The T'aquar World Book

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The T'aquar World Book

Post by Maeve »

The T’aquar World Book
Some things to note about T’aquar, it is a living place and not all of it’s secrets are uncovered. This guide seeks to add some flavor and clarification to the world.

I. Geography

The Woodland Realm of T’aquar is largely composed of primal forest that is nearly impassable- perhaps mystically so- from outside its borders. Although there are paths through the woods themselves, they are known only to the inhabitants of T’aquar and any outsider who managed to get into the forest or strayed from his guide would soon be lost.

Most travel and commerce takes place on the main River, the Awyl, and various waterways that have been Shaped by the elves. There is a main ‘gateway’ into the forest at the southern end at the mouth of the Awyl.

Weather and Climate

Normally a moderate climate, the thick forest keeps the place cool in the summers and warmer in the winters. It is more prone to rain in the winter then snow, though the northern regions of the forest do receive snow annually.
Spring and fall are wet seasons when the forest gets most of the rainfall it needs. The wettest places in the forest are on the eastern side where the forest meets with the high mountains.

Flora and fauna of note

Mou rice- a rice that grows in the swamps to the south as well as in some cultivated areas to the north seasonally.
Tussle Tree- A thick trunk tree with a white bark and willow like branches. It grows the famed Tussle Nuts.


The forest is teeming with life of all manner mundane and magical. Some creatures to note:
Black Wolves: One of the top predators of the woods, they are highly intelligent, and some stories say they can talk, though no evidence of this has been proven. They come to a man’s hip and almost three times a man’s weight. They have hard jaws and usually hunt in packs of 3 to 6, but can travel in as many as 20.
Griffons- Clearly the top predator. They have an eagle’s or hawk’s head and claws and wings with a cat’s body. They are a magical creature and are considered intelligent.
Deer- They are plentiful in the woods and are a usual source of food.
Swamp Boar- a boar that lives to the south, they are very big, about the size of a cow and it is a group effort to bring one down, but can easily supply food for a month to a village as well as produce a very strong leather useful in armor.

II. Life


There is only one great city to be found in T’aquar and that is Taloh, the capital, which is about a day’s travel to the north of the Downs of Kings Court. Taloh is known as the ‘City in the Trees’ because it is built in and on top of a giant grove of Ironwood trees. It is home to Tarquir, the Royal Residence and seat of government, as well as the Temple of the Mother and various other famous places. The city itself has been almost completely created through Shaping.

Rather than taverns, the elves of T’aquar have places called 'kosatan'. You can get food , tea, and spirits there, and although elves are not fond of beer or ale, if you are ‘in the know’ in Taloh, you might be able to get some. The kosatan also include platforms for viewing the moon and the changing of the leaves in autumn,listening to music or stories, impromptu poetry contests and dancing- all social pleasantries highly prized by the elves.

Elsewhere in the kingdom, well off or noble elves hold estates in gift from the Crown, and small villages and settlements are all throughout the woodlands, except the Borderlands to the west, close to the marshes and Le Bois Noir, where the land is plagued by orcs.

To the North is the city of Kes’levy, a port city and rests at the mouth of another river. It is made up of four trees that hold the city in their branches. It has a natural stone barrier to the south of it with a gate that is kept by the shapers. Kes’levy is the center for trade overseas, and a summer home to most of the nobility as it is the place to be in the summer months.

A few other details of T’aquar life bear mentioning: Although deadwood is burnt for heat when it is cold, it is done so only under controlled circumstances and fire safety is something every elf child learns from an early age.

Light is provided by luminescent fungi which grow in the treetops and are harvested and put into lanterns or globes. These come in a range of colors, from white for a pure clear light to read by, to those with a soft rosy or yellowish tint. Globes of these are strung all through the treetops and gardens of Taloh and they do not dim nor go out with rain, although they are replenished with each cycle of the moon.


