The Midlands NPC's

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The Midlands NPC's

Post by Maeve »

The Midlands are split into three regions:

Islmarch (Eastern, smallest, and poorest region); Jopp von-zu Isl-Pabbsen (Jobb = work, Pappsen = dad) Allignment: GOODGUY

* Lord of Islmarch is like the ground and people that spawned him; tough, honest, hardworking, fickle. He is very close to his land and it's inhabitants. It is not unusual to see him out and about helping the members of his household. Not rich, he might be one of the happiest people around. His region depends on the goodwill of the rest of the island, and he can handle that. Inventive as he is he tries to come up with ways to improve Islmarch's production and output.
* He's a family man. One loving wife, and nine children. In a place where life is hard, tough and dangerous, a large offspring is the ultimate sign of wealth.
* Although he's down to earth, often literally, his kids don't all like the lifestyle. Comparisons with other nobles seem to prove to them that they get cheated.
* Jovial, easy to laugh, sun tanned, tall, lithe and muscular, salty brown hair with streaks of grey, sea blue eyes, long faced.
* Wife is a 'big mamma'. Round figure, at least a head smaller than her hubby, with wild black curls, always wearing an apron over her clothes - except at official events. Karle Pabbsen (karlek = darling)

Middlemarch (Central region); Local Lord is Lars Latham > Lars von-zu Midda-Latham (lars = laurel-crowned, midja = middle, latham = a division) Allignment: NEUTRAL (walking the edge)

* The laurel fruit is a purple berry. It is found about the Mediterranean, and was early used by the ancient greeks to crown the victor in the games of apollo. at a later period, academic honors were indicated by a crown of laurel, with the fruit. The leaves and tree yield an aromatic oil, used to flavor the bay water of commerce.
* Cut throat bussiness man? Profit before all else. Lars is the ruler of a flourishing county and takes advantage of it. He wants to produce more, sell more, profit more.
* Is there a description of this man already? He's called by name, so I suspect there is... I could envision him as a man living the good life, visibly. He's a bit too broad about the waist, proof of his testing of the exploits of his orchards (ciders, plum spirits, e.g.).
* He's a faithful follower of Petunia; not long ago he's build a temple in her honour.
* Lars is a champion of commerce. He lets nothing get in the way of a good deal. So, although he's a jovial man, he has a dark side. The latter side employs a select group of spies and assasins. He's very careful to keep his public face and his masked face seperated.

Woodmarch (Western region); Bart-Bjarn von-zu Wald-Fangeth (bara = just, barn = born, wald = wood, fanget = captured) Alligment: GOODBOY

* As the latest DukeVassal died he left his lands to his rather immature, only heir. At only 15 - errr...sorry 15 and a half - he is a bit to young to reign. Luckily he has a mother to 'help' him. Lady of Woodmarch is a strong minded woman. She is the puppet master. Everything has to pass her eyes first before her son is allowed to 'make a decision' in the matter.
* The youngster is a rather shy individual - which is encouraged by his mummy. She dresses him - well, she picks out his outfits, she informs him - colored by her own perception and ideas, and she bemothers and smothers him in her love. His interests are limited to wood carving (which he's very adept at), playing the harp and chess (or whatever substitutes the game in Tazlure). He's an artist, a man of the mind. I create him thus, so he - when he escapes the claws of his mother - has the potential to grow into his own as a strategist, an accomplished sculptor/musician, a creative mind (this could become an interesting plotline as well).
* Within the family there is a lot of strife. Many a man thinks that they'd be better suited to the position. Uncles, nephews and most above 20 believe they could do a much better job. Still gargoyle-mom is havin' none of it. She keeps a tight reign, with a 'personal guard' built up out of merciless mercinaries. The rumbles of the domain are kept under lock and key by the encouraged territorial/xenophobic behaviour that is natural to it's inhabitants.
* Timid, bashful, virgin, bleak, non-muscular, long fingered, slightly female in looks, long eyelashes, pink cheeks, childlike.
* Mom is a harpy. Well preserved, attractive, slim, toned, has scepter that is a mace, warrior queen, sharp tongue. Pynah Fangeth (pina = torment) Alligment: BADGIRL
Last edited by Maeve on Wed May 30, 2007 7:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Turi »

Scytale wrote:Amaethon is on the road to the Abbey with the intent to study there. On the road (which is known as the "Golden Trail" because all of the midlanders' gold seems to be carried of on it by the tax collectors) she has met a few folk.

- Younger son of the Lord of Middlemarch.
- Devotee of the Mother
- Goes about dressed as a commoner.
- Leads a Midlands Gang
Aidan is something of a "Robin Hood" type. He leads a gang of midland men who ambush and reclaim the money and goods claimed by the Duke's taxmen. Since the Duke's Taxman is crooked and taking more than he should from the poor folk of Middlemarch, Aidan sees this as his duty as part of the rilung family of the area. In reparation for the "dastardly acts of badits", the Lord replaces the tax money that was stolen by delivering the correct amount directly to the Count in Dort. The remainder goes into community services and to help the poorer families in the area. Any valuable possessions are returned to the owner when possible.
- He had bushy chestnut brown hair and a thin, meticulously groomed mustache.
- He carries a sturdy walking stick. (With which he is a deadly combatant should the need arise.)

"Lord" Caziel, Tax Collector for Middlemarch
Caziel has less noble blood running through his veins than the average cur on the street. He was a small-time merchant who advanced through the ranks of government by courting the favor of those above him and ruthlessly taking advantage of those beneath him in the scheme of things. His own fortunes are long gone. Instead, he sustains his extravagant lifestyle by taking more than the folk of Middlemarch really owe for taxes and keeping the "extra" for himself. He bleeds the farmers and craftsmen as ruthlessly as he did his former employees and underlings.
- A thin balding man with and effeminate voice. Prone to mood swings and delusional behavior.
- Has a tendency to faint when the world strays to far from his personal plans.
- Secretly affiliated with the Molten sect hiding out in Dort.
- Acts every bit the well-bred spoiled lord that he is not.

My plan is to have Amaethon meet up and join Doric and Caprice instead of proceeding all the way to the Abbey. She has come to Lord Caziel's aid, and therefore might be rewarded in some way by the Dort government. (Making her suspect with the Midland folk).
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