Pax- The Hunt - MT CH 27th

These estates surrounding the larger cities of the WK include Pax Balthasar, Brie and several other smaller grounds. The barons rule supreme and intent on holding on to their belongings.

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Talanwei Fortisse
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Post by Talanwei Fortisse »

Talanwei looked at the Adhiel, Thrandil. It was apparent that he was a follower of numerous gods and seemed too much to manage to the Achadhiel. Nonetheless, it was not confliction that he saw in Thrandil or confusion. As the men each spoke Talanwei listened intently. There was no smile then, his face drawn in a mixture of concentration and determination. The Achadhiel was a swift learner and an astute student so he listened to each of their tactics proposed. A slowly churning excitement began to roll within him. It was nothing that could not be mastered, for though Talanwei was not a seasoned warrior, he had been on the receiving end of a few conflicts. The follower of Illuminatus was steeling himself for a hard fight. For two men to be considered more dangerous than many, it would have to mean that they were both fierce warriors, one of which possibly a wielder of strong magicks. Perhaps both of them…and as far as Talanwei knew, he may have been the only one that could use any semblance of magick. It was not a time for mistakes or misplaced and foolish excitement on his behalf. His eyes locked with Ulders as he informed him of the Emerald Falls. The achadhiel simply nodded, his lips set in a grim line and swiftly followed Ulder.

"It makes sense, in my experience spirits do not speak plainly to the living. If this is true about the Falls...but who would be waiting for me or us? Perhaps a spirit? I don't think a woman would be living in the mountains alone," even as he said this, Talanwei wasn't sure. He had taken his stride next to Ulder and looked to the former captain, curious about what he wanted to impart on the matter.
[b]Convo Kill Count[/b]: 1
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Post by Guido Cercatoro »

As the companions debated which of the two groups to follow, the dwarf behind the counter delivered an ale to the grumbling golden-bearded dwarf, who downed half of it in one gulp. “I’m gonna leave this place as soon as I can,” he said sourly. “Too dangerous with all the cave ins. And there’s more going on. Equipment keeps vanishing, strange noises everywhere you go.”

“Perhaps its haunted,” laughed the elderly dwarf.

Whenever the group decided to leave the common room, they would find their guide waiting outside with the horses.
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Post by Thrandil »

Thrandil perked his ears as he heard the dwarves talk and made a mental note about it. Maybe that was something they could tackle in the future, after having taken care of these greycloaks. "It will be as you say, Ulderon." Thran said. "You lead us there. We will talk about our tactics while we ride. Let's head out and away from this encampment. We have a journey ahead."

The young adhiel walked out the front door to find their guide and the horses. Mounting his 'own' horse, he said "Lyanros, we're heading out. The Emerald Falls. You know a shortcut maybe?". He slowly let the horse head off towards the 'gates' where the dwarven guard stood and looked back in the direction they had come. He waited for the guard to take point and would take his position aside Trajan this time. The young Oneist was one he hadn't really talked to yet, and it might be time to do so.
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Post by Ulder »

Had he heard the dwarf's complaint, he would have offered for the dwarf to come along. Unfortunately, he had already started to walk outside, and missed the man's concerned grumbling.

Talanwei took up a position beside him and matched him stride for stride. He spoke of his thoughts on the visions they had received back at the shrine. Ulder's reply might surprise the young warrior, but then again, as a godly man, perhaps Talanwei would view Ulder's outlook as the meandering mind of someone less devout.

"I never got the sense that it was some sort of spirit. This may sound a bit crazy but I don't think we were speaking with just some random ghost or shade that haunts these hills. You see, my vision was something familiar, almost personal. My vision was one where I was to give a gift to my wife. There were no mysterious and cryptic words for me to follow. No enigmatic prophecy to decipher. Just simple words from a simple voice. It wasn't even a command really. But it was powerful and it was benevolent. I think the 'she' that you mention isn't a ghost or a shade, but perhaps it is the Mother herself."

Ulder made sure to look over at the legionnaire Trajan. Although there was no way to know for certain of the man's personal convictions, by his place and his station he was likely an adherent to the church of the One, and Ulder was all but certain he was serving as the Provost's eyes and ears for this mission. He wanted the man to go back to town with a full report on these newcomers and how they talked about the other Gods and how they wallowed in their pagan ways. This was a tactical maneuver on Ulder's part to find out where the Provost's loyalties lie. If things got more tense and strict between Ulder and the Provost after their return, then the former captain would know what the Provost's beliefs were. If things remained easy and friendly between them, then Ulder would know the leader of the town was sympathetic to their cause.

Ulder was in agreement with Thrandil this time and once outside, he slid swiftly into the saddle and waited for the others to follow suit. Thrandil had posed the question of a shortcut to the falls, and the former Captain was eager to hear that reply.
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Talanwei Fortisse
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Post by Talanwei Fortisse »

When Ulder spoke, the young swordsman listened with the same attentiveness he tried to apply to most things. Talanwei knew the former captain did not have the same devout nature as he but his words were surprising nonetheless. It was truly an avenue of thought the follower of Illuminatus had not pursued. The thought was mind boggling in its possibilities. To meet a goddess or a manifestation of one in a physical place…it was quite the concept to consider. The Achadhiel’s face likely showed this as his mind churned with the possibilities of such an encounter. First and foremost he was a follower of his god, but secondly, he was a young man with a thirst for knowledge. He looked at Ulder with a glint in his eye.

"I wonder. If we were to meet the Mother…it would be an amazing experience…" Talanwei started, "Even if this is the case we should concentrate on the task at hand for these men should not be underestimated."

The captain needed no reminding obviously and Ulder would likely hear in his tone that Talanwei said this almost solely for his own benefit. It was difficult to keep his thoughts on apprehending the two men primarily. The achadhiel fell silent for a burn or two as he focused on remounting his steed and gave the animal strokes across it's neck and a kind word. It was too much to hope that these men would give up peacably, it was likely that there would be injuries at the very least but to whom could only be guessed. Looking at his companions, Talanwei could admit that he did not want to see any of them come to harm. It was also very likely that they did not feel this same way towards him but the Achadhiel was quick to trust. If they were to be beside him in battle, Trajan and Thrandil could be trusted in his eyes. Finally Talanwei looked to Lyanros for a flicker to see what the guide would say of a shortcut and waited for the others.
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Trajan Constantine Aeneas
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Post by Trajan Constantine Aeneas »

Ulders suspicions that Trajan was along on this expedition at least partially as a spy were the product of a wary, perhaps paranoid, though doubtlessly shrewd mind. Hence, they were spot on for as much as that mattered. He was also along as a representative of the Law, not only the laws of men as practiced in Pax Balthasar, but also the divine law of the One God, and he had a directive to bring the Gray Cloaks before the justice they had escaped from through their cowardice. And further he was a man whose home had been recklessly threatened and whose religion had been sullied by fanatics with poison religion. All in all, Trajan had numerous and varied reasons for being along on the pursuit and capture of the gray cloaks. But he suspected that all the other saw him as was a spy, which was their prerogative, further, he reasoned that he wasn't the absolute worst person to have around should weapons be drawn.

