One thing ends where another begins (TT, Open, EG mandatory)

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Guido Cercatoro
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Post by Guido Cercatoro »

The Dipper sighed. I must find out more about the events that are transpiring here. I need an interpreter…


The muscular youth reacted to Dray’s renewed challenge with an insolent grin. He stepped forward to a murmur of approval from the rest of his group. “I will fight you on my own and with my bare hands” he muttered in a slow, deliberate manner before raising his hands to a fighting stance. The youth had a solid appearance as if he had been hewn out of the rock of the nearby mountains. His hands were rough and unusually gnarled for someone of his age, whilst his nose had the appearance of having been broken at some time in the past. The stance he took indicated that he was no novice to bare-knuckle fighting.

The achadheil fighter looked puzzled as Elvin became the latest in the group to intervene, directing his comments towards Draydis and Raevyn before departing. Raevyn chose to ignore the sorceror’s comments, thinking instead of finding a place to stay in town to mull over the best way forward following the dramatic events of the day.

As Craghley glanced towards the group of miners, he could see that they were talking in an animated fashion. Indeed, it appeared that they might be taking bets on the outcome of the contest between Draydis and his muscular opponent. However, the achadheil was too far away to hear any details. After speaking to Craghley, Penth offered him a pebble.

With the help of the Emerald guardsman, the old farmer had recovered his belongings. He slung his sack over his shoulder and hurried away from the confrontation between Draydis and the gang of young achadheil. As he did so, he stopped close to Craghley and Penth and glanced back towards Draydis. “I hope that fellah don’t get into trouble on my account,” he muttered. “Calavis is the best fighter in the whole town.”
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Post by Craghley »

OOC: Good to see you again, Guido - hope you're feeling much chipper now!

Craghley accepted the pebble. It was just a small rock, but the gift only worsened the poor lads' confusion. To be sure, it was a lovely smooth one, heavily weathered - once part of a larger whole. Just as here their goals and actions, while little things happening in the here and now, would be the little bricks that dictated their future.
And of course, the big things in the past that reached forward through time and made these people act the way they were now. A tragic mishap as two allies fought a great battle amidst the ruins of their nation... had led to this sordid little affair, the sundering of the Emerald Guard, and a general loss of faith. Perhaps even he was losing faith.
Faith... 'Grow in faith and you shall not even need your hands to heal, Craghley'. That is what the Mother had said to him when she revealed to him the Wyrd, something he had only dreamt he'd understood before then. Even now it brought a tingle back into his bones.
Faith, laddie. Keep faith, keep sharp, keep smart, and above all - keep going! You've a healers hands and as such much work to do!

These thoughts had taken but a few flickers, all the while Craghley had been turning over the pebble in his hand. Where did you come from, little rock? Where am I going now, little man? Though eons have rained on you, buried you, swept you through rivers and worn you down, at least I have some say in where I go and how I am put beneath the earth. Pish! Such thoughts, and you are but a rock!

Craghley grinned, flicked the pebble up in the air and caught it back in both hands. "It may take a lifetime, master Penth, but I shall like find such a gem as is worthy of you..."

He trailed off as the farmer approached, offering the newcomer a small (but sincere) wave. As the old man spoke however, Craghley was drawn back again to the escalating confrontation. Penth was right, he'd better keep an eye on the general, then afterwards he might be able to talk to the dwarves. Draydis could hardly pull a weapon on the massive youth, this was an unarmed fight for sure. But how deadly? And how embarassing? Even so...
"Well, Draydis isn't half as big as him, that's for sure, but I'd say he knows how to use his body more'n thrice as well as that Calavis. He should be fine, but at least you're alright now as well."
That said, he faced Penth once more.
"If you have business you need to be about on, alright. Just be careful - the Mother knows what reception we'll have here in Pax now. I'll see you back at the camp when we're ready, else I might explore the town myself."
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Post by Med »

He looked over and it was then he knew where he could be of more importance here. If they wanted to help these people, they would have to know them better first. Penth knew this from his own affairs though Draydis and Ulderon might save them all you have to want that help first and people of this kind did not trust just anybody. So they could save them perhaps but how long would that last?

It seemed best to him to find the others and not engage in more affairs that would just worsen their diminishing welcome into this land. The bard had heard as much as he needed to it was time to move on.

