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Post by Haikan »

"Yeah, I'm gonna disagree with you Matiel." Haikan chimed in, giving his two cents. The others may not have expected him to offer much in the area of philosophy, but he had a few ideas in the areas of good and bad.

"While I agree that infidelity and ambiguity can be just as evil as choosing an evil action, the 'rest' is not bullshit. I have another question for you Matiel. Tell me after I ask this whether there are no gray areas.

"I'm sure we can all agree that killing is evil. Well, answer this. If a man walks into this tavern right now with a bomb and threatens to blow all of these innocent folks sky-high, and you have a crossbow, would it not be a gray area to kill him? Would letting him live and all of us die be the right thing to do? Or would taking his life to save all those here be the virtuous choice?" He grinned, and he folded his hands in front of him on the table.

"And to answer you, Mikail, I am an idealist who believes in the over-arching good. The agreement of the many does not change what is good. Stealing is wrong, even if the law says otherwise. I'm sure you understand where I'm coming from." He nodded his head and took another sip of his ale. Who expected the conversation to take such a turn?
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Post by Mikail »

Mikail played with his glove, pulling at the loose strings as he listened to his comrades answer. There were two words that made Mikail flinch.

"Absolute Truth"

He listened patiently to Haikan's answer, indeed surprised by the input from his cheerful brother.

"Well, to be honest I don't think I could ask this of anyone before asking myself, but I do want to hear your opinions on that, partially because of my disbelief in absolute truth; I'd like to compare my deductions with others'. I might agree with Haikan to a degree, that there are definitely gray areas, in fact... I think that reality itself is all gray areas. I think what people tend to do is sit in one corner of the gray area and call it black, or call it white. I think rather than an absolute truth, we are more likely to embrace a lie that everyone agrees on (by force or by choice)." He pulled out the paper again and started writing down their opinions.

"I think the inconsistent are the trustworthy ones. They're willing to change their mind if they feel they've found a better truth or a better lie than the one they've previously embraced. Convincing people that there's only one truth might be the best way to turn them into a puppet. Getting them to hate those that disagree with that truth is an even better form of control. If you look at the world around you, can you agree with that claim?"
Belief without doubt is blindness. Open your eyes; [i]answer the questions, but do not be afraid to question the answers[/i]
Matiel Escariot
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Post by Matiel Escariot »

"What is, Absolute Truth?"

Matiel had his cup filled to its brim once more. He slowly raised it to his lips and partook of its liquid heat in minor drops, letting his lips and tongue grow accustomed to the sudden changes in temperature.

"I'll take it that both of you had your fair share of these situation upon which a choice was brought up to. Well then, I might as well bring up a few points that would better explain why I chose the words I spoke."

Matiel cleared his throat and continued,

"The moment we are born, we have in our souls inscribed the laws that say what is Good and what is Evil, what is Right, and what is Wrong."

"This is our earliest capacity for guilt. But, as we grow, that feeling of guilt, and our values of Right and Wrong are hewn by the people that raise us. In the end, that innocence is tempered into fine steel, integral for survival. That hammer on the anvil is experience."

"Thus, we begin to think that our views on what is right and what is wrong differ. No, they do not. There is still the Black and the White. This is because, in everything we do, it is either we do it or we don't do it. There is no middle way, there is no gray area, there is no compromise."

"That is integrity, making the choice and accepting the reality that we chose one over the other."

"Now, for Haikan's example. If you chose to kill the man, accept the fact that you killed him, and if you deeply believe that killing is wrong, then accept the fact that you did wrong. Only animals kill with such a selfish desire for life that they feel no need to realize that they killed, only that they ate. However, you should not muddle, or confuse, that choice with the choice to preserve the life of others. That choice was good, that choice was something in which you deeply believed was good."

"There was no compromise there. It was a choice. To do good for bad, to do bad for good. However, let us look at it this way. By Rule of Tautology: you may think that there is a contradiction, but think twice about that. Check your premises, one of them is bound to be wrong and if you at least one premise that is wrong, everything that you did was wrong. Do not confuse Good for that which is Necessary. Saving lives through murder does not justify, ever, the murder. And so does killing lives by watching them die from the side, fully knowing that you had every power available, at you disposal, to save them. Irrelevance of action does not justify the absence for action."

"It is either you do or you don't, there is no try, there is no middle way."

Matiel then turned to Mikail, "And that is my ultimatum."

"To let someone else judge your morals for you is the same as letting someone die because you were told to let that someone die. To say that you had no choice is inexcusable. There is always a choice."

"And that, is the problem with people. There is an Absolute Truth. Most, merely fail to realize that absolute truth for themselves. They let others, religion, magic, science, logic, and such, offer that Absolute Truth to them. That is the problem. The failure to think for yourself. A sin greater than what Haikan gave as an example."

