A Building of Rooks, Chryil 22nd, Mid ET

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A Building of Rooks, Chryil 22nd, Mid ET

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While much of the City's institutions and public buildings were located under one of the three major domes dominating the center of Sabata, there were several more smaller domes that surrounded these...and two if these domes were known throughout Sabata simply as The Rookeries. Narrow, closed-in, winding streets were stifled by a dense collection of tall, bare buildings made in the most humble style, buildings that most often had two or three levels upon them despite their tiny size. The narrow slits of the dome visible above were frequently broken by boards or planks placed over the ground streets below to ease the traffic of moving bodies, a second level of traffic on the second floor of all buildings and, in some areas, the third as well. Upon entering the twin-domed borough, one was left with the impression that they had just entered a dense maze of tiny houses and a few unlicensed shops instead of a proper community of the working class.

The strong press of bodies all around...as well as above and sometimes below...gave off the powerful odour of humanity tempered only just by the dry, arid airs. The Rookeries seldom experienced a merciful breeze, so the scent lingered upon the air and followed wherever one went within. But there were also the smells of roasting lamb, boiling soups, and fragrant flowers...for while the Rookeries were overcrowded and dense, they were the home to literally thousands of the city's families, families that lived literally door-to-door with their immediate neighbors.

Of course, legend has it that there are buildings in the Rookeries that can be found only by those shown the way. That can't be too far from truth, as no ten paces in the Rookeries can be taken in a straight line. For the casual visitor, a guide is traditionally the custom...and young boys and girls waited at the entrance at all marks of the day to provide just this service for a minor fee.

As this time of day, the Rookeries were not quite the press of sweltering heat they could be. Nor were they particularly safe, Domino supposed, pausing at the foot of one of the cement pillars that ringed the edges of the domes, and considering. However, if there was a better time to seek a gathering of the poor, she would be hard pressed to think of it. Any inn or shelter within these sprawling slums ought to be an ideal place to ask questions.

She had spoken with many people of many backgrounds and many dispositions over her years as travelling charlatan, and only once had she had to resort to fleeing as a tactic. Her tongue was as sharp as her mind, if not sharper. She was not afraid, she told herself silently, feeling the heavier beat of her heart and pretending she did not. I am not afraid.

For a flicker longer Domino paused, leaning against the pillar and looking down the street at nothing, her green eyes distant. Probably, one of the children would offer to be her guide in a matter of moments. She wondered how she would feel about that. In her own ragged childhood, she'd played runner on more than one occasion, the labyrinth of streets and alleyways and aerial paths a playground of adventure well into her teenage years, an obstacle course of shifting directions and secret ways. It had seemed like a kind of magic, then, to be dust-stained master of such organised chaos.

I don't believe my mother thought so, though. She would ask why I would not wear a skirt.

With this thought to encourage her - the idea of her mother's disapproval had for many years brought steel to Domino's spine and bade her do it anyway in times of hesitation - she set her jaw and off into the Rookeries, the yellow-green coin warmly in her palm, the closest she had to a companion.
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Post by Grant »

While the Rookeries might seem perplexing and confusing in the light of day, the onset of Eveningtide made them absolutely horrifying. The tricky shadows and lack of effective lighting gave the narrow hallways, footpaths, bridges and catwalks to trick the eye, and navigation became a problem as the dome overhead grew less and less distinct or useful. In addition to this, the distant sounds of street toughs, poor mercenaries, and harlots filled the night airs, and the faint scent of opium tinged and hazed many of the streets, the bluish smoke filtering out from dens all around.

In addition to this, it was growing cold. Sabata, trapped within the desert as it was, suffered the unusual paradox of the dry weather, with days that could reach a sweltering, dizzying heat alongside nights that could freeze a person solid if they were unfortunate in where they slept. As one of the outer domes, each Rookery suffered the worst effects of the desert turri as well, with some of the higher dwellings cut by icy winds carrying the constant, tearing grain of the desert's ever-present sand.

Of course, none of that could stop the children from earning a meal for the night. The moment Domino could be seen to approach the Rookery, a small fight erupted among what few, desperate children remained for the eveningtide...and while two particularly brutish boys rolled upon the ground in combat, another lept over them and charged for Domino, sliding to a stop just before her, his breath coming short from his efforts to send his visible breath billowing out around his narrow, exotic face.

