The Coffee Vendetta [Part 1] (Chyril 22nd, late ET)

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Post by Morg »

(OOC: I think that's Exit Felecia for the purposes of this scene! :))

The dark carriage raced down Parade Street, with Patrick and Moon as well as Niccolo's guards safe atop it. Its coachmen knew to keep it rolling along at a pace that was not so fast as to be out of the ordinary but fast enough that none would suspect it of being as ultimately without destination as it was. The pair's conversation was unheard from the outside, and uninterrupted save for a few jolting bumps in the road.
[size=84][i]"She told me I had too much to dream last night..."[/i] - [i]Apprentice of the Universe[/i], Pure Reason Revolution
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Post by Niccolo »

It was something of a relief that Tristam didn't ask just how Niccolo intended to arrange the strike against his own Syndicate. The young Merchant Lord had already prepared the structure of the strike, but the specifics of the ordeal would require a certain degree of flexibility. In a nutshell, Nico didn't know how the situation would shake down, but he had the pieces in place. It was merely a question of what resources he would risk to complete the hit.

"I suspect my goals are perhaps far less specific than yours," replied Nico quietly. "Oh, I do intend to place myself within the Council...and perhaps among the Magisters as well, if I earn blessings from the proper people. For now, my intention is to break up the Syndicate...and I should be pleased to see some changes in...regime...along the way. I think I would like to sit upon a Magister seat, to be honest." All told, there may be four available in another day or so...but Nico only had eyes for one. The Magister of Foreign Affairs...the seat currently held by Carloni...was a position in which Niccolo could do considerable works on behalf of the city.

"I don't know if we're inspired by the same things, Signor Tormsen, but I think we share a similar goal in this. And I will not require any risk from you or your principle at all, of course...I should be pleased to assume full responsibility for this difficult business. I suspect this may lead me to what I will ask from you. You see, I can shatter the Syndicate...but I need time to arrange matters, justification that will satisfy the Merchant Lords, and the very real appearance of a typical much to satisfy the Syndicate as well as the city at large."

"Therefore, I need some display of a strike upon Madam Constanza. Anything at all will do, so long as it is personal, appalling, and leaves question regarding whether or not the lady has survived. Normally, the vendetta would strike against the Madrigal...but the airship is not here, which is perfect for us. I would advise you to return to the Constanza manse and have it cleared of all valuables and personnel...and then burnt to the ground, ideally before Morningtide. In this way, the Madrigal and the Constanza fortune and future will be protected, but the Merchant's Council will be left to witness the results of the vendetta as well as to question whether Taglio's little girl survived the attack at all."
<i>Non me fare domande, e non ti dico menzogne.</i>
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Post by Tristam »

The shock of Niccolo's suggestion broke Tristam from his neutral attitude. "Burn house Prima's house? Are you mad?" Tristam exclaimed. "My life wouldn't be worth..." Tristam's voice trailed off as he ran the possibilites through in his mind. Given time he could concoct a plausible ruse to get the valuables to safety without alerting the servants to his role in the attack. There might even be one or two he could take into limited confidence about the affair.

It was decided. He would do it. But not on faith. "Very well, but I shall need something on your end to show to my Lady that I am keeping up my end of the vendetaa. Say, a half dozen of the syndicate's ships going up in flames shortly after the manor burns? I can see your fellows of the ULT bravely fighting the flames even now though all for nought of course. Are we agreed?" Tristam asked.
Donald heard a mermaid sing, Susy spied an elf,
But all the magic I have known, I've had to make myself.

Shel Silverstein[/size]
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Post by Niccolo »

"I'll offer far more than that," replied Nico quickly. "That isn't big enough for proper compensation. When my strike upon the Syndicate comes, it must be final. Burning a few ships in the harbor...whenever they arrive...won't do it. In fact, the only purpose that might serve would be to demonstrate to the Syndicate my inability to conduct this vendetta, forcing them to take matters into their own hands. If that were to happen, we would all die...beginning with Madam Constanza, and ending with me. Our goal is to insure Prima remains unharmed until such time as I can neutralize the Syndicate completely. To accomplish this, I need them to believe that the vendetta proceeds in their favor, and that the lady Councilor has been defeated entirely. Only then can I trap and stop them once and for all."

