A quiet return - Samheen 27th

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A quiet return - Samheen 27th

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Located towards the center of Kes'Levy lies the great ironwood that houses the Emerald Guard Barracks. It is the largest of a cluster of trees that form a crescent around an area that the shapers of Kes'levy have transformed into their training grounds.

The barracks is divided into smaller sections each serving a specific function. There are the sleeping quarters for the trainees and lower ranking officers. There is also the quartermaster's office and cooresponding reception area. Classrooms for studies are also located here. Students study everything including from astronomy to theology, as well as some magicks.

At the entrance to the barracks are two Emerald Guard on patrol. The guards work in shifts and everyday, three times a day there is a small changing of the guard ceremony in which the guards coming on duty relieve the standing guards. It is a tradition that dates back many many yahren.

Sarendara stood, gazing at the entrance to the barracks. So much had gone on since she had last been here. After a series of confusing events, Sarendara had requested time off to compose herself. It had been granted, and she had dazedly tried to find meaning to the time she had spent with the guard.

Should I have come back? I need to be here. I need a purpose. I can’t wander forever…I can’t. Sarendara sighed and, bracing herself, approached the guards on duty. As she neared the entrance, something unexpected hit her, an overwhelming sense of returning home. She smiled in relief and nodded to the guards.

Projecting her voice, Sarendara addressed the guardsmen, “Greetings. I am returning after taking some time to myself…” She paused, wondering what she should say next. She doubted that it would make much of a difference, so kept quiet, observing what went on around her.
Grey Wolf
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Post by Grey Wolf »

It was a busy place. Not many Emerald Guards were still around, but what little remained moved around like the barracks were a stirred wasps nest. Only one man stood at guard and he was looking towards the south. A great plume of smoke rose from there. Resembling a mushroom, the cloud rose, swirling slowly ever upwards. The southern sky was a dirty grey and wind brought a faint scent of smoke on it. Something was burning to the south and it was BIG.

The young adhiel snapped his attention to Sarendara at the sound of her voice, looking at her stupidly for a flicker. “Erm, yes, yes. Returning. Seek out Captain Lopus. He should be in the quartermaster’s office inside. Though it is a bit of a mess in there. Something is happening and we are not sure what. Probably some trick by the demons. Ever since we left Taloh we have been expecting their move.”
The diplomacy is the art of saying "Good dog", while you are searching for a big rock.

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Sarendara could barely stop herself from gaping at the guardsman. Demons? Here? What have I missed? What is going on? She turned to look at the swirling smoke, shivering. Something was on fire... something big was on fire.

Sarendara could understand perfectly why the adhiel in front of her seemed unfocussed. Something had happened while she was gone. Quickly nodding her thanks, Sarendara hurried towards the quatermaster's office, determined to find out what was going on.

She paused once before reaching it, once again gazing at where the plume had come from. She then turned and hurried off once again. Upon reaching it, Sarendara knocked firmly on the door, all previous hesitation gone.

I wonder what has happened… what have I gotten myself into? Should I have left? Where is Dray? Thran? Rae? Are they still here? Sarendara shivered once again and pushed her rushed thoughts away, determined not to think about the possibility of death.
Grey Wolf
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Post by Grey Wolf »

It was easy to find, considering how it was just beyond the front doors. It was rather big, about five paces deep from what could be seen through the open doors. Three armored men could be seen, leaning over a map on the table discussing something rather energetically. There was no yelling yet, but a lot of finger pointing and line making. They paid no attention to the world outside and were clearly engrossed in what they did.

Only one of those had the officer’s uniform. A handsome fella, he had a fair tan and blond hair, going towards brown at the roots. He was not doing a lot of pointing, instead listening to what the other two gentlemen had to say. He did not say anything, nodding occasionally at the remarks the arguing pair made. Soldiers in full battle gear rushed through the hallways, preparing for something that smelled of war.
The diplomacy is the art of saying "Good dog", while you are searching for a big rock.