"I refuse to be wrong," Matiel took another sip of his tea and sighed his breath out to relieve the heat off his tongue, "Changing your mind should not be confused with changing your heart, your soul. Logic is Logic. Logic belongs to Logic alone. Absolute Truth is also the same. It belongs to itself."

"I know what is evil. I chose to do what is evil. With that, I accept all its consequences for I have fully chosen to do what is evil with all my mind, with all my heart, and with all my soul."

"The same is such with good."
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Post by Haikan »

"Well if I didn't disagree with you before, I really disagree now. It doesn't sound like you've ever had that "ultimatum" when in truth there are plenty of gray areas. You could try to reason with the man instead of shooting him, with the threat of a bolt in his eye, or you could try to bring some people out of the tavern. The original decision is merely the primal one." He said, and he took another swig of his drink. I don't have a darn clue what Tautology is, it's up to Mikail to talk about that...

"I think you have an unhealthy view of what is good and bad. Man is not the final authority on it if you ask me. Why? Because man is stupid. Men and women make mistakes for what they think are right all the time. That's what regret comes from. I know I did something wrong, even though I thought it was good. Haven't you ever regretted before?" He seemed puzzled, and he looked to Mikail for support. He decided to return fire to Matiel with another big word. "Obstinacy, I think, is closer to evil than uncertainty."

"There are many situations where you just have to say 'I don't know,' if you ask me. For everything else, use your best judgement for what is good, and hope that it was good enough."
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Post by Mikail »

Mikail jotted notes down but after Haikan started speaking he almost broke his quill. How is Haikan going blow for blow with a scholar in this argument? He wasn't surprised by Matiel's intellectual approach; he expected wise words from a scholar. He looked up at Haikan, clearly impressed, and then started to speak. "Haikan, if you don't know what Tautology is, you're not missing out, because it's the dumbest concept in the world. It is the concept of ultimatums; something is or it isn't. I don't want to depreciate the value of Matiel's point, but I disagree with that idea in itself."

He skimmed over his paper and then looked back up at Matiel. "In the moral realm, I'm confident that there is no absolute truth; there is only what we decide to call truth. If we get too stubborn in that truth, we might end up building a kingdom that preaches love but acts on hate, and no one would want that. When we are born we are thrown into a world in which we can be consumed and brainwashed, or we can choose to search for our own answers. One should always search for answers before they search for actions. Otherwise, you're certain to make grave and numerous mistakes."

"Matiel, you appear to be one that has completely driven against the right and wrong that was hewn by the people that raised you, yet the framework of their ideology still grips you... I think you'll only truly be free of their judgment and you'll only become good if you shatter the mold that still binds your thought. I know you say you chose to be evil, but if you can work outside their binding world of thought, then your actions might not be evil anymore. If the world we live in turns out to be evil, than you'll be the good guy. I think you should at least be open to that possibility." He thought for a moment, and then a look of realization swept across his face.

"Unless... You want to be their undoing, or you want to be their enemy. If that's the case I suppose it'd make sense that you'd want to stay within the thought game that you were born in, so you can play the opposite role. If that's the case, you have no reason to think for a second outside that 'black and white' world."
Last edited by Mikail on Sun Oct 12, 2008 3:11 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Matiel Escariot »

"Is it just me, or did you just simplify everything I said?"

Matiel slapped his palm to his head and sighed, "I tried. I seriously did."

"It's not about the obstinacy or the uncertainty. When I say complete black and white I mean that when you are given a choice there are only two ways for that choice to go. It is either you will do it or not. That judgment should always be up to the man who is given the responsibility of that choice."

"Either way, that choice will always have its consequences and the person must face those consequences for his actions or inactions. In such, all of us who were born with brains have an inkling of judgment. We know when we've done something wrong or right. Some of us choose good, some; bad. And besides, I was going to mention something concerning that point of view, of seeking other ways, but I thought we keeping this to a context of no other choice but this, kill or do not kill."

"Of course, a true idealist, as you've called yourself, will exhaust all possibilities that do not contradict his principles."

"When I say Absolute Truth, I mean that an action can only either be good or evil. It's up to the individual to make that judgment for himself."

"If you wish me to continue, I have something to say about us being stupid, about not knowing everything."
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Post by Mikail »

Mikail listened to Matiel, but his teeth clenched a little bit. Matiel was a smart man, but he wasn't always the most patient listener. He took a deep sigh. "Haikan didn't simplify anything you said, and I blatantly contradicted it. There is very rarely black and white. Black and white thought is the refuge of the weak-minded. There is almost always a middle road that will reach your goal faster and more effectively. Shoot the arms that are holding the bomb and the man is disarmed. You have neither killed him nor let him go, and yet you saved everyone. The guilt of murder eludes you."

