygust 30th - HAIKAN

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The Captain- Behind the Scenes- ET Jygust 30th - HAIKAN

Post by Haikan »

Early Eveningtide, streets of KC

I had heard a hundred times, rumors of folk in King's Court that taught the ways of magick. Not until recently have I ever had any reason to seek it. To a captain and tactician however, it is useful- no, it is invaluable...

The anxious young adventurer walked with slightly less confidence then usual. He had just slipped out of the tavern half a mark ago, and he was seeking something very important for the mission. He'd read a few books in the college that dealt with magick, but his energy had been vastly focused elsewhere. Now he did not have the time to learn it from a book. He had to do something he'd not thought of until tonight. He had to find one of those old mentors that the wind spoke of, right here in the capital. He was willing to focus his mind and obsessively work for this, for the good of his crew. The bright-eyed adhiel wandered the evening streets and he observed the buildings and the people, looking for something that could give him a clue.
Last edited by Haikan on Mon Oct 06, 2008 12:46 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Warm summer air brushed past Haikan. The sweet scent of seasonal flowers mixed with the lingering aromas of the tavern. Each new breath he inhaled through his narrow nostrils flushed away the roasted meats, mead and heady smoke smells in place of the perfume of the blooming trees that lined the main roads.

The streets themselves, cobbled and thoughtfully designed with walkways and raised crossing paths, were still bustling with activity, particularly in the area surrounding the Laughing King Tavern.

As Haikan walked he found that there was a slight aura around anything of brightness, atleast from his perspective. The power of the alcohol within the mead he'd imbibed was a bit stronger than easily anticipated - especially as Bill encouraged them to drink more... and more of the refreshing local brew, the taste of which still clung to his tongue.

So far as magick, there were no obvious signs of it; no crones carrying a shephard's hook or gently aged gentleman with a worn staff; two ideas which had been instilled in Haikan so far as magick users were concerned. Instead, he saw a myriad of persons passing through the main roads and linking darker alleys between buildings. Many were women of the night, beginning their trade, passing merchants who were packing up their own to head to their homes for proper dinner.

"Hey there, mister, you looking for some comp'ny?" A twenty-something yahren old human woman asked, her sad blue eyes giving the impression of no depth. She wore a low-cut bodice and a floor-length skirt of mauves and other reddish hues, though their colors were muted in the evening light, giving her a darker impression to match her dark red hair which was tied atop her head, with lower tresses allowed to cascade over her shoulders in lose curls.
[color=#000000][i]"What of the soul was left, I wonder, when the kissing had to stop?"[/i]
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Post by Haikan »

Haikan was fighting to resist the liquid happiness that he'd imbibed, but despite his self-control, as an adhiel who rarely ever drinks his tolerance was minimal. This was why one cup was enough to bring him to such a state. Tipsy he was, but he took several gulps from his waterskin to dilute his fermented blood, and he continued along. Fortunately he'd used the facilities at the Laughing King before he'd left. Well, no witches or warlocks so far... Perhaps I'm going to have to look a little deeper... He thought he may have to walk an eternity before he found anything, but just as his hopes were getting low, a cute young human girl appeared.

"Hey there, mister, you looking for some comp'ny?"

"Actually, I have several good friends that I was just with, but thank you anyway! If you are lonesome or you just really need someone to talk to about something, you can come along with me. I must tell you though, that I am about to take care of something that I should probably do by myself."
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Perhaps the young woman was put-off by Haikan's suggestion that he didn't want te company, but if so, she didn't let any sign of it show in her pleasant countenance. "By yourself, eh?" She gave a playful pout. "You sure there ain't something that little Mary couldn't help you with?" Her large blue eyes took on a more doe-like twinkle, much like a child working coercion for candy. Haikan, it would seem, was the sweet of the evening, and she wasn't about to let a sucker walk away.

"I could walk with you for a bit, I suppose, atleast until the end of the road - but if there ain't a banner in this for me, you better do all the listening while I do the talking," she gave him a wink and siddled up beside him. Miss McGregor slinked an arm betwixt the adhiel and his body, her pale arm cutting a contrast against his jacket while her hand would round his wrist most affectionately, almost in perfect hue with the white trim, as if she were cut to pair him.

