How to Start, to Play and to Leave

Where all the pigeons flock to leave their messages to the good people in the Western Kingdom.

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The Dragon & Game Designer
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How to Start, to Play and to Leave

Post by Maeve »

How to get started

Here are some steps that you can take even before you create a sheet:

1) Read up on the details of the area in the World Guide. You will find material here that you can use IC, and even for your background. There may also be additional stickies in this forum!

2) If you are a native of an area, you have the following opportunities:
  • You could be a family member of once of the existing non-artistocratic NPC's. Area's may have a sticky with more details in this forum or PM a mod for more details.
  • You can ask a mod to add a house to your inventory (a sum of money will be detracted). This modest house you can describe yourself.
  • You can decide on a modest job for background purposes. Contact the mod beforehand to check if it is appropriate.

3)If you are a senior player returning or moving to your hometown please PM the coordinator to get a few interesting extra's as a reward for the position you gained in other areas. Options include owning a business, a position at one of our institutions etc.

4) When you start playing in the area there are two options

*If you are a foreigner to an area please enter via the gates as listed in the location thread stickies.

* If you are native to the areyou can create a thread where ever you want, but be sure to PM the mod so we know your thread needs coverage.
Last edited by Maeve on Tue Oct 03, 2006 8:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
[i][b][color=orange][size=92]Smile and carry a big stick.[/color][/b][/i][/size]
The Dragon & Game Designer
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Post by Maeve »

How to Play

In Tazlure we use event orientated moderating. This basically means players move from thread to thread as they move through our world, and what they do influence each others storylines. We do not "storyboard", or keep players in a single story in a single thread. You may always move in whatever direction you want.

Ultimately, you can post wherever you like, whenever you'd like. All you need to do is walk in, declare the time, and you're off and running. You can even start your own threads, if you'd care to do so. In effect, you typically set your own timestamp. We've provided a list of public locations in the forum for your use (these are the sticky topics): feel free to copy and past this into your first post to start a new thread, if that location hasn't yet been started for the appropriate time. Please note the city you are playing in your topic as well as the date/time.

Rules of Posting

1) Never be in more than three IC threads at the same time. To help us deal with mod burden you can only be in three threads at the same time. Need to open a new thread? Time to close another.

This does not include any Aether Realm threads currently active. You can have as many dreams in one night that you want. Just allow for a full 8 marks of sleep.

2) Never be in two different threads at the same timestamp. For those of you unfamiliar with the Tazlurian reckoning of time, read up on it! And know the calendar as well: we don't need you to be exact about the time of day, but pay attention to when your pc is for each thread, and don't overlap.

3) Never open a new thread or join an existing thread timstamped with a time prior to another you're currently in or have visited. We're all moving through time, both in RL and in Taz. And without exception, we move forward in it. Never go back in time.

4) Never open a thread or join a thread timestamped with a time prior to the latest synch event.If the current synch event is for Samheen 16th, then no threads prior to this day should be started. You can read about sync events in our rules. We will also ask you to finish with threads before a certain timestamp.

5) Never open a new thread or join a thread timestamped later than one your pc is in if your current thread is been marked as 'unpassable'. This means that the thread is most likely life-threatening or pivotal, and if you posted beyond this, you could create time knots. Of course, time knots can happen even in passable threads: you never know when trouble will find you. But for those particularly tense threads where someone will most likely die, it's a good idea to let it play out before you commit to anything in the future.

6) You cannot join threads marked as "Closed". Those threads are by invitation only, and you'll have to come up with a way your pc could possibly be there. A good example would be a ship at sea, or a hidden room, or a secret location. These threads will be marked with the word "Closed" in the title.

So what does this mean to you as a player? Well, you could very likely be forced to skip days. That doesn't mean your pc didn't exist on those days t just means you didn't do anything threadworthy. You can certainly describe your pc's actions for those absent days in your next thread, if you'd like, or you can forget that those days ever happened...the choice is yours. After all, not every day needs played out so carefully: we're writing adventures, afterall.

In conclusion, it's largely up to you to know and understand where each thread is in the calendar and post to them accordingly or, if you prefer, to start new threads to narrate your pc's adventures in this location. Your character's timeline is easily more important than his/her location. If you ever get confused about where and, more specifically, when you should post, don't hesitate to send the moderation a message, and we'll hook you up properly.

Expectations for players

In Tazlure we expect our players to co-write their stories by taking initiative and explore opportunties. If you do not do anything, nothing will happen either.

The methods behind which Tazlure is currently structured is one of total liberty. At this point, you need expect no OOC push or direction from your moderator for your content: we wil point you to a thread to call your attention to it either through IC devise or impassable requirement, but these are nothing more than direct IC consequences applied as a result of yours or another pc's actions. In other words, don't ask the mods where or what thread your pc should go next: frankly, we don't know. A better question might be "if I wanted to explore law enforcement, how would I get involved?", and we will tell you. Whether or not your pc actually goes there is your business.

Plot Direction : Your pc can pursue what plots that involve him or her in whatever fashion he or she wishes. That's your responsibility as a player. Plots in Tazlure are living things that continue with or without pc involvement, but they can be shifted, changed, adjusted, and even capitalized by a clever PC.

