From Far They Came [Entrance Thread]

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The Dragon & Game Designer
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From Far They Came [Entrance Thread]

Post by Maeve »

The portal was unusual large, created to let through wagons and horses as well as humans. The cost in magick energy and thus in crowns must have been immense, especially considering the short time in which it was set up. Once every while the portal blinked and let through a family or cluster of people, carrying all that belonged to them, looking weary, yet with hope glistering in their eyes.

The spectacular artifact opened into what could only be somewhat of anticlimax. The city of Pax was little more than one dusty road with a couple of wooden sheds, hastily thrown together. Nearby a cluster of tents with soldiers in the Royal Blue were assisting engineers to build Fort Pax and a wooden pallisade to surround the small cluster of homes.

Beyond the main street the spectacular view of snowpeaked mountains called immediate attention. Outside the city of Pax there were communal fields, some of which already contained cattle. It was surrounded by deep, dark forest. The sound of a bubbling spring could be heard over the clear industrial noises of a city being built.
Last edited by Maeve on Sun Nov 13, 2005 4:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
[i][b][color=orange][size=92]Smile and carry a big stick.[/color][/b][/i][/size]
Valan Desiun

Post by Valan Desiun »

And thus, he arrived.

The dirty, dusty elven peasant strolled along the path, staring at the empty lands around him. The soldiers were already here; it was good to know the land was being defended. The fields stretched before him, but Valan's attention was riveted to the forest.

It was a little small, but nonetheless, there were trees, and it was close enough to home. The elf gave a little smile. He had travelled so far, only to arrive back where he began.

Looking around, he walked slowly towards his little plot of heaven.
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Post by Maeve »

Eyes followed him through the street, though none offered a greeting. The ground was dusty now, and no doubt would turn into a mudpool once rains came.

Close to the portal was the Provost Office, and a man in a royal blue uniform sat outside on the veranda behind a little table. "Hey stranger," the darkhaired man called "Care to register so that you can lay claim to your land and your acres?"
[i][b][color=orange][size=92]Smile and carry a big stick.[/color][/b][/i][/size]
Kaelara Mentahn
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Post by Kaelara Mentahn »

The patter of shod hooves was nearly lost amid the shuffle of other settlers. Kaelara's heart constricted with envy as she watched the families trundling down the paths to their new homes. They will find me, eventually - and I'll be ready and waiting. Shoving thoughts of her own relations deep into a single kernel of hope, she buried it at the back of her mind, and nudge the horse forwards. <i>The Horse. The Horse should have a name... but what was it?</i> Small packages dangled next to the large leather pack tied behind the saddle, which creaked with the equine's slow trod as she twisted to check her belongings. <i>A pitiful collection.</i>

The Horse lumbered to a stop just beyond the Portal, and she settled back in the unfamiliar saddle, unused to the movement of the horse, and grateful it seemed a placid creature. She wiggled the reins suggestively for a few moments, but her mount just curved it's head back to eye her before dropping it's muzzle to the dusty ground, whuffling around for something to nibble.

"If you knew what was good for you, you'd get your lazy legs moving, Horse, before I tan your hide." The bravado was forced - she rather thought that even a minor whack would send the beast, placid though it seemed, pummeling forwards, leaving her airborne and with nothing to her name. So, clutching the cantle determinedly with one hand, she nudged the creature with her feet, squeezing it's fat belly with increasing pressure until it started forward in a haphazard trot past the Adhiel on foot. She bounced along for a moment or two, knowing her tailbone would be chastising her the following day, until she reined the creature in before the Provost Office. Two pigeons, each in its own cage, cooed their disgruntlement at the jolting pace from where they were tied behind the saddle.

Assuming his words were meant for her, she craned her head down from her perch on The Horse's back, peering down her nose at the man in Blue with none too friendly an expression. A uniform, to her, implied service to.. <i>Balthasar</i>... the thought occured with no honorific, but she kept it to herself. With a sigh, she aligned her features into something approaching edgy amicability, and tilted her head in greeting.