"So, last night.. you wouldn't believe it even if I told you, this guy, he wanted-" Mary cut off in mid-sentence. "Kidding!" The young woman displayed a crooked grin filled with a mash of crooked teeth, though it was fitting and not entirely unpleasant to match with her heart-shaped face. There was a certain jeer in that grin, as if she'd already made her judgement on him and knew what would make him uncomfortable. "You've quite the fancy jacket, haven't you? I like your buttons."
[color=#000000][i]"What of the soul was left, I wonder, when the kissing had to stop?"[/i]
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Post by Haikan »

"Well, I didn't say that you couldn't come, feel free m'lady!" He happily allowed her to grab his arm and he resumed his walk through the streets, alongside Miss McGregor. She seemed innocent, and plenty deserving to know of his intentions, but he had to think about it. Chances are she isn't an undercover member of the Purificatio, I think it's safe to tell her my intentions...

"Well, I'm trying to find someone with talent of a magickal variety. I'm in need of some training, and soon. Unfortunately all I've heard on the matter of magicians in King's Court has been rumors through the grapevine." He smiled back at her. His smile was bright white, and his teeth were straight, but he did not find her crooked grin off-setting at all. She seemed friendly enough. He may have been entirely ignorant of the prostitute's intentions with him, but his lessons in money-related street wisdom from Rafelo so long ago were kicking in. She clearly needs money, but I bet she's too proud to take a handout... Let me think... He focused for a good ten flickers, his tipsy mind somewhat of an obstacle, but at last he figured out how he could manage to give this girl some money without her rejecting it, as any red-blooded Kings-Courtian would.

"If you need some money, I would happily pay you to share any information on the matter you might have, fair lady."
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Post by Ashari »

Haikan was very clever to think of requesting the prostitute of information. Those dull eyes of azure had a light behind them as he suggested he was looking for magick. Mary liked magick - both tricks and the real sort of magick that she'd seen only twice as a youth. It had changed her and gave her a hunger of knowing more, and so she had a keen ear for such information that he sought.

Beyond this, though, was her high level of self preservation. "Well, I'd much rather be getting the coin for using these lips rather than those ones, if ya know what I mean!" She laughed, now quite aware that the bargaining favor was in her court, and she had the priviledge of allowing him to set his price, since he'd not suggested an offer. "I suppose what sort of information I have depends high-like on how much money you're willing to part with to get it," she retorted in full-swing of her haggling.

Her free hand patted his thoughtfully, quite enjoying their stroll beneath the sky tinged with colors of the setting sun. The warm tones soaked into the stonework, but the palace shone brightly still, it's silohette painted against the heavens as if in conquest of even those. Banners flew atop it's conical towers, rustling in the winds that barely touched Haikan's cheek, but it was the sound of a crier that carried further still.

"Hanging tomorrow! Sinner's Square sees a pirate headed for a long drop and a short drop - to hang till he's dead. Come watch the thieving - looting - monster!" It was excessive and volitile, but it was just the sort of thing the people of King's Court needed. His Vanguard uniform was eerily illuminated, drawing from the lantern he grasped in one hand, while the other held a parchement of other news the Herald shared with the townspeople.
[color=#000000][i]"What of the soul was left, I wonder, when the kissing had to stop?"[/i]
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Post by Haikan »

"Well these lips are the ones tha- Oh..." Haikan finally figured out what sort of girl he was dealing with. He didn't care, she was still nice, but he felt sympathy for her plight. His brother was one who used to scrap for coin, and he understands that it is no happy situation. He reached into his jacket, and inside it was a satchel. From it he procured a crown and a circlet. He did not waver in his generosity. This was the very crown that he would have spent on a round for his men, but the barkeep footed the bill. For that reason he saw it as a sign that this woman needed the money, and that he was meant to give it to her. Perhaps with this amount of coin, she could pave her way to a new and happier profession.

"Here, this is for any information you can give me. And don't you be questioning my amount, I really need this information." Just like she really needs this money.
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Post by Ashari »

Mary's blue eyes widened in alarm. "Be careful, boy!" She whispered hushly, and fastened her hand over his protectively. "Can't be showing off that sort of coin to a girl like me, they'll think you've got a whole purse full." At this she couldn't help that her eyes lingered on the pocket from with he'd withdrawn the monies. She pulled him into the alcove of the doorway of the next building for some privacy, her voice maintaining it's low flow.

