UofM Tower of Alchemy - Chyril 27th MT

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UofM Tower of Alchemy - Chyril 27th MT

Post by Tristam »

The ball of light led Viviana through the halls of the University. The place felt like the world after a great storm. It was quiet but unsettled. Still, there was no outward signs for such a feeling except for the fact that she passed not one person on his journey.

The ball of light took Viviana across a small grassy courtyard and then through a door into one of the towers. The room beyond was circular with a low ceiling. A spiral staircase led upward towards the top of the tower. The air was filled with the tang of spice, sulfur, and metal that only alchemical studies can produce. Viviana passed by several doors as she wound her way up. About three turns of the tower up, there was a wooden door on a small landing. The bronze plaque on the door read: Professor Q. Pralix, Alchemy. A parchment scroll nailed to the door simply had an arrow on it pointing up.

As Viviana grew closer, she could hear two men conversing.

"Come now my dear Pralix, you are too modest," a voice said smoothly, "you would do a fine job on the Council."

"Be that as it may, I am needed here. Higher with that mirror, Patrick, higher!" A weaker voice instructed.

"Your apprentices are capable to continue your experiments." Smooth continued, "and think of the funding you could supply them with your support on the Council. You could put Alchemy back in the forefront where it belongs!"

"You certainly paint a pretty picture." The other said thoughtfully.

At this point, the ball turned a corner onto a wide landing. A pair of inch thick stone doors stood open but ready to seal off this room at a moment's notice. The room beyond was filled with large table made of some black shiny stone. Atop each workbench were glass apparatus of baffling meaning, most filled with brightly colored fluids bubbling or steaming or condensing. One was clear aside from a crystalline looking dust all over its surface. If she looked at it right, it smoldered like embers only the light was green.

"More to the right! No, your right Patrick!" A man with salt and pepper hair dressed in a blue robe was the owner of the weaker voice though it was firm and commanding now. He was directing two young men in brown robes. The men in brown were each standing atop a large folding ladder. Each held the edge of a mirror almost as large as they were. With it, they were trying to reflect the light from the windows above on to a lump of black rock sitting on one of the workbenches. Straining the boys shifted the mirror until the light once again fell onto the rock. The light was completely absorbed by the stone.

Next to him was another mage. He was dressed in robes of deep maroon with bronze thread embroidering the cuffs, hem, and collar. He had a long, pale face and dark brown hair that was pulled back in a ponytail that disappeared beneath his collar. He waited to have Pralix's attention once more and thus was annoyed when the ball of light flew around to the mage's hand. It winked out and dropped the scroll into his palm.

Professor Pralix spun around in surprise. "A new student? Now?"

"Why not now, Quentin? We are still a University are we not?" The other mage observed. "So, tell us about yourself girl. What makes you think yourself worthy of the University's training?" He challenged.
Last edited by Tristam on Tue Jun 17, 2008 7:55 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Donald heard a mermaid sing, Susy spied an elf,
But all the magic I have known, I've had to make myself.

Shel Silverstein[/size]
Viviana Kaleyis
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Post by Viviana Kaleyis »

Viviana tried not to judge people, especially those she did not know, but something about this man unnerved her. She was not fond of smooth talkers. Most of them were usually out to get something for themselves at the expense of someone else. The last one she had run into had been fond of innocent little girls. A few appropriately placed slashes with her dagger had shown him just how innocent she truly was. Assuming he had lived, he would never prey on children again.

She observed the mage standing in front of her now, her blue-violet eyes spitting fire. So he thinks I'm unsuitable, does he? She knew how she must look to him: very young, uncertain, probably a bit disheveled from the trek up that spiral staircase. With her fancy clothes and her profusion of uncontrollable curls, she most certainly did not look like magician material. But she had as much right to be here as he did. She was no longer Kitten the street urchin. She didn't have to prove anything to anyone. She refused to rise to his bait.

She would have to choose her words carefully, though, which would be difficult considering the way her stomach was churning. The myriad aromas in the tower were a bit overpowering. She hoped she would get used to them eventually, as the experiments the mages were performing here seemed quite fascinating. At the moment, however, she was glad she had not insisted on stopping by the dining hall for a snack. It would probably have come up.

Her gaze turned to the older man in the blue robes. The ball of light had dropped the scroll into his hand, so apparently he was the one in charge ... Professor Pralix, who would test her for magical talent. She could ignore the rude man altogether if she chose, although that probably wouldn't be a wise decision. He was the one who had spoken to her after all. She just hoped he would not be staying for her evaluation. She would be all the more nervous if he was there.