The Legionnaire listened intently as Ulder and Talanwai had their little theological discussion and wondered if the topic kept coming up because he had misjudged the devoutness of his companions or if there were some other motivation which he could not ascertain. At any rate, from Thrandil to Talanwai, his companions had shown their willingness and desire to once more be on the track, and the aspiring paladin could scarcely agree more fervently. Like the others in the party, he mounted and held a brief and hushed conversation with his horse. This he did not so much out of the conviction that anything meaningful was achieved, but he had observed Lyranos and Ulder both partaking in the ritual, and being as they were both at least adept riders, he assumed that there had to be something to it, and so strove to emulate it. He had already seen Thrandil unhorsed today and had no desire to join the man in the ignominy of riding the dirt instead of his horse. The Thrandil had spoken the Lyranos and the entire party was awaiting the guides response if not with baited breathe, then at the least with eager anticipation. Trajan was reminded strongly of bloodhounds waiting to be set upon their pray, and did not exclude himself from that less than flattering comparison. His blood sang with the promise of the ecstatic release he knew would be his when the gray cloaks were taken and brought to heel.

As he waited for the mysterious achadheil whom Tamerton and Sanguine had appointed guide for this expedition to answer the query which had impregnated the silence with tension and anxiety, Trajan noted that Thrandil was edging his mount closer, as if he meant to speak. The guardsman made no move to either encourage or discourage the adheil, but began instead to order his own thoughts in the hopes of drawing from Thrandil what he had failed to get from Talanwei. What were his fellows motivations, not only in riding out on this excursion, but as the Lieutenant and Provost wished to know, for coming to Pax Balthasar in the first place. Maybe this man, who had shown himself to be excitable could be persuaded to let some clue slip. Trajan waited, for the guide and for his apparent companion, and tried to remain calm and serene on the surface while his mind whirled and bubbled, a cauldron filled by obligations and thoughts and doubts, very near to boiling over as the flickers passed and the burns pooled ceaselessly. It was long past time to be on the road, and unconciously, Trajan kicked his mount into motion, hoping by such action to spur Lyranos to his own.
Guido Cercatoro
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Post by Guido Cercatoro »

Lyanros was waiting patiently with the mounts when the four members of the party returned from their brief stopover. “There is only one path to the falls,” he replied. “However, it is a short and relatively easy ride.” As soon as the party was mounted, he led them through the mining camp and out onto a broad trail that led higher into the mountains.

After a short distance the path took a sharp turn and then ran alongside the River Clearwater. This far into the mountains, the water in the river was fresh, clear and fast running. However, as the journey progressed, a faint green tinge appeared in the water.

The journey to the falls went without incident and the party were soon confronted with their first sight of the dramatic Emerald Waterfall.

To the north-east of Pax the River Clearwater makes a steep ascent into the Howling Ice Mountains. Those who travel along the river for a few marks beyond the Mining Camp, will see a marvellous sight – the dramatic Emerald Waterfall, which takes the river down a sheer cliff face into a small pool at the bottom of the falls. Due to some apparently natural phenomenon related to the local plant life and algae, the pool has a remarkable emerald green appearance. It is rumoured that bathing in the lake has therapeutic properties, although the truth of this remains conjecture.

The only thing that spoiled the wonderous natural scene were the two bodies that lay on the edge of the pool. From their size and long beards, it was clear that the bodies were those of two dwarves. However, the bodies were charred and burnt as if they had been caught in some conflagration. Alongside the bodies a cloth had been placed on the ground. On the cloth were pieces of bread and cheese as if the pair had been about to have a picnic when they had met their end.

There was no sign of any others present, although the imprint of some hooves could be seen in a muddy patch close to where the waterfall rushed into the pool.
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Post by Trajan Constantine Aeneas »

The waterfall was an awesome example of Dominicus works in the world. It was huge, and the Clearwater River, here tinged emerald by some natural process he couldn't identify, threw itself down the sheer cliff here before exploding into foam and mist at the bottom, where it briefly pooled before continuing on its god appointed route through the world. Truly this place was touched by the divine, for here Trajan felt surrounded by benevolence and power. And yet the picture had been sullied. Two bodies lay at the edge of the pool, by their build and other visual clues, they were obviously dwarves, but just as obviously dead. Their bodies charred and ruined. An apparent picnic was layed on the ground adjacent to the corpses, the bread and cheese untouched and awaiting consumption unaware that their intended consumers were dead. There was no sign of who or what it might have been that killed the dwarves, but Trajan had his suspicions. The Gray Cloaks they were pursuing had killed these innocents he was certain, and it made him heart-sick to know that adherents of his faith, for that the fugitives were, no matter their theological disagreements, had committed this crime. Something had to be done. unconciously, Trajan acted.

He booted his horse in the flanks, moving it ahead of the rest of the party and closer to the spot where the dwarves had been struck down. If his companions reacted, the Legionnaire saw nor heard, for he was speaking even as his mount broke ranks.

