Tale of the Twins

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The Dragon & Game Designer
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Tale of the Twins

Post by Maeve »

The soft brush of the salty air finally wakes you both up. There is sand between your fingers. You're on a beach! The rushing sound of the gentle waves breaking a few yards from where you lay sprawled on the sand confirms your suspicions. Your minds are empty and you have absolutely no clue how you landed here.

As you look around you see the beach is empty, except for yourselves. In the distance some gigantic crabs scurry away. Your eyes kid you not, they are indeed as big as pigs, with vicious claws to match. But they seem more scared of you than you are of them.

In between the gentle dunes, with fair tops of waving seagrass, that mark the end of the beach you notice a small path. At the beginning of the path you see several items on the ground, shining metal sparkling in the sunlight. A small awkwardly written notice, which strangely enough even the illiterate can read says

"Please leave all weapons here. Beyond this point the gods will provide."

The first thing Eleanor did when she woke up was look for her brother. Being twins the idea of being seperated for a prolonged period of time was alien and, Eleanor grudgingly confessed, quite frightening. When Eleanor's dark eyes fell on the sleeping form besides her she sighed in relief. Sanavar didn't look injured and he was breathing normally. As far as she could tell her brother was just knocked out cold.

The young half-elf stood up and brushed the sand carefully from her clothes as well as checking that her belongings were all intact. She smiled when she touched the reassuring form of her rapier and lute. Briefly she tried to determine which gave her more comfort, but she quickly shurgged that thought away. There were more important matters at hand.

Oracle's Isle! she thought. What else could it be? That legendary island where priests were trained. She had feared that only Sanavar would be allowed access, since he was the one who wanted to become a priest. But how did they get here? Her mind was a complete blank there. No matter. The important thing was that they had reached Oracle's Isle. Together.

"Oy, San." she said as she gave her sleeping brother a sisterly kick. "Wake u', sleepy 'ead! We're 'ere! Oracle's Isle!"

A strange sound startled Eleanor and she quickly turned to face it. Great flaming...! she cursed as her eyes met the giant crabs. Her hand immidiately went to the hilt of her rapier and half drew it from its well-oiled scabbard. The crabs seemed to be running away, but Eleanor wasn't taking any chances. She took one look at the crabs' giant claws and she cursed again. Why did Sanavar always leave her alone in situations like this, she thought as she quickly glanced at her brother to make sure he was okay. Not that he would be much help anyway.

"Mmmph." Sanavar grunted, as something hard poked him non too gently in the ribs. He took a deep breath, almost choked on some sand, and opened hazel eyes framed by long auburn lashes.

He could see sandy beach, waves, his sister's legs and crabs of a size he would never have believed. That would explain the noise he had heard, which was his sister drawing her blade, the sword their father had given her.

Sanavar heaved himself up off the beach and got to his knees, sand all down the front of his shirt and his long auburn hair limp and salty. A beach. What were they doing on a beach? He had no idea. Then his brain finally processed what his sister had said. "Oracle's Isle? Tha doesnae think-"

No, his sister didn't think. He took in the scene and ran it through his head a second time. "Elly, pu' tha' thin' away, they're more frightened o' us than us're o' them." He told her dryly, and scratched; the sand was making him itch. He gave her a gentle, brotherly cuff upside the head, to indicate that he was serious about her putting the sword away. He was her senior by a full fifteen minutes, and considered himself to be both the leader and the brains of the outfit. Unfortunately it was a point they never agreed on.

He looked around them, taking in the full meaning and measure of their being on that particular beach, hopefully on the Island that he'd been so seeking to reach and yet never managing to find the way. He saw the path and the sign, and that his sister was still wary of the crabs. "Does tha really think?" He asked again, softly, wonder writ large on his mixed bred features.

Eleanor snarled when her brother cuffed her, but her heart wasn't really into it. San always pushed his seniority like it was fifteen years rather than fifteen minutes. She had complained about it to her father when she was alot younger. Her father only laughed and told her that they didn't even expect her to be coming at all. You just suddenly popped out right after you brother! he said, which didn't really improve Elly's mood. Grumbling, she slid her sword back in place but kept it loose in its scabbard and followed her older brother. It wasn't fair that San was the one who inherited her father's height, she was thinking.

"O'course i' is!" Elly raised an eyebrow at San. It was up to her, again, to be both brain and muscle of the team, since San was quite useless, she thought. "Tha doesna wake u' in a strange shore e'ery day, does tha?"

The shorter of the Terrible Duo followed her brother's gaze and found the sign. She sniffed contemptously when she finished reading it, not even stopping to think about what kind of letters the sign was written in. All she was thinking was that there was no way in Pan's Little Playground was she going to leave her weapons here. Snake Charmer might only be a rapier, if a very flashy one, but it was a gift from her father.

"Nae way!" she dug in her heels. "I willnae leave me weapons 'ere!"

Sanavar was hardly surprised by Eleanor's response to the little sign. He'd known it would be a sticking point the instant he saw it. Eleanor was the only one of the pair who'd had any interest in weapons, much to their father's dissapointment, and it was to her that he had given one of his beloved blades. When Sanavar decided that the wanted to join the Priesthood and learn magic, he forswore any weapons as a waste of time and concentration.

"'Ow does us know?" Sanavar snapped back. "Us doesnae amember 'ow us go' 'ere." He said. "Us could be one beach down from th'port." he said. But no, looking around he knew that this was a long way from Dort. He was just beig stubbourn for the sake of annoying his sister.

Still, he knew that his sister wasn't going to be parted from her blade. "Jus' bring i'." He said. "Thart no' th'one as is gonna be a priest, may'ap they'll make an exception." Legend had it that only future priests ever made it here, but as always the pair was inseperable. Apparently the gods had understood that, hopefully they would understand this.

San turned and set out to walk up the path, indicating with a jerk of his head that his sister should follow.

Not far from where the twins woke up, their packs were lying in a jumbled heap. Nothing semed to be missing, and given the dishevelled muddle they were to found in surprisingly nothing was broken either.

As the twins turned to walk up the path, Eleanor still with her rapier, a small impish figure suddenly came into view, sitting on a rock by the side of the path.

