Rocky Isle Guild Classes - Jygust 30th, 1225 AD

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Rocky Isle Guild Classes - Jygust 30th, 1225 AD

Post by Ashari »

Morningtide 1st mark - Noontide (6 marks)


The Art of Conversation - with Guildmistress Ashari Gywien in the Sitting Room
Music ~ Pan's Pipes - with guest teacher Motley in the Garden Room
Etiquette - with Guildmistress Ashari Gywien in the Dining Hall

The Art of Conversation...

The early morning class took place in the newly refurbished Sitting Room. No longer was there an eery hole displaying the exterior of Andolin's old abode. Now it was newly walled and freshly wall-papered in creme colors and a wide opening with columns gave vision into the garden room and beyond to the gardens outside. Class itself was held over tea and each student was encouraged to draw their classmate into discussions which ranged in topic from the weather to recent news events.

Ashari brought the students up to speed on what was appropriate material for conversation and was quick to agree that they ought not discuss things such as religion or politics without having a clear idea of what the other person's beliefs were. In the event of knowing Ash proposed they do their best to agreeing with the person's beliefs, even if they weren't their own - particularly for the young women. The Empire was a much more open place and allowed for discussions, but on a first meeting it was best to avoid heated debates.

The class itself turned more toward a play with each of them given a part to be. Yelena was a diplomat, Aerin a noble, Paige a priestess and Trevyn a hero. Each were to draw attention to themselves and their attributes as well as draw the others into the conversation at hand. Then they all switched backgrounds and started again until the class was over.



Ashari brought the students into the Dining Room for their last class of the morning. There, she had lunch served from a delivery from Simple Pleasures. She acted as the head of the table to whom all fellow diners ought to direct their attention. Instruction was given as to which utensil to use per portion of the meal as well as to who they should speak to while at the table. Manners suggest keeping conversation only with those directly around you which wasn't of much difficultly seeing as it was only a few of them, though she also invited Motley to join if he wished.

Ash pointed out the differences of etiquette from men to women. Women, for instance, will sit first following the head of the table, and then the men will finally be seated. If a woman is to rise from the table than a man ought to stand first and politely assist her with her chair if there is no servant available for it. Elbows need remain off the table and care should be given to not speaking with a full mouth or belching in general.

OOC: Welcome to Jygust, students! Please wait for Motley to add a description about his class and then each of you can post a summary of your time in class as well as what you gained from each class. Skill stars will be awarded for this, so make your write up clear - just like the recess. This is the system we'll use to get through classes and make them a bit less boring! After noontide you can feel free to either head toward your job and post there or whatever else you'd like to do with the day. If you have any questions feel free to PM me. Thanks!
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Post by Motley »

The Garden Room was a very good location and Motley settled into the room and greeted each of the students as they entered. As each came in, the hideous little man handed them a set of Pan's pipes and asked them to find a comfortable place to sit.

When all were present and seated comfortably, Motley began his informal lesson. When he began he was a bit nervous. Although throughout his life he played music, this was his first attempt at teaching others. Motley was an old soul when it came to musical talent, and he believed that true artists were born and not made, but Mistress Ashari had invited and employed him to be here, and to try and see if there were any musicians in her guild, and that was what he intended to do. Besides, it never hurt for one to have some skill with an instrument, even if one couldn't play something complex and beautiful with it for a long time.

At first his lesson concentrated merely on the instrument alone. How to hold it, how breathe while playing, and how to coax different sounds from it by using both forceful breaths, and gentle whispery puffs of air. As the students experimented with the different techniques, he progressed onto to teaching them a simple song to play. As the lesson continued and they took a break from learning the jaunty little tune he invented for them, he explained briefly about theory of music, and how certain notes fit together better and how some could be used in sequences to create melodies. He gave them a few examples, and promised to be available to any of them should any of them wish to dive further into the instrument and learn it on much more intensified scale. As the mark concluded, he tried to get them to all play the song together as a group. Afterwards, he tried to answer any questions the students might have had, and bade them farewell until their next gathering.
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Post by Aerin Penna Seleratus »

Aerin was anxious about the classes – it had been a long time in coming, but formality was finally setting in. The bulk of her prior learning had been self-driven, trying to draw both fact and practice from books with her own interpretations and such, but the redhead soon realized how much more fun – which always aided in learning – it was to have other students present as well as a teacher who could actually see the pupil’s glassy stare of utter “uhhhhh” far better than any lifeless tome ever could.

