A Place to Call Home: Farathorn (Samheen 17th, LET)

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Post by Guest »

He spoke her name, but it was the texture of his voice that sent a flood of heat through her body. Aesa would have gasped but she found that she was holding her breath. Forcing herself, she slowly exhaled, trying to regain her equilibrium. She had already trusted Farathorn beyond any other in the Citadel, despite their short acquaintance. They just seemed to have a connection…

As he spoke of what the future might bring, Aesa felt a pang at the thought of her arranged marriage, but she quickly dismissed it. It was her duty to do so. Still, in the back of her mind, she wondered what it would be like to have a choice. The young woman had never given marriage much thought before her betrothal was arranged. Now she was sitting in the Palace Kitchens talking about marriage, trust and relationships with a man she’d really only met just marks before.

Then he reached for her and her breath caught again.

Slowly, trying not to analyze her reactions, Aesa put her hand into Farathorn’s. Her hand was not that of a typical patrician maiden; it was a warrior’s hand, although smaller that the Achadhiel’s, and, at that flicker, warm and trembling slightly. At first, her touch was barely a whispered caress, unaccustomed as Aesa was to such contact, but then she relaxed and let her hand rest in Farathorn’s.

Warmth ran through her body once again.

As Farathorn’s voice returned to a more normal level, Aesa blinked at the change, but made no effort to remove her hand from his. Instead, she sat transfixed, only hoping that the dimness of the kitchen would conceal the emotions that flickered across her face.

Then she smiled, a soft and genuine smile, and replied, “I am unaccustomed to men having titles.” Aesa almost laughed, some of the tension that filled her body releasing in that flicker of mirth. “I shall be pleased to call you Farathorn, whenever we are alone.” The last words were spoken softly.

Her breath caught again. She had not meant to say it in quite that way. Aesa looked into the Achadhiel’s eyes, trying to judge his reaction, her pale blue eyes alight with a new emotion, as yet untried. He still held her hand.

Post by Caelin »

As Aesa's hand came into that of Farathorn, his heart skipped a beat, although the touch was slight and seemingly hesitant, but to his joy, it did not move away again, yet now comfortably rested in the palm of his hand. Gently he closed his fingers around it and softly squeezed. The slight tremble he felt within the hand gave him a brief shiver. For a moment, he thought his hand may catch fire, then the warmth spread through his arm and the achadhiel's face lit up, noticeable through the warmth that now filled both his eyes, in addition to that of his voice. For a moment, he did not speak and merely listened attentively to her words, his breathing shallow as if he too had trouble controlling it.

Then the breath faltered almost completely, as she told him that she would call him by his name, whenever they were alone together. He could hear the blood rushing through his ears, but was unable to utter a single word for about a burn.

Slowly he was regaining his breath and a bit of his selfcontrol, then the achadhiel did what seemed natural to him. He whispered her name, his voice turning towards the elven tongue, melodic, warm and filled with emotion. "Aesa." He looked deep into her eyes as he spoke, while he shifted back to the common tongue, recalling that she did not speak any elven, yet it retained the warmth and melodic tone, even most of the emotion.

"I would be very pleased and certainly more comfortable if you did call me by my name, though I would be greatly honored if you would grant me to do the same in return." His whispered words were inaudible to anyone around them, barely loud enough for the trothgardian woman to hear them. His eyes sparkled with emotion and a lone tear formed in the corner of one of them, not of sorrow, but of the happiness he felt at that very same moment. For yahren, he had not thought this possible and erected somewhat of a wall around him, yet this woman managed to breach them with ease. Being with her made him feel as if pieces of a puzzle were falling in place by themselves, in awe of the wonder and at the same time insecure, as he had never had these feelings before in his life. Regardless, he felt as if he were walking above the ground, or even floating above his seat.

Post by Guest »

When he spoke her name, it was like a warm breath tingling across her skin; and such a beautiful sound.

“Of course, Farathorn,” she replied, testing out her ability to speak his name without betraying the emotion behind it, which was not entirely successful. “It would be a comfort to me,” Aesa admitted almost shyly.

She had almost forgotten the meal, the reason they had come to the Kitchens, but the woman had managed to do it justice, despite her inattentiveness to the food. It was so easy to sit with this man and just enjoy his company. Aesa had never experienced such an easy familiarity with a man before. Her betrothed might be a warrior, but he did not have the sort of personality to truly interest her. With Farathorn, Aesa felt a connection, a desire for his company, and perhaps more. Yet ‘more’ was something that the young woman was not ready to consider. It was all too new.