Imports: iron, gold, wheat, beef, horses
Exports: wood, herbs and spice, craft goods, silk, fruit, and rice
Trade is normally done on a barter basis, with coins being used mainly in the cities. The value of items varies from person to person, however the more pretty an object is will increase the value. So a brush or a tool that has more artistic look to it will hold more value.
Most travel and commerce takes place on the main River, the Awyl, and various waterways that have been Shaped by the elves. There is a main ‘gateway’ into the forest there, maintained by Border Patrol elves and by representatives of the merchants, who regulate the trade, folk, and goods passing in or out.
T'aquar has a small population for its large size. It does not use anything near all of its own resources on its own people, leaving a large surplus for trade. But its real wealth comes in the form of knowledge- scholars trained in Taloh are highly prized as are elvish healers, astronomers and the like.

T’aquar is mainly self sufficient when it comes to its own needs for food and sustenance. Most of the folk of the realm at all levels of society hunt the creatures of the forests, using all the parts of the animal and taking their lives with reverence, acknowledging that the Mother is about Blood and Death as well as Life.

In addition to this, many ‘wild’ crops are semi-cultivated, particularly a hardy strain of dark thin rice(Mou rice) which grows near the swampy lowlands to the southeast of Taloh. This commodity is also exported abroad as are leather and ivory goods, all manner of woodland remedies and herbs, furs and pelts.

Elvish wines and spirits are also prized, although it may take some exposure to them for an outsider’s palate to adjust.

There is a large trade in magical cantrips, simples and potions, for although not all elves possess the art of magics, those who do have a long lifespan to perfect them.

Delicate and lovely musical instruments and ornaments are also prized trade goods, for many elves love music and anything requiring skill or grace to learn. Woven cloths and embroidered tapestries and fabrics are also made at all levels of society and elvish cloth is considered rare and valuable as well.

They are also wonderful breeders and trainers of animals, and T’aquar horses and cross bloods are much prized, and always have spotted coats. They also train birds of prey, hounds and other creatures, but are very careful about who they will trade and deal with- if an elf has any ‘sense’ that an animal will not be valued and well treated, he will break off all trade relations with someone.

Items the elves often trade for are : Metal and glass objects, especially weapons and the like. Books and other finished goods, as well as gemstones, cultivated grains such as wheat or barley and rye, and knowledge- a good source of information on any particular topic will be greatly valued by an elf with an interest in it.

Most trade with outside sources is conducted in Taloh and - in a more limited way- along the network of rivers and ‘canals’ Shaped and traversed by Shaped riverboats that bring goods through the woodlands of the Inner Forest, stopping along the way to trade and supply at small settlements and estates.


Most elves in T'aquar follow Laliel Saliu, the Mother, but the Father of Heavens, Imiel Ealiu, is very popular as well. They are tolerant of other gods, as long as said gods are not considered 'evil'. The most famous Temple to the Mother is in Taloh and various small woodland shrines lie throughout the land.
Their religion has several holy days; many of them are celebrated with feasts and dancing. Each month has a day for feasting, usually the first of each month, though Yule takes place on the 21st of Yulember.
The last day of Dakenry the night is spent up with candles and other lights to honor Illuminatus. It is to honor the relationship between the Mother and Illuminatus and his return to her. The lights through the night are to remember him and to honor the gifts he gives the Mother.
There is a spring festival in Chril. This is the festival of the bards. There is a week of music and dancing and plays and all manner of bards and entertainment. Here the talents of the Adhiel are displayed and the finest dresses and fine art. The city is usually decorated in ribbons and streamers, and not much of any work is done for that week.
Early Samheen is the harvest festival. During this three day festival there is a hunt planned. A deer is set loose that has white ribbons wrapped around the horns. The object is to bring the deer back alive, it is to test the skills of the hunter and the healer.
Priests are to be addressed as representatives of their god. Sacrifices are to be made in the temple and while personal prayer is not uncommon, most prayers go through a priest who prays for the person. This is due to the fact that the god is usually more responsive to the priests prayer and rituals then those of people who are not clergy. Priests also oversee the religious holidays and events in life like birth, marriage, and death.