The trunk was getting heavier and heavier in her arms. She set it on the floor beside her. Walk forward, she told herself. Show them that you're not afraid. Or at least pretend not to be.

The young woman took a few steps toward them. She didn't want to curtsy again, for fear her breakfast would make an unwanted reappearance, but it was the polite thing to do. She hoped they didn't hear her knee creak. When she rose, she stood straight and tall. She tried to feel confident, although apprehension and a good dose of fear were foremost in her mind. If she failed the upcoming evaluation, she would lose the best chance she had to both find her father and learn more about magic.

“Hello, good sirs,” she said, trying to keep her annoyance with Smooth Talker's attitude at bay by focusing only on Professor Pralix. She was getting tired of being so formal and polite, although she knew it was necessary. First impressions were everything. She was also getting tired of holding up the hem of her surcoat. If only I could change into a tunic and breeches,she thought. I would be much more comfortable.

“My name is Viviana Kelayis and I would like the opportunity to study at this fine establishment.” She nodded to the scroll in the professor's hand. “My qualifications are written on that scroll. I hope that will be sufficient to prove my ...” she turned slightly and met the eyes of the other mage defiantly as she nearly spat out the last word, “...worthiness..”

That tiny insolence took less than a flicker, and she immediately turned her attention back to the older man, curtsying once more, her voice back to its calm, even tone. “I await your instructions, Professor Pralix.”
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Post by Tristam »

The smooth talker smiled at Viviana but it did not reach his eyes. Then he turned to Pralix with a chuckle. "You see, Quentin. Even the newest arrivals look to you for direction in these dark times. I'll leave you to make your choice. I'm sure it will be the right one."

"Yes, yes." Professor Pralix said distractedly as he scanned Vivianna's scroll. "We'll talk later, Thelban." The maroon clad mage nodded to Pralix in farewell and stalked past Viviana without a glance.

After a few flickers, Professor Pralix looked up from his scroll and started slightly as though surprised to still find Viviana here. He cleared his throat. "Well," he began scratching nose, "I suppose we'd get right down to it. The registrar says that you feel a tingle in the air around things that are magical. That is a rare gift in one so young." Pralix observed. "But that is not enough to prove definitively that you have the capacity for magic."

Professor Pralix strode over to peg board where a variety of shaped and colored crystals hung from chains of many different metals. He finally chose a silver chain from which a flat square of milky white quartz hung. "Tell me, miss, what is your current understanding of the Aether and a mage's relationship to it?"
Donald heard a mermaid sing, Susy spied an elf,
But all the magic I have known, I've had to make myself.

Shel Silverstein[/size]
Viviana Kaleyis
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Post by Viviana Kaleyis »

Viviana suppressed the childish urge to stick her tongue out at Thelban as he marched passed her. She was relieved he was gone, and hoped she would not have to encounter him again. The University was a big place. Maybe he was just visiting. By his embroidered robes, she guessed he was a person of some influence ... not the best person for a mere girl to anger. I hope I have not made an enemy today, she mused. That was certainly not my intention. Still, he had no right to infer that I did not belong here. Perhaps he will forget the whole incident. I will certainly try to do that myself.

Professor Pralix seemed a bit absent-minded. While she didn't have a lot of experience with absent-minded people, she figured that the best way to deal with them was to occasionally call attention to yourself so they would know you were still around. To Viviana, the most practical way to do this was by asking questions ... something at which she quite excelled.

She was pleased when he mentioned that feeling the tingle of magic was a rare gift, curious when he brought over the quartz on the silver chain. Why had he picked that particular one, she wondered? There were so many of them to choose from. She rather liked the brighter ones herself, but then she had always gravitated toward bolder colors.

His question threw her a bit off-guard. The Aether? She knew only a little bit about it, mainly from what she had read, what Signore Bianchi had told her, and some curious sensations she had felt herself. How, however, did she put that into words?

“The Aether, sir,” she said finally, as if she was quoting from a book, “is another plane of existence that allows one to perceive magical energy. I know nothing more than that.” Her tongue moved over her upper lip, an unconscious indication that she was trying to make a difficult decision. There is no reason not to tell him, she thought. He may think I'm crazy, but what if it truly means something?