"If someone saw that, they'd be looking for me later tonight, you see?" She stood infront of him, ever the seducer, looking the part of a smothering whore seeing to the needs of her client. "And after that, they'd be looking for you, and you'd leave much the worse for wear," she met his eyes strongly, as if sealing this point and trying to teach him something for his kindness and high payment for her information.

Mary moved in toward him, her face passing his in favor of his pointed ear, her lips a hint of promise hovering over the curve of his lobe and her sweetly warm body pressed against his. "Perhaps we should keep walking, mmm?" Her breasts pushed up against the constricting bodice, the boning of which Haikan could feel, even through the stiff jacket. "And we'll look at those coins again when we've got space," her voice held the hoarse secrecy of a lover, as if imparting things only they should know.
[color=#000000][i]"What of the soul was left, I wonder, when the kissing had to stop?"[/i]
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Post by Haikan »

The captain stared blankly at Mary. "Oh... Well I guess you're right. Don't worry, I have just the two coins on my person." He smiled and felt warm and pleasant, and not just from the ale. I knew it. He knew that she had to be an innocent girl, who was strained to do things that harsh times demanded of her. This made him all the more confident in his decision to benefact her with such a sum of money.

As she pressed up against him he felt a little bit invaded. Perhaps she is accustomed to such behavior from her unfortunate stance in society. He would normally just push her back, however the ale was causing him to be slightly friendlier about it. He was opposed to the direction the girl hinted at, but not quite as vehemently as a sober Haikan would have been. As her lips traced over his ear, he felt a warm shiver go through his body, but he still had his principles despite the ale. He gently clasped her shoulders and looked around the corner of the alcove to make sure that nobody had seen that conspicuous move. "Alright, let's go. While we walk we can discuss this information of yours."

Politely he eased her back a couple feet and he nodded his head in approval. "So what treasures of knowledge do you have, m'lady?"
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Post by Ashari »

Haikan's hands clasped around Mary's shoulders, and he could feel their compliance, even in this act, shifting to accomodate to his grasp so that she was nothing but pure softness, her skin was like satin beneath his rough fingers, with only the hint of her light bones beneath the surface.

Once away from him, and with his suggestion of continual walking she nodded. "I just don't want you to get hurt," she said softly, knowing full-well what happened to men such as he who were thoughtful and compassionate. If she were a different woman she'd take advantage of such weakness, but Miss McGregory wasn't, she had her principles, after all. Her arm linked with his, and they continued their pace, quite unbeknownst to anyone who might take interest in them, and none seemed the wiser so far as Haikan's money show.

"Most of the mages have been thrust from the city, I fear," she began, thoughtfully, and articulately for one of her trade. "Because of being pagans." Mary frowned. "These are hard times, but is still magick to be found in King's Court, or atleast I've heard," she walked at a gentle pace, and they found themselves traversing the length of the Avenue of Trade, before she steered them off the pain path onto side-road of amost equal size, though already less trafficced than the last. "Might I enquire as to why you're searching, sir..?"
Last edited by Ashari on Mon Sep 29, 2008 12:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
[color=#000000][i]"What of the soul was left, I wonder, when the kissing had to stop?"[/i]
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Post by Haikan »

"Well, I am the captain of a trade commission." He decided to enlighten her as far as his plans with the company, for he might as well just tell her everything. "It is a trading firm that intends to bring unity to the Western Kingdom by enhancing communication, trade and travel between the states. Hopefully the hatred and disdain based on nationality and religion will be greatly reduced if we succeed." Talking about his ambitions was causing a great resolve to show in his forest-green eyes. His brow furrowed and a confident grin accompanied his noble dream.

"I must admit I am a bit worried of the dangers that we may face. You see, I command thirty men, which is more than enough to protect a trade caravan. Still, I feel that the ability to use magick is imperative to the preservation of lives. As a tactician in a skirmish, I will have the entire battlefield before me, and I could save many lives by incorporating magick to assist them. Also I can involve said magick into my tactical plans."

"My lady, do you have any idea where I could find someone to help me in my cause?"
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Post by Ashari »

Mary, though a street-whore, was not stupid. She gave much of her attention over to Haikan's words, though she also had some sort of direction in mind, as was evident to her surity in leading his movement down the alley. The couple moved purposefully, and no one bothered them because of it. One found the further they got from the center of the city, the less clean it became, and the stronger the darkness stained their surroundings. Shadows ebbed from the wooden exterior of the lesser buildings, and clung to the bricked fascades like ink on parchment.

