Enterance Thread for Kaitlin Jade

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Enterance Thread for Kaitlin Jade

Post by rhoddin »

The soft brush of the salty air finally wakes you up. There is sand between your fingers. You're on a beach! The rushing sound of the gentle waves breaking a few yards from where you lay sprawled on the sand confirms your suspicions. Your mind is empty and you have absolutely no clue how you landed here.

As you look around you see the beach is empty, except for yourself. In the distance some gigantic crabs scurry away. Your eyes kid you not, they are indeed as big as pigs, with vicious claws to match. But they seem more scared of you than you are of them.

In between the gentle dunes, with fair tops of waving seagrass that mark the end of the beach you notice a small path. At the beginning of the path you see several items on the ground, shining metal sparkling in the sunlight. A small awkwardly written notice, which strangely enough even the illiterate can read says

"Please leave all weapons here. Beyond this point the gods will provide."
Kaitlin Jade

Post by Kaitlin Jade »

Kaitlin sat on a fallen tree trunk and pulled off her boots. She shook the grit, sand and dust from then and stretched her toes in the cool evening air. She had been on the road all day since leaving home and she had camped for the night in a hollow in a small wooded copse. A cheery fire was now burning brightly and, thanks to some luck with her bow, the skillet was bubbling away with the remains of what had been a very enjoyable rabbit stew. She sat quietly and gave thanks to the Gods for good fortune with her bow, and good weather for her camp. She also prayed for guidance on her journey, whatever it may bring.

She added more wood to the fire and lay down on her cloak. The stars twinkled between small clumps of slow moving cloud, she gaze dup at them and wondered idly if her mother had ever done this? Staring into the face of Father Heaven, Lying on the back of Mother Earth she felt very serene, her eyes slowly started to droop as sleep overcame her, all thoughts of the future, for a moment, set aside.


Blinking in the sunlight Kat sat up and gazed in wonder at her unfamiliar surroundings. Being a Midlander, she had rarely seen the sea and her eyes were wide taking in the enormity of the ocean, the beauty of the beach, the sound of the waves and the fascinating, and yet strangely unthreatening animals. She did not feel alarm, the only logical conclusion was that her silent prayers had been answered. The gods had intervened directly and brought her here for some purpose of their own. She stood and gathered her things. Intrigued by the crabs she stepped towards them wondering at their size, their hard shells and fearsome pincers. They skittered away at her approach and she chuckled.

“Fear not my armour clad friends. I am sure you could do more damage to me with those wicked claws than I could do you!”

Still smiling she turned around and gathered her things. Certain now that she knew where she was. Oracle’s Isle. It could only be, just as the books in Uncle Vannon’s library had described. She did not know why she was not unsettled or afraid at the magical events which had whisked her here, all she knew was she felt alive, and that soon, she may receive some of the answers she sought.

She hoisted her pack over her shoulders and picked up her Longbow and quiver. She then headed for the path. She frowned at first at the litter of assorted blades wondering at such things being left lying around, then she saw the sigh and gave a soft ‘ah!’ Of course, here of all places she would not need weapons.

She considered the wording of the sign and mentally sifted her inventory. Her bow would have to stay her eon the sand alongside the arrows, she felt a momentary pang of loss as this bow had been a present for her sixteenth birthday, but she pushed the thought away and gently placed the bow on the ground. She remembered something her Aunt used to tell her ‘In all things there is sacrifice kitling, but if you follow your heart, it will always work out right.’ Smiling at the memory she nodded as she lay the arrows beside the bow. Next she placed her eating knife down, although it was not really a weapon in any real sense she felt that it could be used as such and should be left behind as well.

She knelt before the items she had placed at the side of the path and sent a softly spoken prayer to the Gods. ‘Accept these offerings as thanks for your faith in bringing me here, may I serve you as well as these have served me.’

Then, standing, she took a deep breath and set forth along the path and into the future.
Last edited by Kaitlin Jade on Sat May 08, 2004 3:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Post by rhoddin »

As Kaitlin walked up the path many before had trod, she passed by the same large fields. In the distance there were well tended fields, replete with crops gently swaying in the mild breeze that swept the Isle. Although she could see people working, she like those before her, felt herself drawn along the path, and could not veer away to investigate these fields, or the attendant farmers.

Soon she found herself approaching a collection of white buildings. The path ended on a dusty square, in front of what was clearly the centrepiece of the settlement, if one could call it that. The entrance, marked by two huge marble pillars, had no doors, only a deep, inviting darkness, that pulled at her very soul to enter, in fact Kaitlin found the pull of the entrance almost unbearable.
Kaitlin Jade

Post by Kaitlin Jade »

as Kaitlin walked along the path she felt an indefinable something reaching out to her, instinctively she followed the tugging at her soul as she walked through the cluster of buildings. A darkened doorway was open just ahead, inviting her inside. She could not even think of resisting that pull. She felt divine purpose at work, drawing her to an uncertain future. One step after another she drew ever closer, eyes wide, nervous, and yet strangly excited, almost expectant.

For the first time in a long while she felt that she was just where she was supposed to be doing just what she was meant to be doing. peace and calm enfolded her as she stepped into the darkened doorway......

Post by rhoddin »

As Kaitlin stepped into the hall her eyes were drawn to the middle of the temple, where light fell in through the roof. There was a pool right under it, sparkling in the sunlight.

As her eyes adjusted to the darkness she saw four small channels run away from the pool, where overflow water would be easily drained.

At the far end of the pool a large decorative construction hung over the pool, almost like an aquaduct. Darker in colour than the rest of the stone, there was a suggestion that water flowed regularly from its top, about ten metres high.

But not now. Everything was quiet, hushed, waiting....
Kaitlin Jade

Post by Kaitlin Jade »

Kaitlin stared in wonder at the inside of the temple. She felt completely at ease in this hooly place. She knew that, right now, nothing could hurt her. She gazed at the pool of flowing water and wondered briefly at it's meaning. Considering, she was acutely aware of dust on her clothes and sand on her hands and knees and in her boots.

Without really knowing why she slipped off her clothes, shaking them out in the doorway, it did not cross her mind to be self conscious in this sacred place, it somehow seemed fitting that she be naked and clean before she faced whatever lay ahead.

She untied her long hair from it's braid and shook out the bronze locks. Then she stepped towards the pool and dipped a delicate toe into the water. A few seconds later she got in and washed the dirt, sand and dust from her pale skin, delighting in the feel of the water and the joy of being clean. She lay back in the water and immersed her head swirling her head to let the water soak every strand of hair. She was aware of the deep, almost reverential silenced and sat in the pool, considering what might happen next.......

Post by rhoddin »

Sitting quietly in the cool waters of the pool, Kaitlin noted the blue mosaic tiles that lined the pool, swirling in geographic forms beneath the surface of the stilling water.

The water was probably about half a human's height, making it comfortable for bathing, the solemn atmoshpere not stopping her from bathing, but seeming to offer her solace?

Feeling the warmth of the wan sun on her face in contrast to the cool water of the pool, Kaitlin heard a gurgling sound, and within seconds water streamed down from the decorative structure with such force as to create a strong waterfall. The along with a gentle mist of water, the rush of sound filled her ears and it was as if just beyond her capability of hearing a thousand voices filled her head.
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