"Brothers!" The Legionnaire and adherent of Dominicus cried with his full voice, a flickers pause followed as he waited to see if the Gray Cloaks would reveal themselves at his cry. "Hear me!" He continued, his horse moving in agitated circles as he jerked the animals head around while he cast about the falls, searching for sign of those he sought. "My name is Trajan Aeneas, Paladin-Initiate of Dominicus, and I am here at the command of Arch-Paladin Yin Lorin. He has heard of your actions in the city, and wants to hear your side of affairs, knowing that there must be more to events than has thus far been allowed." Trajan could feel the eyes of his traveling companions on his back, but he ignored it, Dominicus had his voice and he must speak until his god's influence was spent. "He has sent me to escort you back to the Bascillica of the One so that you're story might be heard! And that it be Dominicus' infallible justice, not that of man, which you face if our Lord deems it neccesary. You have my personal guarantee, and that of Yin Lorin that you will be given fair, humane treatment and a chance to speak on your own behalf. Brothers! You'll get no better offer from the pagan citizens of Pax Balthasar, many of whom still clamor for your heads," Trajan held his breathe for a flicker as he let that image sink in, and when he continued his voice fairly throbbed with the conviction of a true believer "give yourselves into my care," he promised in earnest "and I guarantee your safe passage to the Bascillica and whatever events the One has written down for you there! By the most Holy name of Dominicus and by my hope of salvation in the same!" The oath was a strong one, not given lightly, and the Legionnaire hoped it would be enough to draw the men out and convince them of his sincerity. Trajan felt that he had said what his god had it in for him to say and so fell silent and letting his horse come to a stop, waiting to see what would come of his words, and praying as he did that his fellow Dominicans hearts would not be hard against him.
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Talanwei Fortisse
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Post by Talanwei Fortisse »

Lyanros told them of the only path to the Falls and soon they were all on their way. Their trail eventually led along the Clearwater River and it ran swiftly and clear. Normally the Achadhiel would marvel at the majesty of these things, because there were not such sweeping vistas in the Citadel. Instead Talanwei took in the surroundings with the shrewd eye of a warrior and not one of a wide eyed youth. Each outcrop, rock and dark crevice could hold an enemy. A bolt from a crossbow, an arrow could come from any direction and that was if these men were only warriors. If sorcery was involved, it could be a bolt of lightning, an unbidden slide of earth, or a jet of flame. Talanwei did not know how prone these men were to ambush. As an added precaution Talanwei reached out for threads of energy to weave into his senses. The follower of Illuminatus sent them outward to sense any disturbance in the Aether or the presence of any hidden enemy.

Talanwei saw the blackened corpses of the two dwarves before he even looked at the falls. It was clear the men were killed with flame. The follower of Illuminatus looked at the corpses with both his eyes and through the Aether in the hopes that some residue of the sorcery used would be visible. Talanwei dismounted and made his way to the bodies to inspect them, looking about for any traps or signs of ambush. When Trajan rode forward, the Achadhiel looked up at the shouting human as if he had grown a second head and was swiftly growing a third, none of which in the possession of any sense. Talanwei’s jaw dropped when he thought Trajan was done and was about to speak and then the Legionnaire spoke again. It was zeal that fueled the fire of his words. This same zeal blinded him to the foolishness of leaving himself open to attack and revealing his position if the Gray Cloaks were not already watching them. Talanwei walked up to Trajan and an irrational anger nearly washed over him before he brought swallowed it.

"Have you lost your mind? Fool, damned fool! You see these men? Dead! Killed by your 'Brothers'. I’m sure there is a reason for them slaying two miners. What with their meal strewn about them I’m sure they were perusing the best way to apprehend them. What do you think they will do with us, armed for battle as we are? Now what I can understand is your desire for the avoidance of needless violence. What I do not understand however is what seems like a desire to get us all killed. Have you ever considered the possibility that these men do not want any justice, from Dominicus or that which comes from the group of us? That perhaps before you can draw another breath, they may strike you down and cook you in that armor of yours?" Talanwei put his thumb and forefinger to his eyes and rubbed them once, breathing deeply. He put his arms out to the side in a helpless gesture.

"Trajan, I understand what you are trying to do. I have no problems avoiding bloodshed; I do however have a problem with dying here. Not because I fear death, and I am sure you would gladly give your life in service of Dominicus. But do you feel his presence now? Can you call upon his protection in case you are attacked with more than blade and arrow? You’ve given your word and promised these men something without even consulting any of us, are we not allies? I do not presume to know the inner council you keep regarding us, or what you think we would do to these men but I can give you an oath. I swear that I will not draw my blade against these men if they respond amiably to your words. However will you promise me that you will first consider the safety of all present before you do something like this again?" said Talanwei, his expression intent.

The whole time he was speaking, Talanwei was looking around to see if there were any attacks forthcoming. He also hoped that Trajan would see sense in his words and not just the irritation that was present at the beginning. Talanwei had calmed even while speaking and the tone was kept between he and Trajan, not once raised to a yell. No matter the outcome of the human’s recklessness Talanwei began to pull energy from Illuminatus and gather it in case he should need to suddenly defend himself.
Last edited by Talanwei Fortisse on Fri May 09, 2008 12:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Thrandil »

Thrandil saw the serenity of the scene. All of the Mother's aspects were here. A whole cycle of life. The beginning of a lake or pool because of the waterfall, depicting birth or the start of life. Then there were the dwarves, symbolizing death and thus completing her cycle. It was not Her who had done it though. It was not justic that had killed them. It were cold-blooded Gray Cloaks. Who else would kill sentient beings who are going for a picknick? This place however, was a test for Thran's loyalty. He had just left the Emerald Guard the day before. He broke his vow to serve the Mother from within the Guard. Now here he was standing, at the edge of an Emerald body of water. Water, the most destructive indestructible power in nature.

He was combined an adhiel fighter, a Warrior of the Blood for Pan and had the Hunter for the Mother. He was loyal to himself and his moral compass, to Pan who had guided him many times before, and last, but certainly not least, to the Mother, to whom he had vowed to protect the Kingdom of Taquar. Was this a test to see if he was still loyal to that cause? It was Draydis who betrayed him. The High Command of the Guard could not function if it was divided. So he had resigned on the spot. Now it was his duty to restore the Kingdom and make sure the heir to the throne would rule it well and bring the Kingdom back to it's old beauty. It was his duty to make sure nothing would happen to her.

He came back to reality and focused his eyes on the dwarves again. Scorchmarks... yet there's no way a flaming arrow could have done something like that. It must have been magick. It must have. He looked in every direction, trying to spot the places where they could've hidden. Of course, the hoofprints could've been made to ambush them, just like the dwarves. They couldn't risk anything now.

Thran rode towards Lyanros and handed the reins to the Adhiel. "Stay here, brother, and guard my horse." he said in his native tongue and slid off of it as good as he could. His sword was on his side, and he left the staff with the horse. The bow however, would come. He picked a war arrow from his quiver and held it in his hand. He got to Ulder and looked at him, while smearing some dirt on his face and any other skin that could be seen. "Captain, can you loose arrows on them in case they are trying put up a fight? I suspect at least one magicker. We need to make sure he won't be able to cast. I'm going to scout ahead and see if there's some intelligence to be gained from that." he said and waited briefly for a reply. Walking to some cover, he lowered his body until he was almost flat, but with enough chances to look at what was happening. Trajan's speech did well to distract any eyes from him. He tried to head towards cover near the Falls in a wide arc, to make sure it would be hard to spot him. He then heard the voice of the Illuminatus paladin. The former general shook his head. Shouldn't have done that, my friend he thought, then again, the pair of you do make my job easier.
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Post by Ulder »

The former Captain had mixed emotions as the scene played out in front of him. One one hand, the legionnaire's bold proclamations might be just the thing to bring these men out from the shadows. He was of a like faith, and likely of a like mindset as they were, and his requests and words did sound inherently reasonable. He signaled for his men to dismount and ready themselves. If this were an ambush, this would be the time and place for them to do it, and he didn't want casualties for lack of preparation.