"Didn't you two children read the sign? It said no weapons. Now I've never known anyone who can't read my sign, but if you were having trouble, well I'm happy to remind you. There are too be no weapons beyond this point.

"Now I'd be happy to take good care of your little pig sticker for you girl, but you will not pass this point with it in your pocession. If you are deemed to be admitted to the Isle, well I will personally return it too you, and if you are too leave I will ensure you have it upon departure, but until either of these two things come to pass, you shall not, unless you hand me your sword."

The little creature smiled a winning smile at the twins and waited to see what choise they, in particualr Eleanor would make.

Eleanor gripped her sword possesively, and sneered at the small figure. Her father would never give up his weapons. And she wasn't go to leave her Snake Charmer to the dubious cares of this little creature.

"Ne'er!" she exclaimed. "Where'er I go, Snake Charmer goes! Tha think I's stupid? Tha think I'll jus' trust tha wi'Snake Charmer?"

"Look!" she added, immitating the creature's voice. "I'm a strange cri'er tha's ne'er seen before! Gimme tha's weapons. I promise I'll take goo' care o' 'em!"

She gave her brother a side look, wondering what he'll do. Not even being twins helped her to predict what her strange brother was going to do.

And what Sanavar chose to do was... absolutely nothing. He looked from his sister to the strange little creature and back again, but kept his mouth shut. On the one hand, Elly was family and that blade meant a lot to both her and their father, but on the other, this was the God's Isle, and Sanavar set no stock in weaponry at all.

So, given his opinion of physical weapons, San simply raised an eyebrow at Eleanor and shrugged his thin shoulders, indicating that it was her call. The unspoken understanding was that he'd back her up whichever way she went, after all, he was her brother. Sanavar didn't deem the critter any more trustworthy than his sister, but then who knew what tests one found on the Oracle's Isle?

The little imp was unfazed by Eleanors rather intemperate outburst, and only raised an eyebrow slightly at her rather boorish tirade.

"Indeed you don't know me Eleanor Greensward Ryder, but I know you. Oh I know lots about you. And I know a lot about your older brother Sanavar Greensward Ryder as well.

"Maybe you'd like us to discuss why you're travelling all over the place with your brother? Oh, I see he doesn't know, well maybe we should discuss it with him?

"You see my dear, the gods have invited you here," and as he spoke the little imp began to change. He grew larger, and more human like until before them stood a man over well over six foot. Across his back hung a gigantic two handed axe, and he had the appearance of one who was more than capable of using it.

"And by the power invested in me by them, you will enter their house, and you will enter it without that rapier of yours.

"Now, do we do this the easy way, or the hard way? I have told you, you have my word that you will receive it back, in good time, but you will part with it now." The mans voice was not loud, but it seemed that it must carry the length and breadth of the Isle, and although he did sound a bit annoyed, well OK a lot annoyed with Eleanors indecision in handing her rapier over, his eyes were calm, and not a tremor disturbed his body. The best description for him would be to describe him as as cool as ice, but he radiated a heat of suppressed fury.

Eleanor couldn't keep the disappointment from her face. She had come to term that her brother had chosen the godly way of life, but it still bothered her. At least he didn't choose to take the imp's side over her. She didn't know if she would do as well if it had been a choice between San and her music.

"Indeed you don't know me Eleanor Greensward Ryder, but I know you. Oh I know lots about you. And I know a lot about your older brother Sanavar Greensward Ryder as well." the imp said.

Elly froze. So far she had hidden her true mission in following San around. If her brother knew she was with him because their father thought he needed protection he would bolt. Sanavar was always stubborn and independant to a fault. Thankfully, the conversation was steered away. Not so thankfully, the imp had become a giant.

S'nae fair! she thought as she looked up at the man. Why do I allus 'ave to be the short one!

She gripped the rapier even harder as she stared at the wicked weapon the giant carried. What would her father do? Fight of course! And win! And probably boasting about it an hour later over a tankard of ale to their mother.

"Alrigh'!" she said. "As long as tha promise!"

Eleanor wasn't her father. She unbuckled Snake Charmer and dropped it gently on the ground. After a bit of thought, She produced her main gauche and it joined the rapier.

"'Appy now?" she snapped, both at the giant and at her brother.

The giant before the twins faded back into the happy little imp who had first met them. It, well it was probably a he to be honest, smiled happily at Eleanor.

"Of course I'm happy my dear, I'm always happy when those the gods choose, decide to follow the path the gods have decreed for them.

"Here, I have a little something for you," and as the imp scooped the rapier and main gauche up, he held out a small pendant for Eleanor. Cast in a shiny silver, was an exact replicar of her rapier and main gauche. "If ever you have need of them, and I haven't returned them to you yet, just grip the pendant. I'll hear your call, and bring them to you, if you really need them that is."

And in a shimmer of air the imp, the rapier and the main gauche had vanished, as if they had never been there at all.

"Tha knows, methinks now's th'time t'give in gracefully." Sanavar drawled as the Imp suddenly became a giant. He definately didn't like their chances against such a foe. San because he had no offensive skills at all - unless you counted his occaisionally sarcastic comments - and though Eleanor wasn't bad she was small, with their mother's Elvan size while San at least had their father's height, if not his build.

Sanavar watched the Imp hand over the pendant in exchange and then vanish. "Of course I'm no' 'appy." He said, mimicking the Imp but taking the alternate stance. "Acause thart no' 'appy t'loos tha sword. Bu' I dinnae think there's owt us can do righ' now." He said, and shrugged his thin shoulders. "'Opefully us'll ge' accepted, an' tha can ge' 'em back." He added.

He settled his pack more comfortably on his shoulders and indicated the trail ahead. "M'thinks tha' th'adventure lies yonder." he told her with a mischievious grin. "C'mon Hamster, le's see wha' Pan 'as in min' fer us, mmm?" He quirked one coppery eyebrow at her, still smiling, then set off along the trail.

"Stop callin' me that!" she snapped at his calling her 'Hamster'. She loved her father to bits, but sometimes she wished she could beat him senseless for starting the tradition of calling her My Pointy Eared Hamster. She looked down at the pendant in her hands. It was an amazingly close replica of Snake Charmer and Blade Ward, even down to the fine double snake inscription along the rapier's blade. Magic she whispered. Her father would be cursing right now. He never did like magic, and according to her mother used to be quite afraid of it. She could understand why, too.