She had spared no attempt for her first impressions today, having lined her eyes with kohl and darkened her lashes. The touch of color to eyelids and cheeks emphasized the contours of her face today - rather than hiding them. A long wheaten braid dangled over one shoulder to her moderate bust. Her garments wrapped neatly around her small frame, and though she rode astride, her skirts seemed long enough to accomodate this activity, though by the way she perched atop the saddle, it was clear to any knowledgable that she would probably fly free with the slighest provocation. The horse, however, looked rather unlikely for hijinks of any kind. Clean and neat, cool and collected, her hazy brown-gold eyes focused on the man. Then she sneezed. Twice. Giving up her attempts as a lost cause, she drove right to the point.

"Who isn't a stranger?" The rhetorical question dripped from lips that suddenly frowned, a brief moment of sadness that quickly disappeared. "But yes, what information do you need to register? Do I pick my land here or seek it out myself? I would prefer something near water." She paused a moment before her second query. "And.... I have wares to peddle as well, will I need to 'register' for that?" The resentment and anger, spilling over from her last few days in King's Court, unfortunately emerged in the undercurrent of sarcasm that lent spice to her tone. She reigned in her tongue with a tight smile that hid her fear, being truly <i>alone</i> for the first time since childhood, and sat in tense patience awaiting his response.
Valan Desein

Post by Valan Desein »

Valan strode lightly to the man behind the desk, assuming him to be some kind of official. Probably the administrator of this town.

"I'm here to register for my plot of land. Is it possible that I may request a plot of land within the forest, rather than in the fields? My skill lies in hunting, rather than farming. And it could be useful for this community to have someone in the forests, in case guile enemies or bandits attack through the trees."

As the woman spoke, Valan turned slightly.
"Oh, you're a peddler? Per'aps you've herbs to sell? I'm looking for a Echinacea, bistort roots, kalmoes, or just some common ones."
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Post by Maeve »

The man in the blue uniform, his brown curls touching the collar, looked at Kaelara with some sympathy "Don't worry M'am, this is just for bureacratic reasons. I'll need your name and place of origin, as well as your current faith."

He produced a well worn map, torn at the edges I have a lovely spot for your land, here at the Clearwater river." He pointed it out on the map, then smiled softly "Perhaps I can help you with the peddling? We are looking for a good shopkeeper. There is a one story shop, with a house attached to it. You'd have to pay rent, and the goods sold from the Provost office would carry with it only a small percentage for yourself and the Provost will set the price. However, you can sell your own products alongside at no extra charge. Tis up there," He pointed out the shop which was two houses down the road. He shrugged "Of course you can peddle your wares without a shop, but as we are still setting up the town, why not make use of its potential, eh?"

Then another adhiel approached and the soldier gave him a polite smile "Sir, I would like your name and point of orgin. I have several nice spots available" He once again pointed at the map and there were several plots that met Valan's wishes. "As you can see sir, being here early does have its advantages. I will note you down as a hunter and ranger. Perhaps it will be possible for you to trade your catch in the local store for some other produce," the man said helpful.
[i][b][color=orange][size=92]Smile and carry a big stick.[/color][/b][/i][/size]
Kaelara Mentahn
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Post by Kaelara Mentahn »

The man in the blue uniform, his brown curls touching the collar, looked at Kaelara with some sympathy "Don't worry M'am, this is just for bureacratic reasons. I'll need your name and place of origin, as well as your current faith."

"Kaelara Mentahn. King's Court." Her clipped reply showed just what she thought of that bureacratic nonsense. "More than your One." She was hesitant to label herself with one faith or another, hesitant to reveal any information that could be used by those who wished to enable prosecution. <i>Let's hope none of the family revealed the extent of the smuggling of pagans, or my name might bring too much of the wrong notice.</i>

She eyed the map from atop the horse, studying the lines and marking the landmarks as best she could, her shoulders relaxing their defensive lines. <i>At least he was trying to be helpful, human Oneist or not.</i>

"Of course you can peddle your wares without a shop, but as we are still setting up the town, why not make use of its potential, eh?"

"How much for rent? It seems that the upkeep of the shop and the <i>honest</i> peddling of goods would be worth more than a small percentage. You'll need a trustworthy woman, one who won't bicker with your like when they approach - I can keep a civil tongue to customers regardless of their aligned religion, something I can almost promise you won't find in most newcomers seeking such a position." A faint sigh escaped from lips loosely pursed, her hazel gaze seeming to search the man's depths. Her aim was not to seduce, for the resuls of seduction, or so it seemed to her, were temporary and required far too much energy to maintain. <i>No, I need to establish myself as a Leader within the community, both to Balthasar's whelps and the rest of us 'pagans'. Besides, he's... human.</i> The thought produced an unknown command of will, as she smiled, if only faintly, at the Officer. "The house, especially with rent, I have no use for - how else am I to protect the lands which are mine by right, than if I occupy them at least a portion of the day? We both know that, despite whatever you write in your bureacratic ledger, that possession is worth nine tenths of the law."