Dress and styles

Most the common dress is very utilitarian, a thick shirt, leather trousers and boots. The difference is that the shirt would be embroidered or have some detailed design to it, perhaps pertaining to the craft the person does, and the pants would be tooled with designs as well.
Shapers wear robes of green, this marks them as shapers. The green robes are not worn by other trades. The robes have a hood, though it is usually kept down, and they can be tied with a colorful sash. The robes are not plain, but can be designed as well, as plain robes are not very attractive to the eye.
Priest usually wear the vestments of their church. The mother does not have a set dress except for different ceremonies.
Royalty will wear gowns or robes made from silk. They are usually loose fitting and in brilliant colors. Modesty is not a very big issue, but tack and beauty is. The more beautiful the gown or robe, the more it is desired.


The diet of most of the adhiel is a vegetarian one, though they do get seasonal meats. There is normally no raising of livestock and most meat is hunted. There are farms but none of them are on any grand scale, most communities provide enough for themselves with very little trade going out in the way of food stuff.
Tussle nuts- A nut from a tussle tree; it is found in a round smooth shell that is pale and soft and harvested around late Samheen. The nut is roasted then the shell is peeled off and the soft insides are eaten. The nut is also mashed and made into a sweet paste that is put on cakes and cookies or eaten strait.
Mou Rice- a short grain brown rice that is grown in pools of water usually in the trees or in ponds. With the reeds that normally grow. In the south it can be harvested all year long, in the north due to the cold snaps it does not grow during the winter months. The rice is steamed and eaten as a side with most meals. Or it can be beaten into dough and then fried or baked into soft rich bread. During the Yule having the bread baked and filled with tussle nuts is a traditional treat, Tussle nut bread.
Omi beans- A purple kidney like bean that is a valuable source of protein. It can be boiled into stews or mashed into a paste then added to sauces or spread on bread. It gives a rich flavor, very earthy and strong. Some would say it is an acquired taste, but most natives would tell you they are wonderful.
Bumbleberries- A bright yellow berry when ripe, they are about the size of a thimble, juicy and sweet they are usually turned into a pie or jam. Some are harvested before they fully ripen to get more of a tart flavor, also used to accent wild meats as a clear jelly.


There is no distinction in Taq between male and female elves. All are eligible for any role or profession. This adds to the elves' sense of disconnection when they travel elsewhere- such as in Kings Court, where most women- at least of the upper classes- traditionally take on a less active role.

The elves of T’aquar have a well established oral tradition, although some enjoy the information they can gain and pass on from books- although the less scholarly inclined are perhaps a little uncomfortable about the books themselves, as they are formed of 'dead' trees.

Although they are not more inherently 'magical' than other races, elves in T’aquar manifest certain skills such as magical ability, empathy or healing at an early age- and have much longer to devote to perfecting them.

Such skills would be looked out for by elders; spotted early and trained to their fullest potential as a matter of course- whereas a human, with so much to crowd into a shorter life, might go with such things unnoticed for a longer time and hence get less training.

Since elves do not bear children as easily as humans, often dying in childbirth, all children would be nurtured and taught to achieve their full potential - an only child in any household will get more one on one attention than one growing up in a household of five or six, simply by virtue of time available. This includes achadhiel, who are looked upon as ‘more than a human’ rather than only ‘half an elf’

They enjoy being in nature more than being in cities as a rule. This is not to say that some don't choose to pursue their lives elsewhere- but MOST prefer to spend a great deal of time outdoors and will almost always compare an ‘ordinary’ city with Taloh in the Trees.

T'aquar elves are more distrustful of humans and other races- simply because they often live in more isolated areas and have less experience in dealing with them. This is NOT an inherent trait- but an acquired one. They are also less concerned with the duties of 'government' or international politics unless it affects them directly- more focused on things that they can sense or effect directly, except for the Court or the Merchants.

You might compare the elves of T'aquar as being somewhat akin to the Transcendentalist philosophers of the turn of the century. There was great emphasis placed on nature and the value of 'natural' or pastoral things- and yet these same people used books and tools when it suited them, just as elves will do.

But there is also a tremendous emphasis on improving oneself however you can, through learning and study, and T'aquar Elves embrace that - as they have so much time to work on such things.