"S'nae fair, San." she tucked the pendant into her blouse and followed her brother. "Wi' all the women he knows, tha' would think the Dirty Old Man had married some one taller!"

She loved her mother to bits too, but sometimes Elly wished her mom was taller, or at least had given San the short genes. Grumbling she continued on the trail.

As the twins walked up the path they were now on, they passed by large fields. In the distance there were well tended fields, replete with crops gently swaying in the mild breeze that swept the Isle. The twins felt themselves drawn along the path, though, and could not veer away to investigate these fields.

Soon they found themselves approaching a collection of white buildings. The path ended on a dusty square, in front of what was clearly the centrepiece of the settlement, if one could call it that. The entrance, marked by two huge marble pillars, had no doors, only a deep, inviting darkness, that pulled at the twins very souls to enter, in particular San found the pull of the entrance almost unbearable.

Sanavar looked about them as the pair walked, noting the rather.... agricultural setting. Not quite what he'd expected, but then he supposed that even an enclave of holy people would have to support themselves somehow.

What he did know with a certainty was that he could not stop to gawk, they had to keep moving. Eventually they caught sight of the settlement, and San turned to grin at his sister. "There 't'is." He said happily, and picked up the pace.

The settlement was about as unpreposessing as the farmland around it, but San didn't even stop, let along register dissapointment. He knew without knowing how where he had to go, and it was straight to the open doorway between the pillars. There he would find his answers, whatever they were.

Almost forgetting that Eleanor was with him, he hitched up his pack and strode for the doorway. There was no way he could resist, the very thought of doing so was painful.

Eleanor's temper was cooling down, thanks to the long walk. She found herself enjoying the quiet fields, which was quite the change after living her life in a noisy household. Unconciously, she started to hum a tune. Although she would've loved to find a tree and start composing that song in her head on her lute, she felt a strange pull driving her onwards. It seemed to affect Sanavar even more.

When the twins reached the entrance of the settlement, Eleanor knew they had reached their destination. Sanaver running blindly into it was evidence enough. She knew that as her brother's body guard she had to go after him before he did something stupid. Cursing her weaponless state, she ran after him.

"Wait, San!" she shouted. "We dinnae know what's in there, yet!"

The pull of the place before him was amazingly strong, and the idea of resisting that pull was almost physically painful, let alone actually attempting to do so. So when Eleanor called out to him he simply shook his head, auburn pony-tail waving. "Nah-ah." He snapped and kept walking.

Both children were notoriously stubbourn, a trait they had inherited in double measure from their parents. But people often didn't suspect that there was an inner steel to quiet, gentle, daydreaming Sanavar, thinking it far more likely in his fiesty sister. So when they came up against his determination - which was akin to coming up against a brick wall - they were often rather surprised.

But if it weren't for that stubbourness, Sanavar would have learned weapons skills from his father, be working as a soldier or mercenary, and hating every minute of it. His father, the human Tyrone Ryder and he had had many shouting matches over San's descision to forsake all weaponry and become a priest. He'd dreamed of passing on his blades and all he knew to his son, and according to their mother, had wanted to call him Tyrone the Second. Fortunately she'd talked him out of it.

But it was his mule-like stubbourness that had got him through those times, and it was the same that drove him on now. Even though Eleanor called him to stop - his twin sister, who was closer to him than any other - it was simply not an option.

As Sanavar entered the hall his eyes are drawn to the middle of the temple, where light fell in through the roof. There was a pool right under it, sparkling in the sunlight. As his eyes adjust to the darkness San saw four small channels run away from the pool, where overflown water would be easily drained. At the far end of the pool a large decorative construction hang over the pool, almost like an aquaduct. The darker coloring than the rest of the stone suggested water flowed regularly from its top, about ten metres high.

But not now. Everything was quiet, hushed, waiting....

As San stepped into the enterance, a tall angular man emerged from what must have been a hidden door beside the main one, barring Eleanor following her brother.

He spoke in a strong, but quiet voice to Ellie, a voice that despite her concerns was soothing, "Wait young one, this is your brothers moment, and although you would join him, it is something he must do alone. You will be able to join him shortly, but at present be at peace, all is as it should be, and the gods await his presence.

"My name is Callan, and yours would be?"

Oblivious to the confrontation between Callan and Eleanor behind him, the thin half-Elvan youth continued on into the building, gazing around him in wonder at having finally reached it, certain that this was his destination.

Sanavar gazed out across the pool, out across the four outlet channels to the inflow high above as he approached the pool, steps slowed now to a reverant walk, hazel eyes fixed on the beauty of the construction before him, wondering at it's meaning.

Elly opened her mouth to voice a very rude comment, in Elven no less, at the man barring her way. Listening to her mother explode at her father was an education in itself. But she then took one look at her brother's blissful face and stopped. It was San's moment, and she for one won't do anything to ruin it.

She stepped away from the temple, or at least what she thought was a temple, and found a shady place and sat there. Feeling alone and ... discarded, Eleanor took out her lute. She might as well practice, and since her blades were taken away from her that left her music.

After tuning the lute and making sure the strings were okay after the rough journey, Eleanor started strumming. Nothing in particular, just random chords as practice, starting from the basic ones she had already mastered to the more difficult ones. By the looks of things, Sanavr wasn't leaving the temple any time soon, which left the younger of the Les Infantes Terrible alot of free time to spend.

As San's eye adjusted to the light further, he noted the blue mosaic that was down in the pool, swirling in geographic forms. The water was probably about half a human's height, making it comfortable for bathing. Yet the atmosphere was so solemn, it hardly seemed an appropriate thought.

Suddenly he heard a gurgling sound, and within seconds water streamed down from the decorative structure with such force as to create a strong waterfall. The rush of sound filled his ears and it was as if just beyond his capability of hearing a thousand voices filled his head.