Then another adhiel approached and the soldier gave him a polite smile "Sir, I would like your name and point of orgin. I have several nice spots available" He once again pointed at the map and there were several plots that met Valan's wishes. "As you can see sir, being here early does have its advantages. I will note you down as a hunter and ranger. Perhaps it will be possible for you to trade your catch in the local store for some other produce," the man said helpful.

The moment the soldier's attention passed to the other Adhiel, she took for the preparing of her thoughts. <i>A bit... scruffy looking.. but...</i> when there was a moment for her to interject a comment, she turned a slightly more genuine smile to the hunter... or ranger. "My herbs are limited, but I hope to maintain some old contacts and might be able to find you what you seek. Please, if you would wait but a moment.. or perhaps we could meet in the near future? I need to settle my arrival with this.. gentleman." Her small but capable hands flicked a gesture at the Soldier, which caused the horse beneath her to shift. She wobbled in the saddle before it settled back into a stand, hooves shuffling boredly. Peering down at the ground, she pondered dismounting. <i>Of course, Kaelara, you do know you would never convince yourself to get back <b>on</b>again, and then where would we be?</i> Thus convinced to keep her seat, she allowed her gaze to pause on the other Adhiel. "I may not yet be the official shopkeeper, but I would certainly be interested in what wares you might have to trade."
Valan Desein

Post by Valan Desein »

"Valan Desein, Taquar. Um, I suppose I'm with Mother Earth. Or something like that." The elf had never paid attention to the deities he worshipped; his parents and villaged had paid homage to the Mother, so he followed suit without question.

"Could I perhaps take this plot?" Valan pointed at one of the plots of land a few hours walk within the forest, the plot that was also closest to the river. It would be useful to catch tired animals drinking at the river, not to mention the possibilities of fishing.

To the woman, he nodded, wondering why she had not dismounted.

"Of course. Perhaps we should meet up in the tavern this evening to discuss any future trading opportunities. Who knows, we could be the first to kickstart this little town's economy."

The first Halfling to arrive

Post by Guest »

Cerna was still half running when she arrived on the other side of the portal. She had read a lot into the message by Balthasar, perhaps more then what was actually going on, but the future would prove that, no doubt.

Walking in the dustcovered street, she looked around watching a city being raised from the ground. Seeing the snowpeaked mountains in the distance, her heart stopped for a second as she took in the beauty of the sight. This place wouldn't be so bad if that was the kind of sight she'd wake up to every morning.

She looked around to see if the claiming of a plot of land would become more clear on this side of the portal.
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Post by Maeve »

The man quoted a rent that was steep, yet did leave room to make a profit.. a circlet a week. In Kings court that would six times that price, but it was difficult to tell what the prices out here would proof to be. The soldier gave her an apologetic smile while he registered her piece of land and gave her written proof it. "Milady the rent is not for the house itself, but for the shop in front, an addition none of the other houses has so you'll have the advantage there. The lands are held communally. This means the legion will protect it and they'll recognize your claim. For security reasons the legion has build the houses in a cluster. They say it has something to do with future levees."

Valan too received a certificate in nice curly lettering, just as he had requested the spot half in the forest near the river. So early in the day most spots on the map were still free.