She squared her shoulders and spoke again. “Sometimes,” she said a bit hesitantly, “sometimes I can almost see something in the moments between waking and sleeping. Something ... important. Something ... wonderful. I try to grasp it and then ... then it goes away. I long for it in a way that I don't understand. I think perhaps that is the Aether.”
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Post by Tristam »

Pralix nodded along absently as she made her textbook recitation and admission of ignorance. When she spoke of seeing something upon waking, Pralix leaned forward a touch to examine her more closely. "It is difficult to say for certain but you may have been seeing the Aether at such times. We visit the Aether each night when we sleep. Well those of us that chose to or have no alternative." Pralix amended. "If you see the Aether this day, you will know for sure." He smiled at the thought.

"Now pay attention." Pralix began. "The energies of the Aether are tightly linked to the matter of the Tether. So for example, the flame of that lamp will be fire energy when seen on the Aether. This table will be energies of stone. Air energy will flood much of your vision as will light. But I cannot tell you what exactly you will see. Each mind sees the Aether through a different filter. We each only see facets of the jewel, as it were." Pralix looked proud of that turn of phrase." I see alchemical symbols for example. Patrick," Pralix gestured towards one of the men struggling with the mirror, "sees lines of force color coded to the different energies."

"To truly see the Aether requires strong mental concentration and a knowledge of self." Pralix explained. "For this test however, I'll let you take a shortcut." Pralix handed the crystal pendant to Viviana. "This is a powerful focusing lens. If you have even the slightest glimmer of magical talent, you should be able to see the Aether through this." He smiled at her encouragingly. "Take a moment to calm your mind. When your soul is still, look through the lens at the flame and tell me what you see."

OOC: You get to choose how Viviana perceives the Aether. If you want to discuss your choice with me, drop me a PM. Otherwise, go ahead and post.
Donald heard a mermaid sing, Susy spied an elf,
But all the magic I have known, I've had to make myself.

Shel Silverstein[/size]
Viviana Kaleyis
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Post by Viviana Kaleyis »

Viviana took the pendant from Professor Pralix and studied it, her head cocked to one side like a curious little kitten. The silver chain felt cool to her touch. She cupped the crystal in her other hand and held it in front of her face. The quartz was even cooler. So I must calm my mind to see the Aether, she thought. Knifespinner taught me to do that long ago, when I was first learning to juggle. No problem at all.

She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths, feeling herself growing calmer and more focused. Opening her eyes, she looked deeply into the crystal and saw ... nothing.

I'm supposed to see a flame in there. Where is it? She concentrated harder, letting her eyes lose their focus, determined this time to perceive the Aether.

Still nothing.

This isn't right. I have to see it. I must! She shook her head to clear her thoughts and went through the calming process again. It will work this time. I know it will. She scrutinized the quartz once more, willing herself to see something ... anything. She squinted at it. She crossed her eyes. She turned it around and looked on the other side.


Nothing at all.

Viviana closed her eyes again. A single tear slid out. She felt it meander slowly down her cheek, tasted its saltiness on her lips. She had no talent for magic. None. She didn't want to open her eyes again, didn't want to see the pity that must be on Professor Pralix's face. She wanted to disappear. She wanted to be invisible. She was ...

... three yahren old. She was playing on the floor, close to the front door of the shack she shared with her mother, her grandfather, and her many aunts and uncles. The door flew open. Her grandfather stepped through, angry and shouting. When he was like that, he often hit her ... over and over and over. I am not here, she thought, I am not here. I am not here. The world glazed over in a shimmery haze. And her grandfather walked by her, just as if she wasn't there. The shimmery haze was familiar. It was like ...

... the moments between waking and sleeping, when she was so perfectly relaxed. Sometimes she felt as if something wondrous was just a touch away. That was the Aether, she realized. The flame was not inside the crystal. It was inside her ... and she knew now how to reach it.

The young achadhiel opened her eyes and wordlessly handed the crystal back to the professor. She smiled, and calmed herself again, going deeper and deeper into a state of intense introspection, of curious enlightenment. She concentrated on the flame burning brightly inside of her ...

...and she saw it.

“The world is a piece of fabric,” she said for Professor Pralix's benefit. “And the energies ... why, they are strands of embroidery floss, floating in the air, each threaded to a needle. The floss ... the floss needs to be embroidered onto the fabric ... into intricate patterns. Magic enhances the world the way good embroidery enhances the fabric. But an improper pattern would ruin the fabric. That is the dark magic. You must know the patterns intimately, to figure out which one should be used at any given moment ... and to know which ones should never be used. I can see some of the patterns, but I can't make out the details. The colors of the floss are so vivid. If I could figure out how to create dyes like that, I'd make a fortune.”

She reached out to one particularly brilliant red strand, wanting to feel its softness between her fingers. She stopped herself before she made contact with it, remembering that this was all new to her. She didn't want to do anything wrong.