"Even if this strike upon her house should go flawlessly...and the Council begins to believe that Madam Constanza perished in the flames...there will still be a considerable risk for her. I hadn't planned on them..." Nico jabbed a thumb back towards the kick plate outside the carriage, indicating Tristam's guards. "I suppose she's been foolish enough to hire many ex-Condotierre guards, any of whom would sell their own mothers to the gallows in exchange for a new Commission. Tai Carloni is more than just the leader of the Syndicate, Signor. He's also the Lord of the Condotierre, and he will purchase these men for nothing more than a return to the legions. In fact, as the city's Spymaster, I would be more surprised if he hadn't already. If we were particularly brutal men, I would suggest to you that these two with you never survive to see the light of day again...but I'm afraid I've not the stomach for murder myself, and I detect you share that sentiment. Either way, you must proceed very carefully...and try to get all of these Condotierre guards out of the city before dawn."

Nico glanced out the window to gauge how close they had come. "Tomorrow night, I'll have my pieces in place to offer you your retribution against the Syndicate. They won't expect the strike, especially if they believe I've eliminated Prima in a tragic house fire. When it is done, it won't be their ships that will have suffered, but their entire leadership. None of them...Carloni, Saphio, Maglio, the Marshal, the High Inquisitor...none of them can be allowed to retaliate against you, me, or Prima Constanza. I'll see to that...or I'll be killed in the attempt. If that should happen, you must not delay a single mark. You and the lady must flee the city at once, and remain safe until Severo has had time to exonerate himself from prison and rebuild his strength. Madam Constanza can trust Severo Lo Russo whether she believes this or not...and if I'm gone, he'll be all she has left."

Niccolo hadn't any certainties that the Snake had been arrested tonight, but he could think of no reason why it wouldn't happen. His arrest had been a calculated move to insure that Severo remained out of the vendetta, as well as to insure that he survived the vendetta. After all, if Nico didn't survive tomorrow's gamble, there would be no one left to stop the mighty Syndicate save Councilor Severo Lo Russo.

"How is that for an offer? Do we have an accord? If all goes well, we will meet again, perhaps at the Kinsington, Tygday Morningtide or so...but you'll already know how successful it went well before then. The entire city will know, hopefully before the sun rises that day, that Prima has done the impossible and won her vendetta...and the Syndicate will be broken forever."
<i>Non me fare domande, e non ti dico menzogne.</i>
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Post by Tristam »

"I would rather not leave my fate and the fate of my house in your hands when I could take a role myself, Signor Alverro." Tristam said flatly. "You have involved me in your plans thus far. Involve me a little further. Let me be a part of this strike you plan. Then we shall have an accord."
Donald heard a mermaid sing, Susy spied an elf,
But all the magic I have known, I've had to make myself.

Shel Silverstein[/size]
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Post by Niccolo »

"Oh, I can't advise that, least not directly involved. That's very brave of you, but I myself have no intentions of being anywhere close to the hit when it happens...and so, I could scarcely advise otherwise for you. you really want to be involved? Consider that I can place any dozen professionals where they need to be. Knowing this, I should think you would want to know as little as possible...and to limit your involvement as much as you can. If I should botch the hit, you should act indignant and outraged with the rest of the city, and join in the Hunt for Alvero. I wouldn't hold such a thing against you. It is...risk management, I suppose."

"No, I advise you leave this hit to assets that we might consider expendable. I would also strongly advise you to be seen by enough people in public to establish your undeniable innocence of any wrong-doings...perhaps at the Wild Magic event tomorrow night? While there, you might also reinforce the perception that Prima did not survive the fire, which will buy you and her time regardless of how the strike results. Even if I should fail, Signor, the Syndicate won't quickly realize that Prima they'll be unable and unwilling to immediately respond to her perceived threat. I'll be gone, but you'll have the chance to decide for yourselves whether you'll make your stand or flee to safer regions."

"I can't offer you anything better than that. It is a gamble. You're gambling on me, and I'm gambling on you. If we succeed, the Syndicate will be broken and Prima will be safe...and you and I will hopefully be made," by this, Nico eluded to the Council as well as the obvious financial rewards. "But if we fail, you will have far more options than I. My only recourse is to run...or to die."

