Pax: Rapport and Relics [Chy 28, Early MT]

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Kaelara Mentahn
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Pax: Rapport and Relics [Chy 28, Early MT]

Post by Kaelara Mentahn »

The clarity and stillness of an early morning slowly impugned on the Adhiel's darkened consciousness, stirring eyelashes from the cheek on which they rested. Dawn was not quite beyond the mountainous horizon, but the sky outside her window was so clear and lit by glinting rays that the Adhiel bolted upright for a few moments, certain she had overslept as she spurned the tangle of sheets for the clothing splayed neatly across her chair.

A muffled chirp, discarded with the blankets from an eminently warm and cosy nook behind formerly crooked knees, startled a laugh from her. "Come Biet," she cajoled the bright eyes peering somewhat accusingly at her. "You slept more than I, little scamp."

Between the events of the previous day, and the meeting the evening prior, her thoughts had spent more time whirling around ideas and possibilities than quieting for sleep. A trace of shadow smudged beneath her eyes, perhaps more apparent due to the paleness of her complexion.

Lighting a candle, she set it on the hearth briefly, bowing her head in a quiet, respectful prayer as she knelt on the cold stones beneath her. Illuminatus, I ask that you grant me wisdom for today, that you use me to influence the Provost, and that you help me sidestep those who wish to discredit me. The veiled accusations of the previous night disturbed her, for even as her respect for the Provost had grown, her intense pride had been embarrassed at the public suggestion there could ever be anything between her and a human. It was not exactly uncommon, certainly... but her family would be appalled at the thought...

Realizing she had drifted from her prayers, she sought to regain that connection. Guard me from wayward thoughts that do not suit my purpose here, keep me to task, help me gain knowledge so I might better understand this world, you, and my place here. I thank you for your guidance, and your intervention in the lives of those around me.

Though she might have said more, a muffled knock resounded up from the shop's front door. Snuffing the candle carefully, she scurried down the steps, with the little clicks of puppy feet trailing behind her stockinged ones, the gray fabric of her split skirts weaving about her legs, boots grasped in her left hand.

The conversation was brief, and served only to alert her that her mount was tied firmly outside, saddled, bridled, and apparently ready. As she passed the child a little coin in thanks for the extra trouble, her gaze assessed the animal somewhat uncertainly. Would I even know if something was out of order?

As she turned to finish readying for the excursion, her eyes fell on the small pile overwhelming the counter top. Ever one to think ahead, she had readily gone in search of things for any eventuality, from a bag of bandages and small healing necessities, to two water flasks, a little bag of tools, to yet another bundle of miscellaneous things. It was only now, when confronted with the size of her horse, and the heap she had collected, that she paused. Perhaps there is a point where one over-plans... Leaving the door open to admit the light and fresh air of what promised to be a lovely day, she began to slide her small feet into the boots, her unbound hair dangling thickly about her as a shield.
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Guido Cercatoro
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Post by Guido Cercatoro »

As Kaelara busied about her preparations, the sound of horse slowly making its way towards her shop filtered through the open door. A few flickers later, the animal was tethered and its owner, the young Provost, stood silhouetted in the doorway.

“Good morning, Kaelara.” Marcel was resplendent in green. He wore a dark green jacket and leggings framed by a billowing and expensive looking green cloak braided with a golden trim. Informal elegance was the best description of his look.

The Provost appeared relaxed and eager to proceed with the day’s outing. “Shall we begin, if you are ready?”
Kaelara Mentahn
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Post by Kaelara Mentahn »

The adhiel's ears, sharp in hearing as in form, granted her enough awareness of the Provost's approach she had both feet firmly in boots and had pulled the heavy cascade of her wheaten tresses over one shoulder, fingers darting as she plaited the long tresses into a woven length of glistening cord.

The provost entered in the midst of the process, backlit by the brightening street behind him. The Provost's attire, while elegant, seemed astoundingly bright when considered in the rather dull surroundings of Pax. Kaelara herself was far more sedated, the pale gray dress she wore somewhat plain, though the cut and style complemented her slight frame to it's advantage, and closer examination would reveal a pleasantly subtle texture to the weave. The scooped neckline was wide at the shoulders, and while it snugged about her torso, there was nothing, quite improper about it's depth. The twisted panels of fabric that encircled her waist, breaking the monotony of gray with shadows and highlights, slid down into the fabric of her skirts, making it difficult to tell they were in fact split.

"Namaste, Provost. I have but to tie my bundles upon the saddle, and then we are free to depart." She slipped a loosely tied ribbon from her wrist, tied off the braid, and presented him with a demure but wry twist of lips. "Perhaps I ought have warned you before - I have perched upon horses, but such an activity lends as little to understanding riding as sitting upon a chair makes one a carpenter." Despite the statement, she was as ready to depart as he, grabbing two of the bundles (the kit for healing, and the one containing her contribution to any luncheon) on the counter, and sliding the leather water flask over one shoulder. The rest she left without a second glance. "I hope I find you well, this morning?"

Biet had found his water dish and food bowl behind the counter, his furred little form passing easily beneath the swinging door without shifting it. As she approached the door, she awaited the Provost's response, though her gaze flickered towards the sounds of puppyish chomping. "I had thought to leave Biet behind," her amber orbs flickered to his face. "but the day is becoming of such loveliness, it seems a pity to shut him up inside?" The questioning accent hoped that her companion might shed a little understanding on their excursion for the day, if her initial judgment regarding her new 'guard' was applicable or unnecessary.

Outside, Ealiu stood in all her chestnut glory, a mare of Kislovani origins. Though inexperienced in horsemanship, there was a deep-rooted sense of understanding Kaelara experienced around creatures she spent any length of time with. At the least, she was rather proud that she could usually catch any errors in handling by picking up on a creature's agitation before others noticed her difficulty.
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Guido Cercatoro
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Post by Guido Cercatoro »

"Perhaps I ought have warned you before - I have perched upon horses, but such an activity lends as little to understanding riding as sitting upon a chair makes one a carpenter."

Marcel grinned. “Fortunately, I am an experienced rider, so I can instruct you should the need arise. I should warn you, however, that novice riders can feel a little sore on their first few rides.”

"I hope I find you well, this morning?"

“Indeed, you do. The prospect of a day away from my duties and cares is a wonderful prospect. Particularly when I am to spend it with… new advisor.” The charm was on display again. The young Provost turned it on with practiced ease. And yet, he appeared sincere and in a relaxed and open frame of mind.

"I had thought to leave Biet behind," her amber orbs flickered to his face. "but the day is becoming of such loveliness, it seems a pity to shut him up inside?"

“Bring the….er… dog along by all means. I would be interested in hearing more about how you obtained such a creature.”

Outside, the Provost’s horse proved to be a fine looking dark mare with a white stripe standing out prominently on her face. A picnic basket was slung from the rear of the saddle as was a long sword inserted into an ornate scabbard. It was rumoured around Pax that the Provost was the finest swordsman in town, although no-one had ever seen him draw his sword in anger.

“Would you like me to assist you to mount?” If Kaelara assented, he would do just that. Once she was mounted he swung up on his mount with the ease of a practiced horseman.

A few burns later, the pair would leave Pax through the Forest gate and make their way down the track to the ford. It was a bright, cheerful morning with only a slight breeze to ruffle the grassy hillside upon which Pax was perched.

“So tell me about Biet,” ventured Marcel as he brought his mount to trot alongside the adhiel.
Guido Cercatoro
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