"Heffa, D'war. I am Tul'Is, and it is my pleasure to show you where you wish to go tonight," he presented himself, much to the great display of the two boys he left behind him, both of whom stopped their earth-bound struggle to gape at the smaller Tul'is in frustration. But Tul'is...pronounced tool-ees, as if he were one of the indigenous people...had no mind for them. Instead, he inspected the newcomer closely. "You have come for the sick people as well, have you not?" he guessed. It was a rare guess, but he had already shown no less than two other people to the house of death today...and he could not imagine any other reason Domino could be interested in the Rookeries.
Maeve: It starts with ambition
Meridiuz: It ends with Grant

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"Kal'essen, Tul'Is," Domino replied politely, grinning at the boy. She was not of the People herself, as any fool might guess from simply glancing at her, but you would have to be deaf and stupid to grow up in Sabata without picking up a thing or two. "No, I have not come for the sick people - at least, I think not. Tell me, do you recognise this?"

Squatting so that she was closer to his height and eye-level, Domino held up the strange, yellow-green coin between finger and thumb. She turned it slightly, letting the kid see both sides of it. While she immediately liked the boy in the same way she immediately liked most people, with the added bonus that he reminded her a little of herself at his age... scruffy hair and smudged face and everything... she would not let Tul'Is hold the coin. It should be enough that he could merely look, and the thing was the only evidence she had to go on at present. She did not wish to lose it so soon.

"Have you any idea where I might find another...? Or perhaps you have seen many of these around, recently? I am looking for one who might tell me more of these counterfeits. Don't worry," She smiled, "I have real coin with which to pay a helpful guide."
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"You are looking for the sick people," declared Tul'is when his eyes turned to the green-tinged coin. He backed away from Domino with one shaky step, his words as uncertain as his feet. "It is said he who carries such a coin will suffer the Rambles," advised the boy...an urban rumor that he had heard only a few marks ago. "You must throw away this coin or you will be given to suffer."

Behind the guide, the larger pair of boys stepped forward, suddenly curious about the exchange between the visitor and the small, spare Tul'is. They also caught sight of the coin, though they did not react as poorly, clearly interested.

"If you do not believe me, I will show you those who brought these coins with them. If they still live," added Tul'is, mindless of the approaching boys behind him. "Perhaps they will have another of these coins? This may be, but also it may be that they are dead already."
Maeve: It starts with ambition
Meridiuz: It ends with Grant

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...the Rambles...? And whatever is that...?

For a moment, Domino hesitated, which was very unlike her. The boy's words gave her pause, for they were a piece of the puzzle she could not yet make fit, and she was no longer quite sure she wanted to follow him. The long and labyrinthian shadows of the Rookeries seemed doubly imposing now that it seemed she might go to an infirmary rather than an inn... and the sick in such places did not suffer luxury. It could not possibly be safe, this course of action. Nothing about this smacked of safe.

One cannot catch plague from metal. And I do not believe in bad luck. She reassured herself, harshly. Think, girl. Stop being so superstitious. There is nothing logical about superstition.

Abruptly, Domino came to a decision. Holding the coin carefully, she covered it with her other hand with a flat-handed sweeping motion, and very deliberately disappeared it before Tul'Is' eyes, palming the thing sleevewards and removing the object of fear from his sight.

"It is gone. And now, we go." She nodded, having chosen her course. "Take me to see these people, beshi. The dead do not speak, so it is better we arrive there soon, and not hesitate." With these words she straightened and shouldered her pack, ready if not happy to follow the boy deep in to the shadowy maze of the Rookeries, and deeper in to this mystery.
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Post by Grant »

Nodding, the boy turned and motioned down the narrow street further into the Rookery...if indeed it could be called a street at all, for it was seldom more than the width of a hallway, with some points too narrow for two people to pass easily. While a few of these paths were arrow-straight, bisecting the paired boroughs since their earliest days, they accessed very little of the buildings contained...and once these central paths were departed, there was little in the way of navigation one could use beyond the dome above...when one could actually see the dome amid the towering, leaning buildings and bridges that crowded overhead.