She did not want to remove her hand from his, but it was time for them to be returning to their chambers, tempting though it was to prolong their time where they were. Slowly, Aesa forced herself to withdraw her hand, as she smilied somewhat shyly at Farathorn.

“Perhaps we should be…” She was at a loss for the right words. “Getting some sleep,” Aesa finally managed, a soft blush rising on her pale cheeks for her noticeable pause.
Last edited by Guest on Fri Mar 18, 2005 11:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Caelin »

Her reply was music to his ears, even more so upon noticing a hint of emotion in her voice, which immediately sent his heart into a gallop again. By now the achadhiel had realised that there was a bond forming between them, one that he would cherish, but required him to stay on his toes as well. As she slowly withdrew her hand, Farathorn knew that they would be leaving the kitchen shortly and accepted the fact, albeit reluctantly. His warm smile did not vanish from his face however, but remained present and the appreciation of what they had shared this evening sparkled within his eyes. He tilted his head slightly as she smiled shyly at him, which he acknowledged with a nod to indicate that he understood.

As the trothgardian woman spoke, Farathorn already knew what would be coming and patiently awaited what she had to say. Her words were the ones he expected to hear and he realised that this wonderful moment had come to an end. Her blush made him smile even more and the achadhiel rose from his seat, then extended his hand to help her up. His voice rang clearly, melodic and friendly, as he replied Aesa. "You are probably right, Aesa. It would be wise to get some sleep, as we most likely both have a busy day tomorrow. Allow me to escort you back to your quarters? Not that you would not find them yourselves, or that you would find trouble on your way, but I would feel better knowing that you returned there safely."

His choice of words may not have been the most eloquent, but they should have relayed his feelings about this rather clearly. The half elf would be more at ease knowing that he had done everything to ensure her safety and according to good manners. Somehow to him this was an obvious thing to do. Then he spoke again and his voice was lowered again. "I really enjoyed the occasion to share a late dinner with you, although I think we have eaten less then we intended to." He stated with a small wink, but added more in a more serious tone. "I must thank you for a memorable evening. It has been a pleasure getting to know you a little better."

Post by Guest »

She did not need his aid to rise, but gladly placed her hand once again in his, surprised at her own eagerness to resume the contact. The warmth of his touch was nothing compared to the warmth that flew through her veins as her fingers brushed against his. Aesa nodded her assent to the escort he offered, for a flicker unable to trust her voice. Her pale blue eyes sought Farathorn’s, wondering if he could feel how she trembled, wondering why she reacted so.

They made their way toward the Kitchen door, the two kitchen staff bobbing respectfully and bidding them good rest. Again the young woman responded with a nod, but her attention was on the man beside her, rather than the servants. She blushed and chuckled softly at his wink, but her laughter was becoming more genuine and less apologetic; another odd reaction to the Achadhiel’s presence.

“I too have enjoyed it, Farathorn,” she replied, finally finding her voice as they entered the maze of hallways that would lead to the staircase up to the public corridor. Her voice was soft, quiet, but sincere. “I am glad we are… friends.”

Post by Caelin »

Farathorn nodded, the light of the torches that lit the hallway reflecting within them. His voice sounded as warm as before, but more at ease this time, as he replied her in a lowered voice, at the same time his heart made a small leap by her words. "As am I, Aesa. It gives me a good feeling to know that I have found a friend here at court, a lovely one on top of that."

Gently he placed his other hand on top of the one he was already holding, steadying her hand with this warm gesture. "If you have the time tomorrow, I would be pleased to see you and bring that blade of yours. At morningtide I will be shopping, but I should be at the smithy at the end of tradetide, to work on the weight and designing another sword for you. I shall have to measure the handle of it, to assure you will have a good grip on it, although your comment on the hilt of mine has been duely noted. Come eveningtide, I should be in my quarters. Feel free to call on me at any of the given hours."

During his words, the intonation of them made it apparant that he left the time and place in her hands, merely suggesting the best time and location to catch him. His face turned slightly more serious as he spoke again, knowing that he had a duty to perform as well. "I already hinted at the fact that I really need to discuss a few things with you, haven't I? It concerns my work here at the palace, which you know is a two-fold one. In order for me to do them well, it is of some importance that we can meet on occasion to talk privately, preferrably away from prying eyes and ears. Is there a place were we can do so, unless you prefer to make the trip to the kitchen a habit? Frankly, I would not mind at all if you did."