With a fresh and open mind, Aerin dove into her first day of classes.

The Art of Conversation

Conversation over tea in the Sitting Room, Aerin first thought, was like a class on how to wash your own feet as she had often had conversations with her housemates when time had allowed and it was something of the norm – or so she thought. As Ashari spoke of the whats and whys to avoid in polite conversation, Aerin felt a bit hindered as, at first, the shorter list of ‘allowed’ topics seemed limiting but, after a burn or two of thought, she understood it a bit more fully.

It was much like her insistence on calling Ashari ‘mistress’ even though their relationship had always hinted more toward informality – it was the first impression which mattered – but it aided people into believing that there was far more diciplin involved in the early days than there was. She put some thought into the matter from that perspective, remembering the day that she had introduced Paige, Yelena, and Trevyn to Ashari. ‘That’ Aerin, the proper one, did not discuss things like nearly killing a man in the throes of passion, accidentally drugging herself up, trying to lock lips with the guildmistress, or even of her animosity toward Dominicus and his dual-gendered harem of followers.

No… ‘That’ Aerin listened first, talked second, and erred on the side of caution. Ashari’s lesson on this day seemed to reinforce those ‘gut instincts’.

She did as she was bid, adjusting the conversations to things more bland and diplomatic while still trying to inject a modicum of energy and excitement into the topics without allowing her humor to dip down where it needed not go which included remarks to her classmates about any topics which arose such as the murders, the Caesar, or Amun Ra as candid remarks on these topics could quickly turn political or religious if her reactions to things such as death and wealth offended another.

When it came time for the roleplay, Aerin was more than ready, as she liked to be ‘in costume’ on occasion, the relaxing time spent ‘being someone else’ more like play to her than actual lesson. As the noble, she tried to stand poised and quiet, taking her cues from memories of Ashari – the closest person to a noble that she knew. This was, however, the toughest role for her out of the four as well as she noted that it was hard for her to both draw attention to herself as well as stay quiet. It seemed like the only times that she had been able to do so before, nudity had been involved and if politics and religion were off of the conversational table then so were, she assumed with great confidence, her breasts.

When her turn as priestess came up, she chose ‘Priestess of Pan’ over ‘Sister’ although her father had done quite enough preaching and teaching to allow her the ability to possibly carry off the latter with relative ease. No, ‘Priestess of Pan’ seemed a bit more relaxed – a bit more fulfilling – and it seemed to ‘call to her’. She had, of course, no intention to become a true priestess, but she had been thinking more and more of actually looking into becoming a panling as she had often been told that she behaved like one and, to be honest, she had enjoyed the orgy that she had attended back in Murrelbuck. Any deity that not only allowed orgies but pretty much demanded them, was alright in Aerin’s book. Still, she had yet to meet one face to face, so she mostly took her leads off of how Paige and the others carried the role, tempering her ‘wild’ Panling Priestess with just a dash of Oneist nun, keeping within the guidelines of Ashari’s topics as best she could.

Diplomat had come for Aerin and she found it to be the easiest thus far because Aerin had learned in her childhood that diplomacy was the fine art of letting her father listen to her lips beg Dominicus for guidance and knowledge while letting an unnamed and equally imaginary assistant listen to her heart as it begged for her father to have a sudden and painful burst of diarrhea that would last well into late Gravetide just so he would leave her the Nether alone. Within the diplomat role of the conversation, she did her best to cover up both verbal and physical signs of disagreement as she tried to ‘lead’ the conversation toward a happy conclusion.