He glanced over at Haikan, whose eyes were not as engaged as they previously were. "I was pretty sure we highlighted the ideal that we choose good and bad even though we invented those words. My culture says that it is right to rejoice with others and share knowledge with friends and enemies alike, making the world a happier place. Yours says to annihilate anyone that doesn't support their doctrine, and if they're the only ones left in the world, and perhaps it would be happier, considering their enemies would be gone." Mikail almost choked as he was saying this, with the disgusting image of the savage barbarian Oneists inheriting the earth.

"Both cultures, however, decide killing without their laws behind it is wrong. Is that because it's an over-arching good that transcends culture? I don't think so. If we knew that our neighbors would kill because they feel like it and there was nothing wrong with it, we'd never go near our neighbors. The only reason that's evil to everyone is because it makes the idea of the city impossible. No one can work together in a world like that."

"Man isn't stupid unless he thinks he has the answers. He isn't foolish until he thinks he's wise. As long as he's willing to accept his own faults, he's still a contender for what's actually right. Repenting without realization of the possibility of fault in your doctrine graces no salvation, only ignorance."
Last edited by Mikail on Sun Oct 12, 2008 3:37 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Post by Haikan »

Haikan was a man with a mind for tactics and battlefield. This was a battle that he was having a difficult time cognizing. While he may have been intuitive when it came to good and evil, these two were beginning to elevate beyond his knowledge. He tried to stay afloat, but he was going to have to trust Mikail to cover his points more eloquently. I'm glad that Mikail is a good one, I wasn't completely sure until just now...

"I agree with some of your points, Matiel, but I just think it's so arrogant to try to assume Absolute Truth on yourself. Mikail is right, a man is a fool when he thinks he's wise. You have to be willing to be wrong every once in a while, otherwise you'll never learn a darn thing in life! There is good, there is evil. Giving a hungry man bread is good, and killing an innocent orphan is evil, yes. But there are gray areas! There have to be, otherwise we would live in a simple world. Cold, calculating, and guiltless. I don't agree with that mindset."

He took another drink of his Ale, and he was starting to think he should butt out of the conversation. This was a battle for Mikail and Matiel to fight, for Haikan was not an accomplished philosopher at this point in his life.
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Post by Matiel Escariot »

"I choose to live in a black and white world because I am directly opposite as to what you have said," there was too much truth in what the elves said. There too much there that Matiel knew, but could not explain to them in words fitting for such an explanation.

"I say black and white, because in everything you do, there is a price," Matiel heaved out his voice now, and laid his cup gently on the table. He began to talk through bared teeth, his heart beat slowly rising up to meet the irritation that nibbled away at the edges of his being, "What you do belies a choice. That choice is whether to do it or not. Because of this, you must be specific. A man who kills for pleasure, that is wrong. A man who fights for his life, that is right. A man who killed to stay alive does not justify the murder, same way as mutilating another man in order to survive does not justify mutilating him."

"Yes, you did not kill the man, but you still took his arms off him. You still exerted your force over another person with full intent of harm. The feeling of guilt here is not the guilt of whether you were right or you were wrong, but the feeling that haunts you everyday of your life, that maybe you did something which was so horribly wrong."

"And that to me, is judgment of my own actions. Judgment I hold for myself and on no one else because I am not everyone the same way everyone is not me. You see, black and white is not a question of morality, black and white is a measure of what you are willing to pay for something you want. There is no need here gentlemen. In the end it is still your desire to live that makes you need to eat, sleep, and drink. Same as survival, you want to survive, you want to live, you want to keep that man from killing you. If so, make your choice, and live with its consequence. That is the point of Black and White. I allow no gray areas precisely because, it is the Gray Areas that free you from the guilt you deserve, while Black and White hold the thought that you chose something, it didn't just happen to you, you chose for yourself what act you did or did not do."

"Black and White places the weight of responsibility on my shoulders, while the thick Gray Lines allows for excuses, compromise, straying away from the path, distractions...and such."

Matiel began to thump his index finger on the hard wooden table and looked everyone there in the eye, "Tautology, Mikail, is not an idea ultimatums. It is the thought that if even one of your premises are wrong, everything in your statement is wrong. A simpler idea of it it is that the end does not justify the means, same way the means, does not justify the end. Which is why I insist, there are no contradictions in any statement."

"And, concerning Absolute Truth. In what form did I imply that I know what is absolute? If I did offer that implication up that I know what is good and I know what is wrong, clearly, then I apologize."