Keeping silent he nodded to Craghley as he took his leave.
There are two ways in life everything can go. Think about consequences and what doing bad will reflect on your future and vice versa. Karma is the mantra of life.
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Post by Craghley »

Craghley returned the nod and turned away.
He surveyed his surroundings for a handful of flickers. Particularly, the dwarves. It'd make sense there'd be a community somewhere here in the mountains - probably found somewhere nearby with a good amount of ore, and it was close to a settlement so they wouldn't be wanting for supplies or trade. Besides, wasn't Kaza Rhun located in the Howling Ice Mountains? Were the dwarves there anything like the ones from Nazareen? His father had taught him some basic courtesies as was fitting for an Islay lad or lass to learn, but was far from having even a crude understanding of the language. Craghley wondered how long they'd been here, and what relation they had with the town - and, consequently, what they knew of these recent troubles...
Och, they nae be any further away from the General than I am noo. Go have a gander and flap yer mou' wi' them.

Craghley checked the clasp on his cloak and strode over towards the dwarves, all the while keeping an eye on Draydis and the youth. As he neared the group he gave a wave, and once within earshot did his best to rumble out a standard Nazareen greeting.
"Zel'trim, zol Kahzane! Guid day there, sirs. Those folks are in a wee spot o' bother, aye? Och! Where's me manners - I'm Craghley Donovan. Sorry to intrude, but hae yersel's a wee o' whiskey. Genuine Islay drop, 'tis, ye'll no git any better."
He proferred the heavy (and somewhat clean) flask to the group.

ooc: "Zel'trim zol kahzane" translates as "Well met, good dwarves". Used with permission of moderator.
Last edited by Craghley on Sun Feb 03, 2008 8:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
Guido Cercatoro
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Post by Guido Cercatoro »

As Penth left, Craghley approached the group of dwarves and greeted them in their own language. Perhaps his accent was a little awry, for the greeting appeared to create a good deal of amusement. Indeed, two of the grimy-looking dwarves chuckled whilst a third burst out laughing. However, the final member of the group took a step forward and grasped the flask of whiskey.

“Zen'bolden, Craghley Donovan.” The dwarf, who sported a long dark-beard and appeared to be the oldest of the group, spoke in a thick accent that was barely discernible to the achadheil’s ears. Fortunately, the dwarf continued in moderately well-spoken common. “Whiskey rather than words is the best greeting, friend.”

The dwarf tipped up the flask and took a long swig before handing in to his companions. “Needed was that, after the day we’ve had. Garnard’s the name. Garnard Haalguard. And what brings you and your group of troublesome friends to our fair town?” The dwarf cast a scornful glance towards the stand off between Draydis and the muscular achadheil.
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Post by Craghley »

Well, you've amused them. Not a bad start, actually - just roll with it.

The lad let the amusement of his own garbled attempt at the language show on his face. He was also pleased to see that these dwarfs were receptive to a typical Islay show of hospitality. Even so he was hard-pressed to stop his jaw from dropping at the size of the swig that Garnard had taken. He didn't mind how much they took, but that was real Islay stuff, and the dwarf had swilled it down his throat as though it were nothing but springwater.
Well, that said a lot about either the dwarves or what swill passed for liquor in this place.

"My pleasure, master Haalguard. As for what brings us here..." Craghley spread his arms wide. "Well, we plan to threaten and abuse its' citizens, cause general trouble an' set the guard on edge after the place hae already recently suffered ane ugly incident, as I hear. What else?"
The achadhiel sighed.
"Sorry, tha' were in poor taste... In truth we heard this place were full o' people that hae been forced frae their homes in the West. Refugees don't have it easy, and the plan was simply to come here and help out. Establish homes. Secure the land. Ensure that what was needed, was not wanting. Master Synkaaros brought us altogether, but you can't really blame him for the problems we've caused."
He paused.
"But I cannae imagine these particular concerns would affect ye so much. If'n ye feel like sharing yer burden, wha kind o' day 'ave ye had that's given ye such grief?"
Guido Cercatoro
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Post by Guido Cercatoro »

"My pleasure, master Haalguard. As for what brings us here..." Craghley spread his arms wide. "Well, we plan to threaten and abuse its' citizens, cause general trouble an' set the guard on edge after the place hae already recently suffered ane ugly incident, as I hear. What else?"