As for Elly, as she sat quietly playing chords on her lute, a deep voice suddenly hummed along with her chords, striking an amazing counterpoint to her gentle chords, given they were only a random selection, at least she thought so, of practice chords. If she chose too look up, she would see the rather odd sight of Callan standing with his eyes closed, quietly humming, seemingly lost in musical trance.

In fact, as Elly listerned to the chords she was playing she would hear there was a tune forming, which was not her intial intention at all, what was going on?
[i][b][color=orange][size=92]Smile and carry a big stick.[/color][/b][/i][/size]
The Dragon & Game Designer
Posts: 15536
Joined: Thu Oct 03, 2002 1:29 pm
Location: The Netherlands

Post by Maeve »

Sanavar peered, intrigued, at the mosaic in the deep pool, leaning out over the edge to get a good look, and only narrowly missing getting drench as water suddenly flowed from the great structure over the pool.

The half-elf jumped back, sensitive hearing all but overwhelmed by the sound of the water torrent splashing into the pool, and he was about to clap his long-fingered hands over his ears when he realised that, beyond the deafening noise, he could hear what sounded like voices.

He tilted his head slightly to one side, trying to hear past the loud splashing to the softer sounds beyond, concentrating and trying to tease them out from the overall.

Elly looked up at the hulking form of Callan and couldn't help smiling. The young half elf took her music very seriously, and what musician didn't love the sight of an audience entranced by their music? Her ears picked up the slowly forming melody, and her fingers started to play on their own. Elly closed her eyes and started composing in her head. The basic notes of the new music coming in through her ears, and being refined and given even more life by Elly's composing talents.

Without missing a beat, her fingers shifted from playing the practice chords to playing the new composition in her head while she hummed along. She would have to play it to Sanavar later and ask him to make some lyrics. The older of the two had always been better with words. For a brief moment, Elly wondered what San was doing right now. But her worry disolved into the haunting melody as her foot tapped to an invisible beat...

For San

As the waters of the pool calmed, San looked around the room and noticed a woman in a simple white robe standing to the right. Had she been there before? The woman was old and slightly bend, wrinkles cracking up her coarse face. Certainly she was no beauty. Yet she waited serenely, peace radiating from her face and her hands folded in front of her.

When she saw that the young half elf had noticed her she smiled "Blesseth are the new. The gods talk to you, my son. Are you ready to learn how to listen?"

For Elly

As Callan continued to hum his tune, Elly seemed able to predict the tune the strange man was humming. It was quite extrodinary that a young half elf, with only a basic ability for the lute and the composition of music, was suddenly playing a complex and intricate tune she had never hear before.

As she looked at Callan and smiled, the previously closed eyes opened, and the most startling set of green eyes gazed out at the young half elf. She would almost feel lost in their very depths, and usually most people where unable to recall much about Callan but eyes from any short interaction with the man.

As he looked at Elly, a gentle smile crossed his angular face, but he simply continued to hum his tune.

Elly was, of course, slightly surprised on how well her compisition was going, but she was so lost in her music that she didn't really care. She simply let her music wander and see what undiscovered landscapes it will visit next.

As she drifted, she couldn't help think about her life. Forty years of seeing the same people and the same places. Forty years of mercenary camps. She used to think that going out on her own (with her twin brother of course) would be a welcome change. And while it was definately a change, she wasn't sure it was all that welcome. She missed her parents terribly for one thing. She longed to hear her father's boistrous laugh as he boasted for the one hundredth time about how he had single handedly freed his hometown from enemy occupation. And she missed the way her mother would just shake her head at her husband's antics, too jaded by them to get angry.

If it wasn't for the fact that she still had San, she would've been crying by now. At the thought of San, Elly ended her music as gracefully as she possibly could.

"What'll 'appen to San?" she asked.

At Ellys question, Callan stopped humming as a serious look settled on that angukar face of his. "I must say I don't really know Eleanor Greensward Ryder. I understand it is different for nearly everyone.

"From what I know he will undergo a personal exeperience that will in all likelihood help determine his future.

"The one thing I can you though, is that if his heart is true, then harm will befall him whilst he is on the Isle." As the tall man finished, his serious look was replaced by an equally happy look, although there appeared to be a hint of mischief around those startling green eyes of his.

"I liked your tune, what were you thinking about? It seemed to be very reflective."

Sanavar's hazel gaze came to rest on the elderly woman who seemed to have appeared without his notice. He studdied her a long moment until she spoke, and had to resist the urge to correct her. It's 'blessed' He thought to himself. Maybe she was from a province where they spoke strangely, like he was, or maybe she was just so old that her mode of speech was archaic.

But she had asked him a question, and he considered it carefully before he answered. He nodded his head, shaggy auburn hair waving gently in it's pony-tail. "Yes, I am ready to learn to listen." He said queitly, in awe of the old woman - surely a priestess - and the place he was in.

"Home..." she said.

Usually, Elly would never have divulged her insecurities to anyone except her family, and definately not to someone she's met for the first time. But the music, and the place, had strangely soothed her, and Callan seemed like the person you could always count on being a shoulder to cry on. Not that Elly felt like crying. Much.

"I was jus' wonderin' what mum and the dirty ol' man back home are doin' withou' us." she said. "Are they missin' me as much as I'm missin' them?"

For San

The old lady bowed her head for a moment. When she raised it again clear grey eyes stared out at San, eyes that seemed to strike to the very core of his body. Not that you would call them predatory or dangerous, just knowing with the knowledge of ages behind them.

"I can see you are ready to listern to my son. Cast off you mortal garments and enter the pool of the Oracle. Call to your god and let them speak too you, listern to what they have to say, and be prepared to listern." For such an old frail looking woman, her voice had a resonance that filled the chamber.

OOC: San this is your invitation, I know you have already decided your choice of diety, and this is the opportunity to announce it to the Isle.

For Elly

As Elly spoke, Callan nodded his head sagely. "I dare say your parents miss both and your brother. It is the nature of things for us to miss our kin.

"However it is also the nature of things that we must move on, and I'm sure your folk know this is well. Although the mother bird is reluctant to see her chicks leave the nest. She will still push them out to learn to fly when it is their time."

A firm but gentle hand rested on the young girls shoulder, "Do not fear child, all will be well, even it does not seem so from time to time. You and your brother have been called to the Isle, and the gods do not make such a call lightly.

