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As Tazlure Turns

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 9:21 pm
by Maeve
If there is one strong point we've always managed to hold on to, it is the ability to be critical of our own game and the way we always manage to find a way forward.

The Gamedesigners together with the moderators have been reviewing Tazlure because of an overall lack of moderators and lack of energy in those that remained. Looking at the boards right now it is obvious that it is time to grow again: most of us have experienced lack of inspiration, energy and have felt too committed to be able to actually show that tiredness. Combine this with the hectic real life most of us meet head-on and the result is many a person having to take a hiatus or withdraw completely.

Time for a change.
Time to move forward.

Tazlure at the moment represents the old school PBP game: aiming at hundreds of players, trying to represent an entire world and with as many forums as possible. I say old school because this concept dates back to the beginning of the internet when boards was all you had and even in the late nineties when our online game was conceptualized forums and email were the main medium for RPG games, with chat a growing presence. Many, many potential players have moved on to the world of the virtual graphic world of RPG, with its vivid scenes, its immediacy and most of all, with not hundreds but thousands, no ten thousands of players! Only us storytellers remain attached to this old medium. It is not just Tazlure that is feeling its effects, but it can be seen across the market.

It is time to adjust to a new reality. We have 73 active players (188 logins) and 153 active sheets (I archived everything before September).
We have 8 mods and 1 mod trainee. This is a game that is half as big as it used to be. The GD's have decided upon a scaling down of Tazlure to a size that is more fun for everybody involved, with new some areas that still have a connection to the old. An important key factor was the creativity that moderators felt for areas.


Western Kingdom
Kings Court
The Border Estates (Pax, Brie, Dragonkeep and others, with a touch of the border countries T'aquar and Terra Incognita)
Roque d'Ancourt (with a touch of the Mer Trade and Nether Gates)

Empire of Seven Isles
Aveas (with Ursa and a touch of Gulanadur)

To be launched soon: the Eastern Empire, Nipponar, Sierra.

Wait.. you've wiped the home of my PC off the chart
All towns and cities continue to exist and can be consulted in the wiki. However Terra Incognita, World's Mouth and Trothgard, as well as areas that have long since been slumbering will only be available for side adventures and not with their own moderator. In character pretence will be given why many players exit town.
Are there other changes?
Yes, apart from the three new areas that will be launched soon (some as early as December) you may also see some major adjustments in areas to clean up old material so that mods can adapt it to their own vision.

Re: As Tazlure Turns

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 3:01 am
by Hex da`Bergliin
Maeve wrote:
Wait.. you've wiped the home of my PC off the chart
All towns and cities continue to exist and can be consulted in the wiki. However Terra Incognita, World's Mouth and Trothgard, as well as areas that have long since been slumbering will only be available for side adventures and not with their own moderator. In character pretence will be given why many players exit town.


I PM'd my mod on this but I thought I would raise the question here as well, how much creative room do we have in writing our exit stories?


Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 2:57 pm
by Vanadius
Don't you fret none now "missy"!

Trothgard will continue to move forward as long as we want it to!

Now go post! ;)

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 3:02 pm
by Hex da`Bergliin
Vanadius wrote:Don't you fret none now "missy"!

Trothgard will continue to move forward as long as we want it to!

Now go post! ;)


Good because the 2 to 3 years I have invested were going to pay off oh so soon...



Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 5:17 pm
by Maeve
Yes, all PC's that must by necessity move will be given the chance to play out existing plotlines, so that the move may be more natural. This is why we are taking the remainder of this year for this change.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 8:04 pm
by Ssinith DIllil
Alrighty, then... there were a couple of loose ends that didn't get tied from Gulanadur before he got the Ambassador position.

If someone is high enough rank in a country which is on the closed list, how much can one draw from that country when it comes to getting trade access among other things (like flirting with the Queen)?

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 10:52 pm
by Maeve
I have now closed the Vendetta Forum, the last remnant of World's Mouth. :-({|=