"Let me put it this way. The people that have tried to teach me what is right and what is wrong; they are irrelevant. I have thought on all that all my life, then let me tell you this. The people that have tried to teach me: they relied to much on vague generalities. I am for specifics, cause when you break down every event into its context and premises, you will find that it is easier to judge than to just know what happened in general."

"What is relevant to me though, is this. I know that I was born with mind, body, and soul. My mind is for me to think, so for me to think and assume that I capable of intelligence isn't stupid, it is what I am supposed to do or else what is the point in having a mind? My body is for me to act, because without the ability to act, what is the point of having a body? My Souls for me to live, not live as in just live out life, surviving, no. Life is for true living, for living as the soul is supposed to live, to keep on moving, acting, from one singular origin towards and infinitesimal future."

"If that is so, the only thing left that is without is purpose. Because, what is the point of being king, or god even? Nothing. All that, is pure vanity. Think, you are king, you sit on your throne, you do what kings do...so what? What's next after that? What am I king or god for?"

"There in lies the wisdom. My point here, is that we were not born with wisdom because our purpose is to seek it. My purpose is to seek Absolute Truth through living by principles that best exemplify it, this is because. In everything I do, I must have a reason for it."


"It all starts from there, and everything else is bullshit, is vanity, from holding your crowns to waging your wars, to whatever it is great men do today."

"All in search of what is Because: Absolute Truth."

"I am not here to impose my mind on others. I am here to keep my mind free from others. Because I know, that only I am responsible for who I am and that whatever it is we may deem to know or not know, Absolute Truth can only be grasped after you die under the condition that you lived for the purpose of finding it."
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Post by Mikail »

"so for me to think and assume that I capable of intelligence isn't stupid"

"You isn't stupid alright," Mikail muttered under his breath. Matiel was meandering, obviously frustrated that someone accused his ideals of being base. This wasn't Mikail's intention, but he was strongly opposed to the idea of Absolute Truth, if only when put in capital letters.

"If you injure a man to the point he can recover, you get the opportunity to remove him from your world and place him somewhere else where he might be happier, or reform him to fit in, which will likely do the same thing. You can often avoid ultimatums and make a choice that satisfies both pros and neglects both cons. Sometimes judging your actions before you act can save you damnation."

He got a little unsettled when Matiel showed more signs of anger.
"I think we're imagining a different definition of tautology. That's one thing I hate about the human language. The ambiguity of our words often leads to extended argument. However, I'm finding that I agree with this statement a lot more than the last few. It's true that situations need to be broken down to be understood, and I agree that life is for living. It's also definitely true that most achievements beget only vanity. However, with or without an absolute truth, these processes, these games must be played in order to be reformed and removed. Also, I don't believe the future to be infinitesimal, but rather infinite. I don't think that life beyond us is a tiny, closed world, but rather a vast possibility. In order to harvest that possibility, we must admit that there are other possible truths that we can learn from to advance ourselves."
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Post by Haikan »

"Infinite, indeed." The captain nodded. He was beginning to grow rather tipsy, and the conversation was growing more difficult to follow, as he was distractable and fuzzy-headed. He spoke slowly, to make sure that he was intelligible, and he grinned.

"Good, evil, just, criminal. It all seems relative... But... It's our duty to make our judgments.. Before we act, to ensure that we are as close to the good.. as we can be... I do not claim to be perfect, and good... But I do claim to try my hardest, to be such..."

He looked around him, suddenly reminded of his cause to find Leonard Bolotin. He scanned the tavern, with the lights glowing from his perspective. He slid his mug to Geoffrey, with the intent of giving the rest of his ale to him. Through a sleepy grin he clarified to the lieutenant.

"I've had enough."
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Post by Matiel Escariot »

"Ah, damn," Matiel once more brought his palm to his temples and sighed, "It seems I made another mistake in the use of terms. Forgive me, when I said infinitesimal I did mean infinite. But, doesn't the word mean infinity?"

"Also," Matiel, "Haikan is quite right, I do think this conversation is done. Anymore and it'll bring us to nowhere. I have voiced my mind, and have stood on firm that I will not change. Consider it my version of forever. Both of you have voiced yours too, and in effect, I doubt that our divergent thoughts would affect anything at all. I think what I think, outside of whatever everybody else deems to think. Truth is, all of you have to understand, I don't really care about anyone else's thoughts but mine. The only reason why I'm here, is because there is something that we are doing together. That does not mean that we are one in heart, only in act."
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Post by Mikail »

Mikail answered quickly, not wanting to appear to be one who digresses with no purpose. "I too did not have any grand intentions of these questions, but I feel better knowing what values envelope your lives, because I can now rest assured I know how to keep an alliance with my comrades."