Then on the other hand...

Talanwei's confrontation out in the open made Ulder grit his teeth in frustration. No sooner had the mess with Raevyn been resolved when suddenly here now, another seemed to birth and blossom right before his very eyes.

Gods above and beyond. Whatever I have done to offend you, please forgive me! If I could get just one mission to succeed without these fine men and women tearing each other apart, I shall consider my career as a soldier a resounding success!

The brief prayer was a fervent and heartfelt one and spoke of his disgust and irritation in vast volumes.

Thrandil's words broke his reverie, and he nodded in silent reply. He swung down off his horse and grabbed up his bow.

"Pull back!" he hissed urgently to the Adhiel warrior, hoping his words would carry to the warrior's sharp ears. "Arrows would be better if they strike at them!"

Ulder motioned for his men to set up in two different areas. If they had bows, he wanted to set up a crossfire in case the men showed themselves. Barring that, he wanted two different groups ready to charge from different directions so they could pincer the gray cloaks if need be.

The confrontation out in the open might just serve as the distraction we need...
[url=]Ulder's Compendium[/url]

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Trajan Constantine Aeneas
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Post by Trajan Constantine Aeneas »

The sizzling rush which precluded success and had given the Legionnaire such a euphoric high, flashed to a geyser of rage in an instant. That Talanwei would presume no only the motivations of the fugitives that they were mutually in pursuit of, but also the nature of his human cohorts relationship with his god, and further the nature of the relationship between himself and the others in the party. The legionnaire had taken a calculated risk in exposing himself thusly, but the risk had been his to take, and it had not, contrary to Talanwei's assertion, endangered anyone other than himself.

“Have I considered that these men do not want any justice?” Trajan began, “Yes. But they do worship Dominicus, and so I had hoped an appeal to that. Had I considered that I might be struck down by them?” The legionnaire paused for a moment as if considering. “I will be struck down and sent to Dominicus embrace when He wills it, not before, and if it be his will that these Gray Cloaks kill me, then I will die, but I will no live in fear, as you so obviously do.” So agitated was Trajan that he had resumed to jerking his horses head around, and as he finished speaking the animal spun in a tight circle. When the horse had turned back about, Trajan locked his eyes once more upon his antagonist.

“You ask me to consider the safety of all present before I act? Why do you think I have appealed to these men or women to give themselves up without violence? Do you think that the fact that they are of my faith has clouded my mind to their crimes? I can see those two corpses as well as you,” he said, stabbing a finger at the bodies in question, “and I know who must have killed them, but you presume that they are dangerous and not merely afraid. For where are they running from? Pax Balthasar, a haven of Pagan corruption which seethes with hatred for them, and what have I offered them? Nothing which is unreasonable, and nothing which I have not been instructed to.” Trajans mount continued to prance in agitation and so he swung himself off it's back, tossing the reins away negligently.

“You have in the past spoken of yourself as a servant of a god, and not the One, but another, which sir makes you and I almost by default antagonists. You serve one of the pagan pantheon and as such, your motivations for these men must be considered suspect. Others in this party have claimed similar affiliations, and similarly I question their motivations. Allies? Hardly. Fellows of convenience only, for I have no illusions of your care for my safety. We are all here for different reasons Talanwei Fortisse, and you claimed not all that long ago to not be clear on what yours were, and by your actions as of this moment you have brought even further question upon your commitment to seeing this mission through. No danger, no obstacle is too great or severe to face in the pursuit of justice, which is what I seek in the name of the God I serve for these men. Even if death is what awaits them, it is divine Dominicus' will, not mine which shall resign them to it, and I shall see them have their day before his judgment at any cost.” When at last he finished speaking, Trajan found himself winded as if from a long sprint even though his voice had never risen beyond hushed conversational tones. His eyes were dried from staring at the achadheil before him, and his balls had drawn up against his stomach in the rush of adrenaline which had and yet suffused his body. He was ready, in this instance for fight or flight, and wasn't particularly certain which he would choose. Talanwei Fortisse he decided was a foolish naïve boy playing at being a man and never had the legionnaire been more angry with a living being than he was in this moment. He was aware of what was going on behind him only peripherally, and he had lost all sense of his surroundings, as the night he had fought the ghost in the streets of Pax, his world had shrunk to encompass only himself and Talanwei. What happened next was up to that man, but the situation was, any could see precarious and the threat of violence was palpable, nearly visible. Trajan waited, his grip tight on both his heater and his spear haft... and flickers passed.
Last edited by Trajan Constantine Aeneas on Tue May 13, 2008 6:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Guido Cercatoro
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Post by Guido Cercatoro »

The party’s quick scan of the area revealed that the Emerald waterfall tumbled down a sheer cliff face located at the northern end of a small flat area surrounded by a jumble of high rocks, offering many places for potential concealment. At the bottom of the falls was a large pool and the river flowed out of the southern end of the pool from where it dropped steeply once more to continue its journey down the mountain. The river and pool effectively divided the area into two halves. A few straggly bushes and small rocks were scattered randomly across the ground but offered little serious cover. The path from the mine entered from the south east corner of the open area and the dead dwarves were located midway along the near side of the pool. Apart from the path, there were no other visible exits and no sign of the presence of anyone other than the dead dwarves.

Trajan spurred his horse on to move closer to the dead dwarves and then shouted out his message to the Grey Cloaks, much to the consternation of the others present. The soldier received no reply from those he sought to contact.

Talanwei’s ventures into the Aether met with a degree of success for he sensed two things: first, the trace of some strands of energy emanating from the sheer wall to the far side of the waterfall from where the party had entered; second, something strange within the bodies of the dwarves – there was the last fleeting residue of a fiery strand of energy that had presumably been the cause of their death but there was also a weave dormant within their bodies…something complex and dark in nature.

