WM: To Bernard Gigori, Harbormaster (Samheen 29th, GT)

Moderators: Maeve, Mods

Director of the ULT
Posts: 557
Joined: Tue Jun 21, 2005 7:13 am

WM: To Bernard Gigori, Harbormaster (Samheen 29th, GT)

Post by Niccolo »

Crisp handwriting rolled and sealed with the Stamp of the ULT

Niccolo wrote:My dearest Signor Gigori,

It is with some pleasure I report to you that the unseemly events I anticipated for the night of Samheen 28th, Eveningtide, to Samheen 29th, Gravetide, did not occur and will no longer be necessary. In the future, you will find the Trade Guild merchants willing to do business with the Union of Laborers and Teamsters, and you will also see some changes in local policy regarding harbor operation that will serve well to heighten your capabilities at the Arsenale...and insure steady work for all Union members.

I suspect the next Council Meeting will see a resolution determined to close the Arsenale to all but authorized personal for the purposes of security. Naturally, those carrying Union cards will be considered authorized, while those laborers who do not carry Union cards will have no authorization whatsoever...a situation that should deliver into your hands the sole monopoly of maritime labor within the harbor. I advise you to insure that all noteworthy and necessary laborers are brought into the Union prior to this Consular Order, and to that effect I shall be prepared to issue member cards as needed. I can be reached through correspondence at the Flying Dortman until our formalized Union Home Offices open today or tomorrow.

Finally, you will receive parcels addressed to me from a contact within the city itself. While I realize you are a very busy gentleman, I humbly request you send these parcels to me by private runner or Union Member as soon as they arrive.

If you should have any additional problems of any kind, don't hesitate to contact me.

I am,
Signor N.Alvero,
Director, ULT
<i>Non me fare domande, e non ti dico menzogne.</i>
"ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies"

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