In the role of hero, she faltered, starting out well and then verbally face-planting at the top of a hill before rolling downward rapidly. Of heroes, she ‘knew’ of few, the real heroes around her far too versed in humility to stand up to her stereotype, so when Aerin released a sober version of the drunken braggart ‘heroes’ that she had seen in pubs and mixed in a dash of her own ego, the result was about as pretty as a one-banner whore after a ‘crown’s worth’ marathon session where she had used a beehive as a pillow and then been savagely beaten with a sack full of hammers afterward.

Aerin, still a bit red-faced from her faux pas, made her way into the gardens for her next class.

Music ~ Pan’s Pipes

The redhead was happy to see Motley, giving him a warm smile – as always – and not having to practice any diplomacy when it came to treating him as handsome for, in her eyes, Motley had an inner beauty which showed in conversation and, for some odd reason, his features had gone so far into ugly that they damn near made the trip back to beautiful in some odd way.

She took the pipes from him graciously, remembering how beautiful she had often found them when she had caught a burn or two of a song as she walked about town. She began to grow a bit giddy that soon – very soon – she would be able to make her own music like that and paid close attention as Motley explained the nuances of using the instrument and how to – like she needed instruction in this area – put her mouth around the round objects and blow. She did not see the act as that of fellatio, but she and her lover had experimented some nights with different kinds of exhales over moist and perky flesh, and so Aerin closed her eyes and imagined a dark and aroused nipple atop the pipe as she let out a breath in what she thought to be a smooth motion.

The result of her first attempt sounded like the mating calls of a trio of seagulls who had fattened themselves upon a small mountain of fermented grain.

After a few more attempts, she managed to get it mostly right, the smile never leaving her face once she figured out that it was not a broken set of pipes which had caused her initial failure, the ‘drunken seagulls’ never failing to pipe in at the appropriate times, of course. She could certainly see what Motley was meaning by his instruction on melody, her thoughts returning to the body of her raven-haired lover as Aerin imagined blowing both cool and warm air over moist, sensitive tissue and playing the other woman’s body like the pipes, lost for a flicker or two in her own personal melody until Motley once more drew her out of the daydream.

She focused upon playing the song that he had taught, the toes of her right foot helping to mark the time as she attempted to keep time with the other students as they played the little melody in a group setting. When the time came for class to end, she had only two questions for Motley – the first being if she could keep the pipes for a while so that she could practice on her own and the second question was the request of a hug for teaching her something that she had previously given no thought to learning.


Ashari’s lessons on etiquette seemed to be a nice segue from the earlier lessons on conversation as the primarily ill-mannered redhead watched and listened about how to behave properly at a table. Coming from a large family which was headed by a short-tempered father and a mother with a perpetual hangover, Aerin found the ‘no elbows’ and ‘no shouting across the table’ rules as well as those referring to belching and speaking with a full mouth to be more of a reminder than an actual new skill to be learned, however she kept finding herself to be lax in those areas at first. She had, during the meal, thought briefly of pretending to stand just to watch Trevyn (and Motley, if he was present) rise before shifting about in her seat with a ‘gotcha’ smile before waiting a few burns and pulling the prank all over again.

These thoughts, however, left her mind as quickly as they entered, her newfound maturity reminding her of her oath to Ashari (and Motley by proxy) to learn, her desire to not intentionally anger her classmates, and the small bit of fading after-humor in her head wondering if Ashari would tell the others which utensil was the correct one to throw at their foolish friend.

Once the mirth had passed, Aerin finished the meal as instructed, trying to commit to memory the many different pieces of flatware and their functions.

OOC: This post was tempered well with balance, I hope.
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Post by Paige »

Anticipation had settled in the night before, causing Paige to wonder how classes would fair and if she would wind up embarrassing herself in front of everyone, due to her lack of schooling in her past. This fear was always nestled somewhere in the student's mind, amongst many other things. However, Paige had to admit, part of her was excited for classes. Learning would always have its many benefits, and it caused the dark-haired beauty to forget about her worries for a little while at least. Pushing all thoughts that had nothing to do with the Rocky Isle Guild, Paige made her way from her bedroom to the sitting room, all the while tying her long strands into a lose ponytail as she walked.