Whilst Trajan and Talanwei debated the wisdom of Trajan’s words, Thrandil and Ulder sprang into action. Thran dismounted, drew his bow and sought to scout ahead but discovered no obvious cover . However, some of the rocks that surrounded the area were scalable and could offer potential cover. Before he had moved more than a few paces away form the party, Ulder’s warning rang out.

Ulder also dismounted and sought to organise his men. Three remained on this side of the river whilst the other three waded through the river to reach the far side of the clearing. The two groups were now well placed to direct a cross-fire into the centre of the clearing. Lyanros remained at the entrance to the clearing, tending the horses.

(OOC: just about impassable now…)
Last edited by Guido Cercatoro on Thu May 15, 2008 9:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Talanwei Fortisse »

The things Talanwei sensed in the Aether were unsettling. From underneath the flame energy that was swiftly dissipating a dormant weave of dark energy was apparent in the bodies but for the moment it was not causing harm. On the wall farthest from where they all entered, thin traces of energy seemed to emanate. For a flicker or two, Talanwei's face did not reflect that he had heard the reply from the human. Trajan's words said much. He started off by calling Talanwei a coward. The Achadhiel was confused, he had not questioned the human's bravery or made mention of what the Grey Cloaks true intentions were. Of course he presumed them dangerous; Talanwei turned his eyes to the dead men and wondered how Trajan could explain their deaths away by saying their deaths were caused by fear. Of what? What threat could the two have posed in the short time in which they could not even sit and eat? Talanwei knew fear could make men do foolish and possibly horrible things simply did not make sense to Talanwei no matter how much he considered it. Killing without reason was wrong, it mattered little that these men followed Dominicus but the angry Trajan could not see that.

Talanwei looked back up at the human with cool green eyes. He listened to his ravings with almost a detached air. Pagans? Corruption? The follower of Illuminatus did not know overly much of Western religion but if what he was learning from Trajan was how all that worshipped Dominicus viewed the world…one had to wonder what a life like that be like. Talanwei pitied those whose religion fostered such suspicion and such a negative view of other religions. The human was manhandling his horse and soon seemed to either tire of it or had the desire to rant on a more stable surface. Trajan’s stance was very tense and the Achadhiel could feel the anger rolling off of the human. Talanwei’s heart fell as he realized that the slightest provocation could likely bring the tall Legionnaire to blows. When Ulder, his men and Thrandil began to move Talanwei felt the need to do so as well as he watched them. The Achadhiel turned his gaze back to Trajan and pursed his lips. Slowly he let out a sigh.

"You are right, Trajan, how can you have allies when you suspect all around you?" said Talanwei quietly and shook his head, looking at the human almost sadly, "Perhaps we can continue our debate when there are not more pressing matters to consider."

He was not one to succumb to a debate on who was right or wrong. The follower of Illuminatus had spoken his peace and turned his eyes to Ulder.

"I sense a dark weave of sorcery in these bodies. Nothing outwardly dangerous but it is quite complex," he started and pointed to the wall, "and there, I see traces of energy that seem to come from the wall. I would be cautious of it."

Talanwei turned his senses on the wall, probing it gently, picturing running his hands over it to see for any abnormalities. Also to find if the energy was coming from around, above, or inside it and if it was just residual and fading away. As he was doing this, he unconsciously moved toward it a few steps, the water lapping at his ankles. Talanwei had not forgotten about the bodies, he would inspect them more closely as well. The weave in them was complex, possibly beyond what he was able to fathom. The young swordsman focused but did not give over himself completely to the Aether, there could still be an attack forthcoming.
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Post by Thrandil »

Thran froze as Ulder called him back and turned around, looking at the human. He closed his eyes for a flicker and then said "I'm sorry, Ulderon, but trust me. My skill is probably higher then those of the other archers. I'd rather single out in cover so I can practise a well aimed shot for them. The others would give me away, attract too much attention. Have faith, in yourself, the men with you, and the gods."

That said, the young adhiel returned to his doings and tried to find cover behind the rocks. It was true as he said, if he was alone, he might go unnoticed until he could land a shot, if he were lucky. If he would be in one of the groups, there'd be a chance it would be blasted by magick before they were able to react. He would not want that to happen. The former Captain might have commanded a vast army maybe, but did he know where the strengths and weaknesses of Emerald Guard archers lay? Soon would the humans find out, soon would they see what the Adhiel was capable of.
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Post by Ulder »

Ulder listened to Thrandil and then watched him move away.

Rather? Soldiers don't get the luxury of things like 'rather' or 'prefer'. I should have known as much expecting discipline after the fiasco at the portal when we arrived here. I'd 'rather' you followed my orders instead of ignoring them and doing whatever you wanted!

The former Captain ducked behind a large rock and waited for any sort of response from the men they sought. There was no guarantee they were still here, but he wanted to be ready nonetheless. His men seemed to be in good position, and had the clearing covered well.

His eyes traveled from Thrandil's back to Talanwei as the young warrior spoke and warned him of the strange energies emanating from a large portion of rock near the waterfall.

Ulder's gaze then examined that same expanse of rock looking for any sign of what Talanwei was referring to. Seeing nothing but stone, he motioned for his men to keep a sharp eye on the rock face. He'd been near Elvin and other magic long enough to know when things weren't as they appeared. Then he remembered the Changer in the watchtower. The Daemon had used illusion to cover itself as the stone floor of the lighthouse, and tricked them all. Ulder would not be so easily fooled again.

He drew one of his arrows and took aim at the wide expanse of stone, and let it fly. If it was an illusion, the arrow might pass through it, exposing it as a fake. Or perhaps it might dispel the whole thing altogether. If it were solid rock, it would simply shatter harmlessly. No matter what happened, at least they would know more than they did before he let the arrow fly.
[url=]Ulder's Compendium[/url]

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Guido Cercatoro
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Post by Guido Cercatoro »

After pondering Trajan’s words and offering a quick reply, Talanwei outlined what he had sensed from his journey into the aether. Turning his senses once again to the wall, it became apparent to the achadhiel that the subtle strands of energy emanating from the cliff face were twisting and bending the energy contained in the air and light, creating some sort of concealing barrier. However, it was impossible for him to sense what lay behind the barrier.

Thran continued to search for cover. He found a narrow indent in the rocks on the near side of the clearing that was partially covered by a gorse bush. As cover, it was imperfect but the best that could be found without scaling the rocks. Ulder ducked behind a small rock that covered the lower half of his body and the rest of his men found a small degree of cover behind various small bushes and rocks.