Not that Tul'is minded at all. While the boy couldn't know all of the Rookeries well...no one could...he knew his own neighborhood, which included the house Domino sought. It was near the Wind Wall, towards the back of the dome...though buildings never touched the Wind Wall itself, as great drifts of sand collect against both sides of the frequently-repaired construct, making construction nearby difficult and expensive. The Wind Walls of Sabata weren't made for defense from armies...and in many places, they could be scaled easily...but they protected the street levels of Sabata from the desert turri and the scathing grit they carried.

The path Tul'is chose for them might have been elevated had it been earlier in the day, but at this tide, the paths were as clear as they might ever be. For this reason, he dashed down the central bisect and then slipped off of it, past the central well of the borough...and into the winding maze beyond. It would have been hopeless for Domino to remember or recall her way in the Rookeries...each building looked quite similar to the next...and so she quickly lost her way amid a myriad of twists, turns, and even a few shortcuts through inhabited buildings.

"It is just there, d'war," murmured Tul'is as he rounded a corner. He pointed towards a building at the end of the tiny path, a pointless motion given that the gloom of eveningtide occluded this particular alleyway into near total darkness. Still, Domino could only just see the building he indicated, for the mud and clay building was marked in dark symbol upon it's door, a symbol that (while not well-known) could only mean Plague. "I see no light within, lady. I will beg your gratitude before you enter, for Tul'is will go no further," he declared stoically, holding out his palm to Domino expectantly.
Maeve: It starts with ambition
Meridiuz: It ends with Grant

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"Of course," Domino nodded, her eyes on the door and its ominous symbol. She tried very hard not to let her apprehension show, for it was not apprehension she felt prepared to admit to herself, let alone to other people. Superstition was weakness, and such nonsense as that was not acceptable.

There is nothing to be afraid of. You are being a fool. A coin can curse nobody... but... if there really is disease...? That is no curse at all, but real danger. Perhaps...

After a moment, she managed to find money and pressed a lance into Tul'Is' small, grubby palm. It was probably a bit overgenerous, but the kids in the Rookeries used this money to eat, and she would not see the enterprising young boy go hungry. Besides, it was an excellent way to make a new friend. The next time she had cause to visit the Rookeries, Tul'Is would remember her. "Take care of yourself, beshi," the alchemist instructed, seriously, "And thank you for your help."

Perhaps Tul'Is would wait for her, to help her find her way out of this maze once more - and perhaps he would not. Either way, the trail of these mysterious coins lead here, and Domino was not a girl to quit halfway because of her own fear. Fear would not have a person experimenting with potentially dangerous substances routinely, and Domino had accidentally exploded more than her fair share of things, in her time. Curiousity could be a harsh mistress.

Still, she hesitated outside the door, her eyes resting on the ominous symbol. After a moment's pause she fumbled in her bag for the piece of cloth she usually used to tie back her hair, and in a moment of pure paranoia, tied the thing around her face, covering her mouth and nose. Such a precaution would probably not help, but it gave her courage enough, at least, to push the door open and step inside.
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"So you will do so for Her?" spat an enraged voice from within the plague house. "Foolishness! How dare you!"

Just inside the door, Domino encountered darkness...but she could tell that a man stood just before her, just on the other side of the door which, curiously enough, opened outward upon leather hinges that were still strong and pliant, as if the make-shift door had been placed recently. The man's labored, concentrated breathing and wheezing amid his venomous, anxious words made him somewhat simple to evaluate. He was young, but uncertain. Anxious and angry, but not impatient. He was not considerably taller than Domino herself, and he must have been a small man, his labored breathing sucking air into modestly-sized lungs.

He was not alone. Another pair of lungs could be heard to suck at the air through moist, drooling lips, one that was further within and off to Domino left...and by the sound of the poor creature, those lungs belonged to a person lying upon the floor and struggling to keep said lungs working. The figure moaned softly...and coughed softly...as if he or she had no further effort to do either properly.