The dwarf roared with laughter at Craghley’s remark, slapping the achadheil on his back with a firm hand. “You have a fine sense of humour for one of your kind,” said the craggy miner, grabbing the whiskey from one of his fellows and taking a further gulp. “And you have a fine drink here as well.”

“So you’ve come here to help us all have you? How kind.” The dwarf spoke with a hint of sarcasm that was more playful than barbed. “Well you might want to start by telling the boss to pay more attention to safety in his damn mine, Another bloody collapse today. Had to drag out two our kin, did we. Lucky to be alive they were. He keeps driving us on the bastard, knows that we ain’t got anywhere else to go.”
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Post by Craghley »

Craghley staggered forward a little when the dwarf slapped his back - those miners were a solid bunch. Ah, but the laughter brought yet another smile his lips. Craghley even took the remark about 'his kind' as a compliment.
But the mirth evaporated faster than morning dew as the rough dwarf continued. Why didn't they have anywhere else to go? Who's this boss, and when did he get in charge? If he was as unpopular and incompetent as it sounded, then surely the dwarves could organise a coup. Was it their dislike for change which prevented them, or that no 'real' damage had been caused as of yet? Or, perhaps, the boss had powerful friends..? This might be a sensitive subject. Who knew how much whiskey was going to be required here?

"Another collapse? How does this boss o' yours do it?" Though Craghley felt he knew the answer. Expendable labour, and security costs money. So long as it's enough to get the job done and a profit made... the thought ired Craghley. He spat to the side in disgust.
Guido Cercatoro
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Post by Guido Cercatoro »

The dwarves downed the last of Craghley's whiskey and returned the empty flask.

"He used to be a good fellah, Madtooth," muttered the dark-bearded dwarf, shaking his head in apparent sorrow. "But now..."

"Thirsty work this," said Haalguard with a knowing smile lighting up his grimy face. "All this conversation requires lubrication of the vocal chords. They do a good ale in the Gate tavern they do." The dwarf whistled nonchalently before giving the achdaheil a huge wink.
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Post by Craghley »

Craghley looked morosely at his empty flask. In the few days he'd had it since visiting Hafne, he'd come to enjoy it's sturdy, reliable existence. The whiskey with all the smells and tastes of home, it was a piece of the mountain glen he'd carried around tugging at his belt, home that was now countless leagues away but also just by his side. Or it had been.
He sighed. Taking the flask he re-attatched firmly to his belt and screwed the top on tight. Perhaps that might just save the aroma for a long time yet.

"If I did nae ken you fine gentlemen so weel, I'd say you're taking advantage of guid Islay hospitality." The smile returned to his lips. "But it sounds like you sirs deserve it, and I could do with a fine pint of ale myself. Lead the way. First round's on me, if'n I can afford it."

Well, the love of alcohol. This he could relate to.
Last edited by Craghley on Tue Feb 12, 2008 3:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Guido Cercatoro
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Post by Guido Cercatoro »

"First round is on 'im boys," shouted Haalguard to the rest of his group. "Come on then Master Donovan, I'll be first in line for your drink. I expect the others will join us presently."

With a roar of laughter, the dwarf set off to lead Craghley to the Nether's Gate tavern.

(OOC: please open a new thread at the tavern to continue. You can assume that Haalguard is with you. The other dwarves may arrive later).
Draydis Quinn D`Anorre
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Post by Draydis Quinn D`Anorre »

Draydis nodded at the youth. It was clear that this one was skilled in the art of unarmed combat, and he appeared to be stronger than Dray. Having fought against orcs and even a giant, Draydis knew how to fight despite this size difference, however.

He knew that allowing the youth to grapple with him would lead to a quick end of the fight, so Draydis planned on staying very light on his feet and encouraging the kid to use up his energy with failed attacks. First, he would need to get the youth's mind off of defense. The best trick Draydis knew was to fire up his opponent's emotions...rage...

"Then let's see what you have. It seems like those hands of yours are useful for more than groping your mother."