Turning his attentions to the bodies, Talanwei once again detected the dark, complex weave. He could detect nothing of its nature. However, his probing sparked a sudden stirring in the weave, as if it had been dormant, awaiting the touch of his senses.

The two bodies jerked as if the limbs of the dead dwarves were being animated by some unseen puppeteer. Slowly, the two dwarves pulled themselves to their feet. Dead eyes regarded the others in the clearing. The chest of one dwarf began to smoulder, letting out clouds of smoke that drifted over to the nearby Talanwei and Trajan. The arm of the second dwarf burned with an intense flame…..

Ulder’s arrow found its target, vanishing as it entered the apparent rock wall, which was clearly an illusion. A third dwarf staggered out of the illusionary barrier, an arrow piercing his left shoulder. The dwarf had the same dead eyes as the first two dwarves but held a sword. The sword shimmered with an intense red glow, as if it had just emerged from the furnace. The dwarf lumbered slowly forwards to be followed by a fourth dwarf bearing the same look and weapon.

A trap had been sprung……
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Post by Trajan Constantine Aeneas »

Talanwei's reply was brutal, short and perfect. Trajan found the rage which had boiled through his veins a moment ago bleed out of him so quickly that for a flicker he struggled to remember what had gotten him so upset to begin with. The legionnaire stood, stunned into inactivity by the turn of events. Half a burn ago, he had been ready to put his spear into the achadheils guts, and now, when that same man had blithely given him his back Trajan felt no further urge to strike. The rage which had momentarily consumed him frightened the legionnaire a good deal more than he would admit.

As he stood, unsure of what to do now that the confrontation between he and Talanwei had been so neatly averted by the other, the young human castigated himself for being weak and submitting to emotion. He was a self dedicated servant of the One God, he was, he must be over such petty annoyances as emotion if he was to be a Paladin. Talanwei had taken a few cursory steps away and now stood ankle deep in the lake staring at something Trajan couldn't see.

Ulder had been busy during the past few burns and had the entire party dismounted and strategically arrayed so that their arrows they all seemed to have nocked would be both ubiquitous and lethal across a wide expanse, Trajan for his part was impressed both by the efficiency of the set up but also the time in which it was executed. Ulder was clearly an experienced tactical commander, and Trajan made note of the fact. The Provost and lieutenant would no doubt find it a useful tidbit. Finally shaking himself from his revelry, the young man found his eyes resting once more upon the burned corpses of the dead dwarves, and a great sadness blossomed in his chest at that moment. Here they lay for who knew how long, un-mourned and un-interred, and whether they were of the faith or not, no one deserved that.

Trajan remembered all too keenly the pain of having to cremate those of his family without proper last rites, and he wasn't a priest by any stretch, and not even an ordained paladin, but he had some theological training and so could at least administer this. He started toward the bodies resolutely, but scarcely had he moved than he stopped short, horror crawling along his skin like an insect with innumerable legs as he watched the corpses first twitch, and then slowly rise to their feet. Trajan watched as the two figures lurched awkwardly erect, their skin cracking and flaking off in grotesque patches as they moved. He looked to Talanwei to see if the achadheil had noticed the threat, and noted that he had. As soon as he was sure that Tal would not be taken un-awares he pulled his helm down over his face, relaxing as his world shrank to that which he could see from within his armor. He felt oddly calm once he was armed and armored, though the terror was still there, just bound tightly by his resolve and buried deeply to be dealt with when this threat had passed.

“Hey,” he called to the achadheil as he switched the grip on his spear so he could thrust it underhand. “Mr. Wizard.” Trajan dared a swift glance to see whether Tal had heard him, and judging from his expression he had, “what can you do about flaming corpses? Some of that water sure would be nice.”

Trajan ignored the achadheils sarcastic retort and attacked. He threw himself toward the two zombies, trying not to meet their too dead eyes. He thrust his spear savagely at the chest of the zombie whose hands appeared to be alight. Assuming that struck true, he intended to abandon the spear and strike at the second zombie, the one whose chest light his face with hellish light from his own smouldering chest, with the sword the ghost had given him. Wanting the comfort he always got from holding and wondering if perhaps it might not work harm to these as it was promised it would to Laewin and her 'pet'. The trap had been sprung, but the intended prey would not be easy meat, of that Trajan was sure.

OOC: Dialogue and actions undertaken in his name approved by Talanwei
Last edited by Trajan Constantine Aeneas on Mon May 26, 2008 11:28 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by Talanwei Fortisse »


The thought gave Talanwei shivers and a cold feeling in his gut. What caused this was his inability to divine what was behind the false rock face. The queer feeling of falling in his stomach and a sense of dread tried to grip him. The achadhiel thrust it back for later consideration and turned. For the time being he turned his attentions back to the corpses because in order to inspect the wall he would have had to wade through the water to get to it. He still was up to his ankles however when his probing activated the weave. The would-be paladin felt it come alive beneath his probing and he withdrew his senses, the dark energy making him mildly nauseous. At that, the corpses began to seize and twitch for a flicker or so and up they came. Eyes bled of life looked at the group and a flame was burning fiercely on one of the dwarves arms. The others chest was smoking but Talanwei's eyes came back to the one that was on fire. It was safe to say that the follower of Illuminatus did not altogether trust flame.

The fact that they were on their feet did not necessarily surprise Talanwei, for he had seen things more terrifying. It did not mean he was untouched by the walking dead, nay he was mortified that men could kill just to use a body as a puppet. An anger welled in him that swiftly tempered to a resolve to capture the grey cloaks. It was like plunging reddened steel into water and the achadhiel was ready to fight. He was nearly ready to charge forward when Trajan spoke. So focused had Talanwei been that he had not noticed the legionnaire lower his helmet. The achadhiel grinned, it seemed they were past their near violent confrontation. It was indeed a good idea and Talanwei began to pull strands of energy together. Pulling his warden blade with his left hand, he shrugged and raised his eyebrows.

"Now are you sure legionnaire? I mean...they may merely be afraid and want to talk," said Talanwei in reply. His words were good naturedly given and a jab at the humans earlier sentiments. Trajan ignored them and dashed forward.

"Yes by all means, try to talk some sense to them!" he said and turned his eyes to the emerald water. From behind him Talanwei heard the Legionnaires reply making him grin again.

"I'll be! Their ears work like yours Wizard. They don't hear a word I say."

Illuminatus, wielder of Light I ask you to lend me your power now so that I may extinguish this evil and let these spirits find peace. I will brandish my blade only in your name and Light will pierce the darkness that has covered this place.