Another key tenet here is that of teaching information- sometimes whether the subject wants to know it or is even considered 'worthy' by the elf! The knowledge itself is what deserves to be remembered and elves feel very strongly about that- a sort of 'art for art's sake' attitude. As stated before, this would make them excellent tutors or professors, much sought after as teachers in other places.

T'aquar is a place where many of its inhabitants- those not associated with the Palace or forced to deal with incursions of orcs or with traders - are very much focused inwards, whether on learning or on the woodlands themselves.

Even though many elves will want to explore the larger world or travel to acquire knowledge, a part of these elves will always just want to focus inwardly, to a tranquil grove somewhere in the woods.

I believe it is this ability to retreat to an inner peace or focus that humans would find most 'magical' or mysterious about the T'aquar elves. They carry the woodlands within them in a way that many humans never manage to do.


T’aquar has no standing army as such.

The Border Patrol

The Border patrol do just that: act as woodland scouts and fighters, patrolling the borders of the realm and the woodlands in between. Groups of patrollers ride a circuit and report into supply stations in various settlements.

Although there is a loose command structure, other than the organization of who will patrol where, once a basic training period is completed, border guards are all considered more or less equal in rank, although new members are often paired up with older more experienced ones.

Training emphasizes improving woodland skills (which most applicants possess the basics of anyway) and also riding, archery, light throwing spears or sling weapons, camouflage and the laying of pitfalls and traps to delay or confuse a potential enemy or wild beast. There is no official uniform for the patrol and members can choose what pieces of armor and how much they wish to wear.

A life as a border guard is a varied and free one- much traveling, although often in the same area, getting to know the locals and their territory, hunting and fishing and also pitching in to help with things such as a community rice harvest or horse fair- but it can also be difficult and dangerous work. The woodlands hold many strange creatures and dangers and there is always the constant threat of orcs, particularly near to the borders of le Bois Noir.

The Emerald Guard

The Emerald Guard is the personal guard of the monarch, although she also uses them as diplomats, couriers, war-leaders and spies. No one but the Queen and her advisors ever knows for certain how many EG there are, or where they are all dispatched.

EG go through a rigorous training and many are following in their ancestors’ footsteps. There are no caste requirements for the EG and they join from all levels of society, although most are literate and can both read and write elvish. Their training will include all of the training a border guard might have, with some additions: strategy, tactics, philosophy, diplomacy, etiquette and most importantly, swordsmanship. Emerald Guards are the only elves in T’aquar to carry swords.

*Note that this applies ONLY to natives of Taq- there is no ban on personal weapons brought in by outsiders or merchants and such, including swords.

Forges and smithing are largely unknown within T’aquar, and metal implements and weapons in general are expensive and more difficult to come by.

Although most families will possess some knives and tools of metal, most eating utensils, etc are made of horn or bone and swords are rare and expensive. Traders coming to Taloh will carry them and sometimes even teach others the art of using them, but the only place to be trained in the elvish style of swordsmanship and to obtain an elvish blade is in the Emerald Guard.

These weapons are specially made for the Guard using a mixture of forging and sorcery and the swords are often passed down among families. They are considered a friend and companion to the Guard- as much as a fellow guard might be. They can be made with a one or two sided blade, and are lighter and more flexible than the average human sword. They can be used one handed or two handed.

Their style of fighting is tailored to the elf’s speed and hand/eye coordination as well as their lower center of gravity, which makes them harder to throw in one on one combat, although they will avoid hand to hand confrontations unless absolutely necessary.

Emerald Guard armor is also one of a kind, tailored and fitted to each individual Guardsman or woman. Made of molded leather, woven and lacquered wicker and light metal plates, these breastplates are light and sturdy enough to keep off stray arrows and withstand all but direct and heavy attacks. It is stained with a mixture of green dyes which help to prvide cover in the woodlands, but show up brilliantly in other settings.