"I think what I think, outside of whatever everybody else deems to think. Truth is, all of you have to understand, I don't really care about anyone else's thoughts but mine. The only reason why I'm here, is because there is something that we are doing together. That does not mean that we are one in heart, only in act."

Mikail's eyes narrowed. There... my real question has been answered. I figured as such, but my suspicions out-strode the reality of the situation; it's not quite as bad as I thought. However, I'll have to start using the word 'colleague' instead of 'comrade', the latter is no longer appropriate. Mikail looked down at his tea, having now discovered the latent mortality of their operation, and he was relieved. He was also happy he was able to disguise his words with ambiguous philosophy, when the information he desired was clear, direct, and blunt- and that is exactly what he got. When I asked, I was afraid Matiel was going to reveal a stronger bonding of the associates leading to a permanent connection. However, with his now revealed view on the matter, I can relax, knowing I can- without guilt- set my eyes on other ambitions when this operation is no longer needed.

After taking a drink he looked up at his brother Haikan, and his expression sank a little. All I revealed from him was what I feared most. The fight for good in this caravan seems really important to him, yet to everyone else it's a paycheck. How can I rightfully walk away knowing that this means so much to him? No... Whatever ambitions consume me in the future, they will have to include my brother.

"I'm also finished. If Sando doesn't show up soon, I'll likely take my leave."

Mikail took another sip of his tea and his eyes floated away. Now what I'm really worried about... What other goals does Matiel have for this? With a philosophy like that the best interest of the world can't be his primary agenda. Could he be using us as a stepping stone to something larger, something evil? Mikail sank into his chair and let himself get lost in thought.
Last edited by Mikail on Wed Oct 15, 2008 6:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Ashari »

Annabelle shuffled into the Den carrying all of her belongings in a single backpack. She lead a simple life - it made it easier for packing. She'd done as Matiel had instructed her, and she was tired from walking around the city searching for her father. It hadn't been a grand reunion. If anything, he'd sparked in her the need to be away from this place. He was drunk - as usual - and it was with tear drenched eyes that she walked out toward the graveyard to pay final respects to her mother.

From there, she'd returned to the Mast and collected her belongings. She had a small bath and even washed her corn silk hair. Now, all cleaned up and fresh she looked much like any other 15 yahren old, though.. she was still entirely too thin and barely managed to fill out the simple cotton dress she wore.

"Mister Matiel?" Her voice was soft and entirely feminine, making it a sharp contrast to their ever-masculine conversation of philosophy and core beliefs. The tone of the men's faces suggested a poor spirit, and Annabelle hoped she wasn't interrupting anything. He had invited her, after all.
[color=#000000][i]"What of the soul was left, I wonder, when the kissing had to stop?"[/i]
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Post by Matiel Escariot »

"Gentlemen," Matiel heard the voice rupture through the thickened air about the table. It allowed him to note how silent Haikan's own lieutenant was and how heaving his owns words were in weight. Such an atmosphere was a feeling he did not intend to project for anyone here, but it happened anyway. Mikail asked for it. He obliged.

"I would like to take this opportunity introduce another assistant of mine," Matiel stood to lay his chair a bit to the side, allowing all on the table a clear view of his recently employed, "This is Anna. I employed her services after I saw her skill in food and beverages while I was at the Broken Mast, another little tavern here in this city. I'm thinking she would be of great use to this venture, which brings me to my other point."

"Mikail," Matiel raised his hand in a gesture towards the elf, presenting him to the girl," Anna; Anna, Mikail. Now, you will be working for him for a while being that your work is more effective with him as of now than it is with me. Your wage will be taken from my share though, so please try to earn your keep well while you are with him."

"The rest of the other gentlemen here are," he then gestured to the others as he had with Mikail, motioning a hand to each one as he proclaimed their names, "Haikan, Geoffrey, and we believe another is coming over soon. You'll meet them all anyway, so you might want to try and acquaint yourself with them better by at least tonight because we will be leaving tomorrow."

Matiel then turned t Haikan in order to finish his words with a question, "Is there a place where we could keep her things for now, and maybe a bed perhaps for the night?"
Last edited by Matiel Escariot on Mon Oct 27, 2008 2:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Haikan »

"Pleased to meet you Anna!" The captain waved and flashed a sparkling smile at her as he stood up. "Well I can't let you just stand there, here, have a seat!" He walked to one of the other tables and pulled up a chair between Matiel and himself, across from Mikail. "Anna, if you need anything to drink, or any food, be my guest, it's all on us tonight!" He offered his hand for her to shake, and he more fully introduced himself and his lieutenant as he nodded at the girl and then Geoffrey.

