Martinello's Adventure Begins.

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Martinello's Adventure Begins.

Post by Martinello »

The port of the Citadel was clearly added later, after the ancient ones finished building the city. It forms a small section just outside the concentric circles that form the city, with docks and warehouses dominating its looks. This port is the main port of the entire Empire, hence all tradehouses have their headquarters here.

There are, of course, several shipping docks, including the infamous Outlaws’ Warf. Day in to day out, an abundance of life comes into and leaves the docks. The Docks bring the world to the Citadel and makes her economy thrive; without them the Citadel would parish. The Docks serve for many purposes. Business at the docks is like clock work and there is an almost continuous stream of traffic between them and the city.

As ships approach they are directed to a slip at which time passengers may disembark. Looking down the rows of ships, there a many different types, brigs, galleons, schooners, all proudly resting in the water waiting to sail off to the next port of call. All except one. At the front of the pier, sitting proudly at the first slip rests a ship whose keel hovers feet above the surface of the water. An airship, she proudly flies flags of the Western Kingdom, from where she is the first to journey on a mission of trade.

The gates themselves are a scene of barely controlled chaos. Peddlers, beggers, sailors, and drunkards seem to mill about with no rhyme or reason. Those who had heard of the unparallelled efficeincy of the Ceaser`s Purple Guard who ran the gate are suprised to find it now run by the Blue Tabarded City Guard. Many of the uniforms are mismatched and stained, and the guard themselves mix an air of resignation and contempt as they question each person attempting to gain entry. The area in front of the gate is nearly always croweded. Still with enough patience, or a couple of well placed elbows, it is possible to get to the front of the line.

Stepping off the gangplank Martinello threw the small knapsack containing the sum of his possessions over his shoulder jauntily. Suddenly free of the obligations that had paid for his passage he truly was his own man now. Uncertain how long ago exactly it had been since he had left home he did a quick mental calculation. If he was not much mistaken he reasoned that it must now be Samheen the 27th.

It was good to be on firm ground again, the swell of the ocean had been much more than anything he had ever experienced before. The closest he had been to a ship before this journey had been a rowboat. That had rocked to and fro as the occupants threw themselves back and forth with great vigour and racous laughter. But that didn’t compare to the way the ship seemed controlled by the sea rather than the other way round. It was still a wonder to him that the sailors had harnessed the power of the wind and sails to manoeuvre the ship in the directions they dictated.

Breathed deeply inhaled the new smells with a sense of wonderment. Everything was going be to grand. Lodgings first, a good meal, ale in that order. And then its time to spend a bit of time listening and learning to find out what’s what.

Without another thought he set off towards the gate he presumed led further into the citadel.
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Post by Grant »

The harbor of the Citadel was indeed impressive, at least in its construction alone. Once a large, docile, natural harbor, it had been extended by a short mole to the east and a long mole to the west, each designed to be effective sea walls to broaden and expand the natural harbor into one of the Empire's most serviceable ports for maritime travel. While the moles themselves made for the ideal place to tie up ships at port, those places were typically reserved for warships or local fishing vessels, leaving the bulk of the merchant marine to use the numerous piers that stretched out into the water for their use.

Passing several ships that chose to remain at anchor in the offing, Martinello's ship docked quickly alongside several other ships that clearly claimed Dort as their home port. Dort was the greatest port in the Empire in terms of actual trade volumes, of course...and so it was hardly a great surprise that Dortese vessels should be such a common sight here in the Citadel.

The bulk of the passengers aboard were also Dortese, which made things rather simple for immigration. And there was a process for immigration, though the guards that met the incoming passengers seemed largely unconcerned and uninterested in those arriving on Martinello's ship. They stopped each in turn, one at a time, asking a few brief questions before releasing them forward with a few marks in their journals. Martinello was no exception to this, and when his time came the guards nodded towards him casually and waved him forward.

"Name, sirrah. And your guild or affiliation, if you've one to declare," asked one of the blue-tabard soldiers, while five of his comrades stood on. The others offered little concern for this newcomer...clearly another dortman, and therefore above suspicion...before they turned their attention to others in the arriving party looking for those of perhaps more suspect origins...such as the West.
Maeve: It starts with ambition
Meridiuz: It ends with Grant

Post by Martinello »

Waiting his turn patiently Martinello shuffled his feet to and fro restlessly. Already the itch for pleasure above anything else was upon him. Wine, wagers or wenches, any of them would suit him admirably.

The sound of the guards voice broke through his thoughts of personal gratification. Shuffling forward automatically he offered a smile to the soldier but maintained respect in his voice when he spoke. “Sir, I go by the name Martinello and I have nothing to declare. I belong to no guild, my only affiliations is to myself at this time.”
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Post by Grant »

"Fare 'nuff," replied the guard with virtually no enthusiasm at all. And he hadn't any enthusiasm, to be truthful of it. It wasn't that Clay's job was onerous, but it was repetitive and boring now that he'd had it for several days now, and while Duncan had managed a few little 'games' to make the task more enjoyable by far, Clay simply didn't have the authority...or the mimic his superior. Still, there were some games Clay could play...though he already knew that no Dortman represented any considerable threat to the Empire.