"Sounds like quite the responsibility, perhaps you need someone to help you relax?" Mary couldn't help her memorized responses, nor the regularity with-which they flowed from her ever-pouty lips. "Sorry - habit," she amended apologetically. "From what I understand, the only magick users left in the city are in the poor quarter - atleast, the only ones who'd see you. The Priest-types have some form of it, but that's not want you want, now is it? You want battle magick, don't you?" She barely waited for a response before continuing. "You can't go there alone, though, so I'll walk with you for a time... and tell about Yirimeer the Red," she said. "If that's agreeable to you."
[color=#000000][i]"What of the soul was left, I wonder, when the kissing had to stop?"[/i]
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Post by Haikan »

Haikan's heart sped up as she corrected her built-in whorish response. This is a good girl. I should bring her along with me when we go. The adhiel followed her lead, and he nodded his head as she explained the magickal situation in the city. She was right about battle magick. Haikan had no reason to look into spiritual magick of Dominicus, what he needed was magick to aide the battlefield and the heroes who fight alongside him. He felt that it was fate that he ran into her here. This was no ordinary girl, he was sure.

"You are correct. Battle-Magick is what I require in order to supplement my legion. Please- do tell about Yimmer the Red."
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Post by Ashari »

"Yeer-ih-meeer," she said followed directly by a session of giggles that ended abruptly with a significant snort, which she delicately covered with a hand by way of covering her mouth and nose. "Yirimeer, the Red," she continued. "Was a great magician - a weilder of fires, flames and anything else that burned." Her voice took on a tender tenor, dropping to her true tone rather than the rehearsed soprano.

"He used to do spectacular shows - long before the problems with the church and the ruining of everything that couldn't be said to be given to us by great, Dominicus." There was a hint of sarcasm in Mary's voice, but she knew better than to outright suggest such. "You would've loved them, I think - great lights, bursting from his hands in arcs and streams - explosions like stars born from his very palms." The redhead was briefly lost to her own reverie, memories of music and magick, and youth, where everything was softer, easier... particularly compared with her life now, which was one of hardship.

Their pace was steady, though not fast, and they gently moved away from the city center that Haikan knew into the darker alcoves of adjacent areas of the city, not so far as he couldn't easily find his way back, but Mary's story had only just begun. "I saw them twice, in the square, and there were bards who played music that.. well.. he sort of joined with sparks so that it all went together, or so as I remember."

Miss McGregor's body moved in closer to Haikan's as she discussed the mage. "I was too young then to understand why he stopped. Much as he loved his magick, he had love of a woman much more, but there came a time - a time close to the time when he was doing those shows - where he had to make a choice, to either love her or leave her to become a great magician."

Mary's looked over to her partner. "Which would you chose - the love of your life or greatness?" She seemed quite interested in his response.
[color=#000000][i]"What of the soul was left, I wonder, when the kissing had to stop?"[/i]
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Post by Haikan »

"Yeer-ih-meer," He corrected himself. The glowing tipsy vibe was beginning to fade, but the fact remained that he really liked this girl- even if she was a prostitute. "He sounds like a good man. Someone I would be honored to learn from..." Haikan was hopeful to meet this Yirimeer, especially after hearing his story. "I have to say that if I did ever find the love of my life, I would of course choose to pursue that before anything else. I've never really been one to experience love so far in my life though. Still, I understand Yirimeer's plight and I think he did the right thing."

Haikan noticed the lady's body moving closer to his, and he put his arm around her waist, joining in her performance as a completely normal couple of people, going on a walk. "Tell me, Mary. Is Yirimeer the Red the one whom we are seeking?"
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Post by Ashari »

"That's the sad part..." Mary continued. "He didn't do the right thing." Apparently, the streetwalker wasn't quite done her tale. "He chose his magick, and became a recluse - a hermit, denying his love and not seeing anyone. The girl that he loved, who loved him back with every bit of her, died of a broken heart just a tenday later and Yirimeer never forgave himself, knowing full well that it was his fault." Mary gave an eloquent sigh.