"Well, you know what Mikail does, which is good. You'll love working with him I'm sure. I'm captain Haikan Gray, leader of the military half of our organization. His name is Geoffrey Mullen, and he's a fine swordsman if I do say so myself. He happens to be the first lieutenant of the Day squad on my crew." He raised a finger to scratch behind his right ear as he thought for a moment. "Well, that probably doesn't mean much to you, but it's true all the same!" This poor girl doesn't look very happy. I hope she's alright... It would be odd of me to inquire why she looked so sullen this soon after meeting her... Still I feel bad...

His slightly tipsy mind was thinking of concern for the girl, while his cheerful grin remained plastered on his face from the ale. He returned to his seat, and he waved his arms to grab the attention of a server. I don't think Mikail would want to share his room... She'd better stay here for the night. "Well Anna, if you are working for us on such short notice, I can't leave you without a room. You can stay here at the Laughing King Tavern." He fingered several lance that were in his pocket. "The company will pay your fee, so don't worry about that."
Last edited by Haikan on Mon Oct 27, 2008 2:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ashari »

Anna smiled at the many men at the table, including the quiet lieutenant and sat down in the seat that Haikan exuberantly offered. "Thanks!" She replied with similar tonality while her hand was engulfed in his in greeting. Her bones were small and delicate, even in comparison to the adhiel's. She was a thin little thing, and her skin (though soft) felt like it wasn't enough to protect the bones he could feel with his much stronger fingers. "Something to eat would be great, I didn't rightly finish mah lunch," she said with a nod, giving Matiel a sidelong glance as if they had some manner of secret between them that had to do with her missing the meal. Whatever it was, she didn't mention it, and had returned her big blue eyes toward the people she was being introduced to.

"Pleasure tah meet ya all," she said with a smile. "Specially you, Mister Mikail," she gave him a particularly winning grin which was well practiced from her time of needed to seduce in order to survive. "I can stay here, really? I can keep my things, I don't have much. I'll just keep them with me." Anna looked toward Matiel with hopeful and excited eyes and stuffed her pack under the chair she sat in so it'd be out of the way. Oh my gosh, I'm so glad I did what he told me to.. this is the chance of a lifetime, Anna.. don't look back! "Wow, thank you... Mister Mikail, is there anything I can do to help you this evening?"

A server came by and refilled everyone's drinks, starting with Haikan's and ending with a pint for Anna and her ordering a bowl of stew. He also asked if Matiel might want another pot of hot water for tea. "Oh! Do you want some of mah tea, Mister Matiel?" She asked already rummaging into her bag. Thank the One for this tea, saved my life it did. She thought to herself.
[color=#000000][i]"What of the soul was left, I wonder, when the kissing had to stop?"[/i]
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Post by Matiel Escariot »

"No need Anna, for now you shouldn't worry much about your role as employee," Matiel held back the offer of more hot water with an open palm, taking his own cup and placing it in the server's tray, "Just try to enjoy that night. You have something ahead of you tomorrow. Be ready."

He didn't want anymore tea tonight. The conversation held with Haikan and his brother had taxed him beyond the energies he though he'd need for just on night. Before another opportunity to spend more energy shows its head, he found it wise to rise and leave Anna with the rest of them. He wanted her to get to know them, just as he was able to know her. It was obvious that whatever it was she showed it was not enough for a true profile, but Matiel found no need to dig in further. The prospect of garnering disciples was tempting, but that in itself was absolutely pointless. No, something else was needed from her. Something he hoped she knew. He'll wait until tomorrow to try and see if she had it. For now, he wanted to do something else.

"I apologize for leaving, but I am increasingly getting tired. Anna, try to get to know these people as best you can," Matiel slowly moved away, "And also, Haikan, where is this scholarly soldier you mentioned? I believe finding him and at least knowing him before I sleep would do me some good."
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Post by Haikan »

"Leonard is probably in this tavern," he said, and he looked around once more. "...He wouldn't be drinking I don't think. He's probably reading amongst the noise, and if he isn't here I'm willing to bet he is in his room upstairs. I don't remember exactly which that is, but the barkeep should be able to tell you if you giver him Leo's full name." He looked at his refilled mug of ale after almost taking another sip. Enough is enough, he thought and he slid his drink once again over to Geoffrey.

The captain looked forward to learning more about this new girl. He knew everyone's name on the caravan, and he liked to think he knew a good amount of information about his crew. A good captain knows his crew, even though that would most likely make it much harder when somebody dies. Haikan was at the point with all of his soldiers that he knew enough about them to be sufficiently devastated if anything happened to any one of them. That's all the more motivation however for him to be a good tactician and minimize, if not null all possibility of casualties in a dangerous situation. His mind was wandering wildly about these things as he watched Matiel stand up and he thought about Anna. I'll have to protect her too.