Little more than a silhouette to her eyes, the man directly before Domino continued to fume and spit his rage in her general direction from the darkness just within. "I will kill you. Yes! I will kill you!" declared the man simply, as if he were deciding what he would like to drink at the local cantina.
Maeve: It starts with ambition
Meridiuz: It ends with Grant

Post by Guest »

Usually, Domino was a very sensible girl who dealt with any persons she might come across with words; at five foot and three inches with a generous hourglass figure of curves, not muscles, she was not built for fighting and not inclined towards it either. It seemed to her a very unecessary and potentially painful way to resolve problems, one she had taken pains to avoid in the past. She was completely unarmed, and preferred to talk her way out of trouble if it was at all possible. However, the man who advanced in her direction from the darkness sounded, if such a thing were possible, terminally unbalanced. It did not take her long to reach a decision.

So she kicked him. Squarely, and directly in the balls. It was dark, and it would be hard to judge the kick precisely, but she put enough force behind it that it should be enough to discourage her potential attacker for at least a flicker or two, and allow her eyes to adjust to the lack of light sufficiently that her second kick - only delivered if it was needed - would be well aimed.

Still in the doorway, she might flee if necessary. But Angelica Cole had not raised a coward, and Domino had not come all this way to run away, questions unanswered. If her kick hit home, she might have plenty of time to question the crazed man... once he had recovered his voice sufficiently to speak, of course.
Last edited by Guest on Mon Jun 11, 2007 1:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Grant »

While Domino couldn't tell just where her kick landed, she knew it had landed, at the very least...and while it had to hurt, the man before her didn't respond in any reasonable fashion. Thump.

"Gah! Kzaohck!" gasped the little man as he crumpled heavily to the floor somewhere in the darkness, presumably back to a hard, earthen floor. "May you find No Shade!" gasp "May your families be damned for five generations!..."

"Has shaman come again?" awoke the other inhabitant, to Domino's left, his words rasping out through wet, mucose lungs. He began to weep even before he spoke.

"...May your loins run as dry as all the wells you would ladle!" Gasp, rasp.

"Shaman, I have gone blind! I cannot see...why can I not see?"

"This woman is not shaman! She is kzaohck! She has come to beat us and rob us of our medicines!"


The rickety door behind Domino swung shut and bounced against the doorway imperfectly, though it mattered very little as far as lighting could be concerned. Her eyes adjusted only grudgingly, and so far she could only make out the door behind her and a string of modest, fresh fish handing just beside her head, by the door.

"No! Not our medicines! Nooo! Did not shaman say that the door would keep all away from us?!?"

"Door is a lecherous kzaohck, too!" gasp "It has opened for her, and so she will beat us and take our medicines!"

"Nooo!" gasps and sobs. "Kill her, Henni! Kill her or we will surely die..." trails off sobbing
Maeve: It starts with ambition
Meridiuz: It ends with Grant

Post by Guest »

"...gentlemen..." Domino murmured, trying to interrupt the incessant flow of their dislocated conversation, one man cursing her to the very Nether and the other weeping for his medicine. She felt the door shut behind her with a shudder, the darkness intense, and her fear of whatever disease these men carried causing her breath the come fast. Inside her makeshift facemask, all she could smell was heat, and herself. "...excuse me...?" As one of them began to sob, her heart broke for him - his hacking, phlemy voice so ravaged. She did not have time to think on it, though; rather she acted. She spoke.

"STOP!" Domino stomped one foot heavily on the ground, hoping to make them shut up for five flickers together. "Please! My name is Domino Cole. I'm an alchemist and... and sometime healer." At least that is a half truth... perhaps if they learn my name they will fear me less? "I am not here to steal anything that is yours, least of all your medicines. Please, remain calm. I..." She hesitated, the lie on her lips unbidden, and then bit back her fear and said it anyway. "I am here to help you."

Yes. I will attempt to help you, and perhaps you will help me in return? The first step is for you to trust me, and then we shall see what you tell me for my trouble.

"You would not kill one who has come to help, would you?" Into the darkness she spoke, her voice steady and firm but her hands shaking. Her fingers wrapped tight around the strange green-yellow coin, slipped from her sleeve and into her palm softly and squeezed so tightly inside her flesh that it would leave a mirrored imprint upon her skin.
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"No no no no no no no no no! Only death comes from this darkness, Henni! The Mosquito Demons have sent her, and she has come to turn out our guts and feed upon them!" wailed the prostrate form off into the darkness to Domino's left. His words were slurred and weak, without the crisp precision that the raving madman before her had. If she had to guess, Domino might have been given to believe the prostrate man to her left could be drunk. "You must drive her away! Oh, Great Mother, make her go away....sob"

"You come from Hell to bring us back!" accused the rising form of the man Domino had struck, his words still forced between gasps of pain. "You have come because we have dared to steal your cursed coins. But we will not go back! I will scream until others come to see you, and you will be beaten! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaah!"