"It's been many yahren since then, and we'd thought he'd died as well, perhaps the guilt eating him right up, but when the church men went door-to-door and started removing the people they considered pagans, he made sure they wouldn't bother him again by summoning a great dragon of fire, and the priests ran away saying it was the work of the Nether - I heard about it from one of the girls who was working down that way, she said they scrambled away like seeds from a milkweed."

The dimunitive redhead was able to steer him further into the depths of the city, and as Haikan asked if Yirimeer was their destination she nodded. "I can take you to his house, but I can't say that he'll want to talk to you. It's a better lot than most would get for asking for magick." Having run out of things to say about Yirimeer, atleast for the time being, she drew quiet and continued their traversing, allowing Haikan to strike up further conversating should he like to do more than walk in silence.
[color=#000000][i]"What of the soul was left, I wonder, when the kissing had to stop?"[/i]
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Post by Haikan »

"That's a shame... I suppose I've never experienced true love, or the control of magick, so I can't aptly make a level judgement. Still, it sounds sad to me." He sighed, Mary's tone being somewhat contagious. His face boldened however when she mentioned that he may not want to talk to him.

"I'm certain that if I explain my situation, somebody who loves magick as much as him will want to pass the torch, if you know what I mean." A small half-smile formed on his face, and he felt confident in his purpose.

"From what I've heard, a magician takes pride in nothing before taking on a student. Somebody to continue their work and share their art." He would follow her all the way to Yirimeer's living place, ready to respond to anything that she might say.
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Post by Ashari »

"Me neither - on both," Mary agreed. "Though, if I had the choice, I'd go with the magick." She was a practical young woman after all, and love didn't pay taxes or put food on the table, but magick could. "I'm not even sure I believe in love, but magick I've seen." Suppose I never will. Romance didn't factor into the equation of Mary's life, as it was destined to be a short one, likely ended by any number of disasterous diseases as a result of her profession.

"Hehe, pass the torch - I get it," she giggled. Their progress was well enough, and after another thirty burns, turning a corner, Mary piped up in the quiet. "We're getting close.. it's one of these." Her steps became less sure, as they wandered into an area of the city even she wasn't as familiar with. "It's brick..." Her blue eyes flicked through the dimming light for the proper outline. Many of the buidings here were made of wood slats with stone supports, but not entire bricking.

"For you, I hope you are able to talk him into it," she commented, while concentrating on the buildings. Most were abandoned and showed signs of it by borded up windows and dark interiors - that was, until the road curved a bit and they were brought down a new lane where no buildings were boarded, though still as ramshackle, and a large two-story brick house stood above the rest of the single level homes. "That'd be it, then." There was no light inside it, either.

Almost as soon as she'd spotted it, though, Mary became aware of movement further down the road, and clutched tightly to Haikan. "Come on." Once more she was pulling him into an entrance of a building, a small overhang roof giving them over to deep shadows.
[color=#000000][i]"What of the soul was left, I wonder, when the kissing had to stop?"[/i]
-- Robert Browning. [/color][size=75][i]Avatar by: [url=]vyrl[/url][/i][/size]
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Post by Haikan »

"Well, when I've seen both, I suppose then I'll make my judgement." The captain kept quiet for the rest of their journey, until he also saw the movement further down. He silently followed as she pulled him into the shadow. He didn't say a word, he only observed. What's this? He wondered. Is that Yirimeer? Or is it something else? If it's Yirimeer I could approach him now, but then again it would be ideal to meet with him within closed walls... Wait! If he's in trouble I can help him and then he'll have to teach me! Two green eyes peered out from the shadows, and two sharp elvish ears twitched with anticipation to examine the goings-on.
Last edited by Haikan on Wed Oct 01, 2008 12:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ashari »

There was more than one figure moving down Willow Lane, the road upon which they'd walked. Infact, it was another couple, and while they'd been fairly quiet before now, their volume raised enormously the closer they drew. Mary, meanwhile, pressed up to Haikan again, her body enveloping the space between them as if it hadn't ever existed. "Shhhh..." She whispered with only the hint of a sound issuing from her lips. Don't see us, fellas... just keep on keeping on. Mary, though not devote, found herself praying, and not to a god - certainly not Dominicus - but to the only thing she'd ever found security in, herself.

The men carried things that looked like sticks and were passing between them a clay jug that gleamed brightly thanks to it's reflective exterior. "Hahaha! Ya boy!" The light caught a metalic flare from one of the things they carried and marked it as a scyth at the hip of one of the strangers. Another voice chimed in, over the laughter and rolicking good time. "Hahah-eh.. hey! Hey there, what's that then, a lost mouse?" The pair stopped in line with the somewhat obscured couple.