A wicked smile was flashed at the youth as Draydis prepared to tumble out of the way of the imminent attack. He hoped that he could work the kid into a frenzy that would result in him having an undefended opening at which he could strike.

It would be easy to take the kid out by breaking his knee or striking hard at his throat, but he didn't want to kill the boy. He only wanted to win the fight so the kids could be encouraged to help him with the Mother's task. So breaking bones was not an option. He would strike at vital points however, as the guardsman knew that those tender spots could temporarily cripple an opponent.

~Mother, grant me speed such that I can avoid his blows. These youth have information about this town that could help me to figure out why the land is poisoned as it is. If they can help me, perhaps I can guide them to your service as well. Thus, I fight for your glory.~

If the youth charged, Dray planned to tumble to the side and then strike out with his foot at the back of the kid's knee. It wouldn't be hard enough to break the joint...only cause him trouble in movement.
Last edited by Draydis Quinn D`Anorre on Thu Feb 14, 2008 8:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Raevyn: Serving billions and billions since Sam. 15.

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Guido Cercatoro
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Post by Guido Cercatoro »

"Then let's see what you have. It seems like those hands of yours are useful for more than groping your mother."

It took a few flickers for the nature of Dray’s comment to register in the young achadheil’s brain. However, when the import of the remark did eventually stir the young thug, he simply shrugged. “Don’t know who my mother was.” If the adheil had hoped to gain an advantage by angering the youth, his first attempt had clearly failed.

As Draydis was contemplating his strategy for the fight and beginning his prayer to the mother, the youth moved with surprising speed, stepping forward and aiming a short right armed jab at his opponent’s midriff. The adheil barely had time to react. As he tumbled to one side, the jab caught his side sending him spinning to the ground and defeating any attempt to kick the fighter’s knee.

As Dray lay on the ground, the muscular achadheil stepped back. “Get up. I want some fun.” It was evident that the youth’s fighting capacity and mental dexterity were at the opposite ends of the ability spectrum.
Draydis Quinn D`Anorre
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Post by Draydis Quinn D`Anorre »

His opponent moved fast and was quite strong. A formidable foe he was indeed. However, Draydis knew one thing about the boy...he was not bright. This was the edge that the Guard commander would exploit.

Draydis was upon the ground, and his opponent knew not the extent of his physical state. An injury he would fake.

With that decision in mind, Draydis was slow to his feet. He clutched his side with one arm and allowed a grimace to briefly cross his face. A flicker later both arms came up very slowly to guard his body, signifying that he was ready for another attack. He was slightly hunched, as if to indicate the strike to his side had caused some lasting damage.

His words came out slowly, with breaks in between. It as all part of the act. "Not bad for a human. I'm not defeated yet."

Draydis knew that he had one chance with his act. The boy would perhaps let down his defenses slightly. It would give the commander one opening to chance to be the victor. He would have to strike fast and true. The adhiel warrior knew that a strike to a knee could drop his enemy and render him unable to move as fast. The knee would be his target. Dray now just needed the opening...
Last edited by Draydis Quinn D`Anorre on Wed Feb 20, 2008 9:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Raevyn: Serving billions and billions since Sam. 15.

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Guido Cercatoro
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Post by Guido Cercatoro »

As Dray grimaced and rose slowly to his feet, a few guffaws could be heard from the achadheil thug’s companions. “Looks like you have him beat with one punch,” sniggered one thin, wiry youth. The adheil's’s opponent was clearly enjoying the comments for he pushed out his chest in pride and laughed. Arms low at his side, the youth approached Dray casually, glancing around at his friends. Perhaps this was the opening that the adheil had hoped for…..
Draydis Quinn D`Anorre
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Post by Draydis Quinn D`Anorre »

The opening appeared. Dray knew the youth was fast, and it seemed that his act had worked so far.

The commander coughed shallowly once. As he did, another flash of pain registered on his face.

The youth looked away for just a brief moment. The kid was showing off to his friends....he took his eyes of his opponent for just a moment, and it was that moment for which Draydis had been waiting.

Then with sudden speed, the adhiel warrior lashed out hard with his boot at the knee of the youth. It was a low kick, and was backed with all of Dray's strength. He aimed for just below the knee so it would not cause permanent damage such as a broken knee would cause. After all, he wanted these kids to help him after the fight ended.