"Wull, if ye got no affiliations or business here in the Citadel, then why are ya here, boyo?" he murmured, jerking a thumb over his shoulder to indicate the scene behind him. The Scene Behind Him was perhaps ordinary to Clay who saw it every day, but to any newcomer, it would be staggering. Imperial Way stretched up from the very harbor around them to reach northward, past no less than three curtain gates, up the hill upon which the city was constructed to the Fortress Palace at the top. The Palace was indeed the infamous Citadel, home to the Caesar of the Seven Isles (though it was well known even among the sailors and passengers of Martinello's ship that the Caesar was gone, Gods Take Him Home).

While the question might have been designed to protect the Citadel from the horrible dangers of a travelling Dortman, it was more likely that the City Guard was being nosey. After all, it was never lovely to record an entry into his immigrant journal that included nothing more than a name, a ship, and an origin. Martinello could tell that the question was more rhetorical than challenging, as the guard was already tabulating the arrival even before he asked it.
Maeve: It starts with ambition
Meridiuz: It ends with Grant

Post by Martinello »

Following the guards thumb Martinello took in the sight before him. It was no less fantastic as he had imagined from the many tales he had heard. Who wouldn’t want to be part of something like that? Sighing inwardly Martinello forced a smile to his lips, obviously the guard didn’t realise how lucky he was to live in such a place.

“I wish to make affiliations here,” he said simply, resisting the urge to add a derogatory boyo on the end of the comment. That could wait till he was safely past the checkpoint with its mundane questioning. “I wish to make the Citadel my business if I can unearth the right opportunity.” And standing here, asking such questions, obviously isn’t the type of opportunity that would suit me.
Grey Wolf
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Post by Grey Wolf »

"What you are trying to say is that you failed in Dort, and now came here to see if we were more gullible? Right?" The smirk and bored expression guard wore spoke volumes. He needed some fun. Martinello was just perfect to provide it. Harbor duty was a cushy job and Clay knew it. It just got a bit slow from time to time. Like now. When it got slow, it was Clay's wish, nay duty to make it more fun. Otherwise he would hate it. It would not do to hate something this nice.

"Don't answer that. Just give me something to write down. Like a bit of an explanation on what business you plan to start. What skills you have. I can't just write down businessman. Something, like a merchant or cobbler or shoemaker would be fine. This is simply unacceptable. I can't let you in like this. We have plenty of bums and beggars." Waving the quill about, Clay waited for Martinello to do something fun. Perhaps he gets angry. Maybe even violent. Yeah, that would make my day.
The diplomacy is the art of saying "Good dog", while you are searching for a big rock.

Post by Martinello »

OOC: Thanks for stopping by and picking this up for me. What a star! :)

Overcome by a sudden burst of national pride he never knew he possessed the newcomer looked steadily at Clay, there was nothing pleasant about it. “I don’t believe thats what I said at all,” he uttered answering the guards question nevertheless. Lowering his gaze he steadily counted to 10 beneath his breath. This was not how he had envisioned things beginning at all, and he certainly was a bum or beggar. He’d met men like this one before, all mouth and very little power. And that was the precise problem, in his experience it was men with little power that wielded it the hardest for fear of losing it.

“You want something to write down?” Now it was Martinello’s turn to smirk at the guard. As far as he was concerned what skills he did or didn’t possess weren’t the business of this oik. He gave serious consideration to declaring himself a merchant; he could barter and haggle with the best of them, even if he didn’t get the best prices. With a shake of his head he thought better of the idea. “Better make is easy for you then. How about ale taster ? Can you spell that, it’s A … L …”
Grey Wolf
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Post by Grey Wolf »

Clay was getting real bored. Were the lad before him a lass instead, he might have had more incentive to pester him. Temper growing short, that smirk almost made him lose it. However, counting to ten was not something only practiced by the newcomers. The guards knew it as well. Lucky for you Duncan ain't here. Should be bloddy thankful I am such a good fellow. Gah. Stupid foreigners. They strut here and behave all high and mighty. I'll give you something to write doooooown. Lose the accent, bub.

"Can it, fella. One more smart ass comment like that and I'll fine ya. How would you like that, boyo? Ale taster, eh? Sounds like a fancy name for a drunkard to me. But, I can write it down. There you go. Welcome to Citadel. Now, move it or lose it. Go taste some ale or something. NEXT!" That was it. Martinello was free to enter the Citadel and explore. The usual directions to the tavern and other pleasantries were skipped. After all, if he was being rude to Clay, surely Clay was under no obligation to give him directions.

OOC: Welcome to Citadel. Feel free to join one of the existing threads or to open one of your own. Bear in mind time consistency rules. You can only move forward in time. So, no joining the threads with wrong timestamps. Sorry for the delay.
The diplomacy is the art of saying "Good dog", while you are searching for a big rock.

Post by Martinello »

Smirking now to full effect Martinello nodded at the guard, there was a distinct feeling within him that he had won that one. “Have a nice day now,” he grinned, flashing his teeth to the full. And then he was moving away ready to uncover the delights that awaited him in this Citadel of wonders he had heard so much about.
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Post by Tristam »

Thread skilled!
Donald heard a mermaid sing, Susy spied an elf,
But all the magic I have known, I've had to make myself.

Shel Silverstein[/size]

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