Post by Guest »

Aesa blushed at his compliment. She was unaccustomed to receiving comments on her looks, although the lady was undeniably attractive. It was more that no-one had gotten close enough to her to offer more that the polite and socially expected flatteries. Farathorn’s words were clearly not of that ilk.

“The end of Tradetide,” the young woman echoed thoughtfully, and then continued to listen to Farathorn speak as they walked together. As they ascended the narrow staircase that led to the public corridor above, Aesa glanced back over her shoulder at the Achadhiel.

“Yes, you have mentioned it, and I have not forgotten,” the young woman acknowledged. There were places that they could meet. Some might have said that she should be chaperoned, but the Lady had never entertained such a notion. She was not, after all, unable to defend herself against unwanted… attentions. Still, the thought of asking him to meet with her in her chambers, the most private of places that she knew of, somehow seemed illicit. Somehow, with Farathorn, things were different. It was not that she felt any concern for his behaviour.

So, what is it? the young woman dubbed by many as ‘the Ice Princess’ wondered to herself.

Then Farathorn mentioned their late dinner and she chuckled as quietly as she was able, covering her mouth with one hand. They were just making their way into the corridor and she did not wish to call the attention of the Guards in the Great Hall. Aesa looked into the Achadhiel’s eyes, her own pale blue gaze alight with mirth, her mask of cool aloofness finally dropping entirely. In the light of the broad, elegantly decorated corridor, Aesa let her hand fall from her mouth and Farathorn felt the full impact of the young woman’s true beauty, so long hidden behind that mask.

Post by Caelin »

The achadhiel smiled lightly at her blush and followed her up the stairs and into the corridor at the end of it, while listening attentively to her words, thus showing her that it mattered to him, just as she mattered to him. As they stepped into the light of the corridor and Aesa dropped the cool mask that she seemed to wear out of habit and to protect herself in a way, Farathorn felt a short pain in his heart, followed by a few missing beats of it, as he took in her full beauty. Swiftly he steadied himself with a hand against the nearby wall. He opened his mouth slightly in awe, but closed it a flicker later, then trying to catch his breath again. The words he had used to make her blush, now seemed inadequate compared to the sight in front of him. To make things worse, the half elf now blushed and his heart ran away with him. Unwillingly he whispered a comment: "My earlier words about you I will have to revise, Aesa. Lovely does not even come close to describe what I have witnessed this evening."

Instinctively, he had raised his bad foot off the ground, to cover his reaction from the guards, as if he had made a wrong step, but his eyes that were fixed on Aesa told her something different. To her it would be obvious that his foot was not the cause of his reaction, yet the revelation of herself without the mask had touched the achadhiel to his very core. Softly he spoke again and his voice carried a tremble within.

"All a man could possibly ask for in life, is to see a woman like you free of the yolk of protocol. Just the way she is behind the exterior and I praise myself lucky that I have seen you this way. I will remember this moment whenever I think of you, yet pray that my fortune will not end tonight." He had lowered his voice enough so that she would be the only one to hear the words. The feelings within him slowly became under control again and he let go of the wall, gradually putting more weight onto his ankle again, as if testing it would sustain the pressure of walking. Now in control of his feelings again, except that which was reflected within his green eyes, he offered her his arm again, just as he had done earlier this evening.

Post by Guest »

His words sounded so sincere, so heartfelt to Aesa that she forgot even to blush at such praise. Instead, she stood mesmerized by his words and his eyes.

“Farathorn,” she breathed, unsure of how to respond. Indeed, she was completely at a loss for words, and so she listened as he continued. Then she took his arm, quite certain that he would feel the trembling in her body, but hoping that it might speak for her the words Aesa could not find. Thus they continued in intimate silence.

They were soon at her apartment door, the customary pair of guards flanking the broad, ornate portal. Once again there was that surreptitious exchange of glances between the guards and the joint look of relief. The Lady Aesa was once again safely returning to her chambers, despite her lack of protective escort.

((OOC: Shall we leave this here? I apologise for the lack-lustre post.))

Post by Caelin »

As he had returned her to her chambers, the achadhiel slowly returned to those of his own. Giving the guards a nod, Farathorn turned around and headed back the way they came, now fairly sure where he had to go to reach them. Upon his entry, while closing the door behind him, he glanced around and headed for the writing table, to see whether the parchment, ink and quill had arrived yet. He had some designing to do.

((OOC: Fine by me, Twi.))
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Post by Twilight »

((OOC: Aesa will join you in the smithy thread shortly.))

A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.

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