"Hello stranger," the uniformed man behind the table on the veranda of the Provost office called to the halfling that passed the portal "You can register here for your plot of land."
[i][b][color=orange][size=92]Smile and carry a big stick.[/color][/b][/i][/size]
Kaelara Mentahn
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Post by Kaelara Mentahn »

OOC: Maeve, we don't have to play out the discussion, if you send me a PM with basic information of how shopkeeping works when PC related? :D Anything you think I should know that won't come out in play, anyways. :)

Lightly callused fingers curled about the slip of paper, so frail an item that tokened her beginnings here. She took care, when leaning to retrieve it, no to unbalance from her precarious perch. "A circlet a week, then?" There was a considering note in her voice. To attempt to bargain further, when the soldier had already completely ignored her once, might invite a reputation as a troublemaker. <i>Something I must avoid at all costs.</i> "That might be acceptable, for now. Perhaps we can come to an arrangement of more mutual benefit in the weeks to come." Her smile was distant, a trace of that Adhiel superiority she could not quite eliminate from her distinct features. "Since the building is rented, I assume cost of upkeep falls to your Office? Once I have seen it, perhaps I may return and discuss what minor modifications would be necessary to maximize <i>both</i> our profits? And we have the percentages to discuss... but I see others require your attention." Leaving little time for the soldier's response, she turned to the other Adhiel.

"Valan Desein, I believe you said? Around evening-tide, then, at dusk? I want to settle my belongings and wares, and get a glimpse of this place beforehand." One hand full of the reins, and the other full of her writ of ownership, she could only nod her respects. "Kaelara Mentahn, I am known. I ea fiadhea ta ealiu." The latter farewell, dropped neatly from her lips, coincided with her toes prodding her mount forward. The animal begrudgingly shuffled forwards at a slow walk down the street, as Kaelara sought her newly acquired shop and home.
Valan Desein

Post by Valan Desein »

"Thank you." Valan took his certificate, carefully rolling it into his bag. "Best of luck, good sir."

"And I will see you at dusk in the tavern, m'lady," he nodded at Kaelara, before heading off to find his house.

Post by Guest »

Cerna looked at the departing backs of Valan and Kaelara and walked over to the man that had just called out to her.
"Well met sir", Cerna started, "Where is this city compared to World's Mouth? I'm feeling a bit disoriented after this portal journey and am trying to get my bearings. "
"Register for a plot of land, ok, what do you need to know?"
"Ehm, i also have a question if that's ok. Is there any need for a cook around here already?"
She was definitely nervous during this whole thing. She still wasn't certain about what was going on and who this King Balthazar was and why on earth he would want to put everyone not following Dominicus in one place... Luckily she was a pretty paranoid person, so she had plenty to think about for the next few days.
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Post by Maeve »

"Pax is in the Howling Mountains just north of the Fire Canyon, indeed north from World's Mouth to. To the east you'll find barbarians, and to the West-North more barbarians I'm afraid," the soldier quipped, though of course he was refering to the adhiel kingdom of T'aquar "Welcome milady, and what plot of land did you have in mind for your own? I would like to register your name, your place of origin and your faith if I may."

Upon her question the good man looked into his papers, going down a list with his fingers "A cook... well.. the legion Pax Honortus has a cook, and the ladies of the Nether's Gate have been doing their own cooking, though you may find a vacancy there."

OOC: While IC your PC may have to find out, there is some OOC material in the sticky topic in the forum. You migth also want to read up on the coronation and Kings Council threads in KC.
Last edited by Maeve on Sun Sep 18, 2005 2:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
[i][b][color=orange][size=92]Smile and carry a big stick.[/color][/b][/i][/size]
Anarión Herunna

Post by Anarión Herunna »

A new city established simply to house the pagans. How could anyone justify this? To save the current peace, the only solution the men in the high seats could come up with was to send ALL pagans - nonbelievers - to a distant area. Here pagans were gathered to try to survive on these inhospitable plains between biting mountains, orcish brutes and whatever else beastly and hostile creatures and land. These and many other thoughts ran through the mind of Anarion while he still were in King's Court.

Then he walked out and onto the land he would now call his own. Pax Balthasar. The solution to the humane problem which had arisen due to the fact that people of different believes were unable to live togheter.

Anarion turned around and watched the portal, an immense creation of magick and hard work. That was not what captured his awareness. He was surrounded, ramshackle buildings had quickly been arranged to house the coming inhabitants. Was there even a tavern here? Then further down was the so-called soldiers which task was to safeguard the city.

The elf descended down the street and began to wander in the direction of the Provost Office. A cerulan-garbed soldier scribed information about the newcomers and registrered their arrival. He even distributed the land between them.

"I am Anarion Herunna. Of King's Court," Anarion said. In a different and gone age he might have proclaimed his heritage to King's Court proudly, now it tasted awful.