Mary, bravely, stepped up before giving Haikan a chance to respond. "Ain't nothin fer you, just a girl doing her job is all. No reason to be getting busy in a fair deal."

The leading stranger returned: "Haha!" His laughter having taken on eery familiarity already in it's desolate desperation. "That so? If you're making money then Cedric ought to be getting a cut, girl..and I know where Cedric plans on getting his cut from." He leered at her for-sale-sign breasts with the hunger of an unfed beast. His partner in crime remained quiet.
[color=#000000][i]"What of the soul was left, I wonder, when the kissing had to stop?"[/i]
-- Robert Browning. [/color][size=75][i]Avatar by: [url=]vyrl[/url][/i][/size]
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Post by Haikan »

Haikan was sober at this point, but he understood Mary's reasoning for pressing up against him in such a fashion. Is she just looking for an excuse to hold me..? No, I would probably have done the same thing I suppose. A bit more tactfully maybe... He watched and listened carefully as the two strangers obnoxiously sauntered through the streets, most likely disturbing everybody on the block.

He didn't mind so much, until they began to hoot at Mary. Something strange happened within him. He felt, almost possessive of her, at the very least protective. The adhiel captain was just about to exercise his charisma and request the men to stand down, when to his surprise, Mary stood up for herself.

"Ain't nothin fer you, just a girl doing her job is all. No reason to be getting busy in a fair deal."

She really shouldn't hint at such things... I would never get involved with business of such a nature...

The first thoughts that came to his mind were in defense of his principles, but then he began to worry about Mary's safety. These folks aren't looking to buy flowers from this girl... If Haikan didn't do something, Mary McGregor would probably get hurt, and he wasn't about to let a scrap happen to somebody who was unequipped to defend themselves. The red-haired adhiel was going to have to come to her aid.

He actually began to grow a bit angry, and his left hand squeezed the hilt of his sword. He squinted at the two men with an almost contemptual glare, but then he regained his composure. Haikan would not judge these men, but he was perfectly willing to defend Mary and anyone else to whom these boys might bring suffering. He cleared his throat and he stepped out of the shadows, with a casual look on his face- so not to betray his emotional status by revealing his anger, and so he would not look mocking with a grin.

Calmly, but clearly the captain spoke up in a somewhat authoritative tone after they were finished cackling. "I'm going to have to ask you to leave her alone. Her business does not involve you. It would be most kind of you to move along and continue what you were doing." He then raised an eyebrow, awaiting their reply. He may have seemed like nothing more than a confident diplomat, but he was in all actuality, fully prepared to draw his sword and fight these men, if he had to.

"What do you say, gentlemen?"
Last edited by Haikan on Wed Oct 01, 2008 3:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ashari »

"Most kind? Hahahahahahah," the first man, the leader, laughed heartily. shaking his head at Haikan's flowery vocabulary. His co-menacer joined him, their merriment carrying through the open abandoned streets and bouncing off the walls with alarming clarity. They had no fear of anyone hearing them. Cedric had no reason to fear anyone. He was built like a whip - tall and thin, but just as strong with sinewy muscles that could snap in a scrap. He didn't appear to carry any sort of weapon, but his short burly friend did.

Mary, on the other hand, couldn't help moving slightly aside as the young man's hand sought his blade, the hilt of which was cool to the touch. "I wouldn't..." She whispered, but the leader saw her lip movement.

"Telling secrets, lovie? Secrets don't make friends - you ought to know that!" His voice cut through the warm night's air. "I don't appreciate it,"

"Yeah," his friend joined in. "Yeah, Ceds don't like that girlie, but I see something I bet he does." The yes-man, a squat fellow compared to his counterpart, grinned while appraising Mary's displayed assets, and gave over to more laughter, only to have it stifled by a sharp look from Cedric himself.

"You either pay in coin or in skin," Cedric said and watched them both closely. "If it be in skin, it's your choice whether it's fighting or loving," here, he looked at Mary and she put on a sneer that proved her revulsion toward the ruffian.
[color=#000000][i]"What of the soul was left, I wonder, when the kissing had to stop?"[/i]
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Post by Haikan »

"Mary! It's okay, don't worry about me." Haikan assured the girl. "I've been in this sort of situation before, you just worry about your own safety." He gestured for her to get behind him, and he returned a confident grin to Cedric.