His body then immediately coiled low as a snake, and a fraction of a flicker later, Draydis lashed out furiously with his hands. "AIIIIEEE!"

The angle came upward at the boy in hopes of gaining enough leverage to send him backwards and off his feet. The palms of both hands aimed for the center of the kid's chest. They would strike in unison, with the full brunt of the commander's strength driving them forward. His voice let out a cry as if adding additional fuel to his muscles as he struck with his hands.

As was the tactic when fighting any opponent who exhibited greater strength and speed, Draydis then tumbled away from the boys so he could prepare for whatever came next.

Unlike the boy, the commander was focused on the fight. He no longer acted as if he was injured. He was clearly just warming up and stood ready to react to anything.
Last edited by Draydis Quinn D`Anorre on Tue Feb 26, 2008 6:12 am, edited 3 times in total.
Raevyn: Serving billions and billions since Sam. 15.

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Guido Cercatoro
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Post by Guido Cercatoro »

Being far too busy soaking in the admiration of his friends, the achadheil fighter was taken completely by surprise as Dray’s low kick found its target. The youth yelped with anguish, automatically reaching forwards to grasp the injured leg. His cry was a mirrored by a collective intake of breath form the rest of the crowd who had also been convinced that the thug had struck a telling blow.

Dray’s hand pushed upwards and struck the centre of the youth’s chest. Distracted by the pain in his leg, the youth had no defence against the attack and he was catapulted off his feet. The ground shook and the dust rose as the youth hit the ground, first with his back and then there was a second crash as his head jerked back against a small rock. He groaned loudly, yet managed to slowly roll over on to one side, his hand grasping the back of his head from which blood flowed from an open gash.

An ugly murmur spread across the group of young achadheil but none made any attempt to help their friend who shook his head in a dazed fashion.
Draydis Quinn D`Anorre
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Post by Draydis Quinn D`Anorre »

The strikes proved to be true. A mistake by the youth allowing himself to not focus on the fight resulted in a head injury for him. Draydis knew better than to consider the fight finished, and maintained his defensive stance. He was far enough away from his opponent that he would have time to react should the boy decide to continue the fight.

"The Mother can heal that wound. I would be happy to pray with you to ask for Her aid."

His words had a definite tone of kindness to them. He did not want to seriously injure the boy; he only wanted to beat him so the others would join with his mission.

But if the fight were to continue, Draydis would begin to tumble about as quickly as he could. With the kid having a head wound and a hurt knee, the quick movements would likely cause his opponent to become dizzy, which would give the commander another opening for additional strikes.

He held his position for the moment until he knew what his opponent planned.
Raevyn: Serving billions and billions since Sam. 15.

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Guido Cercatoro
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Post by Guido Cercatoro »

The injured youth shook his head as if to clear his thoughts and slowly rose to his feet. His face betrayed a mixture of confusion and wounded pride. Draydis' mention of the Mother had no discernible impact on the young thug who lumbered forwards in an unsteady manner. The boy was clearly extremely dazed but appeared unwilling to lose face before his friends.

After a few haltering steps, the boy raised his fists and came directly towards Draydis. It was obvious that the boy intended to continue the fight. “Gonna flatten you,” he mumbled, drawing back one huge fist and continuing his forwards movement.
Last edited by Guido Cercatoro on Fri Mar 07, 2008 11:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
Draydis Quinn D`Anorre
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Post by Draydis Quinn D`Anorre »

ooc: Draydis, not Thrandil. :)

Draydis watched as the boy stood and seemed bent on continuing to fight.

The guardsman did not want to strike the boy again. He had done enough damage to him already. He knew the boy was incredibly strong, and did not want to get hit again. He was sure that the first punch the boy had landed would result in a mighty bruise on his side. That bruise did not need a match somewhere else on his body.

As the boy came at him, Draydis dodged and tumbled away. There was no sense in continuing to attack, as he did not want to kill the boy.

If the attacks continued though, Draydis would put him down. He had learned in his martial arts training how to render an opponent unconscious. He figured that a solid blow to the middle of the boy's stomach would do the trick. After all, his opponent was already dazed somewhat.

