WM: To Darug Sorghat (Samheen 28th, MT)

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WM: To Darug Sorghat (Samheen 28th, MT)

Post by Niccolo »

A simple letter meant to be read out aloud easily.

Niccolo wrote:Hello, Darug!

I'm pleased to say that I've caught up with an old friend here in Highton, a man with whom I share a few noteworthy acquaintences. I have decided to call upon him this very Eveningtide, and I should be pleased were you to accompany me such that I might introduce you to him in a way most appropriate for the esteem I have for the man. It would be wise if you were to wear a large, black cloak that you might be protected from the gloomy airs this eveningtide, and it might be most beneficial were you to bring along your sharpest of things as I've chosen to meet with the gentleman in West End, a borough of the city notorious for the most...dangerous and criminal of elements.

Please feel free to meet me at the Arsenale towards the end of Tradetide, if you with it.

Vio con Deus,

<i>Non me fare domande, e non ti dico menzogne.</i>
"ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies"

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