I'm not going to let them hurt you, Mary. If something happened to you... You wouldn't be able to turn your life around for the better. Someday you'll have a job you like, and self-respect, and who knows? You may find the one person you love, as Yirimeer had. When that day comes, I'll know that we did the right thing.

She was worried about him. He felt as though they were closest of friends after realizing this. Whatever her reasons, she was worried about him, and he wasn't going to let her down. He was not angry at Cedric or his friend, but he was not going to let them hurt either Mary or himself this night. It was likely that they needed a lesson in good morals. With a heroic half smile on his face, and his brow furrowed, he spoke up to Cedric.

"You should be more respectful of other people, Cedric. Mary has her own rights, and you should mind yours." He pulled a circlet out of his satchel with his right hand. He tossed it at Cedric.

"That's for the girl. If you still have a problem with it..."

He took one step back and he drew his schlaeger in a grand motion, with it ending in front of him. He donned his favorite pose. His forefoot was barely touching the ground, and his weight was focused on his hindfoot. His right arm was raised over his head and behind him, balancing out his sword which was in his left hand diagonally extended toward the two men. It is a pose that looks just for show, but in actuality is the reliable counter-attack position that his father Joshua taught him, which he has used so many times to defend himself from multiple foes.

Father, if you were here today you would be proud of me. Once again... I am going to fight for the good. Look after me, father, and may my judgements be fair.

"I suggest you start respecting people more, Cedric. If you just can't do that, it would be wise of you to take your money and leave."
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Post by Ashari »

Cedric's dark eyes narrowed to slits as Haikan tossed the money at him - as if he were the common whore.

The actual prostitute, on the other hand, did what she did best, and that was doing what she was told. Mary stepped behind Haikan and allowed him to protect her, even though she had a strong streak of independence that urged her to mouth off to Cedric and his boy. The fiery redhead managed to compose herself and not act upon instinct. That, she figured, was doing her valiant hero a bit of a favor.

"I'll teach you a thing or two about respect," Cedric said, and gave an inelegant elbow nudge to his friend, who was quick to pull his own blade. It was short - shorter than Haikan's, but what it lacked in length it made up for via it's fancy blade that had a wave to it.

The un-named miscreant hefted his sword offensively, but didn't yet strike. Instead, he took on a similar, if opposing, defensive stance with feet shoulder width apart and a sneer to match it. "I want you to take off yer coat," Cedric said over his fighter's shoulder as he took a step back similar to Mary. "I should like to wear it after he kills you, and I wouldn't want any blood on such fine fabric." It was an insult, threat and demand all rolled into one simple package.

Meanwhile, the stockily built menace took a sudden step forward, his blade arcing through the air in a sideward motion with aim toward Haikan's left arm. His footwork was clumsy, but his weight was well behind the thrust.
[color=#000000][i]"What of the soul was left, I wonder, when the kissing had to stop?"[/i]
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Post by Haikan »

The captain ignored Cedric's insults, and he maintained the confident look on his face. "There will be no fatal blood spilled tonight, I'm afraid." These two are guided by arrogance and selfishness. I seriously doubt there is anything they could teach me of respect... Instead of retorting with cocky claims of grandeur, he meditated on his principles, to assure his cause, and strengthen his blade. Father, this battle is for you. For honor, and respect of common people everywhere... "Mary, just make sure you don't get hurt!" He shouted for her safety, and he held his stance.

He analyzed the opponent that he faced before he was charged. This goon looks strong, but poorly trained. Even still, I'd better not take him lightly. Haikan had no intention of killing either of these men. He hoped however, that they would learn a lesson today, and maybe their evil ways would change.

The spirited captain calmly waited for the man to attack, and as soon as he did, he swiftly whipped his rapier upward to slide the henchman's blade up. Instead of trying to match the man's strength by clashing blades, he simply attempted to guide it up and over his head. As he did this parry maneuver, he ducked and forcefully thrust his leg forward to kick the hench square in the lower stomach. His red hair flew up from the speed of his crouching, and he balanced himself with his right hand. He intended to use the added force of the croney's charging assault to increase the impact of his swift attack, hopefully knocking the wind out of him and pushing him back.
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