Patience would give him another opening. It seemed clear that the boy was accustomed to charging straight at his opponents, relying only upon his speed and size. The boy could be a fearsome warrior if he learned to use his head instead of his brawn.

"I do not want to kill you. Your head needs treatment. I will train you personally so you can never lose a fight again. I will train all of you. Just stop now so we can heal your wound."

It was the last and only warning that Draydis would give the boy. If the fight continued, Dray would be forced to break one of the kid's legs or knock him out.

Sometimes people did not want to learn the easy way...
Raevyn: Serving billions and billions since Sam. 15.

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Guido Cercatoro
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Post by Guido Cercatoro »

(OOC: name edited :oops: - I blame the beer :D )
Draydis Quinn D`Anorre
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Post by Draydis Quinn D`Anorre »

ooc: not a problem. :)
Raevyn: Serving billions and billions since Sam. 15.

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Post by Guido Cercatoro »

The dazed condition of the youth had slowed him considerably. He was still fast but could not match the lightening speed of his earlier attack. Draydis saw the huge first coming and tumbled away with relative ease. The youth had only one tactic and, deprived of his speed, he was little more than a lumbering giant, albeit one who could still flatten anyone with whom he managed to connect.

Another brutal attack was launched at the adheil but, once again, he dodged away to the exasperation of the youth. A giggle emanated from one of the achadheil’s companions, a thin youth who appeared to be delighted by the fighter’s difficulties. At the sound of the laughter, the dazed fighter turned and with a snarl landed a huge punch on the offender who crumpled to the floor with barely a whimper. With a grunt of satisfaction, the youth turned back to Draydis.

"I do not want to kill you. Your head needs treatment. I will train you personally so you can never lose a fight again. I will train all of you. Just stop now so we can heal your wound."

It took a while for the youth to process the words. “You..,” he began before clutching his head in pain and falling to his knees. After a few flickers, the youth collapsed face down onto the cobbled street beside the youth he had felled. Draydis was now left standing over two bodies, neither moving. The crowd was completely hushed.
Draydis Quinn D`Anorre
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Post by Draydis Quinn D`Anorre »

Draydis watched as the wounded boy dropped one of the spectators with a single blow. It was unknown how much damage the fallen youth had sustained. A moment later, Dray's opponent fell to the ground as well.

He knew that time was limited, as the blood flowing from the boy's head would result in his death quite quickly.

"Circle around them now!"

The commander barked out a command to the remaining kids.

"The Mother will heal them if everybody has faith in Her. Close your eyes and open your thoughts to listen to Her."

Draydis rushed forward and pulled the unconscious boy towards the one with the head wound. He needed them both to be within his arm length as he prayed.

Once the two fallen youth were in place, and the spectators were around them, Draydis began to pray.

"Mother, you have asked me to help heal this place. These youth may have the ability to help me to complete your task. I pray to you and ask you to heal their wounds so they can lend their assistance, but more importantly, so they can know you. I believe that part of the healing of this place will be for the people to know your presence."

He then attempted to focus his thoughts on the Mother as he had done many times in the past. He thought of the comforting green light that was present when She had blessed him before. If it appeared, he would try to channel it through his body and into the bodies of the two fallen kids...
Raevyn: Serving billions and billions since Sam. 15.

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Guido Cercatoro
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Post by Guido Cercatoro »

The blood continued to flow from the back of Dray’s opponent’s head, whilst the second youth lay unmoving. The remaining achadhiels slowly responded to Dray’s request and gathered in a circle around their two fallen comrades as the adhiel pulled the unconscious boy alongside the fighter.

The adhiel prayed. After a few flickers, the adhiel could sense that he was not alone in asking for the help of the Mother. Indeed, several members of the crowd had closed their eyes to join Dray in his prayer. He felt a great comfort and inner warmth at the presence of others who clearly revered the Mother.

At first, the Mother did not respond but then he sensed a dim, green light on the horizon of his thoughts. It was as if the Mother was seeking him out. And yet, as he had sensed when he had asked his question at the strange tree, the Mother appeared to be pre-occupied.

Dray felt a warm feeling in his hand. He could sense strands of green, healing energy building within his palm, running down his fingers. The strands were connected to the earth beneath his feet. If he opened his eyes, he would see one hand alight with a soft green glow. The Mother was with her champion.

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