The Art of Conversation

Paige sipped her tea, as she listened to Ashari explain how it was best not to discuss issues such as politics and religion whenever you first met a person. Before this discussion, the adhiel never really put much thought into what was right or wrong as far as for a topic of conversation. However, Paige had never brought up matters such as those to anyone that she barely knew, for she never really cared too much for religion and politics anyway. The thought of it alone nearly bored her to tears. Although, she did find some things rather entertaining to converse over.

When each of her classmates were given a role to play, Paige wasn't at all very confident in herself at this point, but she felt more at ease partaking in this with Yelena, Aerin and Trevyn.
For all she knew, each of them could have been dealing with their own personal doubts as well. Neither of roles she played, did Paige feel comfortable with. Yet, she made it a point to play a Priestess of Pan, as it was the religion she had been brought up and knew a little more about than anything else. As far playing the part of a noble, she acted the cruel ,snobby type, for that was what she saw when she encountered many nobles. With playing a diplomat, Paige made herself look foolish for she knew next to nothing about what they do, and therefore resulting in making a few embarrassing remarks. Lastly, when she played the part of a hero, she envisioned the gentleman who helped her escape from Amun Rah. She found herself making a disaster out of this as well, as she made quite the ass out of herself. Even though she had something to go by with the others playing those before she did, Paige found herself rambling on about things she knew neither would discuss. Nevertheless, she gave an honest effort in each and hoped that she had learned something and was somewhat pleasing to her Guild mistress, if at all.

Music~Pan's Pipes

Once in the gardens, which was probably one of Paige's most favorite places to be, she started to unwind a bit, as she was greeted by a gentleman named Motley. His appearance was no doubt different to Paige, but once he handed her a set of Pan's pipes, she sensed that there was something softer lurking inside his exterior. However, because of her previous encounters with musicians in her past, she knew that deep down it took a kind soul to play beautifully.

The melody from a Pan's pipe had always reminded her of her father, for he would play Paiyne and herself a soothing lullaby to put the two to sleep at night. Although she had attempted to test out her ability with one in her past, Paige had never been spectacular with it. This lesson would prove to bring out bittersweet memories for the young student, but nothing more than a teary eye at that. She listened to Motley's instructions and tried to focus on how best to time her playing, more so than playing the melody itself.

When it came time for Paige to give her set of Pan's pipes a go, she closed her blue eyes and immediately saw her father's face shining through the darkness. A grin stretched wide across his long, slender face. Instead of blowing into the pipes, Paige couldn't help but let out a small chuckle in which her teacher and classmates could easily hear. Opening her eyes, she blushed slightly and apologized to Motley before trying again. Upon the second attempt, she thought that she was able to get some form of the song that the small man was teaching them, but a few flat notes here and there proved to Paige that she wasn't as successful as she had hoped.


Before entering the Dining Room, Paige could smell the familiar aroma of food. The smell of the food alone, was enough to bring Paige inside, eager for her last lesson of the day. The lesson was nothing short of interesting to the the raven-haired adhiel as she immersed herself into each of Ashari's instructions. Before coming to the Guild, Paige never thought too much about table manners, but always prided herself over her ability to stay poised and remain feminine in nearly all of her daily aspects. She pitied women who lost that spark to their personalities, as she had encountered many without manners over many yahren.

She surveyed her classmates around here, just to make sure she wasn't falling short of anything. However, she nearly tipped over her beverage from trying to grasp it with a shaky hand, but after a few flickers, Paige had regained her composure and got through the rest of the meal in a way that she thought would be pleasing to her Guild mistress and to the others around her. Etiquette was something Paige enjoyed learning and considered herself decent at. To Paige, it was a way of showing those around you that you are nothing short of mature.
Last edited by Paige on Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Yelena Kintessia »

A blanket of relief started to cover Yelena, leading up to the day of classes. She was happy that the days were becoming more stable and structured. It was just what she preferred. The blond would have to try her best to understand and remember the teachings of Ashari and the other instructors, as to not let them or the rest of the school down.