"Tell me about your travels, it is good to hear about what is happening outside the Isle, I seldom leave these days." A bright smile sat upon Callans face, expectant to hear a bit about the world off the Isle.

Sanavar was all but mesmerised by the intense gaze of the old woman, her voice possessing a strength and power that he would not have guessed. He did listen to her words, and listened well, eager to finally entered the priesthood that was his desire.

Still, the idea of stripping off in front of the old woman made him hesitate. His parents had brought him up as best they could, and his mother had impressed upon him as a child the importance of not ripping one's clothes off in public, especially infront of girls. Once he was old enough he realised that this was good advice.

But he wasn't going to let modesty stand in the way of his dream, so he did as he was bade, bending over to remove his boots, then undoing his belt and pulling his tunic off over his head. Finally he pulled off his travel-stained trousers and then his small clothes, unable to help but blush, his cheeks and his ears turning pink.

The half-bred lad had his father's height but mother's build, and was a long streak of nothing. His mother often called him 'sapling', his father 'stringbean'. He gripped the edge of the pool and lowered himself gingerly into the water, resisting the urge to curl up into the foetal position from sheer embarrassment, and tried to focus on the importance of where he was and what he was about to do.

Finally waist-deep in water, his pale skin raising goose-bumps from the cold, Sanavar turned to look up towards the falling water, which seemed appropriate, and said in his smooth tenor: "I came here seeking to enter the Priesthood of Pan. Pan's Art has become a part of my life and that of my sister, and I am yours Lord, if you would have me." That felt like an appropriate thing to say.

"Nothin' much." Elly admitted. "We only jus' left Dort. San su'denly wanted t'become a priest o'Pan and I wanted to see more of the world. So we left. At first, we 'eaded for Pan's Isle, but somehow, I dinna know how, we found ourselves 'ere."

An' found oursel's facin' crabs the size of pregnan' elephants, and got waylaid by a shapeshiftin' fascisit who took me weapons away! she wanted to add, but decided against. She strummed a random chord as if to reassure herself.

"Me dad was against the whole idea." she continued, having nothing better to do. "He ne'er understood why San had decided t'forsake all weapons and become a priest. And to be quite 'onest with tha, I'm not too sure meself."

For San

As he watched water began to pour from the fountain and the young half elf suddenly found himself fully immersed in the pool, but rather than any sense of drowning, a sense of floating came to him, as he seemed to float gently downwards, eventually coming to rest on the grassy surrounds of a pavillion.

Inside the pavillion a party seemed to be in progress, couples were dancing, and flirting outrageously with anyone who came within touching distance, whislt others helped themselves to food and beverages of all sorts which loaded down several tables.

A large band was playing a meery jig which provided the background for the revelry going on within the pavillion. Standing to one side, a smile from ear to ear, stand a young, well at least he looked young, man. Blond curly hair topped an attractive face. Hazelish eyes looked out at the world with a perpetual look of mirth. A small nose and a generous mouth completed the facial features. Not tall, he was not short either, and his slight build was wiry, rather than weak.

He seemed to be the only person not invovlved directly in the party, although he was clearly enjoying the spectacle that was before him.

For Elly

"I dare say your parents are very proud of you both, regardless of the road you choose to follow. It's not often one is prepared to buck an order from the gods, or is willing to barter with their servants," as he spoke, a knowing chuckle escaped from Callan.

"I had heard that strange things were afoot in the outside world. I hear talk of Orc invasions, and religious persecution. It is enough to make one content with the safety of the Isle."

Sanavar was surprised when the water began to rise, and he instinctively held his breath, trying to swim for the surface. But he seemed to drift downwards instead, and just when he thought that he was going to drown, he found himself standing on grass infront of a pavillion.

His first instinct was to cover himself due to lack of clothing, but the goings on in the pavillion caught his attention. He peered inside, noting all the shenanigens going on and the way the crowds seemed to be enjoying themselves. He wasn't overly shy when it came to women, but neither was he like his father, chasing after anything in a skirt (and usually getting death threats from his mother for doing so).

Then he spotted the smiling youth off to one side, who didn't seem to be involved overmuch in the revels, and made his way towards him, using his elbows where necessary to force his way through the crowds and, on a couple of occaisions, to maintain his dignity.

"Wha's goin' on?" He asked the blonde youth quietly.

"Aye, I heard about those." Elly nodded. "Panists are bein' prosecuted in Dort. Those that practice Pan's Joy anyways. I reckon s'why me parents were nae pleased with San's decision. Part of it I reckon. Me and San, we're thinkin' of goin' to Pan's Isle after this. Me, I jus' wan' to be a bard!"

For Sanavar

The young man San had approached smiled as the young half cast posed his question.

"Why they are enjoying Pans feast my son. This is s chance for them to enjoy all the fruits of Pans love for his followers.

"And who might you be that seeks our such a feast as this?" As the man spoke to San, the young half elf suddenly felt himself to be clothed. Looking down, he would see a soft toga covering his previous nakeness, and soft leather sandals adoring his feet.

For Elly

Callna considered Ellys words on the happenings of the world, and shook his head sadly. "It is a sad thing that we cannot learn to live together, and simply accept our differences, but it seems to be the way of the world."

At Ellys assertion that she wished to become a bard, Callans face brightened considerably. "A Bard you say, and to visist Pans Isle. Well there are two much more fine ideas.

"Perhaps I could, um, help with your becoming a bard. I , um, have some skills with song and playing, if you would be interested of course." Callan looked at Elly with a degree of serious enthusiasm previously missing.

San felt much better for being clothed, and he smiled at the young man, who judging from his speech was a priest. "I have come seeking to enter Pan's service." He said simply. "Though in the aspect of Pan's Art rather than Pan's Joy." He added, watching the group in the pavillion with a mixed expression.

Elly's eyes lit up at the mention of training as a bard. The truth was that although she was having fun travelling with San, she wished that she could start her education as a professional bard sooner. She had gone well enough on her own but the time had come, she thought, when she should stop waving her arms in the dark and start letting someone show her where the door was. She had the fantasy of giving the performance of her life, in front the elite of the Seven Isle, and then being topped by a mysterious bard who would sweep her off her feet. Silly dream, yes, but then again, she was only forty.

