Synchevent Samheen 14th: Festival at Taloh Tel'Amrun

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The Dragon & Game Designer
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Synchevent Samheen 14th: Festival at Taloh Tel'Amrun

Post by Maeve »

It is time for another Synch Event. The occassion is the end of the Orcish War in the Elvish Kingdom TAQ, celebrated with a festival in their captial Taloh Tel' Amrun. Watch it unfold here:

The date of the Synch Event is the 14th of Samheen. This means that all NEW threads must be on the 14th or after that. We recommend that you have at least one forward thread on the 14th or later. If you do not move forward you may miss out on being part of great plotlines.Are you already on Samheen 14th or further? Don't go too fast either or you might not be able to join all the fun things.

Remember: you can still finish old threads at leisure, as long as your PC moves forward in time in new threads. To fudge the time between your current most forward thread and the new Synch date use time jumps together with your moderator.

If your inventory doesn't list taxes for Samheen, this has been overlooked by moderators. Please give us a heads up in the Charactersheet Request Forum so we can edit that.

For full details please read our Rules of Time and Money.
[i][b][color=orange][size=92]Smile and carry a big stick.[/color][/b][/i][/size]

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