The Art of Conversation

Yelena found this to be most of what she thought about most of the time. She was cautious when it came to open conversation with people, because she did not like giving bad impressions or plucking a bad string in someone. Yelena was a quiet person, but if she needed to it was fairly easy for her to spark up a conversation with some simple topics. She nodded in agreement as Ashari explained that it was most likely a bad idea to bring up politics or religion in the first meeting. It was always something that she avoided anyway.

When the class shifted to role-playing, Yelena was pleased. She wasn't too confident with her acting ability, but the fact that the Paige, Trevyn and Aerin would also participate was something she would want to witness. As a diplomat, she tried her very best trying to remember the very few that she met through her father's acquaintances. As a noble, she took a hint from Aerin and some portrayed in her mother's poems. She found it very comforting, because Yelena was a quiet person. Although as time went on she started to find difficulty to draw attention if she was too quiet. However as she came to the priestess and hero roles, she found them to let her speak more to draw in the others as Ashari had intended them to. As a priestess she spoke of the beauty and wisdom of the Earth. For the hero role, she remembered how her old friend Thea used to act as a hero. It was quite excessive, but she duplicated what she remembered and hoped it was acceptable.

Yelena was happy with how the role-playing went and laughed a bit inside at how she remembered Thea at this time.

Music ~ Pan's Pipes

Yelena walked into the garden room curiously at the thought of learning a musical instrument. She did not have much experience with the instruments but she put it into her mind that she would persevere and learn as much as she could. The blond listened intently and followed Motley's instructions as well as she could. Of course as the class went on, she learned that music was complex and that many elements fit to create a whole. It was much like her mother's words about writing.

Slowly, as she trained with the pipes she began to get the notes and play the song. She began to feel the way the air worked in it's methods to deliver a melody out to the ears of others. She smiled a lot after getting the song (even if it was a simple one). Playing in the group made Yelena see some of the power that a harmonized sound could hold.


Yelena felt this class to be a refresher to her as she knew most of the things about table etiquette, but she kept her mind open to the possibility that there may be a few things that she may have missed, or something that was different in this area of the world. She nodded along with Ashari's instruction and reviewed in her mind each of the things she needed to keep attention to.
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Post by Meridiuz »

Alright, since this is the first time the class system is being used, here is a little explanation:

I would like each player to post the skill advancements they would like to have. The rules are 1 star per class, up to a maximum of three. When three classes are followed, all three stars from the classes can be traded in for one new skill at basic to be distributed as makes sense. The three stars may be distributed with one in each class, two and one or all three in one or all three traded for a new skill (non-red, non-magickal). You may also chose to not take all three stars. No skill can be advanced further than Apprentice.
Once you have posted your skill requests I will review them and give the advancements where appropriate.
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Post by Aerin Penna Seleratus »

Meridiuz wrote:Alright, since this is the first time the class system is being used, here is a little explanation:

I would like each player to post the skill advancements they would like to have. The rules are 1 star per class, up to a maximum of three. When three classes are followed, all three stars from the classes can be traded in for one new skill at basic to be distributed as makes sense. The three stars may be distributed with one in each class, two and one or all three in one or all three traded for a new skill (non-red, non-magickal). You may also chose to not take all three stars. No skill can be advanced further than Apprentice.
Once you have posted your skill requests I will review them and give the advancements where appropriate.

New Skill: Music [Pan's Pipes] (There go my stars...buh-bye stars...)
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Post by Paige »

I also think that having the skill Music: Pan's Pipes might be what Paige should receive as well. There go my stars too. :P
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Post by Yelena Kintessia »

One star for conversation, and that would be all.
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Post by Meridiuz »

All skills added and you have all been given pan's pipes by the Guildmistress!
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Post by Motley »

Duz I gets teech?

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Post by Meridiuz »

One class gives one star to a student. Three stars can be traded for one new skill at basic. I think this is the same for teachers. Since Motley doesn't have the teaching skill yet, he needs to teach two more classes before he will be getting the teaching skill at basic.
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