"I suppose that would be ok." she said with a shrug, trying to act like she was just humoring the old man. The effect was rather spoiled by the smile quickly invading her small face.

For Sanavar

As San spoke to the young man, a shimmer in perception seemed to pass over him, everything looked the same, or was it. There now appeared to be several individuals whom San had not noticed previously tinking away with easels and clay? Surely they were not there earlier.

The young man in front of San was grinning from ear to ear, if San knew what one was, he would say like a Cheshire Cat.

"Why all of those who follow Pan may enter his feast my son," and a sad look passed over his youthful face, "aye, even those who choose the path of Pan's Blood may come to the feast." Seeming to shake himself the young man stuck his hand out.

"You may call me Robin, if you so choose, what may I call you?"

For Elly

As she looked back at Callan, Elly had the uncomfortable feeling he had seen right into her mind, and knew her fantasy intimately, maybe it was the knowing look around his eyes, or the smile he was trying to surpress.

"I dare say it would be my privilege to offer you my humble assistance my lady," and Callan offered Elly a sweeping bow.

"Pray tell me, what do you know of tunes for your lute?"

"I haven't 'ad any formal trainin' tha understan'" she said as she made herself comfortable again. "These are jus' a few songs I learned from travellin' bards and minstrels and some I learned by guess work."

Elly started playing snippets of all the songs she knew, which didn't really amount to much she now woefully realized. Nontheless, she put her heart in it and let herself flow again with the music...

As Elly played her snippets, Callan tapped his foort along with rythym of her songs.

As she finished, he looked at her seriously, before a broad smile creased his face, all the way from his mouth to his eyes. "Very good Eleanor Greensward Ryder, very good indeed. For one who claims to have had little exposure, you play very well.

"My old instructor told me, the first thing about the music was too throw yourself into it, let the music run through your body and out your fingers. Your passion for your music is indeed excellent." His praise was genuine, and he was truely impressed with Elly's first attempts.

"May I see your lute Eleanor, I would like to show you some excercises, if you would allow me. Next time I'll bring my own for our practice." Callan lowered his hand, waiting politely for Elly to offer him her lute.

Sanavar smiled faintly as he noticed the artisans that seemed to have just appeared and yet somehow had always been there. He felt that he got the point. "For Pan is patron o' all those thin's, an' all are equally importan' t'im, nae?"

He reached out a thin-fingered hand and shook that of the young man. "M'name's Sanavar, an' s'a pleasure t'meet tha, Robin." He told the youth. "Us 'opes us gave no offence, us did come 'ere t'learn af'er all." He added quietly.
[i][b][color=orange][size=92]Smile and carry a big stick.[/color][/b][/i][/size]
The Dragon & Game Designer
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Post by Maeve »

"Can I ask tha for a favour?" Elly asked sweetly as she handed Callen her lute. "Stop usin' me whole triple barrel name! Jus' me luck for 'avin' two stubborn parents with long las' names. Why they didnae jus' flip for i' I'll ne'er know? Too sober I'll wager!"

For San

Robin gave a quiet chuckle as San addressed him, "My son, all who come here come to learn and there was certainly no offence taken.

"I am always overjoyed to see those who wish to serve Pan, even those who follow the path of the Blood, although in truth I see few of those, and they do sadden me, even though they too are welcome.

"Tell me Sanavar, if you choose to follow the path of Pans art, had you thought how you would serve Pan? I understand you would be a priest of sorts, but how do you perceive such a task?"

For Elly

Callan looked a bit uncomfortable at Elly's request, but upon taking her lute, he managed to stumble out, "Well I could simply call you Eleanor, if that would suffice. It is usually not in my nature to shorten things, and well, names are just so important, they say much about a person." He seemed to muse over his offer, hoping Elly would find it acceptable.

As he waited, he ran a simple scale up the and down the lute, feeling the pitch and tone, coming to terms with the instrument in his hands, holding it gently almost as a parent holds a young child, or maybe as you would hold a lover, firmly but gently as well.

San smiles faintly, looking slightly abashed, at Robin's gentle words, though when the man poses his question he looks thoughtful.

"M' sister is a bard," he explained, "an' sometimes us writes words fer her songs." He added, and shrugged his slim shoulders. "Us guesses, us wants t'bring th'joy of Art tha' us feels t'others. T'share it, e'en as th'Priest tha' us met when us were little did." He said, trying to put what he felt into words.

"Us guesses us would travel wi' m'sister a ways yet, fer she would do much th'same, methinks, wi' her music. Bu' us would heal an' help, an' encourage art throughout th' Isles."

The blond youth listerned to San's words, and a happy twinkle came to his eye as the half breed spoke.

"Ah, so you would be a travelling priest, bringing Pans Art to the seven Isles would you. A noble cause indeed. But I think that the idea of healing and the like would please many folk more.

"you see they remember being alive better than listerning to a good song, or seeing a pretty picture." And a little laugh escaped at his own joke.

"Well I dare say you have come to the right place Sanavar Greensward Ryder, and I hereby accept your offer to be my follower, go now and listern to the old lady, she will start you training, and deliver you too those who would offer you more."

After Robin spoke, the vision that Sanavar had seen began to dissolve, and he thought himself falling, a voice reached into his mind before trailing off Remember where you found me, you can always find me here.

Sanavar smiled faintly at Robin's words. "Aye, bu' what is life wi'out joy? There mus' be both, an' tha' is wha' I would bring t'thy people." He said quietly.

Still, he was more than a little surprised at the youth's revelation, even as the vision drew to a close and everything became dreamlike and finally faded. Pan?

And then San found himself once more in the pool of water, naked and shivering. He raised his hazel gaze to that of the old woman who watched him. "He said tha wouldst teach me." Was all he said.

The old lady beckoned Sanavar to leave the water, holding a thick cotton cloth for him to dry himself with.

"No lad, it is not I who will teach you. But I would show you to one who would.

"I perceive you would follow the mischevious one, as a follower of the arts?