"At any rate," With his typical half-smile, he offered Matiel a casual wave and a Fare Well.

"Have a good evening, Matiel, I shall see you tomorrow."
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the night shift

Post by Guest »

It was time to work for Esme Mehrad, time to apply her skills and earn her living. She knew that she should really go to one of the high-end brothels in the city and just sit and wait for jobs to come to her, but she didn't like the environment. It made her feel like she was there whenever the men (or women) felt like coming, and when they did, they would choose her, not the other way around. Instead, Esme preferred to prowl. To seek out the men she would bestow her gifts upon, learning as much as she could about them before approaching.

Esme slipped into the Laughing King's Tavern, which she did many a time. It was one of her favorites, not as rowdy as Dragon's Den, or some of the other taverns in the city. It attracted a crowd for sure, but many of them could afford more than one basic meal a day, many of them could offer her a more luxurious compensation for her deeds. So in she went, casually asking the young tavern girl for a cold cup of water. She never drank spirits on the job. She knew many women such as herself who did, however. They said it made the job easier, made the demeaning, unfavorable aspects go away or appear less disgusting. Esme however did not find the job demeaning in any way, she found it a pleasure, truly. Not that most of her clients were glorious in the bedroom, and while she didn't often reach climax, she took a lot of pleasure seeing her customers well-sated. She felt pride and love for their smiles after wards when they sunk in to the pillows and sighed.

She honestly looked forward to tonight, she had taken a couple days off prior to this, taking time to read in the library and watch the bards at the college. Now it was time to work.

She sat down at an empty table next to a table full of men and one young woman and waited for her water. She faced towards the table of people, but did not look at them, instead glanced at them from her peripheral vision and listened in on their conversation, trying to gage whether any of them might be potential customers.
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Post by Mikail »

This girl is going to be my assistant?

Not only did she look young - she was also human. That means she's even younger than she looks.

When the server filled his mug with ale, he looked down at it menacingly. Much like Haikan, he didn't have much affinity for alcohol, and likened it to noxious poison. With a sigh he slid it across the table to Geoffrey.
He listened to their conversation but didn't pay much heed. First impressions were usually shallow and didn't get any interesting thoughts across. Anna... However, she had a strange pensive air about her, despite the jolly situation. It could be because she's such a young person in a mature crowd like this, it could be just because she's shy, but she had a presence. She gave him an unusually warm smile, which he found peculiar since he's probably the least amiable looking at the table. May as well reward her for her effort.

After Matiel left, Mikail sat up straight again, quite finished with his tea. "I'll even give you a little of my pay if you can help me in my apothecary work. It might be really nice to have a helping hand. I do a lot more than cooking, actually, but you don't have to trifle with that if you don't want."

Mikail still listened to the people around him, but his eyes began to wander and fell on a promiscuous looking woman sitting down at a table adjacent to them. Hah, most of these men aren't going to be seeing another woman for tendays... I doubt she knows what she's in for. I hope she gets a lieutenant; they might be respectful at least. Though he himself had no particular drive for carnal pleasure, it was not a hard concept to understand. His eyes ventured back to the table before him.

I hope she is willing to help. Diana wasn't able to come, but this might be the next best thing.
Last edited by Mikail on Wed Oct 29, 2008 6:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Ashari »

If Matiel were to stick around and look for Leonard he'd find him at one of the tables the Terra West Trading Company occupied. He was engrossed in a penetrating conversation with a pretty prostitute named Mary who was tempting him into leaving the tavern for an final knocking of boots before hitting the trail. "Is a beaut of a city, sweets, but not so good as a roll with me," she snickered and tickled his side while he took another swig of his ale.

It would seem Esme wasn't the only one who was trying to work this crowd, but, there were men to keep any ladies that entered tonight company - it was just a matter of finding one who would pay for the honor of the things the women of the night could bestow upon them. Esme's talents weren't renowned, but she did attract the eyes of several men, some of who were dressed in uniforms and sitting all together at the table next to hers.

Anna's eyes met Mikail's exuberantly. "Thank you, Mister Mikail," she replied. "I'll do anything you want me to do," she continued, and she meant that.

Geoffrey looked at the two additional beverages before him - thankful for what they represented. Don't need to talk if I'm busy drinking... He thought to himself as he pounded the remainder of his mead before starting in on the one Haikan had provided him with. He watched the play between Anna and Mikail was curiosity that bordered on disinterest the more alcohol he imbibed.