"Ow! Ow ow ow ow ow..." complained the voice to her left, clearly upset by the noise.

With her eyes somewhat more adjusted, a few small, empty bottles could be seen just near Domino's left foot, upon the packed, earthen ground just near the doorway. Were she to inspect them at all, she would recognize the very same bottling Zhanna the Apothecar uses for her poppy extract...the alcoholic tincture of laudanum. While one might argue that laudanum was not an ideal treatment for insanity, its curative powers were indeed quite extensive.

Next to them was a lamp that smelled of crude oil, with a flax wick still in place. The lamp resembled a small teapot, though it stood taller than it was wide and made of simple pottery or ceramics. While there were no immediate signs of a striker or starter, at least she knew that there was a lamp in the room.

Finally, she could not just make out the shape of the creature before her...the insane man that had recently threatened to kill either her or the door (each a likely option given the man's insanity). His shape was nothing like any human should be, with a hunched back, uneven shoulders, and shaking, palsied movements as if he were extremely older than his youthful voice gave him to sound. It was not the silhouette of a human being.
Maeve: It starts with ambition
Meridiuz: It ends with Grant

Post by Guest »

...cursed coins...? Cursed coins? That is what Tul'Is said of them...

Domino gathered her wits quickly; it was impossible to tell if the insane man-creature's screams would indeed summon any others to this place, or if these others were just another creation of his fragmented mind. Her ears rang in the aftermath of his scream, her head spinning with it.

"It is this you speak of, isn't it?" She held the thing up, wishing there were better light to see by - the coin glinted dully in the darkness. Domino would have lit the lamp, except that she had no flint and tinder upon her person and besides, such an exercise would taken longer than the flickers she wished to spend in the presence of these people. The young alchemist had a will of steel, but these men frightened her more than she could describe.

"Tell me where it is from. Tell me where you saw this last! If you tell me at once, I will leave." Her hands were shaking, but her voice was not - and as best she could in the darkness, she fixed her eyes upon the hunched manthing before her. Her lips were set in a thin, determined line. I will not be thwarted in this. I need to know...
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"Hell! It is from HELL!" gasped out the form to Domino's left, though it was only a miracle that he could hear her questions at all amid the sudden, insane screeching. "Leave so he will stop screaming!"


"Hell is the Moon! It is in the moon...the moon in Great Desert, where the Mosquitos gave us to dig for cup, plate, coin, and stone! We have escaped Hell...the turri blew us to the coast...and we followed this coast to the City! I know of nothing else! This is all we have ever known! Oh, please...GO AWAY!" whimpered the prostrate form amid the hoarse, constant shriek of the insane man before her. "Soon enough, the Mosquito Demons will find us...and they will drink our blood and turn our breath to black and give our limbs to shake and our bowels to fall away. You must go before they arrive! GO NOW!"

"Inside! Do you live?" interrupted the voice of another man outside the hut. Called within, the voice was loud and firm, carrying no touch of insanity upon it...and his could only just be heard over the screaming within that simply would not cease. "Are you well? Are you unhurt?"
Maeve: It starts with ambition
Meridiuz: It ends with Grant

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Domino's eyes moved quickly, flicking back and forth in the darkness, her lips moving as she processed this information, insubstantial as it was. ...hell? The moon? The desert... and you dug for this. Is it ancient horde? Forgotten treasure...? Is it a mine, as I suspected...? You followed the coast...

"Ahh!" She jumped at the sound of another voice, this one from immediatly behind her, on the other side of the solid door that she found had somehow pressed up against her back comfortingly, the way a cat suddenly appeared to wind its way around your ankles and purr. It was only now that she realised just how frightened she was, and how vulnerable - for a moment, she feared that this voice was the Mosquito Demon of which the madmen spoke, that truly some horror had trapped her here in the darkness. In her momentary fear, she dropped the coin, and with a small noise of desperation scrabbled around in the dark for it, probing for it with nervous, hurried fingers.

