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The Dragon & Game Designer
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Joined: Thu Oct 03, 2002 1:29 pm
Location: The Netherlands


Post by Maeve »

On the tradetide of Samheen 23rd heralds, dispatched by portal, announced the following all over the Western Kingdom:

Hear ye, Hear ye,

King Balthasar I, Defender of the Faith, upon his coronation has given charter to the city Pax Balthasar in the Howling Ice Mountains. The charter gives every citizen of said city 5 acres of land and a dwelling, and also grants the tolerance of the One Church towards heretic beliefs, provided they do not threaten the State and remain of peaceful intentions. A special legion will protect its citizens.

All pagans commanded to go to said city where they may live their lives in peace without fear for persecution. The authorities have portals available for those who wish to join the Pax Balthasar.

In all cities and villages outside Pax Balthasar, bar none, henceforth heretic beliefs will not be tolerated. Temples will be destroyed and any pagan that expresses his believes publicly will be persecuted by the One Church. One nation, One faith.

So says,

King Balthasar I

OOC: the forum Pax Baltashar is temporarily located in the Kings Court area. All you need to do to join from Samheen 23rd onwards is to inform your moderator of your departure and start posting in Pax. If your pagan (non-Oneist) PC elects to stay and hide his believes please be aware there could be grave IC consequences in the near future.
[i][b][color=orange][size=92]Smile and carry a big stick.[/color][/b][/i][/size]
The Dragon & Game Designer
Posts: 15536
Joined: Thu Oct 03, 2002 1:29 pm
Location: The Netherlands

Post by Maeve »


On Samheen 23rd King Baltashar made the above proclamation on his coronation.

Q. What is a pagan?
A pagan is defined by the One Church of which King Balthashar is the head as "one who doesn't follow the One God Dominicus". This includes the undecided and pantheon categories.

Q. What is with the One Church and pagans?
The One Church is currently on a crusade, rather similar to the ones the Catholic Church had against islam and heretics in the middle ages. The Church whishes to expand its membership and "purge" the Western Kingdom and possibly the world of unbelievers. In their mind the priests of the Purificatio are saving souls and are spreading light and goodness, though the pagans may beg to differ.

Q. Does this mean I HAVE to move to Pax?
No. However the proclamation, the foundation of Pax and subsequent actions of the priesthood are an IC event that cannot be denied. There will be consequences in your thread. Your PC may encounter more hostility for instance or be shunned in certain parts of town.

Q. How can I avoid moving to Pax?
Alternatives some PC's are already considering are:
*converting to the true faith of the One
*hiding their own faith, aka not being too vocal about it
*moving out of the Western Kingdom

Q. What are the consequences of staying in Kings Court?
On samheen 23rd there are no immediate consequences. There may be some later.

All of this is part of the new theme: War of the One. We hope you will enjoy the ride!

[i][b][color=orange][size=92]Smile and carry a big stick.[/color][/b][/i][/size]
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