Head cocked to the side again, she looked over to Professor Pralix. “May I touch them, sir?” she asked.
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Post by Tristam »

Pralix waited patiently. It was not uncommon for it to take some time to center ones thoughts and emotions. Many professors would have murmured words of advice or encouragement but Pralix had faith in his focus. Her look of confidence as she passed back the pendant confused him but then to his Aetheric sight she blossomed into a riot of multicolored runes.

Though this state felt quite natural for Viviana, she found it took much of her concentration to continue seeing the warp and weft of the Aether. On the Aether, Pralix appeared to be wearing a suit of stiff cloth embroidered with runes of power.

When Viviana reached for the red cord, it slipped away from her grasp. "Once you know what to with it, yes." Pralix said in approval. "What you have done now is called centering. It is reaching into the core of your being and projecting that upon the world around you. Now, you must learn grounding. These threads of power are like a water valve with a well oiled spout. Only a little effort is needed to draw forth a lot of power and that power can kill you if you are not ready for it. Grounding removes most of that danger. Concentrate upon the energy you wish to work with. As you focus on it, it will appear to move slower and you will be able to grasp it. Then urge it into the earth at your feet or throw it up to the air. With that in place, you can send the excess energy you draw to absorbed by the earth or dispersed in the sky." Pralix said no more and waited to see Viviana's progress.
Donald heard a mermaid sing, Susy spied an elf,
But all the magic I have known, I've had to make myself.

Shel Silverstein[/size]
Viviana Kaleyis
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Post by Viviana Kaleyis »

Most of Professor Pralix's words made no sense to Viviana. She understood the part about concentrating to grasp the strand of energy floss, but the whole concept of grounding was completely alien to her. She was finding it difficult just to focus enough to perceive the Aether; she didn't know if she had any concentration left to spare.

Taking a few more deep breaths, she let herself fall further into the meditative state she had discovered only a few burns ago. Ahh, yes. Much better. The fabric of the Aether was clearer now, and she no longer had to focus intently to see it. She concentrated instead on the red strand of floss. She reached out again, and this time, she grasped it.

Power flowed through her, into every part of her, filling her from head to toe. It was a fascinating sensation. She felt utterly invincible


Her elation lasted for all of a flicker. The power intensified, threatening to consume her. She felt it burning inside of her, flaming uncontrollably. If it continued this way, she would incinerate into a pile of ashes on the floor.

Viviana was truly frightened now She tried to let the strand go, but it was stuck to her hand. This was where the grounding came in. She had to sent the excess power away or it would kill her. Finally, she understood.

Out, damn energy!

Concentrating as hard as she could, the aspiring mage envisioned the energy she didn't need flowing downward through her body, into her legs, into the soles of her boots, and down deep into the ground. She felt it burning for a few more flickers and then it was gone. The floss was still in her hand. She could feel its power, but it was manageable now.

But can I do it again? That was rather difficult. I think I need more practice.

She reached out for a purple strand, grabbing it and sending its excess energy into the ground as well. She reached for a third and then stopped. Do I really have to grab them? Why can't I call them to me instead? This time, she envisioned a golden strand moving into her hand. It did, and she sent its extra power to join that of the others.

A pattern appeared in her mind, its details a bit vague. It used all three of the strands she had gathered. She felt the need to embroider them onto the fabric, but she knew she was probably not ready for that yet. Regretfully, she pushed the image to the back of her mind, and turned to Professor Pralix. She smiled, proudly holding the three strands of energy floss.

“What's the next step?” she asked eagerly.
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Post by Tristam »

With practice, Viviana found it easier to call threads to her hands but found it harder and harder to hold her concentration as she handled the increasing load of energy. Still it was bearable for the moment.

Pralix smiled at Viviana's eagerness. "Let's start with something simple. Manipulation of a single energy." He looked around his tables and brought over a candle next to the lit alcohol lamp. "Try using the fire energy of the lamp to light the candle. On the Aether the candle was a interlacing of dull green and white strands while the lamp danced with threads of red.
Donald heard a mermaid sing, Susy spied an elf,
But all the magic I have known, I've had to make myself.

Shel Silverstein[/size]
Viviana Kaleyis
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Post by Viviana Kaleyis »

Viviana saw the pattern for lighting the candle at once, although it was difficult to concentrate on both that and staying in tune with the Aether. When she let the three strands of energy go, it was much easier to remain focused. So I don't have to actually hold the energy to see the pattern,she observed. I still wonder what would have happened if I had woven those three strands together. I really don't think I would have been able to do it though. I probably need a lot more practice before I can handle that many.