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Sarendara stopped before the three men and paused, taking in the soldiers running around in full armor. She suspected that the war afoot had something to do with the smoke she smelt earlier. She looked directly at the man in officer's uniform. "Captain Lopus?"
Sarendara cleared her throat, hoping that she would be noticed. She hated to bother them, but the guardsman had told her to seek the captain out. It was clear that the gentleman in officer's garb knew what he was doing.

Sarendara wondered what she was getting herself into. Sure, she wanted the glory that came with being in the guard, but a full out war seemed dangerous to say the least. Suddenly the guardsman’s comments about demons reminded her of another demon she had ‘met’ while in the guard. Her eyes widened and she felt goose bumps on her arms.
Grey Wolf
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Post by Grey Wolf »

Lopus was busy watching the two Sergeants arguing on what to do. He was not sure if the threat was as serious as L'Anhil said. On the other hand he was not ready to risk a small group to scout out as Jaran suggested. His veterans were not around and he needed someone experienced. He was in a mind to go himself. That fire could be natural. Or it could be an attack. He needed to know.

The woman at the door brought him back from his musings. It took him a flicker or two to focus his gaze on her and placing his hand on the shoulder of the more vocal Sergeant Jaran, he paused his latest tirade. "Yes? I am Lopus. What can I do for you....." is voice trailed off as he waited, both Sergeants looking at Sarendara as well.
The diplomacy is the art of saying "Good dog", while you are searching for a big rock.

Post by Guest »

Sarendara could feel her face start to flush, being looked at by three qualified men was very unnerving. I guessed correctly... now what? What do I want? Think! She smiled and nodded to the captain, trying to act relaxed and in control.

"Captain, I just returned after taking some time off. I was wondering where I should go from here? Is there any assignment that you need done?" She paused and gazed at the three men. "What has happened? Why is everyone running about?" Sarendara bit her lip and stopped talking. It might be rude to ask too much. Clearly something was going on and she wanted answers.
Grey Wolf
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Post by Grey Wolf »

Captain remained silent for a couple of flickers staring at Sarendara. Tilting his head to the side the man made a smacking sound with his lips before replying. "That is all fine and sweet, milady, but one thing remains to be seen. Who might you be? You seem familiar, but I have not been given your name."

This was where Sergeant Jaran whispered something in his ear. "Ah, Sarendara. Now I remember. You were away, you say? The running and the chaos is due to the smoke in the distance. Something is burning and it is big. I need to know what that is. And I have been arguing with these two, or rather listening to them argue, what we should do. Whether we should send a small scouting team to investigate or go out in force. So, what do you suggest?"
The diplomacy is the art of saying "Good dog", while you are searching for a big rock.

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Sarendara could barely stop herself from kicking herself. Why should he know who I am? How could I forget! My NAME! However, all thoughts of fleeing left her mind when the Captain explained the situation. She looked directly at him, startled by his question.

"Well... wouldn't it be better to send a scouting squad? If there is something out there, we do not want to be seen. It would be foolish to risk lives for something that could be avoided." She paused and then hurried on, "Not that I am calling you foolish..."

Sarendara bit her lip and forged forwards, "A squad, no question. They can get in and out quickly without being seen."
Grey Wolf
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Post by Grey Wolf »

"HA!" Cried Jaran out, a triumphant smile upon his lips. One could almost see him sticking his tongue out to L'Anhil. If this is a ruse, then we don't lose too much of our troops in an ambush. If this is a true attack, we won't be able to react as quickly, but we still have our troops massed and ready for battle. L'Anhil's plan had some merit, but it was too impulsive. One could hardly believe the other Sergeant was adhiel.

The Captain merely nodded. Jaran would get his scolding later. In private. "I have to agree. Sergeant Jaran. Gather up some volunteers. Half a dozen will do. See if you can get a senior guardsman to tag along. Someone with experience. Send them south and have them report to me as soon as they find out something. No heroics. I just want to know what is out there. Dismissed."

Turning to Sarendara, Lopus smiled once more. "Alright. I recall you from the past, but with what happened in the past couple of days, you will excuse my memory. Tell me what you know and I will fill in the rest."
The diplomacy is the art of saying "Good dog", while you are searching for a big rock.