"What of a game?" He asked, and a few people around cheered at the mention. "Come on then, someone must know something we can do to keep entertained. It's our last night in the city - let's have some fun while we can," he suggested, and as he did so, Geoffey's eyes caught sight of Esme, and he nearly forgot what he'd been talking about, giving Haikan a gentle nudge. "Look at her," he said for his captain's pointed ears alone. "I know what I'll be doing tonight." Geof might be a good soul, but he had his needs after all.
[color=#000000][i]"What of the soul was left, I wonder, when the kissing had to stop?"[/i]
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Post by Haikan »

"You have fun with that, Geoffrey, I'm sure she'd like you plenty." Haikan nudged back, with a playful smile on his face. He wasn't nearly as tanked as Geoffrey, but he was feeling the liquid happiness. "A game... Eh? Let me think." He looked around at the group of people they had present, and he figured it couldn't hurt to get to know one another better.

He waved for the barkeep or a waitress' attention, and when either of them came over he would ask politely but cheerfully. "Does anyone in the Tavern own a set of Kemn or Dardynwar? My friend is bored, and I could use a tactical game myself. Also, I'd like a pitcher of water delivered to all my tables and a cut off for anyone who has had more than four drinks. I don't want anyone to be hung over tomorrow. Thank you kindly. They won't mind, they'll probably just look for some lady friends to pass the time. "

It wouldn't take much to entertain Geoffrey, seeing as he would be quite chipper from the ale, and Haikan did need some practice in tactics. It also seemed that Geoffrey could use a distraction from his ale, lest he have a pounding headache in the morning.

Turning his attention back to Geoffrey, he grinned and continued. "Okay, if we can get either of these games we'll be set. I'd only played a few times with my father, but trust me, it'll prove entertaining, and I could always use another lesson in tactics."
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Post by Guest »

Esme smiled at the man who glanced at her from the other table, he looked like the kind of man who would be easy to please, but all of a sudden her heart felt heavy at the thought of the job ahead. She had been having doubts lately, but this was not a mere doubt, it felt lonely and remorseful. She closed her eyes and tried to will the emotions away, but they were there to stay. She sighed and looked dismally at her water cup, took a sip, and stood up. She had decided that perhaps just a good nights rest, alone, might be the cure.

However, as she passed the table of the man who'd looked at her earlier, she caught their conversation, Games, mm? That would be fun... Esme remember playing games with some of the workers in the city once, when she had friends, but when she started to follow her mother's footsteps, her friends found other places to be, other people to be with. She had all the company she could ever want, but it was never.. the right kind of company.

Maybe? she had a thought, and bit her lip, Well, why not?

She turned to the full table, "I don't think they have Kemn, but I know where they keep the Dardynwar pieces, if you men wouldn't mind another player?" she said.
Last edited by Guest on Fri Oct 31, 2008 6:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ashari »

"Nahh, those are all two player games. I want to play, you," here, he elbowed Haikan playfully again, a bright smile across his lips "want to play, and now this lovely lady wants to," he waved toward an open seat at their table. "Please, m'darling, have a sit and get comfortable. Can I offer you a drink?" He slid one of the extra meads toward her, hoping she'd partake if only so that he didn't have to down them all one right after another.

"What about Sidhe's Chase. I know there's a board around here, I've seen others playing it," Geoffrey stood on unsteady feet, gained his bearings after leaning his weight into Haikan, and then stumbled off to the bar. After a burn he returned, laying the wooden board on the table, and opening the small wooden case to procure the boards. "Alright, who's playing? If we get four we can have teams," he suggested, and pulled out the casting sticks, tossing them onto the table to show 3 light sides and 1 dark one. "Come on Mik, you in?" He scooped up the sticks and passed them toward Haikan.

"Have you all played this before?" He was prepared to give a description of the style of play if anyone hadn't. With a mild intoxicated slur gave a quick synopsis of the game. Meanwhile, he got comfortable and pawed through the tokens deciding which style he wanted. These fae tokens were shaped similarly to simple pawns, with a sphere top connected to a flared cone for a base .they were stained in varied styles. Geoffrey decided on the neutral oak set and left the ebony, white-wash and red cedar for the others to chose between. He placed his fae on the edge of the board and waited for Haikan to toss the casting sticks and pass them to the next person.

OOC: You can find directions and a representation of the game board for Sidhe's Chase here. If you have any questions you can PM me them! Once the order of turns is established that's what we'll use as a posting order. I'll decide the outcome of rolls with a dice of my own so it's fair.
[color=#000000][i]"What of the soul was left, I wonder, when the kissing had to stop?"[/i]
-- Robert Browning. [/color][size=75][i]Avatar by: [url=http://vyrl.deviantart.com/]vyrl[/url][/i][/size]

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