Now that she knew she did not have to physically grab the energies, she decided to try and mentally manipulate them into the pattern. It was really a simple pattern. The red just had to be woven through the green and white. She made the first mental stitch, then the second. Before she could make the third stitch, the fire energy slipped away, back to its original position.

She tried again. This time she made seven stitches before the slippery red strands unraveled the pattern. Viviana's muttered curses, learned on the street, would make even a sailor sit up straight and take notes.

Never one to give up, she attempted the pattern again ... and again ... and again. Her tongue moved over the corner of her upper lip as she concentrated, trying to keep that slippery fire energy in line. At last she succeeded and the wick of the candle burst into a bright vivid flame.

Her quick mind analyzed what had happened during the half-dozen times she had failed compared to the time she had succeeded. She knew she wouldn't make the same mistakes again.

“Got it!” she said triumphantly to Professor Pralix. The young achadhiel was a bit tired now, but still as enthusiastic as ever. She loved mental challenges, and learning the basics of magic was the greatest challenge she had faced so far. And it was fun! In fact, she couldn't remember having this much fun in her entire sixteen yahren.
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Post by Tristam »

Pralix smiled. "So you have." He agreed. "Now let the energies go. You have some mundane details to attend too." Upon relinquishing the energies of the Aether, Viviana discovered she was more fatigued by the use of the magick than she thought. Nothing lunch and a good sit down in a chair wouldn't cure though.

Professor Pralix moved over to a battered workbench in a far corner of the room and beckoned Viviana to follow him. "Well you certainly have the aptitude for the Art so all that is left is the formal agreement and the arranging of tuition." Pralix sat down behind the cluttered desk and began rummaging through a drawer. He continued to talk with the wood muffling his voice somewhat. "Tuition is eight crowns a year. Now, we know most incoming students cannot pay this but there are arrangements that you can make." Pralix's head popped back up from the drawer. "Or at least I presume you can. The movement of the University has thrown many things into flux. Still, we shall proceed as if they are."

Pralix placed two pieces of parchment on the desk. The one on the left was old and yellowed. Its margins were full of runes written in faded colorful inks. The second was a new document in crisp black ink on white paper. "The first is your agreement with the University. In exchange for your tuition and labor in helping with the upkeep of the University, you will be provided with magickal training, room and board, and the materials needed for your training. The second document is an agreement with the Imperial Government. In exchange for paying your tuition, you will provide for them magickal services in the same amount as your tuition as priced by the Temple of Pecunia. If both are acceptable, all we need is your signature on both and you can begin your training." Pralix shifted forward an inkwill with a quill still in it and waited.
Donald heard a mermaid sing, Susy spied an elf,
But all the magic I have known, I've had to make myself.

Shel Silverstein[/size]
Viviana Kaleyis
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Post by Viviana Kaleyis »

Viviana had already heard about the tuition from Signore Bianchi so she wasn't surprised by it. She didn't mind providing magical services for the government, as long as she wasn't required to harm anyone. She drew the line at that. She hoped they wouldn't make her work the portal, though. It looked so very boring.

She studied the two pieces of parchment. Did she really want to commit herself to this? If I don't, then I lose both the chance to learn magic and the best possibility I know of to discover my father's whereabouts. I really have no choice.

Taking a deep breath, Viviana took the quill and signed both documents.


It was done.

Father, I hope you're worth this. And I hope I am truly worth of learning your craft.

She placed the quill back in the inkwell, letting out the breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding, and turned to Professor Pralix for further instruction.
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Post by Tristam »

Pralix nodded and took back both documents. "Welcome to the University, Viviana." He smiled. "Now we must get you settled." The next several burns was a hurried tour of the University where Viviana got a vague sense of where to find her dormitory, the dining hall, the library and the several of the commonly visited towers for instruction. Pralix also pointed out the main message boards in the dining hall and Hall of Ages where the class schedules were posted. Pralix would remain her primary advisor but she was encouraged to meet the other faculty and determine which might be her best fit to apprentice under when the time came.

OOC: And I think that is fin and a slide into your other thread. :)
Donald heard a mermaid sing, Susy spied an elf,
But all the magic I have known, I've had to make myself.

Shel Silverstein[/size]
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Post by Tristam »

Thread skilled!
Donald heard a mermaid sing, Susy spied an elf,
But all the magic I have known, I've had to make myself.

Shel Silverstein[/size]

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