A silent swift prayer and he pointed his free hand to the water. He envisioned the threads of energy first as a net, to get underneath the water he was trying to move. Then Talanwei would use it as a funnel to channel water upward and onto the two dwarves, in an attempt to extinguish their burning bodies. Control was what Talanwei was trying to strive for. If he could not drench both, he would try to put out the flaming arm at the every least. The last time he had used the power of his god unchecked it had blown a hole in a stone wall as tall and wide around as his own body. The last thing the would-be paladin wanted was to send a massive wave over Trajan. Now a little water? Talanwei smiled at the thought. The hot headed legionnaire could use a mild dousing.

Should his water weaving work, Talanwei would dash on the heels of it dovetailing across Trajan's path so he could attack the dwarf that the legionnaire had first attacked. On the dash, he drew his second blade. Two strokes he would attempt one horizontal and the other vertical to remove an arm, a leg, hopefully separate the short statured attackers head from its shoulders. The achadhiel would attempt the attack limbs that seemed the most vulnerable. The key to this would be to remove the dead mens ability to maneuver.
Last edited by Talanwei Fortisse on Tue May 27, 2008 2:48 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Ulder »

Crafty bastards, I'll give 'em that...

As the dwarves lumbered forward, Ulder briefly considered if it were possible to somehow defend against the dwarves without hurting them further, as his battle was not against these poor men who had fallen victim to the mad schemes of the grey cloaks. But he quickly concluded that these hardy dwarves were likely dead already, and the foul magic that made them dance now was all that was keeping them moving.

"Loose at will."

He told his men. It was not a shout, or said with any blood lust or malice. It was a soft, simple command, and the tone was almost sad.

He dropped his bow ands drew his sword, and moved forward to support Talanwei and Trajan as they engaged the 'enemy'. His kept his eyes open for any sign of the grey cloaks, losing his view of Thrandil as he did so.
[url=]Ulder's Compendium[/url]

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Post by Thrandil »

The young Adhiel tried to hide behind the makeshift cover. It wasn't what he wanted, but it would do. It had to do. His eyes scanned the area thoroughly for anything that was happening. A shade out of order, a humanoid form that wasn't of their group? He didn't know what to look for, but for anything out of the ordinary.

It was then that the bodies started moving. The paladin and the Pax guardsman were already going to battle the two death-by-picknick dwarves. Ulder seemed to join them in the fight. However, there were still two dwarves coming from the illusional rock that had been pierced by Ulder's arrow.

Thran got his bow with arrow knocked up. He mumbled to the gods "Mother, may my aim be true like that of a deerhunter. May my arrow find it's target and grant this seemingly undead soul it's eternal rest among alongside their chosen deity. Pan, may you kindle my arrows with the same fire that lights our hearts during battle. Let me put the dead to rest in name of Pan, the Mother and for the sake of their families." When he finished, he let go of the arrow, aiming it for the head of the injured dwarf. Meanwhile, he kept scanning the area for the two greycloaks that had come this way and certainly were still close by.
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Post by Guido Cercatoro »

Trajan’s spear found it target and pierced the body of the dwarf with the burning arm. The dwarf staggered for an instant but then resumed its lumbering gait. It was fortunate that the attacker immediately let go of the spear, for it was only a few flickers before the entire weapon was ablaze. The legionnaire moved to strike the second zombie with the sword that he had been given by the ghostly soldier. The sword sliced into the dwarf’s chest cutting a long, deep wound that brought the dwarf to a halt. The sword appeared to glimmer with a dark shadow for a few flickers as if it was sucking some black poison from the body. The smoldering flame that billowed from the dwarf’s torso reduced in intensity. A clumsy arm flailed at Trajan but it was easy to avoid.

Talanwei pointed at the pool and attempted his weave calling on the support of his God. The threads of energy he tapped created a net just as the achadhiel had envisaged but as it touched the water he sensed that the water contained aetheric energies of its own. Whatever magic was contained in the green pool, it did not hinder Talanwei’s weave and he lifted a modestly-sized body of water from the pool. The weave was imperfect and a good third of the water had dripped away through “holes” in the weave before the achadhiel could release the attack. The water found its mark giving both dwarves and Trajan a good dousing. Trajan staggered almost knocked off his feet but the two dwarves were equally affected and unable to exploit the opportunity to strike.

The water hissed and steamed as it touched the two dwarves. The flaming arm of the one dwarf and chest of the other were both doused but gave off billowing clouds of unpleasant smoke. As the smoke reached Talanwei and Trajan it stung their eyes and seared their lungs. For the present, they were inconvenienced rather than incapacitated but the smoke given off by the two dwarves was gradually increasing in intensity. The achadhiel’s dash forward was halted by the smoke as he sought to clear his eyes and lungs.

Trajan was now standing just out of reach of the dwarf with the spear protruding from his chest whilst Talanwei was a couple of paces further away. The second dwarf was a few paces behind the first dwarf. Both dwarves slowly began to move forwards…

Several arrows were loosed in the direction of the two dwarves as Ulder began to make his way forwards to support his two comrades. Thrandil also loosed an arrow in the direction of the one of the dwarves. One or two arrows hit their target but the proximity of Talanwei and Trajan made it difficult to find a target without risking shooting the two men. The arrows that found their target, including Thrandil’s, had little effect on the two dwarves and the missiles soon began smoldering. Ulder was now closing in on the conflict, still just outside the area affected by the acrid smoke.

Realising that they could not easily hit the first two dwarves, Ulder’s three men on the far side of the river directed their attention to the two dwarves that had emerged from the illusionary wall. The two dwarves took several hits and staggered under the impact of the arrows. Every arrow burst into flame and soon two flaming torches were closing in on the position of the archers.

Scanning the area, Thrandil thought that he detected some sign of movement from a line of rocks that topped the sheer cliff face directly above the illusionary wall. It was only a brief glimpse of grey, gone almost as soon as it had flashed before his searching eyes…
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Post by Trajan Constantine Aeneas »

The dwarfs charred flesh gave little resistance to the broad head of his spear as Trajan threw his weight into the thrust, the weapon split the breastbone and plunged deep into the torso of the ambulatory corpse. Instantly, the haft of spear grew warm, and the legionnaire released his grip even faster than even than he had intended, which was probably the sole reason the blade of the spear hadn't passed clear out the dwarfs back. Ignoring the protest of his singed hand, Trajan snatched the ghost-gifted-blade off his back and swung it in a broad overhand stroke which bit through the bodies shoulder and deep into it's torso. The heat of the first dwarfs burning arms, and the burning spar of what had been a spear, caused Trajan to sweat profusely under his armor, but it was at that moment that Talanwei delivered on Trajan's request. A volume of water scarcely to be believed crashed down on him and his foes like a hammer, and drove them apart and him nearly to his knees.