"Is this so?" The question was more than rhetorical, it appearred San must bear somewhat of his soul and intentions to the strange old lady by the pool.
[i][b][color=orange][size=92]Smile and carry a big stick.[/color][/b][/i][/size]
Sanavar Greensward-Ryder

Post by Sanavar Greensward-Ryder »

San clambered out of the pool and accepted the cloth, patting the water off his thin frame and tousling it out of his auburn hair, before dressing once more.

"Aye, tha has th'right o' it." He said as he dressed. "Pan's Art it is tha' calls me, an' 'e said as 'ow I were welcome." At least, that was the impression he'd got. "Us wants t'be a Priest o' Pan's Art." He added stubbournly. If there was one thing that could be said about the twins, they were stubbourn, they had it coming in on both sides of the family.

"So wha' does us 'ave t'do?" He asked when he was finally dressed.

Post by rhoddin »

The old woman smiled at Sanovar, whether it was his broad accent, or his indominable stubborness was unclear. "What do you have too do? Well my lad I can't rightly say, it is different for everyone, but I would say you need at least a couple of things.

"You will need to undertand the lore of Pan, and in particular Pans Art. You will need to learn about thinge religious, such as prayer and divine intervention.

"And I think some ideas about bards and their place in the world will do you some good. And otherwise, well I dare say THAT will be between you and your god.

"But come, let us gather your sister, she sits outside with a good friend of mine, and we will break you fast, I'm sure you're both hungary by now."
Eleanor Greensward-Ryder

Post by Eleanor Greensward-Ryder »

I'm back. Terribly sorry about the delay. The business trip took longer than I anticipated.

"Eleanor is fine." she said. While she usually preferred Elly, she didn't mind her full name. It was better than Kiliki, which was what her mother wanted, and miles better than Hamster, which her father invented. Elly watched silently as the old man played the scales, and couldn't help smile. Even from something as basic and simple Elly could tell she was in the presence of a far better musician. Only way t'learn, she thought.

"Wha' makes a good musician?" she suddenly asked. "Is i' jus' technical talent tha thinks? Or is heart and soul more important?"

Post by rhoddin »

"Well Eleanor, the most accomplished musician will seem flat and mechanical if there is no passion. As you know, Pan is a god of passion, and as the god of many musicians, the passion he brings infuses their music.

"But passion with no talent is nearly as offputting. Image someone who plays without any concept of the sound they create, and play loudly and forcefully. The outcome would be an assult on the sences.

"But, if I had to choose between passionless technical excellence, and passionate but mediocre talent, I would choose the latter, for I love the passion and the soul of music, more than the notes themselves."
Eleanor Greensward-Ryder

Post by Eleanor Greensward-Ryder »

Elly smiled, the answer much to her liking. She doubted she would ever be the grandmaster of the lute she always dreamed of becoming. Someone who could feel the lute's pulse and let it play them as well as they play it. She felt the cold metal of her pendant-weapon, and knew where her destiny lay. She would be a master of the blade as well as the lute string, but not a grandmaster at either. A speck of anger rised in her blood when she thought of the legacy she was burdened with, now that San had relinquished his birth-right. Now Elly had to carry her father's dreams as well as her own, and she would never even dare think of disappointing him.

No. S'nae fair puttin' all the blame on San. she thought as her smile came back. I wanted t'carry the torch even before I knew San's intentions. She remembered having to burst into her father while he was in seclusion. Normally, she wouldn't have dared intrude on her father while he was cleaning his blade collection. They all knew what that meant. It meant he wanted to be alone. She remembered the angry look he gave her for breaking the taboo, but mostly, she thought, he was still angry at Sanavar for refusing to carry the family's trade.

"Out!" she remembered him muttering, and remembered her own body trying to do as he commanded out of instinct. She held her ground. "Stop broodin'! San's not tha's only child!" she had shouted at the man who was easilly twice her size. "Mum 'ad twins tha knows, and I'm one of 'em!" Even today, Elly never knew where she found the courage to shout at her father. "You're just a girl, Elly." Tyrone had sighed, "Just a girl. I can't expect you to carry the burden of all this..." he added, waving his hand at the blades and swords that decorated the room. Souveniers and trophies, and each one deadlier than the next. "I wager tha'd ne'er dare say sommat like that to Mum." she had said, giving her father a mischeavous smile. "She'd lop tha's 'ead off." She knew she had him. "Yes. She would." Tyrone returned the smile. "Sometimes I wish you had inherited something else from your mother. Something other than her acid tongue and weird accent. Ah look at you! My little pointy eared hamster all grown up and ready to poke people with swords!"

And so it came to be. Tyrone had given Eleanor Snake Charmer as a sign of his acceptance of his new heir, and had started training her in his art. The flashy style of fighting with a main gauche which was her father's signature. She had taken all the lessons she could cram into her otherwise musically inclined schedule, until the call of the road beckoned her and San. She refused to take Twilight's Eye, her father's most treasured sword (Why he treasured it above other more valuable blades was something he never told her), claiming that she would only take it when she was worthy of it.

"Aye. I think thart right." Eleanor said to Callan. "Spirit is wha' counts. Dad used to say the same thin' abou' swordsplay. 'With a strong spirit, you can beat a dragon with a stick.' he used to say. Can tha teach me to play with that kind o' passion?"

Post by rhoddin »

Callan placed a large ong fingered hand on Eleanor's shoulder, a smile playing around his lips and eyes, "I can teach you too play the lute my dear, but only you can bring the passion to it. But I think that is the least of your problems, I perceive a great spirit in you, and all the passion you will ever need.

"Ah, I think I hear the sounds of someone approaching, perhaps your brother comes to join us for something to eat."
Eleanor Greensward-Ryder

Post by Eleanor Greensward-Ryder »

"Tha thinks so?" Elly asked Callan. "I don' know. Th'road ahead jus' seems so long to me. I wonder if it will e'er come to an end. I guess I'll jus' 'ave to take it one step at a time, eh? That's wha' e'eryone says. Loads of $*@*ing dragon dung, I'm inclined t'think sometimes... Erm... Sorry. Me tongue gets the better o' me sometimes."