Armor consists of a breastplate, and vambraces and gauntlets of leather. No graeves are worn, as they would compromise speed and agility, although green leather breeches and tall soft boots are worn over hose and tunic. A light helm, only a round of stiffened and fitted leather completes the armor, made for maximum visibility and lightness.

Traditional craftsmen in Taloh make this armor, and are among the most honored in the city, passing down their trade secrets through generations.

It is important to remember that the elvish fighting style relies heavily on a ‘hit and run’ attack utilizing speed and agility and attacking from cover or distance with arrows or other thrown weapons. Elves will only fight a pitched battle as a last recourse, and are masters of camouflage and guerrilla tactics especially in woodland territory.

If forced into a martial arts style hand to hand fight, the elf will attempt to use their lower center of balance and natural speed to keep out of a larger stronger opponent’s reach- and then get away as quickly as possible, hopefully to a nearby weapon they can throw.

*NOTE - The EG is run on a more standard military structure than the Border Patrol, and are often called on to reinforce them in serious situations. There is no tension between the two groups- for the most part they have separate tasks and duties.

Social Structure

T’aquar is a monarchy currently ruled by Queen Myrianna Cerubhion, widow of the late King. Succession is not traditionally hereditary, although it often works out that way, with the heir being a son or daughter of the currant monarch. They must at least be a member of the Royal family, which has many branches.

The Ruler of T’aquar is literally a part of the land they rule, mentally, spiritually and even physically. When orcs attack TAQ, for example, it is a very serious thing with direct repercussions on the government and the people themselves.

There is a strong caste system among the T’aquar elves, and most of the Court comes from a pool of families either related to the royal family or who have served in the government and at Taruqir for many generations. Others rise through appointment, or by gaining the favor of a member of the royal family or some powerful councilor, or by distinguished service in the Emerald Guard.

The Queen is served by a small cabinet of close advisors which she appoints personally, but who have no official vote in Council matters. One of these is traditionally the acting commander of the Emerald Guard, and one the Avatar of the Mother. They exercise a great deal of political clout, as well as having the ear of the Queen.

There is a Council of Nine from all over the realm. These offices are mainly hereditary, although once again, it is not unheard of for someone to rise to such a place out of popularity or from some valued deed or reputation for wisdom.

Although the council debates do hold a great deal of sway in policy making and do most of the regular business of governing and organization of trade, etc. it is always the ruling monarch who will make the final decision on any matter under discussion. This is NOT a democracy.

With hundreds of yahren in which to plot and plan, many politicos and merchants will have long standing strategies and plots brewing at Court...

Anyone may bring a petition before the Queen at three separate days of the lunar cycle. She will provide an immediate judgment or reply. Ordinary disputes ,and those belonging to elves too far away from Taloh to seek the ear of the Queen are generally mediated by priests or priestess’ of the Mother, who receive judicial training in the Temple as acolytes. Occasionally if Emerald Guardsmen are in the area they are also asked to step in and settle a dispute.

Some elves will also attend the School of Art of Shaping, the Bhiradhun Aidhuqir- where talented and dedicated students can learn the magical art of Shaping trees and water. Many elves devote their entire lives to this craft and they are among the most respected craftsmen in the realm, often passing their learning down to family members born with the gift. Shapers are the architects and engineers of the area. It is not uncommon for every village or settlement to have at least one. A shaper can do in a day what would take a craftsman a week.

Priests and clergy are usually not recognized as having a social position as they are not part of the ruling body. They are outside the normal cast system, though the Avatar sits in the court and has considerable power, she is normally kept as an advisor. The realm was never meant to be ruled by any one faith. All priests of any faith are welcome in a city and given their needs.

Artisans are a lower cast ranking just under the nobility and shapers. Artisans include entertainers and artists as well as carpenters and stone workers. They are the cast that produces most of the goods and refines what the farmers and hunters bring in.

The next cast would be the farmers and hunters. They are respected but because they usually do not live in the city they can be looked at as being more simple then the other adhiel. This is something respected and looked down on, as they are either closer to the earth and to the Mother, or farther from deep thought.
[i][b][color=orange][size=92]Smile and carry a big stick.[/color][/b][/i][/size]
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