Post by Guest »

While anarion approached, Cerna gave her name,
the fact that she's not a religious follower of any god and
that she was originally from Hollow Hills.

As Anarion introduced herself to the man, Cerna focussed on the chart
with the lots of land.
She was hoping to find something in the centre of town that she could start a bar in. The plot of land she could always rent out to a farmer.
Occasionally, she glanced up at Anarion, wondering at the hidden
features, the shadows underneath the cloak.

Cerna waited for a lull in the conversation between the official and
Anarion and then pointed at her chosen lot. "I have so many questions
about these lots it's not funny, so i'll just take this one. Is there perhaps
someone available that doesn't have to receive lots of people coming
through the portal, so I can ask those questions without causing a queue?"
Last edited by Guest on Tue Sep 20, 2005 9:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Guest »

Archie dragged himself towards the main gate. It looked promising enough.

He'd chickened out. The whole ship-scenery was not his favorite ground of operation; and he could only make real benefit if he'd return, which wasn't certain, not even very probable, it seemed. And even if he did, he'd need to go into honest service of what appeared to be an orc who could detect dishonesty. After that, he would need to be very refined in his embezzling, and then he could perhaps make a little profit.

The real problem was different; his routine had always been to make people believe he was a mighty sage by means of cheap magic tricks. However, in Roque, apparently, these idiots apparently didn't really approve of the use of magic. Archie didn't know squat about real magic, but of course it was essential that his clients believed he did.

Hence, he thought the commotion in this new refuge could perhaps offer better opportunities. He didn't intend to stay for long; he didn't think this place itself would be something that would stay for long. In fact, he expected an army at this mighty gates to clean them heathens up by the time there would be enough of them here.

As soon as he cast his first glance on the city, he got the nasty feeling he'd made a big mistake. It didn't look like a place where much money could be made at all. But it would have to do nonetheless. He wondered how he would be able to get his hands on his land.
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Post by Maeve »

It was busy at the Provost Office were people lined up to be signed in for their promised 5 acres of land and the three room house.

Cerna noticed on the map that there was already a tavern in Main Street, which of course would not stop her from building one herself, but she'd be better of taking a tent and request wood to build the bar she wanted.

"Lady you might want to talk to Tracy Withersong from the Nether Gate, just over here," he pointed behind him "She's been here from the start."

Meanwhile the good sergeant registrated Anarion "What is your line of work, dear sir? We always have a need of a few good men. Is there anything you exel at?" he pushed forward the map again so Anarion could pick his own piece.

Meanwhile poor Archie was left to wander in the middle of the street. Through the portal more and more people came, with their belongings on their backs, often whole families. The Main Street certainly looked poor, but with all these people streaming in certainly there was a profit to be made somewhere.

Walking through Mainstreet he noticed that a shopowner was admiring her work from the outside. A group of soldiers was walking down the street.

OOC: The land is seperate from the town where the houses are. I know this is a difficult concept, but the land is worked communal as it often was in medieval times. This is not America folks ;)
[i][b][color=orange][size=92]Smile and carry a big stick.[/color][/b][/i][/size]
Anarión Herunna

Post by Anarión Herunna »

Line of work? Excel at? Anarion quickly recognized that he had not considered what kind of job he would be pursuing upon his arrival in this new place. There were massive opportunities to be pursued here. That did not really concern Anarion though, he only wished to help the process of founding this place and support the newcomers continously ascending through the aperture.

Anarion quickly surveyed the surroundings. A group of soldiers were walking down the mainroad - which in all honesty was the only road running through the middle of a bunch of quickly built quarters. A woman had already arranged a shop, and Anarion could hear her bits and pieces of her conversation with the soldiers. Apparently she had arrived here not long before himself.

"Line of work? Well, I wish to work for the best interest of the people. To help the arriving men and women. That is what I wish to do here. Perhaps there is an opening here where I can - like I already said - help the people?" Anarion asked. He did not know what the clerk could offer him. It was likely that the man could only rely the information to the correct people, and henceforth, he would need to ask again.

The map showed forward quickly gained Anarion's attention. There were several inviting places where he could set up, but he wanted to hear the answer to his inquiry prior to any decision.
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Post by Maeve »

The soldier saw his fingers which were not coarse like a farmers, and his voice, which was not thickly accented like a commoner. Ah yes, the cultured and well educated as well as the poor are coming. He is brave for having come early.