Enough! Leave it... get out!

Abandoning it with a small noise of frustration and misery, she pulled at the door, hoping to escape the small, dank confines of this sick house and out into the fresh night air. "I am well, I am unhurt! Let me out!" Domino's voice sounded - and she was mildly disgusted at herself - weak and small in the darkness, wavering in fear. "I live! Let me out!"
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"...go go go go go go go go go go go go..." continued the catatonic voice off into the dwelling somewhere, his weak and feeble protests drowned away by the screaming of his companion as well as the thin, palsied hands into which he buried his face.

Scrambling around on the floor, Domino's hands capered into the lamp, a few bottles, her dropped coin, and a few curious, almost jagged rocks that she couldn't see but felt not unlike quartz or salt crystal. The door pulled open to reveal the silhouette of a man standing just beyond, though he held no light in his hands. "Come, come!" he barked, expecting to see some physician that had wandered within and instead seeing the backside of a young lady. Holding out his hand to help Domino up, the man's expression could not be seen...but it was clear that he found the raving voices of the men inside to be absolutely terrifying.
Maeve: It starts with ambition
Meridiuz: It ends with Grant

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Domino fairly fell into the stranger's arms in her desperation to get out. All at once her iron-hard determination to remain brave and see only the logic of the situation had crumbled in front of so much insanity, and she found herself trembling involuntarily, weak and small and frightened.

For a moment, this was pure bliss. The stranger had saved her, and he was a man, and there was something very reassuring about the stature of a man - his shoulders broader than hers, his height superior. Most people were taller than Domino, but that did not negate her immediate instinct that tall and male was good. For a moment it was good, and then, indignant, the short alchemist pulled herself upright and her green eyes flashed accusingly at him, her expression rearranging into something closer to her former determination. Her jaw set, she regarded him crossly; it was her own weakness she was angry about, of course, but that she did not even admit to herself.

"Who are you?" ...to lay your hands on me...? She almost added, and bit it back, her expression accusatory.
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Escaped from the plague hovel, Domino got her first somewhat clear vision of the swarthy creature that stood before her. With her eyes adjusted to the darkness, the twilight of the Rookery alleyway was perfectly adequate to make out the greys and shadows of the Amun Rah native before her, a man that wore a leather skull-cap over his boney, majestic face and dark-rimmed, large eyes. His narrow, angular face held a trimmed beard and moustache in the style customary of his people, a goatee of small length trimmed...carefully trimmed, at that...to frame his angular chin nicely. While it was a very remarkable face here in Sabata, it would have been considered commonplace in Abu Si'hir.

"I am, Mu'tazz ibn Fal'Skareb, ibn Fal'Ami Sin'hotep, servant of God," he replied quickly, though he offered no clear indication just which God that might have been. Not that it mattered, anyway...it wouldn't have taken Domino more than a half flicker to recognize one of the thousands of ex-War mercenaries that were even now flooding the streets of Sabata.

Mu'tazz was hardly different. He wore kurbulli armors...those made of leather plates hardened in boiling fats and wax...stained to a dark color and beautifully hammered into a landscape pattern that featured a lovely glade hosting a flock of long-legged, long-beaked birds. Hanging low upon one hip was the typically curved blade of the Amun Rah warrior...a scimitar, or khopesh, or something of the kind...and braced over his shoulders was a light cloak of thin wool designed more to keep the wearer cool in the desert than to keep him warm in the winter. His arms were largely bare, save for hardened leather bracers that were also rather typical of Amun Rah warriors...and perhaps gladiators. Under all of this, his loose, baggy pantaloons were savagely bunched under high greaves of the same leather, greaves that, like the rest of his armor, had clearly seen both loving care as well as brutal battle damage. Some of the cuts in his breastplate were filled with bee's wax and resin.

"Are you hurt, hanımefendi? What lies within that could make so piteous a sound as this?"

Naturally, the lunatic within finally fell silent the moment Domino was gone...and just as naturally, the boy she had hired was nowhere in sight. There were other people, though...some peeking out of windows, some standing at corners, all glancing to see what had happened (if anything), and most already turning to leave as if anything should be expected from that dwelling.
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