The Shrine Gardens were nearing, but another thought occurred to Nico...a loose end that could be cleaned with only modest help from Tristam. "If you'd like to improve our chances dramatically...that is, improve our chances of a clean success...there is one way you can help. When your men clear the Villa Constanza later tonight, there will be a number of powder kegs, no doubt used by the ex-Condotierre in Prima's employ. If several of these kegs were delivered by private courier to a gentleman named Luca de Lucien at the Flying Dortman, it would not only provide a means to complete the hit, but it might also throw some confusion over the mechanics of the hit itself...making it virtually impossible to investigate." If Nico were particularly clever...and this type of planning seemed to be his strength...he could arrange matters to appear as if the hit came from within the Condotierre itself. That would not only provide method and suspects, but also a potent motive. After all, no legionnaire would have loved to know that Tai Carloni had used them for what amounted to a business deal in the Empire.

"I will offer you this promise, if we're successful. The Aveas Company might fall into my hands, depending on whether the outstanding partners all collect as predicted. If this is the case, I'll offer you half of their assets upon dissolution of the Company. I can offer you no promises regarding just what those assets are, but it will include at least one operational airship along with returning cargo, perhaps days behind the Madrigal. You could use the cargo to rebuild Prima's house, if you wish, or keep it for yourself...a fair price to gain for a few casks of powder. Of course, that hinges upon success...but so very much does tomorrow night."
<i>Non me fare domande, e non ti dico menzogne.</i>
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Post by Tristam »

"You keep offering the potential in exchange for the actual." Tristam grumbled. "This does nothing to increase my confidence in the venture. You don't seem to understand that I need something tangible from you to prove to myself and my employer that this is a plan worth pursuing. Since you twist away from every suggestion I offer, why don't I let you figure it out? What can you offer me? Any scrap of surety will do. Throw me a bone." He implored.
Donald heard a mermaid sing, Susy spied an elf,
But all the magic I have known, I've had to make myself.

Shel Silverstein[/size]
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Post by Niccolo »

"I don't think you've grasped the nature of the situation, Signor. I'm not trying to sell you some kind of confidence job, or some goods exchange. Ah..." Nico glanced out to see that they had indeed arrived, the coach groaning around a corner and over a bridge to enter the Shrine Gardens. Within the gardens, over five dozen armed thugs of the Union were waiting. "...I have no more time. It really comes down to this. The Syndicate wants you dead. What are you going to do about that? I've offered you a tactic...and I've offered you a favor to make that tactic work. I've already offered you proof of my intentions. Despite this, if you aren't willing or able to accept my help, then find your own tactic, and may God go with you. I should have hoped that you would have chosen to look to me for alliance in might have minimized the bloodshed and loss...but I realize that things aren't always as we would wish. STOP HERE!"

Leaning forward with the lurch of the carriage, Nico wrapped a strip of dark cloth over his nose and mouth, obscuring much of his face into the same darkness as his modest, working-class clothing. "If I see your fire by morningtide...and possibly receive your gift...then I will strike on your behalf, and we'll settle this thing for the greater good. If I do not, then I will assume you have made other plans, and I will stay my hand and await another opportunity. Of course, if we should meet in public after this, we will be least in appearance...and so, if you must speak to me in earnest, send a letter to Luca di Lucien at the Dortman for arrangements."

"Vaio con Dominicus, Signor Tormsen. May the One protect both you and Lady Constanza."
<i>Non me fare domande, e non ti dico menzogne.</i>
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Post by Tristam »

"If you truly think you have offered proof, signor, then you have a different definition of the word than I." Tristam remarked. "Despite that, we may still do business. By the morning you will know if what starts in fire will end in blood."

Tristam looked out at the waiting thugs and the strip of the cloth now obcuring Niccolo's features. "If this is what you lead personally, I think you are right that I want no part of what you distance yourself from. Good evening, signor. Do try not to get killed." Tristam wished him in farewell.
Donald heard a mermaid sing, Susy spied an elf,
But all the magic I have known, I've had to make myself.

Shel Silverstein[/size]
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Post by Morg »

(OOC: Nicely done, gentlemen!

Fin! Locked for skilling. :))
[size=84][i]"She told me I had too much to dream last night..."[/i] - [i]Apprentice of the Universe[/i], Pure Reason Revolution
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Post by Morg »

Skilled! :D

Mastery in Persuasion granted to Niccolo for convincing a man to burn his own employer's house down. :lol:
[size=84][i]"She told me I had too much to dream last night..."[/i] - [i]Apprentice of the Universe[/i], Pure Reason Revolution
Avatar by [url=]Liz Green[/url][/size]

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