If you're worried that your PC is following content you don't want...then stop following it! If you are concerned your PC is being rather inactive.. go do something.

Mortality: Yes, PC's can die, and they will. Moderators are not out to get you, but we apply the logics of the environment, a concept called Applied Physics Enforced. If we can see it in the tealeaves in time we'll warn you by making the thread impassable and serve you a mortality notice, however death can occur at all times. If the scene warrants it, death will knock on your door.

Location Development : what will happen next? We don't know. Maybe the Merchant Council of the Mouth will rebel against the king and start their own state. Maybe enraged by the death of their leader Lord Graylock the nobles will return with large mercenary armies and retake the Mouth. Or the Pirates of the Mer will burn down the city.

Are they possible? You bet. Like any living system, Tazlure moves and changes by virtue of the forces that interact with it...and the greatest forces interacting with Tazlure are you, the players. Naturally, some goals will be harder than others...and some will be virtually impossible. However nothing is static. Everything from the stamp of local coin to the name of a certain street are all subject to change...and if you don't stay awake, you just might miss it.
Last edited by Maeve on Tue Oct 10, 2006 9:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
[i][b][color=orange][size=92]Smile and carry a big stick.[/color][/b][/i][/size]
The Dragon & Game Designer
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Post by Maeve »

How to Leave

If for some reason or other you'd like to find new content for your PC outside of the area you are now in please contact your mod. We could:
  • Send you through a portal
  • Put you on an airship
  • Set up a "wilderness" thread for you

I do hope there are no OOC reasons for the departure of your PC. If you are not getting coverage of threads, or are not enjoying yourself, feel free to contact the coordinator in PM and discuss your whole characterconcept to see if it can be solved in some way. This is a quicker and more satisfactory way than keeping it to yourself or posting it in the forums.

Please note that due to an increased use of portals you can now interact with several locations on the same continent provided you keep posting linear!
[i][b][color=orange][size=92]Smile and carry a big stick.[/color][/b][/i][/size]
The Dragon & Game Designer
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Location: The Netherlands

Post by Maeve »

A word on IC pretense and assumptions.

We have a lot of themes in Tazlure that depend on secrecy to work. Yet players reveal their plans in their thoughts or in secret meetings that everybody can read. It makes it more fun for us, the readers, to see the big picture. It is however essential that we do not use this OOC knowledge to seek to foil the plans of other characters or to gain an advantage. I will expect your characters to behave to their own inner logic, according to what they know IC even if that means somebody gets away with something, or your character may be heading for disaster. You absolutely must have a good reason to act upon another characters actions and you can never act upon another characters thoughts. In other words you must always have enough IC pretense to guide your characters actions. This is what keeps the game fun :)

Regarding assumptions in your posts I am a very lenient mod. As long as you only create NPC's as a nameless, faceless backdrop to existing locations that have been described elsewhere I'm fine with it. I will even allow you to make educated guesses as to what you can find at locations or the reactions of the people around you.. such as mingling in a crowd or a bartender or wench serving you a drink without waiting for moderation. No need to hold up a thread for mundane things.

However it is essential that you do not assume anything that gains your character an advantage or for any bigger role in the story. You may not create a NPC to continue to rob him or pick a fight. You may not create a bartender that will whisper all the secrets of other characters and Tazlure in general. This is the field of moderators and lets face it.. it is more fun for us to take care of that, creating tension and uncertainty ;)
[i][b][color=orange][size=92]Smile and carry a big stick.[/color][/b][/i][/size]
The Dragon & Game Designer
Posts: 15536
Joined: Thu Oct 03, 2002 1:29 pm
Location: The Netherlands

Post by Maeve »

How to deal with a lack of moderating

There are a few do's and don'ts for posting that will allow you to keep your PC active even when there is no moderator around for a bit. There are also ways in which you can alert Staff that you are in need of moderating.

  • create a post that allows other players to react to you
  • create a post that reacts to other players and involves them in conversation or causes them to give a reaction without needing a mod call.
  • make smaller assumptions such as getting drinks, gaining entrance or mentioning NPC's previously established in other threads, which smooth your posts and are not vital in any other way
  • be proactive as described above in how to play.
  • contact a player in PM if you are waiting for a post from them for longer than two days, sending a CC to your mod (use a semi colon between usernames to send PM's to more than one person)
  • contact your moderator in PM if you are urgently waiting for a post and have received none after two days.
  • contact your coordinator in PM if you get no reply from the moderator. If this is one and the same contact a GD.

  • create posts that force you to wait for the moderator to post to you, unless it is a one on one thread in which case you have no choice.
  • sit around in an inn observing other people without any further action. It is classic passive behavior in which you are asking the mod to provide action, see above in how to play.
  • assume the success of vital actions or create NPC's that were not previously established
  • wait for more than a week when dealing with an absent moderator
  • complain on the Q & A boards or in #tazlure without telling your moderator and/or coordinator of the problem. All this does is create a negative atmosphere without solving the problem.
  • think we will not take any complaints seriously. We do, but we need to know about them.
Last edited by Maeve on Wed Apr 25, 2007 12:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
[i][b][color=orange][size=92]Smile and carry a big stick.[/color][/b][/i][/size]
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