Eleanor looked up hopefully, waiting for the familiar figure of her brother to arrive. She was already missing him, Elly had to admit, but that's something he didn't have to know.

"Oy, String Bean." she shouted at her brother. "Wha' kept tha? I wager tha go' acquainted wi' some Pan's Pleasure pristesses on the way! Hah! Tha and Dad are the same afterall! The Dirty Ol' Man will be so proud of tha when I tell 'im!"

Post by rhoddin »

Callan raised an amused eyebrow at Eleanors rather intemperate referal to Dragon droppings but made no other comment on her discription.

As she called out to her brother, he could not help but chuckle out loud, it seemed he had found a live one in the young half breed.
Sanavar Greensward-Ryder

Post by Sanavar Greensward-Ryder »

Sanavar nodded to the old woman. "Aye, m'sister an' me can learn abou' th'Bardic arts t'gether. She's a bard, er wants t'be, as us're sure tha knows." He told her, following her out whilst thinking about the implications of the road he had chosen for himself.

"Eya, Hamster!" He called in response to his sister's greeting. "Oh aye, lotsa pretty girls, just like m'lady 'ere." He said, jerking a thumb at the old woman with him. "Grow up Elly, this isnae some dumb game." He said, suddenly growing serious. "Tha doesnae know wha' us saw, though us'll tell tha later. Suffice t'say us're more determined than e'er t'be a Priest, so th'Dirty Ol' Man can jus' deal wi' it."

San's father had been determined that San would grow up to be a sword-slinging womaniser just like him, so had been terribly dissapointed and rather irate when San had chosen the Priesthood. They'd had a number of rip-roaring rows about it, the twins having inherited stubbourness from both sides of the family.
Last edited by Sanavar Greensward-Ryder on Mon Mar 10, 2003 2:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post by rhoddin »

Callan unwound his angular figure as Sanavar approached, and offered Eleanor his hand.

"Welcome Sanavar, I was saying to your sister, we should eat. I am sure you are both famished, and there are things we need to discuss."
Eleanor Greensward-Ryder

Post by Eleanor Greensward-Ryder »

Elly didn't comment on San's use of her hated baby name. It was only expected after she used his not-so-complimentary nick name. After all, if San had inherited anything at all from their father it was his quick tongue with an insult. Not that their mother was innocent of that little vice. Watching her parents exchange insults was quite an education, and Elly had a suspicion that the two actually enjoyed shredding each other to bits with their barbed tongues. Crazy parents..., she thought as she followed San.

"What's th'use o'bein' a Priest o'Pan, then?" she asked with a chuckle. "Tha'knows, me thinks dad would actually approve o' tha if we told 'im tha conducts Pan's joy rites e'ery night!"

Elenoar lightly stepped away from her brother's reach, just in case he retaliated physically. Pacifist or no, Elly was not about to risk her brother's strength against hers. Blast his long arms!, she thought.

"Anyway, I'm 'ungry enough t'eat half a horse. San can eat th'other half." Elly said, always ready to share.
Sanavar Greensward-Ryder

Post by Sanavar Greensward-Ryder »

"Aye, 'alf a 'orse'd just about do it." San conceeded, nodding to his sister's companion and falling into step beside them.

"An' aye, us dinnae doubt that Dad'd be happier fer me t'be a Priest o' Pan's Joy, e'en though us still thinks 'e'd prefer us learned t'use a sword, but s'Pan's Art us chose, leastways fer now." He added, not ruling out the possibility.

Apparently whatever had happened in the temple had put Sanavar in a sombre, serious mood, though he was always the more serious of the two, Eleanor having their father's larakin outlook, not that their mother hadn't been reckless as well. That was how they had happened.

"Anywho, what's tha been doin' whilst us've been on important business, eh? Lazin' around?" He sugested, a mischievious glint in his hazel eyes.

Post by rhoddin »

Callan, stood and smiled at the exchange between the twins, content to let them banter, the tall man led than around the temple to a small door.

Opening the door he let them enter the room before him.

As they entered they stood in a well apointed, if smallish room. A table by the far door was laden with a selection of fruits, cheeses, nuts and bread, but narry a horse in sight.

Jugs of cool water, milk and juices were also on the table. A neat stack of small plates, and several fine glasses completed the setting.

"Help yourself to food and drink, I'm sorry we have no horse to offer," and a smile crossed his angular face, "But I trust the repast will be too your liking." Callan waited for the twins before making any effort to take food himself.
Eleanor Greensward-Ryder

Post by Eleanor Greensward-Ryder »

"Me an' Callan been talkin' 'bout music, San." Elly said, her brother's seriousness unconciously rubbing off on her. "Music an' how important passion is to i'. Callan agreed t'teach me t'play th'lute better, too. So tha's dear li'l sis won't be twiddlin' 'er fingers while tha gets some serious priest trainin'."

Elly's naughty side was already speculating on excatly what kind of training a priest of Pan would undergo, and she knew deep down San was thinking the same thing. She had to fight the desire to send a letter home right this moment, but as soon as they settled down she was going to send some good news back to her parents.

"Flamin' Dragon Dung! Not one 'orse in sight!" she pouted at her brother, but started stuffing her face anyway making it quite apparent where her nick name came from. "Guess tha'll jus' 'ave t'eat wha' us poor mortals eat. Canna 'ave tha stop growin', now can we, String Bean?"

Post by rhoddin »

The older man contained a chortle as the two young half breeds bantered between themselves.

"Once you have finished, I will take you to your rooms. I think you would both do well to stay at Pan's temple, although for Eleanor there is the choise of the novice dormatory. It is very comfortable.

"So, would you prefer rooms together, or apart, for the choise is yours."
Eleanor Greensward-Ryder

Post by Eleanor Greensward-Ryder »

"Someone 'as to look after the big lug." Elly said, and favoured her sibling with a fond smile. "Unless there's sumthin' tha's not tellin' me?"

Post by rhoddin »

Callan raised his hands, as if fending off an attacking wasp, although he had a playful smile on his weathered face.

"No, I can't think of anything of importance that I have overlooked, except that the quarters are, um, close, and being followrs of Pan, well if you are somewhat modest you might find it a bit, um, daunting. If you follow my drift."
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