Post by Guest »

Sarendara watched the exchange with Sergeant Jaran and the Captain. When he cried out Sarendara's eyebrows rose and she quickly controlled her features. He should accept his winning meekly... what is he doing?

When the Captain listed out orders, Sarendara listened intently, eager to find out more. Going scouting sounded fascinating. I could do that... I could... When Sergeant Jaran was dismissed, Sarendara sighed, sad that she had not been asked to join the party. On impulse, she turned to the Captain "Sir, I would like to join the scouting party. I have some experience... I could help out." She blushed but plowed forward, determined to get her point across, "I know I have been gone for some time. I really do not know anything about what has happened. But if you do not mind, I think I could help them."
Grey Wolf
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Post by Grey Wolf »

For a flicker the Captain was silent, his head tilting to the side, sizing Sarendara up. Eyes narrowed, and as he spoke the draft from all the commotion brought in the fresh scent of smoke. "Alright. You go it. Now, let me get something straight. You are to investigate the source of that fire and report back. No heroics. I need to know what this is. Seeing how you are bound to be the most veteran guard I can spare, you will be given command. Suit up and be ready in a mark. Sergeant Jaran will meet you outside with your troops and what information we have. Any questions?"

Provided there were none, the Captain went back to his map, leaving the newly returned guard to her own designs. The Barracks were a frantic blur of movement. People ran into each other, intent on errands. It was a sort of an organized chaos one might find in an army camp after alarm was given. As the mark passed it slowed down a bit, and rumors were starting to fly.
The diplomacy is the art of saying "Good dog", while you are searching for a big rock.

Post by Guest »

As the captain looked at her, Sarendara's thoughts were racing. Stupid stupid stupid I should not have asked, I should have waited. Something would have come up... now he will think less of me. What did I do? When he spoke Sarendara practically beamed. She knew that the excursion would be difficult but that did not matter. She would help the guard.

"Thank you! No heroics, of course." Assuming that she would get the information that the captain had previously offered, Sarendara shook her head, indicating that she had no further questions. Assuming that she was dismissed, Sarendara turned around and looked at all the movement around here.

Something was happened, something drastic. She would help stop it. Humming to herself, Sarendara walked away from the captain intent to hear some of the rumors.
Grey Wolf
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Joined: Wed Mar 29, 2006 8:58 am

Post by Grey Wolf »

People spoke of demons. Of how the Taloh was lost. How the Queen gave her life to protect her people. Of the long run to the safety of Kes'Levy. Most of it though was of the need to move away once more. How even Kes'Levy was not safe anymore. The smoke in the distance meant only one thing. Danger. They knew Blayvanna would not leave them alone. To have an attack so soon was what worried them most. They needed a brief respite. None was given and that was bad for morale.

There was a strange sense of grim determination in the words of those that spoke. The future looked grim, yet none of them would just give up. There was still fight in the adhiel nation of Taquar, though this might be their last fight. As the time passed, a small group of people gathered in front of the gates. It was indeed a small group numbering only three. Two young Adhiel and a single human. Sergeant Jaran joined them and they waited for Sarendara

As soon as the girl arrived Sergeant began. He was in a rush and had no time to spare. "Okay. I'll make this short. Sarendara these are your men. Sarden, Al'Huy and David." They were all dressed in light armors and each carried a bow. The adhiels Sarden and Al'Huy each carried a short sword to accompany the bow, while David had a small axe at his belt. Each nodded in turn to their new commander. "You boys listen to her. She is your commander on this mission and she has a bit more stuff under her belt that you three." Turning to Sare he proceeded to give her the briefing she needed. "The orders are pretty simple. Investigate the source of the fire and if circumstances permit scout out the area around Taloh. Do not engage the enemy. Just observe and report any activity. I expect you back in two days. You don't arrive by then and we shall assume you dead. Any questions?"
The diplomacy is the art of saying "Good dog", while you are searching for a big rock.

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