Blessed Dominicus! Trajan thought, as he gasped for air following his sudden drenching. I didn't mean for him to drown me! After a few flickers, the now soaked legionnaire began to cough for his gasps no longer brought cool sweet air into his lungs, but rather hot acrid smoke. His eyes began to water and his lungs screamed their protest. Trajan's head snapped up from the ground he had been staring at. Apparently Talanwei's water was to blame for this, and it had turned the world immediately around him to shadow. The two dwarves were faint smudges of black with flashes of faint incandescence from where their hellish flames were flickering back into life.

“Mr...” Trajan tried to call out to his achadheil companion but chocked on the smoke. “Mr... Wizard!” He managed to push the words out at a high volume. “Your smoke?” Another coughing fit racked his frame and the legionnaire wondered if it might not be that, and not a blow from one of the walking corpses which would kill him. The sound of shuffling feet came to his ears once more, and the young human spat a gob of phlegm to try to clear his throat and lungs. The shape nearest him was preceded by the charred remains of the legionnaires spear. A few steps back from him was the dwarf who had suffered the blow from his sword. Both were once again advancing on him. And Trajan was aware that he was alone. He had been counting on Talanwei to follow him on the attack, but for some reason that had not happened. The thought that he had been betrayed flashed fleetingly through his mind, but was quickly pushed out, such poison could not be allowed in his mind or he would be dooming himself. Trajan had not lain down when a ghost had confronted him in the streets of Pax, and he would not lay down now for a couple of undead dwarves.

“Blessed Dominicus” he prayed fervently as he prepared once more to attack. “If it is not too much trouble, could I convince you to vent this smoke?” It was inelegant, it was short and it was not at all what Trajan would have preferred to have prayed, but it was all he had time for, because even has he finished the dwarves were upon him. Trajan pulled his heater up to block any blows the lead of the two dwarves might direct at him and then directed a vicious chopping blow toward the creatures legs, hoping to take both of them off, but he would settle for whatever he could get. Whether or not the blow landed, Trajan stepped to the side, allowing the dwarf to pass him on the right and put his shoulder into the upper rim of his heater. His next move was reckless and crazy, he knew that, but he had to get out of the smoke and even the odds against himself.

“For Dominicus!” He cried and charged the second dwarf, aiming his heater for it's torso, sword tucked up underneath like a lance, pointed toward the creatures already damaged chest. The hope was that his height and momentum would allow him to carry the smaller being back out of the smoke and into the lake. The idea was that what Talanwei's little trick had failed to do, maybe full immersion would manage, and if all else failed, he still had his swords.

“Dominicus lend me your strength.” He prayed silently, “Let me show these heathens your glory with my actions.” And then, for good or ill, he was upon the second creature that had once been a dwarf.
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Post by Talanwei Fortisse »

All I do, I do in the name of your wisdom and grace Illuminatus. Your son thanks you.

Talanwei silently yet fervently thanked his god for his blessing. As the weave entered the pool, he could feel energy in the very water. With the time he had, not much could be done to discern its origin. The would-be paladin's torrent crashed upon the dwarves and Trajan. It was with more force than he intended and he grimaced for it. Almost immediately the moistened dwarves began to billow smoke. It had a noxious quality and Talanwei immediately regretted his dash forward as he was seized with a fit of coughing. Trajan uttered a question or something like about the smoke. The blasted Legionnaire called him wizard again, Talanwei almost grinned despite it all. If this smoke problem was not taken care of, however, it could mean the end of them. Tiny, undead enemies who had no need to breathe, see their enemies or in fact feel pain were dangerous.

If the One answered Trajan's prayer, he would have to suffer the help of a half adhiel pagan. Not wanting to waste any breath replying right away, he took a step back and prepared another weave. If his last was as a net or mesh, this would be more uniform as he sought his God's strength to move the breeze upward. Remembering where his allies were, he would try to drive the smoke upward and hopefully not into the line of sight of an archer. The achadhiel knew that wind could be a potentially fierce and fickle element to bend so he tried to coax it carefully. His visualised plan for it was a cylindrical or even conical swirling shape around the dwarves to siphon only the smoke skyward. Talanwei would exercise even more discretion with this weave as he tried to feel the path of any breeze and not force it to do as he wished. The swordsman heard the human's battle cry for his god but could not see Trajan clearly. He silently hoped the legionnaire was not doing something exceedingly foolish.

"Sanai! Trajan be careful!" said the achadiel. No matter their disagreements, he did not wish the human to come to harm. Talanwei would take a moment to see how his weave would work. Should his attempt succeed and the smoke dispel, he would do what he had originally intended and cut down the dwarf Trajan was not attacking with his warden blade. It was a holy weapon, so with luck it could possibly put down the body of the dwarf cursed by the grey cloaks. If the weave failed failed or too much smoke remained he would back out of the radius of debilitating fumes. As he watched for result through tearing eyes, Talanwei attempted to internalize some of Illuminatus' energy. His mind went back to the night the Banner fell. Once he was granted the strength to open the stone wall in the Banner he was also given a measure of resistance to both the heat and smoke. This however was another situation entirely and the smoke in the Banner and that which rolled from the dwarves varied greatly in nature. Also, Talanwei had not consciously channeled the power of the Bright One in that way so it was an attempt at something new. He was trying much, and in swift succession; Talanwei tried most of all to keep his concentration pure on the tasks he was attempting.
Last edited by Talanwei Fortisse on Tue Jun 03, 2008 11:30 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Thrandil »

Thrandil looked at the battlefield, trusting the calls Ulder would make in this battle. His arrows didn't do much against the dwarves, and it slightly disappointed him. It was then that movement caught his eye and he thought he saw a glimpse of grey above the illusionary wall. He decided to focus on that, for if he could kill what had made the dwarves like this, he might have ended the spell too. Or maybe not... He didn't know, but it was the best guess he could make. More over, someone had to look for the enemy at hand.

He kept scanning the area above the wall for more grey movement as he knocked another arrow, already training it at the cliff face. Pan, give me the strength and sight to loose any arrows exactly where I aim. Let me shed blood in your name. Mother, you are air, water and earth. Let me smell them, let me feel where they are. Give away their positions as good as you can. Give me the possibility to stop unnatural menace that try to kill my friends he prayed, hoping it would actually help.
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