"Milord, perhaps you can sign here for the land, and your house? Now I will give you this small sheet of paper. It is a letter of recommendation to the captain of the legion Pax Honorus." His head indicated one of the more well dressed soldiers further in the street. "I have a hunch that he might find you gainful employment."
[i][b][color=orange][size=92]Smile and carry a big stick.[/color][/b][/i][/size]
Anarión Herunna

Post by Anarión Herunna »

"I am much obliged. I will take it there immediately," the former Vanguard responded, and his fingers curled around the piece of parchment. Again Anarion surveyed the map to locate a suitable place where he could settle down. He leaned forward and a black-haired veil hid his facade underneath the cloak. "Then I will take this land. Right here - if that is not already occupied?"

A refined and slender finger traced along the curvy lines of the map, crossing from the mountains and through the plains and to the river situated close to the forest - it ended near the place Valan had selected. The river ran through the section, and the forest continued partly onto the it. Here he could take advantage of the different business - agriculture, hunting and so on. The weather and uncompromising season bore promise of a difficult future. The settlers had to fight (both the orcs and beasts, and the tough conditions) to stay alive here.

Anarion slipped the letter of recommandation in his pocket and straigthened his back. Behind him were the representatives and the former Vanguard turned his head and squinted at the group. The men were dressed in sturdy and well-made, yet delicate garment.

"I will see the man then - to see whether or not he might have use for me. I am very grateful. I only wish more people were equally forthcoming," the elf complimented the soldier. It was agreeable to see that the pagans were not entirely left to a bunch of inadequate and useless soldiers. "The section I chose - do I need a document to claim it?"
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Post by Maeve »

The soldier nodded and made a note "No, you have just been registered for this plot and that will suffice." He smiled at Anarion "Thank you sir, your help will be most welcome, I'm sure."
[i][b][color=orange][size=92]Smile and carry a big stick.[/color][/b][/i][/size]
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Arriving late Samheen 23rd/ earlySamheen 24th

Post by Gaelena »

Gaelena decided that from now on, she would simply walk. She did not care how far it was, but never again would she take a portal. The weightlessness and lack of control simply were not to her liking.

Glancing down at herself, she made certain that everything was in place and nothing that should be covered was uncovered. Indeed, all was in place. The rich gown would look quite out of place in this hastily thrown together town, but it was all she had. Her hair was down and lay in a tumble of red curls about her shoulders and down her back. Her cheeks were pinked with excitement and a small touch of fear. All in all, she was a sight to behold. Of course, she was completely unaware of this.

Once satisfied that she was presentable, she made her way to the Provost office, to register.
[i]Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will.[/i]
George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)

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Post by Maeve »

She had to stand in line for quiet some time, as during the day the portal was channeling through a surprising number of people. Already the population had grown from just the local legion to include nearly a hundred families. There was shock amongst the people, and deep misery for having left home, but also hope and determination, a chance at a new life.

When it was her turn the soldier with his friendly face gave her sad smile "I cannot offer you a house, but I have a comfortable tent while we remedy that. You may build your own house in town, or chose one of those that comes available later." He pushed forward the map of the area "Which plot of land did you want to register?"
[i][b][color=orange][size=92]Smile and carry a big stick.[/color][/b][/i][/size]
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Post by Gaelena »

So, Gaelena waited...and waited...and waited. Luckily, she had plenty to keep her mind occupied and when that wore itself out, she dug into her bag and made a small inventory of all she had. Her herbs were all for comfort and relaxation, which might come in handy in this new town. She would really need to find some different clothes if she was going to fit in. Perhaps someone who had already arrived was a seamstress...

Once she finally arrived at the desk, she wanted to sigh with frustration, but she didn't. Instead, she gave the friendly soldier a gentle smile in return and said, "I gladly accept your offer of a tent. Thank you." Indeed, she felt as though she might sleep for a year, as tired as she was.

Then, she turned her eyes to the map, searching for some small plot near town. If she was to continue her education as a healer, she would need somewhere that people to easily reach her. She trailed her fingertip across the page, trying to find the best place. Finally, she looked up at the soldier and said, "What do you suggest? I've never owned land and would not know a good plot if I saw one."
[i]Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will.[/i]
George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)

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